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  • 25._проект_перечня_на_русс. Специальности для академического обучения

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    Adaptive Organismal Biology; Advanced Biological Sciences; Anatomy and Cell Biology; Anatomy and Neurobiology; Animal Behaviour; Animal Biology; Animal Science; Anthrozoology; Applied Anatomy and Physiology; Applied Animal Biology; Applied Biology; Aquaculture Biology; Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology; Biodiversity, Conservation and Management; Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution; Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation; Biodiversity, Evolution und Ecology; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Biological Chemistry; Biological Science (Biochemistry); Biological Science (Genetics); Biological Science (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology); Biological Science (MRC Toxicology Unit); Biological Science (Pathology); Biological Science (Pharmacology); Biological Science (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience); Biological Science (Plant Sciences); Biological Science (Psychology); Biological Science (Zoology); Biological Sciences; Biology; Biology and Control of Parasites and Disease Vectors; Biology: Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology; Biomathematics; Biomolecular Sciences; Biomonitoring and Exposure Biology; Biophysical Science; Bioresource Engineering; Biosciences; Biostatistics; Botany; Cancer Biology; Cell and Developmental Biology; Cell and Molecular Biology; Cell and Neurobiology; Cell and Systems Biology; Cell Biology; Cell Biology and Physiology; Cellular and Molecular Biology; Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology; Chemical Biology; Chromosome and Developmental Biology; Clinical Biochemistry; Computational and Systems Biology; Computational Biology; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Conservation and Biodiversity; Conservation Biology; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Developmental, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Entomology; Environmental Biology; Environmental Microbiology; Evolutionary Biology; General Biology; Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology; Genetics; Genetics, Evolution and Environment; Genomics and Computational Biology; Geobiology; Geobiology and Paleobiology; Gerontology; Human Anatomy; Human Biology; Human Evolution and Behaviour; Human Molecular Genetics; Integrative Biology; Marine and Environmental Biology; Marine Biology; Mechanistic Biology; Medical Science (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit); Microbiology; Microbiology, Virology and Parasitology; Modelling Biological Complexity; Molecular Biology; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Molecular Biology of Parasites and Disease Vectors; Molecular Cell Biology; Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences; Molecular Systems Biology; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology; Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology; Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology; Neurobiology and Behavior; Nutritional and Metabolic Biology; Oral Biology; Organismic and Evolutionary Biology; Parasitology; Physiology; Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics; Plant Biology; Plant BioSystems; Plant Science; Population Biology; Quantitative and Chemical Biology; Quantitative and Computational Biology; Quantitative Biology; Radiation Biology; Radiobiology; Reproductive and Developmental Biology; Reproductive Biology; Structural and Molecular Biology; Structural Biology; Structural Biology and Biophysics; Structural Molecular Biology; Structural, Computational and Chemical Biology; Synthetic Biology; Systems Biology; Taxonomy and Biodiversity; Tumor Biology (Standard Track/Cancer Systems Biology Track); Wildlife Biology






    Actuarial Mathematics; Actuarial Science; Actuarial Studies; Algebra; Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory; Applicable and Numerical Mathematics; Applied and Computational Mathematics; Applied Mathematical Sciences; Applied Mathematical Sciences with Biological and Ecological Modelling; Applied Mathematical Sciences with Climate Change Impacts Modelling; Applied Mathematics; Applied Mathematics and Computational Science; Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics; Applied Mathematics with Industrial Modelling; Basic Mathematics; Biomathematics; Business Mathematics; Complex Systems Modelling; Computational and Mathematical Engineering; Computational Applied Mathematics; Computational Mathematical Finance; Computational Mathematics; Engineering Mathematics; Financial and Actuarial Mathematics; Financial Mathematics; Financial Modelling & Optimization; Fundamental Mathematics; Geometry; Geometry & Topology; Mathematical Analysis & its Applications; Mathematical and Computational Finance; Mathematical Modelling; Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing; Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Industry; Mathematical Physics; Mathematical Sciences; Mathematical Statistics; Mathematics; Mathematics - Educational Studies; Mathematics and Applications; Mathematics and Finance; Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science; Mathematics and Physics; Mathematics and Statistics; Mathematics Education; Mathematics for Educators; Mathematics for Teachers; Mathematics in Bioscience; Mathematics in Data Science; Mathematics in Operations Research; Mathematics in Science and Engineering; Mathematics of Information; Mathematics Research; Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling; Modern Applications of Mathematics; Non Equilibrium Systems: Theoretical Modelling, Simulation and Data-Driven Analysis; Number Theory; Optimization & Operational Research; Probability & Stochastic Analysis; Pure Mathematics; Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic; Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics; Scientific Computation with Industrial Mathematics; Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance; Technomathematics





