Редукторы. тест заказ. Test on Units 1, 2, 3 check yourself составьте предложения из данных слов
Test on Units 1, 2, 3 CHECK YOURSELF 1. Составьте предложения из данных слов. 1. wall there on any are pictures the? - Are there any pictures on the wall? 2. like TV programmes do watching you? – Do you like watching TV programmes? 3. a you got have family large? – Have you got a large family? 4. library when you will to go the? - When will you go to the library? 5. questions student at asked lesson the was the. - The student was asked questions at the lesson. 6. now brother my sleeping little is. - My little brother is sleeping now. 7. to cinema go I the will tomorrow. - I will go to the cinema tomorrow. 8. mountains sister went skiing to my the. - My sister went skiing to the mountains. 9. doesn't a my drive father car. - My father doesn't drive a car. 10. in nobody University must the smoke. - Nobody must smoke in the University. 11. parents have letter from him his got a. - His parents have got a letter from him. 12. English year well didn't my last brother know. - My brother didn't know English well last year. 2. Вставьте в предложения соответствующий предлог из приведенных ниже. • by • on • with • from • in • of • at • to • about 1. Tom lives in the centre of the city. 2. He studies at the University. 3. Every day, he goes to the University by bus. 4. Tom studies six days a week. On Sunday, he stays at home. 5. He likes to listen to music and to work on a computer. 6. Sometimes he goes to the club with his friends. 7. Tom also likes reading about travellings. 8. He takes the books from the library and returns them on time. 3. Найдите в правой колонке слова, противоположные по значению словам в левой колонке. Образец: good - bad 1. primary - f. higher 2. to enter - i. to leave 3. to receive - l. to send 4. broad - h. narrow 5. to begin - c. to complete 6. always - e. never 7. early - b. late 8. to find - k. to lose 9. free - a. busy 10. difficult - d. easy 11. full - g. empty 12. to offer - j. to refuse 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами из приведенных ниже и переведите предложения. • can • could • must • had to • should • to be able to • to be allowed to 1. Не can play the piano well. Last year, he could not play so well. 2. She should help her younger brother with his lessons because he does not do well at school. 3. It was a very important discussion, and we had to spend a lot of time to get ready for it. 4. It looks like rain. You should take an umbrella. 5. She will be able to speak English well after graduating from University. 6. The chief was busy when we came, and we had to wait for an hour. 7. It seems that you don't feel well. You should see a doctor. 8. The children did their homework, and they were allowed to go for a walk. 9. Many students have mobile phones, but they must not use them during the lectures. 10. The students are not allowed to smoke in the classrooms. 5. Переведите предложения. A 1. The engineer is in the laboratory now. - Инженер сейчас находится в лаборатории. 2. The engineer is working in the laboratory now. - Инженер сейчас работает в лаборатории. 3. The engineer is to work in the laboratory till 5 o'clock. - Инженер должен работать в лаборатории до 5 часов. 4. The programme "Today' is shown on TV at 7 o'clock. - Программа "Сегодня" выходит по телевизору в 7 часов. 5. The programme "Today' is being shown on TV now. - Сейчас по телевидению показывают программу "Сегодня". 6. The driver was in the car. - Водитель был в машине. 7. The driver was going by car. - Водитель ехал на машине. 8. The driver was to go by car to the railway station. - Водитель должен был ехать на машине на железнодорожную станцию. 9. The research was made in the chemical laboratory. - Исследование проводилось в химической лаборатории. 10. The research was being made all last year. - Исследование проводилось весь прошлый год. 11. The students will be at the lecture at 8.30. - Студенты будут на лекции в 8.30. 12. The students will be discussing the lecture outside the college. - Студенты будут обсуждать лекцию за пределами колледжа. B. 1. The farmer has a lot of work to do in the field. - У фермера много работы в поле. 2. The farmer has to work in the field till late hour. - Фермер должен работать в поле допоздна. 3. The reader had many interesting books at home. - У читателя дома было много интересных книг. 4. The reader had to return the books to the library in a week. - Читатель должен был вернуть книги в библиотеку через неделю. 5. The schoolchildren will have holidays in summer. - Летом у школьников будут каникулы. 6. The students must attend lectures. - Студенты должны посещать лекции. 7. The students should write down the lectures. - Студенты должны записывать лекции. 8. The students can translate the text without a dictionary. - Учащиеся могут перевести текст без словаря. 9. The students could translate the text without a dictionary. - Учащиеся могли перевести текст без словаря. 10. The students will be able to translate the text without a dictionary. - Учащиеся смогут перевести текст без словаря. 11. The students may leave the classroom during the break. - Учащиеся могут покинуть класс во время перерыва. 12. The students might leave the classroom during the break. - Учащиеся могут покинуть класс во время перерыва. 13. The students will be allowed to leave the classroom during the break. - Учащимся будет разрешено покинуть класс во время перерыва. C. 1. We'd like to go there more often. - Мы бы хотели бывать там почаще. 2. She speaks French a little. - Она немного говорит по-французски. 3. There are fewer cars on roads at night. - Ночью на дорогах меньше машин. 4. Keats is one of the least known poets. - Китс - один из наименее известных поэтов. S. What is the best way to get there? - Как лучше всего туда добраться? 6. People say that last winter was the worst for 50 years. - Люди говорят, что прошлая зима была худшей за последние 50 лет. 7. Most people like to spend their holidays in summer. - Большинству людей нравится проводить свой отпуск летом. 