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The Passive Voice (страдательный залог)

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The Passive Voice (страдательный залог)

The Passive Voice показывает, что лицо или предмет, обозначенные подлежа­щим, являются объектами действия, выраженного сказуемым:

  • She was woken from her sleep by his singing. – Она была разбужена его пе­нием.


The Passive Voice образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в со­ответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени смысло­вого глагола Participle II:

The Passive Voice

to be + Participle II

Таблица времен английского глагола в страдательном залоге:

Passive Voice




Perfect Continuous

am/are/is given
am/are/is being given
has/have been given

was/were given
was/were being given
had been given

shall/will be given
shall/will have been given




Mary helps John.- Мэри помогает Джону.
Mary helped John. - Мэри помогла Джону.
Mary will help John. - Мэри поможет Джону.
Mary is helping John. - Мэри помогает Джону.
Mary was helping John. - Мэри помогала Джону.
Mary has helped John. - Мэри помогла Джону.
Mary had helped John before Mother came. - Мэри помогла Джону до прихода мамы.
Mary will have helped John. - Мэри поможет Джону.

John is helped by Mary. - Джону помогает Мэри.
John was helped by Mary. - Джону помогла Мэри.
John will be helped by Mary. - Джону поможет Мэри.
John is being helped by Mary. - Джону (сейчас) помогает Мэри.
John was being helped by Mary. - Джону помогала Мэри.
John has been helped by Mary. - Джону помогла Мэри.
John had been helped by Mary before Mother came. - Джону помогла Мэри до прихода мамы.
John will have been helped by Mary. - Джону поможет Мэри.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются по тем же правилам, что и формы действительного залога:

в отрицательной форме частица подставится после вспомогательного глагола:

  • John isn't helped by Mary. - Джону Мэри не помогает.

При сложной форме вспомогательного глагола частица not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола:

  • John hasn't been helped by Mary. - Джону Мэри не помогла.

в вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол (в сложной форме первый по счету) обычно ставится перед подлежащим:

  • Is John helped by Mary? - Джону Мэри помогает?

  • Has John been helped by Mary? - Джону Мэри помогла?

Сказуемому в действительном залоге, выраженному сочетанием одного из модальных глаголов can (could), may (might), should, ought и т.д. с инфинитивом действительного залога, в страдательном залоге соответствует сочетание того же модального глагола с инфинитивом страдательного залога:

  • We must finish our work as soon as possible. - Мы должны закончить работу как можно скорее.

  • Our work must be finished as soon as possible. - Наша работа должна быть закончена как можно скорее.

  • You ought to translate this article at once. - Тебе следует перевести эту статью сразу же.

  • This article ought to be translated at once. - Эту статью следует переведести сразу же.

Если в страдательной конструкции указывается исполнитель действия, выраженный одушевленным существительным или местоимением, ему предшествует предлог by:

  • The book was written by O.Wilde. - Книга была написана О.Уайльдом .

Если в конструкции указывается объект или материал, при помощи которого совершено действие, употребляется предлог with:

  • The room was filled with smoke. - Комната была полна дыма.

  • The finger was cut with a knife. - Палец порезали ножом.

В английском языке есть глаголы, употребление которых в пассиве чаще всего невозможно без by-phrase, т.е. фразы, указывающей на деятеля производимого действия: to follow, to overtake, to seize, to visit, to govern, to characterize, to attract, to control, to rule, to influence, to confront, to attend, to accompany, to join, to cause, to bring about, to mark и т.д.:

  • Не is followed by the police. - Его преследует полиция.


Как в русском, так и в английском языке страдательный залог употребляется:

когда неизвестно действующее лицо или по каким-либо причинам нежелательно упоминать его:

  • Не was killed in the war. - Его убили на войне.

  • Smoking is not allowed here. - Здесь не разрешается курить.

когда предмет действия представляет больший интерес, чем действующее лицо:

  • This house will be built in a short time. - Этот дом будет построен в короткий срок.

Способность глаголов употребляться в форме страдательного залога в английском языке тесно связана с характеристикой их переходности/непереходности.

Все глаголы по характеру действия, которое они выражают, делятся на две категории:

переходные, которые выражают действие, переходящее на другой предмет. Эти глаголы требуют прямого дополнения:

  • We build houses. - Мы строим дома.

непереходные, которые выражают действие, не переходящее на другой предмет. Эти глаголы не могут принимать прямого дополнения:

  • I live in Moscow. - Я живу в Москве.

В английском языке все переходные глаголы могут иметь форму действительного или страдательного залога.

