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  • Present Tense Настоящее время

  • Past Tense Прошедшее время

  • с окончанием -ed;

  • .

  • Future Tense Будущее время

  • Present simple

  • Present continuous

  • Present perfect

  • Perfect Progressive

  • Английский язык сочинение + таблица(с примерами) (2). Сочинение домашнее

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    Сочинение - домашнее задание №1

    People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without machines. Every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. Some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence people badly. As for me, I am pretty sure that gadgets make people`s lives easier.

    Firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning. Secondly, devices can save a lot of time as well as storage space. For instance, a computer disk can contain the same amount of information as several thick books.So, machines help people in different spheres.

    However, opponents of this point of view are definitely sure that gadgets affect people negatively. People are reluctant to work due to the influence of machines. People become lazy and disorganized. They just expect their latest gadgets to do everything instead of them. Moreover, according to scientists, a great number of widespread devices produce radiation that can cause serious health problems. Furthermore, more and more people are becoming addicted to their modern gadgets, for instance computers, TVs or mobile phones. So, they neglect their home obligations, work or school and spend all their spare time in front of a laptop screen or a TV-set.

    In conclusion, I firmly believe that in spite of all drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more considerable, as they save people`s time and let them enjoy life.





    Perfect Progressive Совершенное длительное

    Present Tense Настоящее время

    • каждый день, регулярно, постоянно

    • глагол в I форме или с окончанием -s.

    • вспомогательные глаголы DO/DOES.

    • действие в данный момент времени, сейчас;

    • to be (в настоящем времени) + глагол + ing.

    • завершилось, но результат в настоящем;

    • have (в настоящем времени) + глагол в III форме.

    Past Tense Прошедшее время

    • единократное действие в прошлом (вчера, на прошлой неделе, в прошлом году);

    • глагол во Ii форме или с окончанием -ed;

    • вспомогательный глагол did.

    • длительное действие в прошлом;

    • to be (в прошедшем времени) + глагол + ing .

    • предпрошедшее время;

    • have (в прошедшем времени) + глагол в III форме.

    • началось в прошлом, длилось какое- то время и завершилось к какому-то моменту в прошлом;

    • have в прошедшем времени + been + глагол с окончанием –ing.

    Future Tense Будущее время

    • завтра, на следующей неделе, в следующем году;

    • will + глагол в I форме.

    • завершится к определенному моменту в будущем;

    • have (в будущем времени) + глагол в III форме.

    • длительное время, которое началось в прошлом и завершится к определенному моменту в будущем;

    • have в будущем времени + been + глагол с окончанием –ing.

    1)Present simple:


    1) We listen to the music every day

    2) I go to the gym twice a week

    3) Linda likes collecting postcards


    1) We don’t travel by plane because we are afraid of high

    2) I don't use that phone

    3) We don’t know what to tell the teacher


    1) Does he really think he is always right?

    2) Do you like tea or coffee?

    3) Are the flowers watered every day or three times a week?

    2)Present continuous :


    1) She is reading.

    2) We are going to school.

    3) Tom is drawing pictures.


    1) Ann isn't singing.

    2) They aren't running.

    3) My mother isn't cooking.


    1) What are you doing?

    2) Where are they walking?

    3) What is your brother reading?

    3)Present perfect:


    1) My sister has finished school this year.

    2) He has just gone.

    3) They have already bought a new car.


    1) My sister hasn't finished school this year.

    2) He hasn't gone yet.

    3) They haven't bought a new car yet.


    1) Has your (my) sister finished school this year?

    2) Has he already gone?

    3) Have they already bought a new car?

    4) Perfect Progressive:


    1) We have been learning English for a few years already.

    2) Nick has been sleeping for twelve hours

    3) The deadly fire has been burning for a week.


    1) They haven't been working since February.

    2) I haven’t been watching TV much recently

    3) We haven’t been drinking enough water – that’s why we feel tired.


    1) Have you been listening to me?

    2) Has your brother been waiting for his friends for an hour?

    3) Have you been standing on one foot for ten minutes?

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