8. There are many different things on the table. - На столе много разных вещей. 9. There were many beautiful flowers in the garden. - В саду было много красивых цветов. 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. 1. My friend graduated from the University in 2010. 2. Mary returned from London last week. 3. The students attend the lectures five days a week. 4. Tom gets up early in the morning not to be late for school. 5. A new house will be built not far from the bus station next year. 6. Many questions were asked at the lesson. 7. The experiment will be completed next month. 8. Peter can't answer the phone now because he is sleeping. 9. He never pays attention to his friends rewards. 10. A new professor will be introduced at the next lecture. 7. Подберите к вопросу из левой колонки правильный ответ из правой колонки. 1. What do grammar school-leavers receive in England? - e. The General Certificate of Education 2. Who are the first teachers of children? - g. Mothers and fathers 3. What is a popular tradition with English students? - f. To invite friends in the afternoon for tea or coffee. 4. When did rowing start in Oxford? - b. In the 18th century. 5. Where did the Slavonic written language come to Russia from? - h. From Bulgaria 6. When did the first schools start in Egypt? - a. 5,000 - 6,000 years ago. 7. In what country was the first underground constructed? - c. In England. 8. How were the London Underground trains driven? - d. By steam locomotives which burnt coal. 9. What kind of education was in Sparta? - j. Purely military. 10. What were the main educational and cultural centres in old Russia? - i. Monasteries. FAR EASTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORTATION The University was founded in 1937 as the - habarovsk Railway Engineering Institute. It is a major training center of enginee's for railway transport, industrial and building enterprises of the Far East. About 13,000 full-time and part-time (who study and work at the same time) students study at the University. At present the University is made up of five institutes: - The Khabarovsk Railway Engineering Institute with following faculties, - the operation, automation and telecommunication; - the land transport systems; - the electro energetic department. 2. The Traction and Rolling Stock Institute 3. The Institute of Economy and Management. 4 The Institute of Integrated Studies with branches in Yussuriysk Svobodniy. Tynda, Yuzhno-Sahalinsk and Neryungry. 5 Railway Engineering Institute of Zabaikalie with the headquarter in Chita The training lasts 5 - 6 years, The academic year is divided into two semesters: winter and summer semesters. Terminal examinations are held in January and June. At the end of their studies iha students submit their final projects. First and second year students (junior students) acquire knowledge of higher mathematics, chemistry, descriptive geometry, social subjects, a foreign language (German, English or French) and a number of other subjects. Senior students attend special lecture courses. Great importance is attached to practical training. According to the curriculum first and second-year students have their practical training in geology and geodesy. Senior students carry out their practical work at advanced enterprises. About 500 highly qualified teachers and research workers maintain teaching at a high level. The University has all the necessary facilities for raining specialists of high coalification, More than 90 laboratories are equipped with up-lo-date devices and instruments. The students have two computer centers, a large library with reading rooms, experimental shops at their disposal. On the campus there are two buildings for classes, a club house, five dormitories, a sport complex, residential houses for teachers a canteen and a polyclinic. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ТРАНСПОРТА Университет был основан в 1937 году как Хабаровский институт железнодорожного машиностроения. Он является крупным центром подготовки инженерных кадров для железнодорожного транспорта, промышленных и строительных предприятий Дальнего Востока. В университете обучается около 13 000 студентов очной и заочной (учатся и работают одновременно) форм обучения. В настоящее время в состав университета входят пять институтов: - Хабаровский инженерно-железнодорожный институт со следующими факультетами: - эксплуатации, автоматики и телекоммуникаций; - наземных транспортных систем; - электроэнергетический факультет. 2. Институт тяги и подвижного состава 3. Институт экономики и управления. 4 Институт комплексных исследований с филиалами в гг. Тында, Южно-Сахалинск и Нерюнгри. 5 Забайкальский институт железнодорожного машиностроения со штаб-квартирой в Чите. Обучение длится 5 - 6 лет, учебный год делится на два семестра: зимний и летний. Выпускные экзамены проводятся в январе и июне. В конце обучения студенты представляют свои итоговые проекты. Студенты первого и второго курсов (младшие студенты) получают знания по высшей математике, химии, начертательной геометрии, общественным дисциплинам, иностранному языку (немецкому, английскому или французскому) и ряду других предметов. Студенты старших курсов посещают специальные лекционные курсы. Большое значение придается практическим занятиям. В соответствии с учебным планом студенты первого и второго курсов проходят практику по геологии и геодезии. Студенты старших курсов проходят практику на передовых предприятиях. Около 500 высококвалифицированных преподавателей и научных сотрудников поддерживают преподавание на высоком уровне. Университет располагает всем необходимым для подготовки специалистов высокой квалификации, более 90 лабораторий оснащены современными приборами и инструментами. В распоряжении студентов два компьютерных центра, большая библиотека с читальными залами, экспериментальные мастерские. На территории университета расположены два здания для занятий, клуб, пять общежитий, спортивный комплекс, жилые дома для преподавателей, столовая и поликлиника. |