Непереходные глаголы не могут использоваться в страдательном залоге. Поскольку при них нет прямых дополнений, то нечему быть подлежащим при глаголе в страдательном залоге, например, глаголы to die, to arrive. He употребляются в пассиве глаголы-связки to be, to become. Некоторые переходные глаголы также не могут использоваться в страдательном залоге, по крайней мере в некоторых значениях, например, глаголы to fit, to have, to lack, to resemble, to suit. Они выражают состояние, а не действие и не имеют продолженных форм:

  • The hall holds 500 people. - В этом зале помещается 500 человек.

  • They have a nice house. - У них хороший дом.

  • My shoes don't fit me. - Мне не подходят туфли.

  • Sylvia resembles a Greek goddess. - Сильвия похожа на греческую богиню.

  • Your mother lacks tact. - Твоей матери недостает такта.

Этот список дополняют глаголы to appear, to belong, to consist, to come, to go, to last, to seem.

Кроме переходных и непереходных глаголов, в английском языке существует ряд глаголов, которые в словаре имеют помету tr./intr., т.е. переходно-непереходные. При употреблении этих глаголов возникают предложения типа:

  • This shirt irons well. - Эта сорочка хорошо гладится.

Эти предложения имеют форму действительного залога, но выражают значение страдательного залога.


  • The maid who opened the door for me told me that Mr March was waiting for me. - Горничная, которая открыла дверь, сказала мне, что мистер Марч ждет меня.

  • The door opened and Mrs Knight appeared with a tea tray. - Дверь открылась, и появилась миссис Найт с чайным подносом.

  • She closed the door softly and went straight to the telephone. - Она тихо закрыла дверь и направилась к телефону.

  • The door closed and there was silence in the large room. - Дверь закрылась, и в большой комнате воцарилось молчание.

Другие предложения подобного типа:

  • Your report reads well (=lt is interesting to read your report). - Твой доклад читается хорошо.

  • Nylon shirts wash well. - Нейлоновые сорочки хорошо стираются.

  • This overcoat will wear a lifetime. - Этот плащ будет носиться вечно.

  • These shoes feel a little tight as I walk. - Эти туфли немного жмут при ходьбе.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы предложений такого типа образуются обычным путем при помощи вспомогательных или модальных глаголов в зависимости от времени, в котором употреблен глагол:

  • It's a pretty material but it doesn't wash well. - Это красивый материал, но он так плохо стирается.

Глагол will/would в предложениях данной структуры является не вспомогательным глаголом будущего времени, а модальным глаголом:

  • The door won't open. - Дверь (никак) не открывается.

  • The door wouldn't open. - Дверь не открывалась (в прошедшем времени).

Переходно-непереходные глаголы могут иметь конструкции в действительном и страдательном залогах:

  • They sell foreign books here. - Здесь продают иностранные книги.

  • This foreign book sells well. - Эта иностранная книга продается хорошо.

  • Foreign books are sold in our shop. - Иностранные книги продаются в нашем магазине.

Употребление видо-временных форм в страдательном залоге

Видо-временные формы страдательного залога употребляются согласно тем же правилам, что и соответствующие им формы действительного залога.

В страдательном залоге не употребляются времена группы Perfect Continuous (Progressive) и не употребляется время The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense.

Вместо формы Future Continuous (Progressive), которая отсутствует в страдательном залоге, употребляется Future Indefinite (Simple):

  • Come at 5 o'clock. The plan will be discussed at that time. - Приходи в 5 часов. План будет обсуждаться в это время.

Вместо Present и Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive), которые также отсутствуют в страдательном залоге, употребляются соответственно Present и Past Perfect:

  • The plan has been discussed for two hours. - План обсуждают в течение двух часов.

  • The plan had been discussed for two hours when he came. - План обсуждали уже два часа, когда он приехал.

В этих случаях вместо страдательных оборотов с глаголом в Future Indefinite (Simple), Present Perfect и Past Perfect гораздо чаще употребляются действительные обороты с глаголом в Future Continuous (Progressive), Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) и Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive). Так, вместо The plan will be discussed at that time говорят: They (безличное) will be discussing the plan at that time. Аналогично вместо The plan has been discussed for two hours говорят: They have been discussing the plan for two hours. Соответственно и They had been discussing the plan for two hours when he came.

Прямой пассив

Наиболее распространенным типом является пассивная конструкция, первый элемент которой соответствует прямому дополнению в предложении в действительном залоге, так называемый прямой пассив:

  • The thief stole my watch yesterday. - Вчера вор украл мои часы.

  • My watch was stolen yesterday. - Мои часы были украдены вчера.

