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  • Read the story and say whether the girl enjoyed helping the old couple. Why

  • Why do you think Daneens grades went up and down Why did the girl like her new job better Is it only because it pMj twice as much money as the previous job

  • Do you think she was very sorry and upset to learn that Grandnm had passed away

  • What financial aid can a student get if he/she comes from a low-income family

  • How would you describe Daneens character What do you think helped her cope with all the problems

  • What do you think of Grandma Why do you think she paid Daneens tuition

  • Whet kind of job can you find in Russia if you are a studentf Ate (here any work-study programs here like the one Daneen joined

  • Ориентационная карточка

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    Now you know quite a lot about the admission process in USA-: colleges, don't you? Теперь вы знаете достаточно много о процессе поступления в США: колледжи, не так ли? What are the major sources of financial support 5 an American university student can rely on? Каковы основные источники финансовой поддержки 5 американский студент университета может положиться?What else do you think a student can do to cover college expenses? Что еще вы думаете, что может сделать ученик, чтобы покрыть расходы колледжа?Read the next story "Piano Music" to find out about another financial option for college students. Читать далее история "Фортепианная музыка", чтобы узнать об очередной финансовый вариант для студентов.


    Read the story and say whether the girl enjoyed helping the old couple. Why?

    After reading the story, do a test and some exercises to enhance your comprehension and build your vocabulary.

    While 'reading, you will come across a number of culturally marked words. Most of them can be found in the Glossary at the end of the book. As for the culturally-marked words in italics, they are not included into the Glossary, so be sure to consult the Internet sources, other dictionaries and encyclopedias to find out their cultural background.


    Прочитать историю и сказать, есть ли девушки с удовольствием помог пожилой пары. Почему?
    После прочтения рассказа, сделать тест и некоторые упражнения, чтобы повысить Ваше понимание и построить свой словарный запас.
    В то время как чтение, вы встретите ряд культурно-маркированных слов. Большинство из них можно найти в Глоссарии в конце книги. Что касается культурно-маркированные слова, выделенные курсивом, не включены в Глоссарий, поэтому обязательно проконсультируйтесь с Интернет-источниками, другие словари и Энциклопедии, чтобы выяснить их культурный фон. 1

    There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Есть свои преимущества и недостатки исходя из большой семьи. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double Сделать, что большой семье с одним родителем, и они двойные.. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off iо college. Недостатки не столь очевидны, как, когда кто-то хочет поехать колледжа.

    Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year. Родители были обналичены в полисы страхования жизни для покрытия расходов на один год.

    My mother knew that she could not send me to school and pay for it. Моя мама знала, что она не могла послать меня в школу и платить за это. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. Она работала в магазине и зарабатывал достаточно, чтобы платить по счетам и заботиться о других детей дома.If 1 wanted to go to col­lege. it was up to me to find out how to get there. Если 1 хочет пойти в колледж. это было до меня, чтобы выяснить, как туда добраться.

    I found that 1 qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom's income and my SAT scores, Я обнаружил, что 1 квалифицированы по некоторым гранты из-за размера нашей семьи, доход моей мамы и мои баллы, было достаточно, чтобы покрыть школы и книг, но не хватает на проживание и питание. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. 1 ac­cepted a job as part of a work-study program. 1 принята на работу в рамках программы работу и учебу. While not glamorous, it was one 1 could do. 1 washed dishes in the school cafeteria. Пока не гламур, это был один 1 мог сделать. 1 мыть посуду в школьной столовой.

    To help myself study, 1 made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. Чтобы помочь себе учиться, 1 сделанной Flash открытки, которые отлично вписываются на большие металлические посудомоечная машина. After 1 loaded the racks, 1 stood there and Hipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. После 1 загрузки стеллажей, 1 стоял там и карты Шатровые, изучение состава атомов, в то время как вода и пар разбил их вниз все вокруг меня. 1 learned how to make у equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. 1 научились делать у равна Z при размещении посуды в штабеля.My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. Мои морщинистые пальцы отщелкивали много карт, и много раз мой уставший мозг отключился, и Стекло бы упала на пол. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work 1 had ever done. Мои оценки пошли вверх и вниз. Это была самая тяжелая работа 1 никогда не делал.

    Just when 1 thought the bottom was going to drop out of my col­lege career, an angel appeared. Просто когда 1 мысль внизу собирается бросать свою карьеру колледжа, явился ангел. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings. "1 heard that you need some help," he said. Ну, один из тех, что есть на земле, без крыльев. "1 слышал, что вам нужна помощь", - сказал он.

