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  • - Дело в том, что это очень ценный груз, поэтому мы должны обеспечить очень тщательный подсчет.

  • - Я хочу, чтобы вы договорились об этом с тальманами.

  • - На трюме № 3, я думаю, мы можем использовать наши лебедки для выгрузки хлопка.

  • - Я думаю, что вы не будете возражать против этого. - Теперь относительно фрахта. - Вы взыскали фрахт по всем коносаментам




  • Зачет. Англ, зачет. The fact is that this is a very valuable cargo, so we must ensure a very careful calculation

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    НазваниеThe fact is that this is a very valuable cargo, so we must ensure a very careful calculation
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    Формат файлаdocx
    Имя файлаАнгл, зачет.docx

    - I want you to understand me correctly.
    - The fact is that this is a very valuable cargo, so we must ensure a very careful calculation.
    - Each shipment must be delivered at the ship's side, and a receipt for each lift must be issued immediately.
    - I want you to arrange this with the talmans.
    - As for the rest of the cargo, we will unload it in the usual way.
    - But we must agree with you in advance on several points.
    - What do I mean?
    - I mean, first of all, cranes. How did you arrange this? I understand.
    - So there will be cranes work on holds 2 and 4.
    - Оn hold 3, I think we can use our winches to unload the cotton.
    - To speed up the unloading of this hold, we will have to start by unloading the rails that are laid on the deck near this hold.
    - I think you won't mind that.
    - Now, with respect to freight.
    - Have you collected freight on all bills of lading?
    - Not yet? In this case, please put your visa on the bills of lading for which the freight has already been collected.
    - Let's agree that we will not issue the cargo if your visa is not on the bill of lading.

    Это Письменный перевод

    - Я хочу, чтобы вы меня поняли правильно. - Дело в том, что это очень ценный груз, поэтому мы должны обеспечить очень тщательный подсчет.
    - Каждая партия груза должна сдаваться у борта судна, расписка на каждый подъем должна выдаваться сразу же.
    - Я хочу, чтобы вы договорились об этом с тальманами.
    - Что касается остального груза, то мы будем производить разгрузку обычным путем.
    - Но мы должны заранее договориться с вами по нескольким пунктам.
    - Что я имею в виду?
    - Я имею в виду, прежде всего, краны. Как вы договорились об этом? Понимаю.
    - Значит, краны будут работать на трюмах № 2 и 4.
    - На трюме № 3, я думаю, мы можем использовать наши лебедки для выгрузки хлопка.
    - Чтобы ускорить выгрузку этого трюма, нам придется начать с выгрузки рельс, которые уложены на палубе возле этого трюма.
    - Я думаю, что вы не будете возражать против этого.
    - Теперь относительно фрахта.
    - Вы взыскали фрахт по всем коносаментам?
    - Нет еще? В таком случае, пожалуйста, ставьте вашу визу на те коносаменты, по которым фрахт уже взыскан.
    - Давайте договоримся, что мы не будем выдавать груз, если на коносаменте не будет вашей визы.

    A) Dialogue

    The agent has come aboard your ship to make preliminary arrangements for discharging the cargo. You discuss with him the disposition of cargo in different holds and on deck. You discuss also cargo handling facilities which you have' aboard and the shore facilities which you may need. At the end of your talks you come to the conclusion as to how many stevedore gangs will work at each hold and when you will need shore cranes to operate.

    Агент прибыл на борт вашего корабля, чтобы сделать предварительные приготовления к выгрузке груза. Вы обсуждаете с ним размещение груза в разных трюмах и на палубе. Вы также обсуждаете средства обработки грузов, которые у вас есть на борту, и береговые средства, которые вам могут понадобиться. В конце ваших переговоров вы приходите к выводу о том, сколько стивидорных бригад будет работать в каждом трюме и когда вам понадобятся береговые краны для работы.

    AGENT - How do you do, Captain? What have you brought this time?
    CAPTAIN - Let me see. According to my entries we've got on board 900 bags of sugar. All of them stowed in Hold No.1 and 2. Also we have 10 containers on deck.
    AGENT - I think we’ll start unloading out the containers first. Tomorrow we shall have some shore crane for it.
    CAPTAIN - Very well. How many stevedoring gangs do you think we'll need to unload all the sugar?
    AGENT - I think we will need 2 stevedoring teams of 10 people to unload all the sugar, but I can only organize so many people the day after tomorrow.
    CAPTAIN - Well. So we'll finish unloading the day you assemble the gang
    AGENT - I hope so, provided everything goes smoothly.