В английском языке имеется целый ряд переходных глаголов, которые соответствуют непереходным глаголам в русском языке: to answer, to approach, to assist, to help, to follow, to join, to influence, to watch. В английском языке они употребляются в указанной выше конструкции, в русском - нет:

  • I suspect that I have been followed and watched in London for the last three or four days. - Подозреваю, что за мной в Лондоне следили в эти последние три-четыре дня.

  • At that moment they were joined by the others. - И тут к ним присоединились остальные.

Чаще всего эти глаголы в пассиве употребляются в сочетании с by-phrase, т.е. с фразой, в которой содержится указание на лицо, совершающее действие (см. The Passive Voice (страдательный залог): Образование.

Следует отметить, что прямой пассив является основой для образования конструкции «сложное подлежащее»:

  • She is said to be a first-class teacher. - Говорят, она - первоклассный учитель.

Сводная таблица времен в действительном и страдательном залогах

Active voice (Действительный залог)

Indefinite (Simple)



Infinitive (без to) + в III лице единственного числа окончание -s; to be=am, are, is


We usually read books in the evening.

My friend reads English well.



1. Правильные глаголы: Infinitive (без to) + ed.
2. Неправильные глаголы: (см. таблицу)


I finished this work yesterday.

He made his report last week.



will + Infinitive (без to)

иногда для 1-го лица - shall + Infinitive (без to)


I'll go to London next year.

My friend will return in 2 days.

Continuous (Progressive)




+ Present Participle




1. He is reading a book now.
2. He is studying English at present.
3.He is constantly forgetting things.




+ Present Participle



1. I was reading this book at 5 o'clock yesterday.
2. We were listening to the report from 5 till 7.
3. I was writing a letter when my friend came.
4. While I was speaking to our teacher, Margaret was waiting for me.



(shall) will + be + Present Participle


1. I'll be reading at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
2. Your son will be playing chess when you come.
3. I'll be listening to the report from 5 till 7.
4. While I am speaking to our teacher Margaret will be waiting for me.





+ Past Participle



1. He has come.
2. I have already seen a new film (just, never, ever, yet).
3. This month we have studied much.
4. I have known him for 3 years.
5. He has lived here since 1950.



had + Past Participle


1. Our group had finished its work by 5 o'clock.
2. When I came to my friend he had already gone to the institute.



(shall) will + have + Past Participle


1. I'll have written my report by 7 o'clock.
2. He will have finished his work when you come.

Perfect Continuous (Progressive)




+ been + Present Participle



I have been waiting for you since 12 o'clock.



had been + Present Participle


He had been speaking for 10 minutes when we came.



(shall) will + have been + Present Participle


By 8 o'clock I shall have been working at this article for 2 hours.

Passive voice (Страдательный залог)

Indefinite (Simple)




+ Past Participle




This book is written well.




+ Past Participle



This house was built last year.



(shall) will + be + Past Participle


This article will be translated by our students.

Continuous (Progressive)




+ being + Past Participle




A new theatre is being built in our town.




+ being + Past Participle



A new theatre was being built in our town when I came.










+ Past Participle

has been


This book has been read.



had been + Past Participle


This article had been written by 6 o'clock.



(shall) will + have been + Past Participle


By 6 o'clock this work will have been finished.

Употребление глаголов в Passive Voice аналогично употреблению глаголов в Active Voice.

Времена группы Perfect Continuous в страдательном залоге не употребляются.

1. Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный

  1. Nobody has used this room for ages.

  2. We will give you the keys tomorrow.

  3. Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.

  4. By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all your letters.

  5. We usually talk briefly about the problems of the family at dinner time.

2. Выберите правильный вариант

1. This theatre … (build) over 100 years ago.

a. had been built

b. has been built

c. was built

2. Is your car still for sale? — No. It … already (sell).

a. has been sold

b. had been sold

c. was sold

3. Sometimes mistakes … (make).

a. are made

b. are being made.

c. have been made

4. For the past few days I (work) in Jack’s office, as my own … (decorate).

a. have been working/ is being decorated

b. worked/ decorated

c. am worked/ is being decorated.

