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Технические_факультеты_Тест_1_3_семестр. Технические факультеты Иностранный язык (Английский язык)

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Технические факультеты

«Иностранный язык» (Английский язык)

Задания для проведения текущей аттестации

2 курс, 3 семестр

Первая контрольная точка

Максимальное количество баллов за каждое задание указано в скобках под заданием. За каждую ошибку в задании снимается 0,5 балла.

Task 1: In the right-hand column choose the words a) of the same meaning and b) of the opposite meaning for the words in the left-hand column. (Для слов в левой колонке подберите (а) синонимы и (b) антонимы в правой колонке.)

a) of the same meaning

  1. field

  2. to act

  3. similar

  4. to apply

  5. various

  1. to operate

  2. to use

  3. sphere

  4. different

  5. like

b) of the opposite meaning

  1. variable

  2. to increase

  3. complex

  4. high

  5. above

  1. to reduce

  2. simple

  3. below

  4. constant

  5. low

( 5 баллов)

Task 2: For the English words (1-10) in the left-hand column choose the Russian equivalents (a-l) in the right-hand column. (Подберите русские эквиваленты (a-l) к английским словам (1-10).)

  1. considerable

  2. device

  3. equipment

  4. evidently

  5. measure

  6. value

  7. particularly

  8. perform

  9. purpose

  10. require

  1. величина

  2. выполнять

  3. в частности

  4. значительный

  5. измерять

  6. оборудование

  7. очевидно

  8. посредством

  9. прибор, устройство

  10. требовать

  11. устанавливать

  12. цель, назначение

(5 баллов)

Task 3: Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box below. (Заполните пропуски словами из данной ниже таблицы.)

cells, charges, digits, means, number, results, sciences, states, times, units

  1. To obtain necessary values the engineer had to repeat the experiment several ……….. .

  2. The …………. of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

  3. The rise of temperature …………. in undesirable effects.

  4. Electronics is one of the main ………… .

  5. ………….. are used as sources of power.

  6. The motion of ………….. is called a current.

  7. Amperes, volts, ohms and watts are ……….. of measurement.

  8. A …………. of complex problems can be solved by means of computers.

  9. Computer is a ………. of providing very quick solutions to different problems.

  10. These ………… are easily multiplied.

(5 баллов)

Task 4: Translate the sentences into Russian. (Переведите предложения на русский язык.)

  1. All the current to be measured is to pass through the ammeter.

  2. To obtain this information was rather difficult.

  3. People made many efforts to find a new source of energy.

  4. Several corrections are to be applied in order to make a comparison with the experimental data.

  5. The voltage was shown to increase.

  6. Light and radio waves are said to be of similar nature.

  7. This method was to be employed in that case.

  8. The amplifier is certain to be one of the most important devices of radio engineering.

  9. The phenomenon to be considered occurs at high temperatures.

  10. This method proved to be the most satisfactory.

(5 баллов)

Task 5: Translate the sentences into English, using the infinitive and infinitive constructions. (Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.)

  1. Решить эту проблему было довольно сложно.

  2. Их задача заключалась в том, чтобы решить эту проблему как можно скорее.

  3. Они должны были (= Им предстояло) решить эту задачу как можно скорее.

  4. Они хотят решить эту задачу как можно скорее.

  5. Проблема, которую нужно решить, довольно сложная.

  6. Для того, чтобы решить эту проблему, они провели много экспериментов.

  7. Они хотят, чтобы мы решили эту проблему сегодня.

  8. Полагают, что они уже решили эту проблему.

  9. Кажется, они еще не решили эту проблему.

  10. Вероятно, они уже решили эту проблему.

(5 баллов)

Task 6: А) Read the text. (Прочитайте текст.)

History of Electronics

Electronics is one of the main sciences and it surrounds us everywhere.

Electronics was born in the 19th century and first established itself in wireless telegraphy. For a long time afterwards it was used only for the purpose of communication. More intensive development of electronics began in the earliest forties. All these years the vacuum tube was the heart of all electronic devices.

The first semiconductor device – a transistor - was invented in 1948. It meant another important advance in the development of electronics, because semiconductors possessed much more valuable advantages over electron vacuum tubes. Thus, electronics became the study of electron motion in vacuum, solid bodies and gasses.

This opened up the new fields of application. Complex electronic systems control the work of the largest plants and power stations. Electronic computers capable of performing the most complex mathematical calculations are now widely used in scientific research. The latest models of electronic machines perform such operations as calculating the most accurate designs of jet-planes and the longest trajectories of artificial Earth satellites, telling the fishermen where the catch is the biggest, as well as speed regulation, automatic control, etc.

Today electronics has started a new era. Different electronic devices and instruments have taken place of man. Some industries such as the manufacture of goods are controlled by electronic robots. Planes and rockets are also electronically controlled. Electronic computers are becoming very good at routine clerical work in offices and factories. Progress in space research is impossible without computers which make thousands of operations per second.

(5 баллов)

B) Now complete the sentences choosing the correct item in accordance with the context. (Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста.)

          1. Electronics is one of the main……….

a) subjects. b) sciences.

2. Electronics started ………….

a) in the 19th century. b) in the 20th century.

3. The first electronic devices found their application in ………

a) communication only. b) various fields.

4. The basic element of the first electronic devices was ………

a) a vacuum tube. b) a transistor.

5. In the middle of the 20th century vacuum tubes were replaced by……….

a) chips. b) semiconductor devices.

6. Nowadays electronic systems can substitute people in……..

a) many spheres. b) some spheres.

7. There are robots that ………..

a) perform routine clerical work. b) control manufacturing processes.

8. Electronic machines calculate the designs of ……..

a) planes. b) buildings.

9. Computers are of great help in …………..

a) space research. b) medicine.

10. Computers can operate ………..

a) very fast. b) very accurately.

(5 баллов)

С) Look through the text and find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations. (Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний.)

  1. утверждаться

  2. интенсивное развитие

  3. научные исследования

  4. сложные математические расчеты

  5. автоматическое управление

  6. занять место человека

  7. космические исследования

  8. иметь ценные преимущества

  9. области применения

  10. движение электронов в вакууме и твердом теле

(5 баллов)

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