    Физика. Астрономия

    Acoustics; Advanced Optical Technologies; Applied and Engineering Physics; Applied and Industrial Physics; Applied Physics; Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics; Astronomy; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Astronomy and Space Physics; Astrophysical Sciences; Astrophysics; Astrophysics and Space Physics; Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics; Atomic and Laser Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Ballistics; Biological Physics; Biophysical Science; Chemical Physics; Computational Physics; Condensed Matter; Condensed Matter Physics; Controlled Quantum Dynamics; Didactic Physics; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Earth and Space Science; Earth Physics; Electronics; Electrophysics; Engineering Physics; Experimental Physics; Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction; Frontiers of Quantum Technology; Geophysics and Planetary Sciences; Geophysics and Space Physics; High Energy Physics; Mathematical and Theoretical Physics; Mathematical Physics; Medical Physics; Multi-scale Physics; Nanoscale Physics; Nuclear Physics; Optical Engineering; Optical Physics; Optics and Photonics; Particle & Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Particles, Strings and Cosmology; Photonics; Physical Sciences; Physics; Physics (Condensed Matter Physics); Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics); Physics and Applications; Physics and Astronomy; Physics and Atmospheric Science; Physics Grad; Physics of Geological Processes; Physics Research; Physics with Extended Research; Physics with Nanophotonics; Physics with Nanoscience; Physics with Shock Physics; Physics: Biophysics and Medical Physics; Physics: Condensed Matter Physics; Physics: Electronics; Planetary Science; Plasma Physics; Plastic Electronic Materials; Plastic Electronics; Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces; Quantum Technologies; Radio Physics; Solar Physics; Solid State Physics; Space and Climate Physics; Space Physics; Space Physics and Atmospheric Physics; Strength & Conditioning; Subatomic Physics; Theoretical and Mathematical Physics; Theoretical Physics; Theory and Simulation of Materials






    Advanced Chemical Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured Product Engineering; Advanced Chemical Sciences; Advanced Molecular Synthesis; Advanced Organic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis; Applied Analytical Chemistry; Applied Chemistry; Biochemistry; Biochemistry and Biophysics; Biological Chemistry; Cancer Chemistry; Cardiovascular Medicinal Chemistry; Catalysis: Chemistry and Engineering; Chemical and Bioengineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Energy Technology Concentration; Chemical and Materials Engineering; Chemical and Process Engineering; Chemical Crystallography; Chemical Engineering; Chemical Engineering - Polymer Science and Engineering; Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Chemical Engineering and Processing; Chemical Engineering and Technology; Chemical Process Engineering; Chemical Research; Chemical Technology; Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering; Chemistry; Chemistry - Scientific Computation Concentration; Chemistry and Biochemistry; Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; Chemistry with a Teaching Credential; Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry; Chemistry with Molecular Physics; Chemistry: Molecular Design, Synthesis and Catalysis; Chemistry: Molecular Simulation and Photonics; Clinical Biochemistry; Computational Chemistry; Drug Chemistry; Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry; Environmental Chemistry; Green Chemistry, Energy and the Environment; Green Chemistry: Energy and the Environment; Industrial Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Material Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Medicinal & Biological Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Mineralogy and Geochemistry; Molecular Modelling; Organic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Organic Chemistry: Drug Discovery; Physical and Inorganic Chemistry; Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Physical Inorganic Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry and Physics; Polymers Chemistry and Technology; Polymers for Advanced Technologies; Solid State Chemistry and its Applications; Sustainable Chemical Engineering; Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis; Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Stand-Alone); Theoretical Chemistry