5. While my friend … (talk) to me, his wallet .. (steal).

a. was being talked/ was being stolen

b. was talking/ was stolen

c. talked/stole

6. Where is your friend Bob? —  — I don’t know. He … (not/ seen) resently.

a. hasn’t seen

b. didn’t see

c. hasn’t been seen

7. If someone … (report) you to the police, you … (make) to pay a big fine.

a. reports/ will be made

b. will report/ will make

c. is reported/ will be made

8. Professor … ( give) another lecture at the same time next week.

a. will have been given

b. will be given

c. will give

9. Look at the dust in here! It … (look) as if this room (not/clean) … for a month.

a. is looked/ hasn’t cleaned

b. looks/ hasn’t been cleaned

c. has looked/ isn’t cleaned

10. The door … (open) and a young lady … (come in). It should be admitted that the door … (open) by herself.

a. opened/ came in/ was opened

b. was opened/  came in/ was opened

c. opened/ came in/ opened 
3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

  1. The hall was decorated … pink balloons.

  2. The roof of the church will be repaired … local people.

  3. This material has been already published … Cambridge University Press.

  4. The house was built … money that he had borrowed from the bank.

  5. When the the accident happened, the car was brought … police.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы вPresent,PastилиFutureSimplePassive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to re­ceive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Fri­day. 6. Not many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. A lot of interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. Lost time never (to find) again. 14. Rome (not to build) in a day. 15. My question (to answer) two days ago. 16. Hockey (to play) in winter. 17. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 18. Thousands of houses (to destroy) during the Great Fire of London. 19. His new book (to finish) next year. 20. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 21. St Petersburg (to found) in1703.


5. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующуюся форму глагола.

1. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 2. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs. 3. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 4. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 5. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloakroom downstairs. 6. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 7. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 8. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Russian Museum.


6. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice,обращая внимание на место предлога.

E.g.We speak very highlyofher. — She is very highly spokenof.

1. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 2. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 3. These young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 4. Nobody lived in that old house. 5. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject. 6. We thought about our friend all the time. 7. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 8. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 9. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 10. Nobody slept in the bed. 11. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 13. They often talk about the weather.


7. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

E.g.Mother waters the houseplants in the evening. — The houseplants are watered in the evening (by Mother).

1. Irene’s husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 2. The explorers gave the news­paper reporters a long interview. 3. Mr Wilson will teach you English. 4. The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying. 5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 6. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 8. A boy showed her the way. 9. They will send us a box of fruit. 10. Five or six small children followed them. 11. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 13. The waves car­ried the little boat out to sea. 14. We shall do the trans­lation in the evening. 15. They water the houseplants regularly. 16. You promised me these books long ago. 17. Bessie’s father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott’s works. 18. The two hikers dropped their heavy backpacks. 19. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 20. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence. 21. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present.


8. Поставьте выделенные глаголы вPassiveVoice,внеся необходимые изменения в предложения.

1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last she wrote it. 2. Don’t put the cup there: some­body will break it. 3. Why weren’t you at the birthday party? — They didn’t invite me. 4. We had some difficulties, but all the same we finished the work on time.5. We shall leave you behind if you are not quick. 6. I spent all my money on books last month. 7. I don’t think we shall do all this work today: there is too much of it. 8. It’s a very funny thing that when I start doing this, somebody always stops me. 9. Don’t leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them. 10. She really broke her mother’s heart when she left home. 11. The bees attacked the bear when it tried to take their honey.


9. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. You must take the box to the station. 2. You can cross the river on a raft. 3. The workers can fin­ish the building of the house very soon. 4. You must pay your debts the day after tomorrow. 5. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 6. You can find the book you need in any library. 7. We must send these letters at once. 8. I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 10. You must do this work very carefully. 11. The doc­tor says they must take her to hospital. 12. You can do the work in three days. 13. The students must return all the library books before each summer vacation. 14. Monkeys can climb even the tallest trees. 15. You mustn’t spend all your money at once. 16. We can’t take his advice.


10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы вPassiveVoice.

1.The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (to understand) by all of us. 2. The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody. 3.I hope the invitation (to accept) by everybody. 4. The let­ter (to post) in half an hour. 5. It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room. 6. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team. 7. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 8. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters. 9. Soon he (to send) to a conference. 10. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 11. The essay must (to hand) in on Wednesday. 12. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 13. The article (to pub­lish) last week, if I am not mistaken. 14. The lecture (to attend) by all of us yesterday. 15. A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it any mo­ment. 16. The young man (to introduce) to me only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I’ve known him for years. 17. The mobile phone must (not to use) at the lesson.


11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы вActiveVoiceилиPassiveVoice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The money (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation tomor­row. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruky (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Mos­cow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovsky the father of Russian aviation. 11. He (to speak) very highly of the doctor.


12. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have trans­lated the whole text. 6. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 7. By six o’clock they had finished the work. 8. At twelve o’clock the workers were loading the trucks. 9. By three o’clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 10. He is teaching computer science to our children now. 11. They will show this film on TV. 12. They are building a new concert hall in our street. 13. They broke the window last week. 14. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 15. We shall do the work in the evening. 16. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 17. They were playing tennis from four till five. 18. They have car­ried out a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 20. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 21. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 22. They have forgotten the story. 23. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you? 24. They haven’t brought back my skates. 25. Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.    


13. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. She showed him the way to the metro station. 2. He will introduce me to his friends. 3. They are building a bridge over the river. 4. I haven’t yet translated the article. 5. We were looking at the man with great surprise. 6. You will talk about the films at the lesson. 7. The headmistress sent for the pu­pil’s parents. 8. Has the secretary typed the let­ters yet? — No, she is typing them now. 9. We asked him about his holidays. 10. They have already dis­cussed the novel. 11. He did not give me his address. 12. I have just paid all my bills.


14. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. They teach three foreign languages at this school. 2. We received this letter after his departure. 3. Have dogs ever attacked you? 4. Bees gather honey from flowers. 5. The storm drove the ship against a rock. 6. Who discovered the circulation of blood? 7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. 8. The old man showed us the way out of the wood. 9. They of­fered her some interesting work. 10. The doctor pre­scribed her new medicine. 11. They don’t think much of him. 12. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. 13. We have been looking for you the whole morn­ing. 14. We shall insist on strict discipline. 15. He has just written this computer program.


15. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. The children have scattered about a lot of things. 2. Our father has put all the books in the bookcase. 3. Snow will cover the fields in winter. 4. They will hand in the homework tomorrow. 5. I don’t think we shall finish all the preparations today. 6. She always invites me to her dinner parties. 7. She showed me the dress which her daughter had made. 8. They did not invite her to the party. 9. I did not leave the window open. 10. They did not turn off the light. 11. I have invited some friends to tea. 12. She has given me an English book. 13. Have you written the letter yet? 14. They have told us a lot of interesting things. 15. The students have written the paper without mis­takes. 16. We discussed the matter some days ago. 17. Someone wants you on the phone. 18. She found my book on the windowsill. 19. They have built excellent shelters for tourists in these mountains. 20. Have you given out the exercises to all the students? 21. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium. 22. Why have you put my books on this table? 23. He has paid his taxes. 24. She is still using this old computer.


16. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. One of my friends took me to the cinema last week. 2. We shall finish this work on time. 3. They built this house in 2001. 4. They were selling new children’s books in that shop when I entered it yes­terday. 5. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the station. 6. A young teacher started a school in this village. 7. They are translating this article now. 8. Galsworthy wrote “The Forsyte Saga.”9. Thousands of people attended this meeting. 10. He has just interrupted me. 11. The teacher has explained it to us. 12. We turn on the light when it is dark. 13. The students finished their translation some time ago. 14. Helen washed the dishes. 15. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk. 16. Mother has made some coffee. 17. Have you ironed your dress yet? 18. Nina mispronounced this word. 19. They have told her the truth. 20. She promised us an interest­ing entertainment. 21. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard. 22. I shall finish my work about seven o’clock. 23. Somebody has opened the door.24. The waitress brought in the coffee. 25. He has lost his credit card.


17. Передайте следующие предложения вPassiveVoice.

1. They looked for the girl everywhere. 2. They did not listen to the boy. 3. She looks after the patients well. 4. They asked for our address. 5. My father looked through these papers this morning. 6. He will give my brother English lessons. 7. A friend of his has shown me an interesting magazine. 8. His friend told him everything. 9. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly. 10. They have recently built a huge plant in the town of N. 11. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 12. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 13. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre. 14. He gave his patient some good advice. 15. Mary has told me the news. 16. The people looked at the little boy with interest.17. They examined the paper attentively. 18. Mother is teaching her daughter to cook now.  


18. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы вPassiveVoice.

1. I am sure I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow. 2. They told me that the new student highly (to speak) of. 3. The hostess said that one more guest (to expect). 4. The newspaper said that an interesting exhibition (to open) at the Hermitage the next week. 5. This new dictionary (to sell) everywhere now. 6. All the texts (to look) through yesterday find not a single mistake (to find). 7. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories (to make) in our group last month. Both of them were very informative. 8. He said that Grandmother’s let­ter (to receive) the day before. 9. Two new engineers just (to introduce) to the head of the department.10. Don’t worry, everything will be all right: the chil­dren (to take) to the theatre by the teacher and they (to bring) back to school in the evening.



Упр. 1

  1. This room hasn’t been used for ages.

  2. The keys will be given you tomorrow.

  3. Dr Johnson is being interviewed at the moment.

  4. By the time I arrived, all your letters had been already opened.

  5. The problems of the family are usually talked briefly at dinner time.

Упр. 2

  1. c

  2. a

  3. a

  4. a

  5. b

  6. c

  7. a

  8. c

  9. b

  10. a

Упр. 3

  1. with

  2. by

  3. by

  4. with

  5. by

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