    "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant. "Что ты имеешь в виду?" Я спросил, пытаясь выяснить, какие области моей жизни, он имел в виду.

    "Financially, to stay in school."

    "В финансовом отношении, чтобы остаться в школе."

    "Well, I make it okay. 1 just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study." "Ну, я делаю это хорошо. 1 просто трудно работать все эти часы и находить время для изучения".

    "Well, 1 think 1 have a way to help you." "Ну, думаю 1 1 есть способ, чтобы помочь вам." He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends Он продолжал объяснять, что его бабушка и дедушка нуждались в помощи по выходным.. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them gel in and out of bed in the morning and evening. Все, что требовалось от меня готовила еду и помогая им гель и из постели утром и вечером. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money Задание заплатил четыреста долларов в месяц, в два раза больше денег, я делал мытье посуды. I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job. Теперь у меня будет время, чтобы учиться. Я пошел, чтобы встретить его бабушку и дедушку и принял работу.

    My first discovery was his grandmother's great love of music Мое первое открытие было его бабушки большая любовь к музыке.. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. Она проводила часы, играя свою старую, фальшиво пианино. One day, she told me § didn't have enough fun in my life and took it upon herself to teach me the art. Однажды она сказала мне § не было достаточно весело провести время в моей жизни, и взяла на себя, чтобы научить меня искусству. My campus had several practice rooms with pianos where music majors could practice. Мой студенческий городок имел несколько практики номера с пианино, где музыка крупные фирмы могли практиковать.I found myself going into those room more and more often. Я нашел себя вдаваясь в те комнаты все чаще и чаще.

    Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me id continue. Бабушка была поражена моей способности и сподвиг меня ID продолжить.Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking; they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune- piano and two very out-of-tune singers. Выходные дни в их доме стало больше, чем просто книги и приготовления пищи; они были наполнены замечательными звуками вне-TUNE- пианино и двух очень из расстроенную певцов.

    When Christmas break came. Когда рождественские каникулы пришли.Grandma got a chest cold, and 1 was afraid to leave her. Бабушка получила простуда, и 1 боялся оставить ее.1 hadn't been home sinceLaborDay, and my fam­ily was anxious to see me. 1 не было дома, так как День труда, и мой family очень хотел видеть меня. 1 agreed to come home, but for two week! instead of four, so 1 could return to Grandma and Grandpa. 1 согласились приехать домой, но за две недели! вместо четырех, так что 1 может вернуться к бабушке и дедушке.I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and returned home. 1 сказал мой прощания, переложение для их временного ухода и вернулся домой.

    As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang. Как 1 грузил мой автомобиль, чтобы вернуться в школу, зазвонил телефон.

    "Daneen, don't rush back," he said. "Daneen, не спешите назад," сказал он.

    "Why? What's wrong?" 1 asked, panic rising. "Почему? Что-то не так?" 1 спросил, паника растет.

    "Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a retirement home. I'm sorry." "Бабушка умерла прошлой ночью, и мы решили поставить дедушку в дом престарелых. Мне очень жаль."

    1 hung up the phone feeling like mv world had ended. повесил трубку телефона, как чувство мв мир закончился. 1 had lost mv friend, and that was far worse than knowing 1 would have to return to dishwashing. 1 потерял мв друга, и это было гораздо хуже, чем знание 1, придется вернуться к мытьем посуды.

    1 went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work- study program again. 1 вернулся в конце четырех недель, с просьбой начать работы- учебную программу еще раз.

    I'he financiall aid advisor looked at me as if 1 had lost my mind. I'he financiall советник помощь посмотрел на меня, как если бы 1 сошел с ума. 1 explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. объяснил свою позицию, то он улыбнулся и скользнул мне конверт. "This is for you," he said. "Это для вас", сказал он.

    It was from Grandma. Это было от бабушки. She had known how sick she was. Она знала, как она была больна. !!n the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory. П конверт было достаточно денег, чтобы заплатить за оставшуюся часть моей учебного года и просьбу, что я брал уроки игры на фортепиано в ее памяти.

    I don't think "The Old Grey Mare" was ever played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when я не думаю, что "The Old Grey Mare" был когда-либо играл с большим чувством, чем это был мой второй год в колледже. Теперь, спустя годы, когда

    I walk by a piano, 1 smile and think of Grandma. Я хожу по фортепьяно, 1 улыбка и думать о бабушке. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, Она разрывает слоновой кости на небе, 1 am sure. 1 в этом уверен Daneen Kaufman Wedekind

    . Daneen Кауфман Ведекинд
    Huge Gallagher

    | From Chicken soup for the college soul: inspiring and humor­ous stories about college [compiled by] Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimherly Kirberger, Dan Clark. Health Communications, hie Deerfield Beach. Florida (1999). -p. 184-186].



