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  • You are my sunshineMy only sunshineYou make me happyWhen skies are greyYoull never know dearHow much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine away.

  • Valentines Day Song (Sung to: "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

  • Это стихи для ВЛЮБЛЕННЫХ !

  • Valentine’s Day! ***You could never guessHow much happinessYou’ve brought my way…Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Любовь - это игра, в которой каждый обманываться рад. / Писатель Эдгар Хау

  • Любовь не может быть самоцелью, иначе она теряет всякий смысл.

  • Стихи на английском языке на День Святого Валентина. Funny Valentines

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    Стихи на английском языке на День Святого Валентина.

    Funny Valentines

    Boys are silly.
    Girls are smart.
    I love you
    With all my heart.

    Boys are noisy.
    Girls are, too.
    You like me,
    And I like you.

    Mama loves coffee.
    Papa loves tea.
    I love my teacher,
    And my teacher loves me!

    The birds won't sing,
    The stars won't shine,
    If you won't be
    My valentine.

    It's Valentine's Day (by Jack Prelutsky)

    It's Valentine's Day. And in the street
    There's freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
    The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
    I don't think I'll go out today.
    But here inside the weather's warm.
    There is no trace of wind or storm.
    And you just made the morning shine.
    You said you'd be my Valentine.
    A Valentine for my teacher

    My teacher's very special,
    So I'm making her a heart.
    A Valentine that's sure to be
    A proper work of art.

    I've worked on it all morning,
    So it should be ready soon.
    I'd like to slip it on her desk
    Before this afternoon.

    It's colored in with crayons,
    And it's trimmed with paper lace
    It has flowers hearts, and Cupids.
    I can't wait to see her face.

    St Valentine's Day (Poems)

    It's Valentine's Day
    (by Jack Prelutsky)

    It's Valentine's Day. And in the street
    There's freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
    The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
    I don't think I'll go out today.
    But here inside the weather's warm.
    There is no trace of wind or storm.
    And you just made the morning shine.
    You said you'd be my Valentine.

    I loved you once (Я вас любил А.С. Пушкин.)
    Перевод на английский Олега Масленникова

    I loved you once. My love for you, it may be,
    Within this heart of mine is still aglow;
    But let it not concern you any longer;
    I would not have it pain you anymore.
    I loved you once - so hopelessly, in silence,
    By shyness now, then jealousy beset.
    My love for you has been so true, so tender,
    As God may grant, another's may prove yet.

    Я Вас любил: любовь ещё, быть может,
    В душе моей угасла не совсем;
    Но пусть она Вас больше не тревожит;
    Я не хочу печалить Вас ничем.
    Я Вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
    То робостью, то ревностью томим;
    Я Вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
    Как дай Вам Бог любимой быть другим.

    Love is ...
    (by Greg Scelsa)

    Love is ... a tender feeling,
    Love is ... a way of being,
    Love is ... just showing someone you care.
    Love is ... helping with the dishes,
    Love is ... feeding your pet fishes,
    Love is ... just giving from your heart.
    Love is so very simple,
    It's not a mystery.
    When you treat those around you
    The very same way
    You want them to treat you.
    Love is ... your baby sister,
    Love is ... playing with her,
    Love is ... holding her when she cries.
    Love is ... sharing your candy,
    Love is ... being all that you can be,
    Love is ... lending a helping hand When someone needs you.
    Love is ...
    L-0- V- E
    Love is ...
    For you and me.
    Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.



    You are my sunshine
    My only sunshine
    You make me happy
    When skies are grey
    You'll never know dear
    How much I love you
    Please don't take my sunshine away.

    As I lay sleeping
    I dreamed I held you in my arms.
    When I awoke, dear
    I was mistaken
    And I hung my head and cried.

    Valentine's Day Song
    (Sung to:
    "Mary Had a Little Lamb")

    You're a special friend of mine,
    Friend of mine, friend of mine,
    You're a special friend of mine,
    Be my Valentine.

    Three valentines I have for you,
    Have for you, have for you,
    Three valentines I have for you,
    Pink and red and blue.

    I’ll put them in the mail for you,
    Mail for you, mail for you,
    I’ll put them in the mail for you,
    Pink and red and blue.