    Экология. Метеорология. Охрана окружающей среды

    Agroecology; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; Air Pollution; Analytical & Environmental Sciences; Applications in Environmental Sciences; Applied Ecology; Applied Meteorology and Climate with Management; Applied Meteorology; Aquatic Resource Management; Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate; Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences; Atmospheric and Climate Science; Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Atmospheric and Space Sciences; Atmospheric Environmental Science; Atmospheric Sciences; Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics; Carbon and Energy Management; Chemical Convergence for Energy and Environment; Climate Change; Climate Change and Development; Climate Change, Management and Finance; Climate Change Science and Policy; Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy; Climate Change: History, Culture, Society; Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation; Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment; Climate System and Climate Change; Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Conservation and Landscape Planning; Conservation and Resource Management; Conservation Leadership; Conservation Science; Contaminated Land and Remediation; Disasters, Adaptation and Development; Earth and Atmospheric Science; Earth and Environmental Engineering; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Earth Sciences; Earth Surface Processes; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences; Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences; Eco-cities; Ecological Applications; Ecological Assessment; Ecological Economics; Ecological Sciences and Engineering; Ecological Survey Techniques; Ecology and Environment; Ecology and Environmental Sustainability; Ecology and Evolution; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology and Natural Resource Management; Ecology, Evolution and Conservation; Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Ecology; Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Research; Ecosystem and Environmental Change; Ecosystems and Landscape Ecology; Energy and Environmental Analysis; Energy and Environmental Engineering; Energy, Society and Sustainability; Environment; Environment & Development; Environment and Climate Change; Environment and Development; Environment and Ecology; Environment and Health; Environment and Sustainable Development; Environment and Sustainable Technology; Environment, Culture & Society; Environment, Politics and Globalisation; Environment, Politics and Society; Environmental Analysis and Assessment; Environmental and Energy Engineering; Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry; Environmental Change and Management; Environmental Design and Engineering; Environmental Earth System Science; Environmental Economics and Climate Change; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Engineering and Business Management; Environmental Engineering and Management; Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development; Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure; Environmental Governance; Environmental Health and Safety; Environmental Impact Assessment & Management; Environmental Management; Environmental Management and Cleaner Production; Environmental Management and Development; Environmental Management and Sustainability; Environmental Management of Urban Land and Water; Environmental Mapping; Environmental Modelling; Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management; Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management; Environmental Policy and Planning; Environmental Pollution; Environmental Pollution and Protection; Environmental Protection & Management; Environmental Science; Environmental Science and Engineering; Environmental Science and Technology; Environmental Science, Policy and Management; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Environmental Studies; Environmental Sustainability; Environmental Systems Engineering; Environmental Systems Policy; Environmental Technologies; Environmental Technology; Evolution, Ecology and Systematics; Geoecology; Geography and the Environment; Geophysical Hazards; Global Air Pollution & Health: Management & Science; Global Environmental Change; Green Mobility Engineering; Hydrological Environment Engineering; Industrial Ecology; Landscape Ecology and Conservation; Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste; Marine Environmental Science; Meteorology; Meteorology and Oceanography; Natural Resources and Environment; Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences; Nature, Society and Environmental Governance; Nutrition and Environment; Pollution & Environmental Control; Protected Areas and Wildlands Management; Renewable Resources; Renewable Resources with option in Environment/Neotropical Environment/Environmental Assessment; Resource Management; Resource Management and Environmental Studies; Resources, Environment and Sustainability; Risk and Disaster Reduction; Risk and Disaster Science; Safety and Environmental Management of Nuclear Decommissioning; Safety, Health and Environment; Sciences of the Universe, Environment and Ecology; Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics; Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences; Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy; Sustainable Resource Management; Sustainable Resources; Tropical Forest Ecology; Urban Environmental Issues; Water and Environmental Management; Wildlife Ecology and Management



    1. Сельскохозяйственные науки



    Агрономия. Агроинженерия. Защита и карантин растений. Мелиорация, рекультивация и охрана земель. Плодоовощеводство. Почвоведение и агрохимия.

    Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry; Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Agricultural and Environmental Technologies; Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences; Agricultural Biomaterials; Agricultural Biotechnology; Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Facilities Engineering; Agricultural Production; Agricultural Science; Agricultural Studies; Agricultural Systems Engineering; Agriculture; Agriculture and Development; Agriculture and Gardening Studies; Agriculture and Life Sciences; Agriculture: Biosphere and Atmosphere Interactions; Agroecosystem Science; Agroforestry; Agronomic Crop Production; Agronomy; Agronomy and Range Science; Agrosystem Sciences; Arid Land Studies; Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering; Botany; Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies; Comparative Agricultural Science; Conservation and Land Management; Contaminated Land and Remediation; Controlled Environmental Agriculture; Crop and Soil Sciences; Crop Improvement; Crop Production Ecology; Crop Production; Crop Protection (Entomology); Crop Protection (Integrated Pest Management); Crop Science and Biotechnology; Crop Sciences; Entomology; Environmental Soil Science; Genetics and Biotechnology - Crop and Soil Sciences; Horticultural Biology; Horticultural Crop and Landscape Management; Horticultural Science; Horticulture; Horticulture and Agronomy; Integrated Crop Pest and Disease Management; Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems; Irrigation and Drainage Engineering; Irrigation Engineering; Irrigation Engineering And Hydraulics; Land and Ecosystem Rehabilitation; Land and Food Systems; Land and Water Conservation; Land and Water Systems; Land Reclamation; Land Reclamation and Remediation; Land Reclamation and Restoration; Land Reclamation, Remediation and Restoration; Land Rehabilitation; Land Resource and Management; Land Use Change; Medicinal Plants and Functional Foods; Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences; Molecular Plant Sciences; Organic Agriculture and Food Systems; Plant and Crop Sciences; Plant Biology; Plant BioSystems; Plant Breeding; Plant Breeding and Genetics; Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology; Plant Genetics; Plant Genetics and Crop Improvement; Plant Microbiology; Plant Pathology; Plant Protection; Plant Protection and Quarantine; Plant Science; Plant Sciences; Precision Agriculture; Precision Farming; Range Management; Rangeland Management; Rural Development; Soil and Crop Sciences; Soil and Water Management; Soil and Water Resources Engineering; Soil and Water Science; Soil Mechanics; Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology; Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics; Soil Mechanics and Sustainable Development; Soil Science; Soils and Biogeochemistry; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security; Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development; Sustainable Plant Health; Unsaturated Soil Mechanics; Urban Horticulture; Vegetable Production in Protected Crops; Viticulture and Enology; Water and Land Resources; Water Supply and Irrigation Engineering





