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  • 25._проект_перечня_на_русс. Специальности для академического обучения

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    Приложение ___ к протоколу заседания Республиканской комиссии по подготовке кадров за рубежом

    от __________ 2018 года №____

    приоритетных специальностей для присуждения международной стипендии «Болашак» на 2019 год



    Эквивалент специальности на английском языке**



    1. Технические науки и технологии



    Авиационная техника и технологии

    Advanced Aeronautical Engineering; Advanced Aerospace Engineering; Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction; Aerodynamics and Aerostructures; Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering; Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology; Aeronautical and Space Engineering; Aeronautical and Space Systems; Aeronautical Engineering; Aeronautical Maintenance and Support; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Aerospace Computational Engineering; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Air Transportation Systems; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Air-Breathing Propulsion; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Aircraft Systems Engineering; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Space Propulsion; Aeronautics and Astronautics-Field: Space Systems; Aeronautics; Aerospace and Mechanical Systems Engineering; Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics; Aerospace Engineering Sciences; Aerospace Engineering; Aerospace Engineering-Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics Area; Aerospace Engineering-Flight Mechanics and Control Area; Aerospace Engineering-Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics Area; Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics; Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering; Aerospace Science and Engineering; Aerospace Science; Aerospace Studies; Aerospace Systems; Aerospace Technologies; Aerospace Vehicle Design: Avionic Systems Design option; Aerospace; Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology; Aerothermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics; Air Transportation Systems; Air-Breathing Propulsion; Aircraft control systems; Aircraft Design; Aircraft Engines; Aircraft Production; Aircraft Systems Engineering; Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering; Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Aviation and Aerospace Management; Aviation Technology; Avionic Systems; Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Satellite Applications for Aviation; Flight Vehicle Design; Global Navigation Satellite System; Helicopter Engineering; Humans in Aerospace; International Air Transport Operations; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace Option; Missile and Space Systems; Missile Sciences; Simulation in Aerospace Engineering; Space Engineering; Space Exploration Systems; Space Geodesy and Navigation; Space Risk and Disaster Reduction; Space Science and Engineering: Space Science; Space Science and Engineering: Space Technology; Space Science and Engineering; Space Systems Engineering; Spacecraft Technology and Satellite Communications





    Архитектура. Строительство

    Advanced Architectural Design; Advanced Architectural Studies; Advanced Studies in Architecture; Architectural & Urban Design; Architectural Computation; Architectural Conservation; Architectural Design; Architectural Engineering Design; Architectural Engineering; Architectural Lighting Design; Architectural Science; Architectural Studies; Architecture and Civil Engineering; Architecture and Digital Theory; Architecture and Historic Urban Environments; Architecture and Planning Studies; Architecture and the Master of Landscape Architecture; Architecture and Town and Regional Planning; Architecture and Urban Design; Architecture by Design; Architecture in Urban Design and Housing; Architecture, Planning and Landscape; Architecture; Bridge and Tunnel Engineering; Building and Urban Design in Development; Building Information Modelling Management; Building Performance and Sustainability; Building Restoration; Building Science; Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy; Building Services Engineering; Building Structures; Building Technology Science; Building Technology; Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering; City Design and Development; City Planning; Civil & Environmental Engineering; Civil and Architectural Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Civil Engineering – Energy Technology Concentration; Civil Engineering – Scientific Computation Concentration; Civil Engineering (with Environmental Systems); Civil Engineering (with Geographic Information Science); Civil Engineering (with Infrastructure Planning); Civil Engineering (with Integrated Design); Civil Engineering (with Seismic Design); Civil Engineering (with Surveying); Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics; Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies; Civil Engineering and Management; Civil Engineering Construction; Civil Engineering Technologies; Civil Engineering: Geotechnical and Pavements Engineering; Civil Engineering; Civil Infrastructural Engineering and Management; Concrete Engineering; Concrete Structures with Sustainable Development; Concrete Structures; Construction and Maintenance Management; Construction and Project Management; Construction Engineering and Management; Construction Management and Engineering; Construction Management and Green Construction; Construction Management; Construction Project Management; Construction Technology;

    Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices in Architecture; Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments; Development Planning; Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics; Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management; Earthquake Engineering; Eco-cities; Environmental Building Design; Environmental Design of Buildings; European Architecture; European Masters in Landscape Architecture; General Structural Engineering; Global Urban Development and Planning; Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings; High Performance Buildings; Integrated Building Systems Design and Operation; Integrated Building Systems, Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences; Integrated Building Systems; Intelligent Building Technology and Management; Inter-disciplinary Urban Design; International Construction Management; Landscape & Wellbeing; Landscape Architecture; Landscape Architecture; Landscape Studies; Modern Architectural Heritage; Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; Naval Architecture; Network infrastructure; Reflective Design Practices; Resource Efficient and Sustainable Building; Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology; Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities; Spatial and Landscape Development; Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities; Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems; Spatial Planning and Development; Spatial Planning; Structural and Concrete Engineering; Structural and Foundation Engineering; Structural Engineering and Geomechanics; Structural Engineering; Structural Steel Design; Sustainable Architecture; Sustainable Building Technology; Sustainable Cities; Sustainable Civil Engineering (Structural); Sustainable Design and Construction; Sustainable Environmental Design in Architecture; Sustainable Tall Buildings; Sustainable Urban Planning and Design; Town and Regional Planning; Town Planning; Tunnels and Underground Constructions; Urban and Environmental Planning; Urban Design and City Planning; Urban Design and International Planning; Urban Design; Urban Development and Design; Urban Spatial Analytics; Urban Strategies and Design; Urbanism – Urban and Landscape Studies and Design; Urbanism Studies; Real Estate Management





    Атомная промышленность

    Advanced Nuclear Engineering; Nuclear and Quantum Engineering; Nuclear and Radiological Engineering; Nuclear Energy Engineering; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics; Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences; Nuclear Engineering and Science; Nuclear Engineering; Nuclear Environmental Science and Technology; Nuclear Science and Engineering; Nuclear Science and Technology; Nuclear Science; Nuclear Technology; Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors; Radiation Safety and Control; Radiation, Radionuclides and Reactors; Isotope separation technology and nuclear fuel






    ACS: Digital Biology; Agricultural Biotechnology; Agricultural Genomics; Animal Science with option in Biotechnology; Applied Biomedical Engineering; Applied Biomolecular Technology in the Pharmaceutical; Applied Biosciences and Biotechnology; Biomedical Research (Bacterial Pathogenesis and Infection); Biochemical Engineering; Biochemistry; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biodiversity Informatics and Genomics; Bioelectronics; Bioengineering; Bioengineering – Scientific Computation Concentration; Bioengineering Innovation and Design; Bioimaging; Bioimaging Sciences; Bioindustrial Sciences; Bioinformatics; Bioinformatics and Systems Biology; Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology; Bioinformatics, Evolution and Genomics; Biological and Biomedical Engineering; Biological Chemistry; Biological Engineering; Biological Science and Technology; Biological Systems Engineering; Biomass Technology; Biomaterials; Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Biomechanical Engineering; Biomechanics; Biomedical and Biological Sciences; Biomedical and Clinical Sciences; Biomedical and Molecular Sciences; Biomedical Engineering - Biotechnology; Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Biomedical Informatics; Biomedical Physics; Biomedical Research; Biomedicine; Biomodulation; Biomolecular Engineering; Bionanotechnology; Biophysical Science; Biophysics; Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Bioscience and Biotechnology; Bioscience Enterprise; Biosciences and Biotechnologies; Biosensor and Cell Engineering; Biostatistics; Biosystematics; Biosystems Engineering; Biotechnology; Biotechnology and Business; Biotechnology and Enterprise; Biotechnology and Food Industries; Biotechnology Management; Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management; Cancer Research and Molecular Biomedicine; Cell and Gene Therapy; Cell and Molecular Biophysics; Cell and Tissue Engineering and Biotechnology; Cell Therapies & Regenerative Medicine; Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies; Chemical Engineering – Biomaterials and Bioprocessing; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Clinical Biochemistry; Clinical Embryology; Clinical Genetics; Clinical Research (Translational Medicine); Clinical Trials; Clinical Trials and Methodology; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Computer Science and Molecular Biology; Developmental Biology and Stem Cells; Evolutionary Genetics; Functional Genomics; Functional Omics; Gene Mechanisms; Gene Regulation and Metabolism; Gene Technology; Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells - Novel Therapies; Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics; Genetic Counselling; Genetics; Genetics & Molecular Medicine; Genetics and Biosystems Engineering; Genetics and Molecular Medicine; Genetics of Human Disease; Genome Science and Technology; Genomic Medicine; Genomic Medicine and Statistics; Genomics & Experimental Medicine; Health Informatics; Health Sciences and Technology; Health Technology Innovation; Human Complex Trait Genetics; Human Genetics; Human Molecular Genetics; Industrial and Commercial Biotechnology; Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology; Industrial Biotechnology; Industrial Microbial Biotechnology; Integrative Biomedical Sciences; Integrative Genomics and Genetics; Medical and Molecular Genetics; Medical Biotechnology; Medical Biotechnology and Business Management; Medical Genetics; Medical Informatics; Medical Physics and Bioengineering; Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering; Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention; Medical Technology and Engineering; Microbiology and Biotechnology; Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology; Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Disease; Molecular and Cellular Biosciences; Molecular and Cellular Medicine; Molecular Bioengineering; Molecular Biophysics; Molecular Biophysics for Medical Sciences; Molecular Bioscience; Molecular Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology in Health and Disease; Molecular Genetics; Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics; Molecular Genetics and Microbiology; Molecular Health Sciences; Molecular Medicine; Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences; Molecular Science and Engineering; Physical Biology of Cells and Cell Interactions; Post-Genomic Science; Precision Medicine; Biochemistry & Biotechnology; Quantitative Genetics & Genome Analysis; Research Biobanking; Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology; Stem Cell & Regenerative Therapies: from Bench to Market; Stem Cell Biology; Stem Cell Research; Synthetic Biology & Biotechnology; Systems and Synthetic Biology; Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine





    Геодезия. Геоинформационные системы. География и картография

    Advanced Spatial Analysis; Antarctic Studies; Applied Geographical Information Science; Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing; Applied Geophysics; Applied Geoscience (Geoenergy); Applied Geosciences; Cartography; Cartography and Geographic Information Science; Cartography and Geographic Information Systems; Cartography and Geoinformatics; Climate, Tectonics and Landscape Evolution; Data Assimilation and Inverse Modelling in Geosciences; Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Earth Observation & Geoinformation Management; Earth Remote Sensing and Observation Systems; Earth Sciences; Earth Structure and Dynamics; Earth Surface and Water; Earth System and Geoinformation Science; Earth System Science; Engineering Geodesy and Photogrammetry; Geodesy and Cartography; Geodesy and Geoinformatics; Geodesy and Geoinformation; Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering; Geodesy and Survey Engineering; Geoecology; Geographic Information Science; Geographic Information Science and Cartography; Geographic Information Science and Technology; Geographic Information Systems; Geographical Information Science; Geographical Information Science & Archaeology; Geographical Research; Geographical Studies; Geographies of Globalization; Geography; Geography – Spatial Analysis; Geography and Environment; Geography and Environmental Engineering; Geography and Geoinformatics; Geography: Policy and Practice; Geoinformation Science; Geoinformation Science and Cartography; Geoinformation Technology and Cartography; Geomatics; Geomatics Engineering; Geomatics for Building Information Modelling; Geophysics; Geopolitics, Territory and Security; Geoscience; GeoSciences; Geosciences and Geography; Geospatial Analysis; Geospatial Intelligence; Geospatial Sciences; Geospatial Sciences (Building Information Modelling); Geospatial Sciences (Geographic Information Science and Computing); Geospatial Sciences (Hydrographic Surveying); Human Geography; Human Geography & Environmental Science; Human Geography and Planning; Human Geography Research; Hydrographic Surveying; Landscape Monitoring and Mapping; Marine Geography; Physical Geography; Photogrammetry; Polar Studies (Scott Polar Research Institute); Population Studies; Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing and Environmental Mapping; Research Methods with Human Geography; Social Geography; Space Geodesy and Navigation; Spatial Data Science and Visualisation; Spatial Information





    Геология. Горное дело. Горный инжиниринг

    Advanced Mineral Resources Development; Applied Environmental Geology; Applied Geosciences; Earth Exploration and Information Technology; Earth Science Engineering; Earth Sciences; Earth Sciences – Geology/Geological Engineering/Geophysics/ Geomorphology; Earth Structure and Dynamics; Engineering Geology; Engineering Geology for Ground Models; Environmental Geosciences; Environmental Hydrogeology; Exploration and Resource Geology; Exploration Geophysics; Geochemistry; Geo-engineering; Geological and Environmental Sciences; Geological Engineering; Geological Sciences; Geology; Geology & Geophysics; Geology and Geological Engineering; Geology and Petroleum Geology; Geology and Planetary Science; Geology: Earth Systems; Geomatics; Geophysics; Geoscience; Geoscience and Resource Engineering; Geoscience of Subsurface Exploration Appraisal and Development; Geosystems Engineering and Hydrogeology; Geotechnical Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics; Geotechnics; Geotechnics and Geohazards; Hydrogeology; Mineral Processing; Mineral Resource Engineering; Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration; Mineral Resources Engineering; Mineral Resources Exploration; Mineral Survey and Exploration; Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology; Mining and Earth Systems Engineering; Mining and Materials Engineering; Mining Engineering; Mining, Geological and Geophysical Engineering; Resource Engineering; Soil Mechanics; Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology; Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics; Soil Mechanics with Sustainable Development; Structural Geology; Subsurface Geoscience


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