    Decide whether the statement is true (T) or false (F).

    1. Daneen had to work to pay her tuition.

    .2. Daneen's first job was not very difficult, but very tiring.

      1. Daneen had to leave her second job, because the family de­cided to give up her service and put the old couple into a retirement home.

      2. Daneen was upset, because she was losing a lot financially.

      3. Grandma paid the tuition for all the remaining university


    Choose the correct variant.

    !. Daneen\s family ...

        1. cashed in the life insurance policies to cover the cost of one


        1. were not able to support her.

        2. found her a job to enable her to pay for room and board.

        3. made just enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board.

          1. The problem with the girl's first job was that...

            1. it didn't pay enough money to cover the expenses.

            2. it was very hard to do.

    it was not glamorous


    it (I required н lot of time and was difficult to combine will»

              1. the family.

              2. the financial aid advisor.

              3. an acquaintance of hers, maybe, a group-mate.

                1. The second job enabled the girl to...

                  1. make more money.

                  2. have more time to study.

                  3. have more fun in life.

                  4. all of the above

                2. Grandma died because ...

                  1. Daneen had left for holidays and the old lady was not taken proper care of.

                  2. she missed Daneen.

                  3. she was too old.

                  4. because of a chest cold.

                3. The financial advisor looked at Daneen as if she had lost her mind, because..

                  1. he thought she was mad.

                  2. he was very surprised.

                  3. he knew that Grandma had left the girl some money, so she didn't have to work.

                  4. none of the above

    Look through the story and find English equivalents for the fol­lowing key words you wili need to discuss Daneen's story: 11окрывать расходы, доход,

    жилье и питание,

    перелистывать, перебирать (о каргах, карточках) подбадривать,

    расстроенный (о музыкальном инструменте).

    Paraphrase the underlined phrases in the following sentences from the story:

                    1. .. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off...

                    2. Just when 1 thought the bottom was going to drop out of my col lege career...

                    3. .. .my family was anxious to see me...

                    4. I hung up the phone feeling like mv world had ended...

                    5. The financial aid advisor looked at me as if! had lost my mind.

                    6. She is tearing up ihe ivories in heaven, I am sure.

    Match the columns to define the cultural lacunas on the left after I <>u have done some search in the Internet and in the Glossary. I (iranl a) an academic subject chosen as a field of speciali­


    Л Work-study b) a gift of money to needy students to pay for tuition.


    i Major c) a United States federally funded program that

    helps students earn financial funding through a part- lime work program. I. Christmas d) in the United States and Canada, holiday (first break Monday in September) honoring workers and rec­

    ognizing their contributions to society. 5. Labor Day e) winter break or winter recess at schools and uni­versities, includes both the Christmas and New Year holidays.


    Look through ihe text and find the information to explain the following facts in the story.

                      1. Daneen's family was unable to send her to college and pay for her.

                      2. Dishwashing in the school cafeteria turned out to be the hard­est job Daneen had ever done.

    л. Daneen rather enjoyed her second job.

    1. Daneen was extremely upset when Grandma died.

    2. Daneen could afford to stay away from work till the end of second year at college.

    Answer the following questions:

    Why do you think Daneen's grades went up and down?

    Why did the girl like her new job better? Is it only because it pMj twice as much money as the previous job?

    Why did Grandma encourage Daneen to continue her piano classes?

    Was the girl worried about Grandma's health? Why?

    Do you think she was very sorry and upset to learn that Grandnm had passed away?

    Do you think Grandma and her piano music made a great impact on Daneen's life? Give reasons.


      1. As USA higher education is not free, a student has to pay for tuition and books, room and board and fees. Of course he/she can get financial aid both from the state and federal governments, different funds, public organizations, businesses. Consult the Glossary about different forms offinancial aid in US colleges and universities. Which of them are merit -based and need-based?

      2. What financial aid can a student get if he/she comes from a low-income family?

      3. Comment on the work-study program. What kind of jobs can be offered as part of the work-study program? Can you gel cash for the work you do?

      4. Comment on the culturally marked word major What can you major in if you are an undergraduate in Liberal Arts College? What is a minor? How can you interpret the two words in Russian?

      5. Paraphrase the sentences containing culturally marked words from the story:

        1. 1 found that 1 qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom's income and my SAT scores.

        2. \
          1 washed dishes in the school cafeteria.

    ts) I went back at the end of (our weeks, asking to begin the work- ■Utdy program again.

    d) My campus had several practice rooms with pianos where mu­ni majors could practice.