    Ветеринария. Ветеринарная медицина

    Animal Behaviour; Animal Biology; Animal Biosciences; Animal Breeding & Genetics; Animal Health Policy; Animal Physiology; Animal Science; Animal Science and Management; Animal Welfare; Anthrozoology; Applied Animal Behaviour; Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare; Aquatic Veterinary Studies; Clinical Veterinary Sciences; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Equine Health; International Animal Health, Concentration: Transboundary Animal Disease Management; International Animal Health: Veterinary Public Health; Production Animal Health; Small Animals Science; Veterinary Bioscience; Veterinary Clinical Medicine; Veterinary Clinical Sciences; Veterinary Epidemiology; Veterinary Immunology; Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Microbiology; Veterinary Parasitology; Veterinary Pathology; Veterinary Public Health; Veterinary Public Health (Emergency Animal Diseases); Veterinary Science; Veterinary Sciences; Veterinary Studies; Veterinary Virology; Zoonotic Animal Diseases





    Водные ресурсы и водопользование. Водоснабжение

    Aquatic Biology and Resource Management; Aquatic Resource Management; Aquatic Resources; Aquatic Science; Contaminant Hydrogeology; Environmental Engineering with specialization in Water Resources and Groundwater Management/Water and Waste Water Processing and Treatment; Environmental Water Management; Freshwater System Science; Geophysics and Hydrologic Sciences; Global Water Sustainability; Groundwater Management; Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management; Hydraulic Structure Engineering; Hydraulics and River Dynamics; Hydrogeology; Hydrogeology and Water Resources; Hydroinformatics and Water Management; Hydrologic Sciences; Hydrology; Hydrology and Sustainable Development; Hydrology and Water Resources; Hydrology and Water Resources Management; Hydrology, Water Resources and Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Hydropower Development; Integrated Water Management; Irrigation and Drainage Engineering; Irrigation Engineering; Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics; Land and Water Systems; Marine Resource Development and Protection; Marine System Science; Marine Systems & Policies; Reservoir Evaluation and Management; River and Hydraulic Engineering; River Environmental Management; River Environments and Their Management; Sustainable Catchment Management; Sustainable Water Management; Sustainable Water Resources; Urban Water and Water Resources Engineering; Urban Water Engineering and Management; Urban Water Management; Urban Water System; Water and Environment; Water and Environmental Management; Water and Land Resources; Water Conservancy and Hydropower; Water Engineering; Water Hazards, Risk and Resilience; Water Management; Water Regulation and Management; Water Resources; Water Resources Engineering; Water Resources Management; Water Resources Science; Water Resources Technology and Management; Water Science, Policy and Management; Water Supply and Irrigation Engineering; Water Supply Engineering; Water Technology and Desalination; Water, Wastewater and Waste Engineering; Water: Science and Governance; Watershed Hydrology and Management; Watershed Management and Ecohydrology





    Лесохозяйственное дело и звероводство. Животноводство

    Agriculture: Forest and Tree Technologies; Agroforestry; Animal Behaviour; Animal Biology; Animal Science; Animal Science and Management; Animal Sciences; Anthrozoology; Applied Animal Biology; Forest and Landscape Management; Forest Biochemistry; Forest Biology and Management; Forest Business Management; Forest Ecology; Forest Ecosystem Science; Forest Environmental Science; Forest Hydrology; Forest Resources Management; Forest Science; Forest Sciences; Forest Sciences and Business; Forestry; Forestry and Environmental Engineering; Forestry and Natural Resources; Forestry and Wood Science; Small Animals Science; Study of Forest Environment; Wildlife Management; Zoology; Zoonotic Animal Diseases





    Рыбное хозяйство и промышленное рыболовство

    Aquaculture; Fish Biology Marine Biodiversity; Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences; Fisheries and Wildlife; Fisheries Biology; Fishery Science; Wildlife and Fisheries Science



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