    I am making valentines,
    Valentines, valentines.
    I am making valentines,
    For the ones I love.

    Watch me as I cut and paste,
    Cut and paste, cut and paste,
    Watch me as I cut and paste,
    My special valentines.

    See me mail my valentines,
    Valentines, valentines,
    See me mail my valentines,
    To the ones I love.

    A Million Love Songs

    Put your head against my life
    What do you hear
    A million words just trying to make
    The love song of the year
    Close your eyes but don't forget
    What you have heard
    A man who's trying to say three words
    The words that make me scared

    A million love songs later
    And here I am trying to tell you that I care
    A million love songs later
    And here I am

    Looking to the future now
    This is what I see
    A million chances pass me by
    A million chances to hold you
    Take me back, take me back
    To where I used to be
    To hide away from all my truth
    Through the light I see

    A million love songs later
    And here I am trying to tell you that I care
    A million love songs later
    And here I am


    I may not always tell you
    What I’m feeling deep inside
    The emotions and the feelings
    That I sometimes tend to hide

    But I’m really proud and pleased
    To know that you are mine
    And I hope that you still love me
    My Darling Valentine!


    Just to know each day
    That you are here
    To listen and love,
    To laugh and care,

    Makes each new day
    Seem bright and new.
    Make each moment become
    a treasured memory.

    I love you more with each new day!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    There’s a special place within my heart
    That only you can fill.
    For you had my love right from the start
    And I know you always will.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    I’m sending you a Valentine’s Wish
    Filled with Hugs and Kisses too.
    Because there is a special place
    Within my heart for you.


    Roses are red, violets are blue
    I made this card just for you
    It’s not the neatest, it wouldn’t pass a test
    But it’s made with love -that makes it the best.


    Even if the sun refused to shine
    Even if romance ran out of rhyme
    You would still have my heart
    Till the end of time!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    I love my life
    Because it gave me you
    I love you
    Because you are my life

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    You could never guess
    How much happiness
    You’ve brought my way…
    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    I wrote your name in the sky,
    but the wind blew it away.
    I wrote your name in the sand,
    but the waves washed it away.
    I wrote your name in my heart,…
    and forever it will stay!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    My heart to you is given:
    Oh, do give yours to me;
    We’ll lock them up together,
    And throw away the key…

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Sweat plus sacrifice equals success.

    Charles O. Finley

    Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

    Senator Robert F. Kennedy

    Fun and failure both start out the same way.

    Arrested Development”

    Man errs as long as he strives.


    If a man has talent and can’t use it, he’s failed. If he uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he uses the whole of it, he has succeeded, and won a satisfaction and triumph few men ever know.

    Thomas Wolfe

    Самое большое счастье в жизни - это уверенность, что тебя любят!

    Сначала мечты кажутся невозможными, затем неправдоподобными, а потом неизбежными.

    Кристофер Рив

    Самое большое счастье в жизни - это уверенность, что тебя любят!

    Наша жизнь есть то, что мы думаем о ней.

    Марк Антонин Аврелий

    Быть любимым-это больше, чем быть богатым, ибо быть любимым означает быть счастливым.

    Любовь - это игра, в которой каждый обманываться рад. / Писатель Эдгар Хау

    Любовь это соревнование в том, кто принесет друг другу больше радости.

    Любовь - это бесценный дар. Это единственная вещь, которую мы можем подарить и все же она у тебя остается. Л. Толстой.
    Любовь сильнее смерти и страха смерти. Только ею, только любовью держится и движется жизнь. И. Тургенев.

    Любовь не может быть самоцелью, иначе она теряет всякий смысл.

    Мать Тереза

    “Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see.”

    Любовь не слепа, просто она позволяет видеть вещи, которые другие люди не видят.

    “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

    Для мира ты можешь быть всего лишь одним человеком, но для человека ты можешь быть целым миром.

    “True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

    Истинная любовь не случается сразу же, это постоянно происходящий процесс. Она образуется после того как вы прошли сквозь множество взлётов и падений, когда вы страдали вместе, плакали вместе, смеялись вместе.

    Falling in love is very easy but staying in love is something very special /Anon/

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