    6. Senior citizens in the USA can choose a number of residential itK'illlies if they can't manage on their own due to poor health or dis- ffgc, There are some options: a nursing home, assisted living or home Instill) care. What do these options provide?

    I low can you interpret these culturally marked words into Rus- •■iiiuAre there similar institutions for elderly sick people in Russia? 1 ook for the information in the Internet to be able to discuss the prob­lem in class.

    Shore the information you have found about the italicized cul­turally marked words with your group mates:

    ('hrisimas break, Labor Day, financial aid advisor, "ihe Old Grey 1 hire'


          1. Sum up the story as if you were Daneen explaining to her mother why she does not have to begin work-study program again till i he end of the second year.

          2. Sum up the story as if you were Daneen's friend who offered her the second job.


            1. How would you describe Daneen's character? What do you think helped her cope with all the problems?

            2. Do you remember how Daneen helped herself study using flash cards? Do you have any experience when you had to multitask, that is, do several things at the same time? How did you cope? What did you do to help yourself study?

            3. What do you think of Grandma? Why do you think she paid Daneen's tuition?

    ^ , ,tiir| iiPip came from a very unexpected source |v|| |y uhwnee? Does it often happen like this in life; -ifxHHvn irI»' till possible forms of financial aid a USA studen I, fitfth merh-based and need-based.

    Whet kind of job can you find in Russia if you are a studentf Ate (here any work-study programs here like the one Daneen joined?

              1. What kind of job would you prefer: to take care of elder! people or wash dishes? Why?

              2. Comment on financial aid options a student in Russia can get to pay for tuition.


    Having read and discussed the story, you can add some new cul­turally marked words to the Web describing college organization and management, learning or social activities.


                1. Google the official site of the SAT exam and make a presenta­tion on how it is processed: when it can be taken, where, who assesses it, how many colleges or universities a high school leaver can send his admissions paperwork to. Study a sample SAT exam and comment on the tasks.

                1. Google the USA Federal Department of Education official site and gel information about tuition costs at a private university/col­lege, state university, a four year college and a community two year college. How is it comparable with tuition fees in Russian private universities?

                1. «да?;®
                  Go to the homepage of a USA university of your choice and comment on the total cost of one school year including tuition, room and board, books, and student fees.

    STORY 11.



    What is necessary to enter college? You will surely recall such things as high grades, social activities and academic achievement. But what else, apart from academic achievement, counts when you ap­ply to university? To answer this question read the next story 'if the Dream is Big Enough, the Facts Don't Count".


    Read the story and say why do you think Rachel achieved her objective, though she had severe learning disabilities? After reading the story, do a test and some other exercises to enhance your compre­hension and build your vocabulary.

    While reading, you will come across a number of culturally marked words. Most of them can be found in the Glossary at the end of she book. As for the culturally marked words in italics, they are not included into the Glossary, so be sure to consult Internet resources, dictionaries or encyclopedias to find out what they mean.

    Ориентационная карточка

    Формирование межкультурной коммуникации на уроках АЯ
    Задачи урока:

    Способствовать развитию умений: понимать тему и полного понимания текста, выделять смысловые вехи, сопоставлять факты в культурах.

    Предтекстовый этап

    1. Актуализация предшествующего опыта и фоновых знаний ( беседа);

    2. Снятие языковых трудностей;

    3. Установка на чтение;

    4. Экспозиция: Введение в тему, цели чтения: извлечь информацию, сделать так как сказано, оценить прочитанное (КЗ, формы контроля, снятие энтропии)

    5. Организовать чтение текста про себя.

    6. Проверка понимания:

    невербальные приёмы: выбрать картинку, расставить картинки в нужной последовательности, тест (на уровне значений и смысла).

    вербальные приемы: общие вопросы, разделительные вопросы, неверные утверждения.

    1. Установка на вторичное чтение (КЗ, формы контроля, указание на сферу применения полученной информации)

    2. Проверка детального понимания текста: разделить текст на логические части, выделить ключевые слова в абзацах, ключевые предложения, составить план…

    3. Пересказ по плану.

    4. Высказывание своего отношения к персонажам, событиям.

    I used to watch her from my kitchen window and laugh. She seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. The school was across the street from our home, and 1 often stood at my window, hands buried in dishwater or cookie dough, watching the kids as they played during recess. A sea of children, and yet to me, she stood out from them all.

    1 remember the first day 1 saw her playing basketball. 1 watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids. She managed to shoot jump-shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her, but no one could.

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