    B) Dialogue

    You discuss with your agent the procedure of delivering the cargo. Ask your agent to visa all the B/L for which freight has been collected. You tell him what additional cargo appliances you will need and how tallying must be arranged for valuable cargoes.

    Вы обсуждаете с вашим агентом порядок доставки груза. Попросите вашего агента визировать все B/L, для которых был собран груз. Вы говорите ему, какие дополнительные грузовые приспособления вам понадобятся и как следует организовать подсчет ценных грузов.

    CAPTAIN. - Hello agent. I want to discuss with you the procedure of delivering the cargo. Do you know that you are to collect freight on several Bills of Lading?
    AGENT. - Certainly. I know it. As a matter of fact, I've collected the greater part of these amounts.
    CAPTAIN. - Then I'll ask you to visa those Bills of Lading for which the freight has been collected.
    AGENT. - All right. Let us fix it this way. You won't deliver any cargo unless there is my visa on the Bill of Lading, will you?
    CAPTAIN. - No, of course, I won't. Now, let us arrange for the delivery of artificial silk. This is rather a large consignment and it consists of small parcels. I wish you to secure clean receipts for each separate parcel.
    AGENT. - О. К. I'll see to that. Now, what about cargo appliances? I mean, have you got enough slings and cargo nets aboard for all the holds?
    CAPTAIN. - Of course, we have some, but still we may be short of wire nets and chain slings. Can you obtain a few nets and slings?
    AGENT. - Yes, I can. Don't worry. I'll see to that
    CAPTAIN. - All right. Thank you.

    C) Dialogue

    You have aboard your tanker several grades of oil. You want to fix with your agent the sequence of pumping out each grade. Then you discuss with him the question of taking samples and taking ullages, as well as providing necessary transition connections for discharging

    У вас на борту танкера несколько сортов нефти. Вы хотите зафиксировать с вашим агентом последовательность откачки каждого сорта. Затем вы обсуждаете с ним вопрос о взятии проб и взятии уллагов, а также о предоставлении необходимых переходных соединений для разгрузки.

    AGENT. - How do you do, Captain? What have you brought this time?

    CAPTAIN. - This time we've brought different grades of oil: 3,000 tons of

    petroleum; 2,000 tons of white spirit; some 2,000 tons of Diesel oil; a

    small lot of lubricating oils and about 3,000 tons of crude oil.

    AGENT. - I think we'll start pumping out the light grades first. Tomorrow

    we shall have some empty shore tanks for petroleum. I've arranged

    with the receivers to take measurements. They'll send their representative tomorrow by 8 a.m.

    CAPTAIN. - Very well. Have you made any arrangements as to taking samples?

    AGENT. - Yes, I have. They'll send their man in half an hour. What

    diameter are your delivery pipes?

    CAPTAIN. - The outside diameter of our delivery pipes is 8 inches. And

    what is the diameter of your shore hoses?

    AGENT. - Our hoses are 7 3/4 inches in diameter. It is necessary to fit a

    transition connection.

    CAPTAIN. - That's right. I'll tell the donkeyman to attend to that right



    When the captain On the way to a port he usually sends a radiogram to his agent about the expected time of arrival.
    When the agent receipt of this information helps arranges everything necessary for the immediate berthing of the ship. And also to arrange the quickest discharge of the cargo.
    Oblige of The agent is to advise port authorities and the receivers of the cargo about the expected time of arrival of the ship. And he helps the captain to hand in notices of readiness to consignees.
    When the ship arrival at port the agent comes on board to fix up with the captain the details of the discharging operations. If the ship has some extraweights on board the agent secures beforehand an adequate shore crane for handling them.
    The agent's duty to procure necessary workmen, appliances and gear for discharging, when the cargo is to be discharged by the carrier.
    If the receivers are to do the discharging themselves, the agent is to see that the receivers make all necessary arrangements for the immediate commencement of work.
    The cargo must be delivered in accordance with the terms of the Charter Party and the agent is to collect freight and other payments due to the shipowners.
    The agent is to secure careful tally of the goods delivered from the ship, when delivering the cargo to the receivers. He should also undertake to secure clean receipts for the goods discharged.
    After the discharging is completed the ship's holds are cleaned and made ready to receive new cargo.
    Before starting loading the agent together with the captain draws up the cargo plan.
    Very often the Shipping Company concludes a separate contract directly with some stevedoring company to carry out loading and discharging operations. In this case some of the functions mentioned above are performed by the Stevedoring Company, but the Agent retains his duties to control their work and to settle accounts with them.

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