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  • Стеллерова (морская) корова

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  • Стеллерова корова. The Stellers sea cow

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    The Steller’s sea cow

    1. The Steller's sea cow was a large marine mammal that was found in abundance in the North Pacific. These enormous animals were closely related to the dugong and the manatee still found grazing in the oceans today, but were of considerable size at between eight and nine meters in length.

    2. The Steller's sea cow was first discovered in 1741 by explorers that ventured into parts of the Arctic Circle. When they were first recorded, the Steller's sea cow was said to be living in abundance in the North Pacific, however in less than 20 years of human contact, the Steller's sea cow had disappeared from the ocean completely.

    3. Steller's sea cows were large herbivores that had a seal-like appearance with a tail which resembled that of a whale. The Steller's sea cow was named after George Steller who discovered the animal and who described it: "The animal never comes out on shore, but always lives in the water. Its skin is black and thick, like the bark of an old oak, its head in proportion to the body is small, it has no teeth, but only two flat white bones one above, the other below".

    4. The Steller's sea cow was said to be a tame animal that spend most of it's time concerning itself with munching on kelp, which is possibly what made it so vulnerable later on. However, the Steller's sea cow was also said to be unable to submerge it's enormous body fully underwater making it an easy spot for human hunters.

    5. The Steller's sea cow was a herbivorous animal that would have had a very similar diet to the dugong and manatees still extant today. This toothless animal would have spent the majority of its time grazing on kelp, sea weed and other aquatic grasses that grow in the shallows of the oceans.

    6. Before being discovered by humans, the Steller's sea cow would have had very few predators within it's watery world. Large shark species would have been the only predators able to tackle such an enormous meal, but non were more successful at hunting this enormous sea cow than humans who wiped out the entire species in just 17 years.

    7. The Steller's sea cow would have mated and given birth to it's calf in the water (as these marine mammals do not go onto the land). In much the same way as it's smaller cousins, the female Steller's sea cow would have given birth to a single calf after a gestation period that probably lasted well over a year. The sea cow calf would of remained with it's mother until it was strong enough to become independent.

    8. Sadly, these remarkable giants of the sea, where wiped out by human hunters almost instantly after having been discovered by explorers. Today, it's smaller cousins are also under serious threat in their native habitats from over-hunting and increasing levels of pollution in the water.

    Стеллерова (морская) корова

    1. Стеллерова корова была крупным морским млекопитающим, которое было найдено в изобилии в северной части Тихого океана. Эти огромные животные были похожи на дюгоней и ламантин, что еще пасутся в океанах на сегодняшний день, но были гораздо больше в размерах - между восемью и девятью метрами в длину.
    2. Стеллерова корова была впервые замечена в 1741 году исследователями, которые отважились побывать на Полярном круге. Этих животных назвали «стеллеровыми коровами», которые живут в большом количестве в северной части Тихого океана. Однако менее чем через 20 лет контакта с людьми стеллерова морская корова исчезла из океана полностью.
    3. Стеллеровы коровы были травоядными, внешний вид которых напоминал кита: плотные животные с хвостом. Животное было названо в честь Георга Стеллера, который обнаружил животное и описал его: "зверь никогда не выходит на берег и живет в воде. Его черная кожа толста, как кора старого дуба; голова по сравнению с телом мала. У него нет зубов, но имеются две плоские белые кости – одна выше другой".
    4. Стеллерова корова могла быть приручена. Большую часть своего времени она поедала ламинарии, что, возможно, сделало ее такой уязвимой в дальнейшем. Также описывающие это млекопитающее люди писали, что «животное не может погрузить свое огромное тело полностью под воду». Это так же сделало его легкодоступным для охотников.
    5. Cтеллерова корова была травоядным животным, что делало ее очень похожей на дюгоней и ламантинов, которые все еще существуют на сегодняшний день. Это беззубое животное проводило большую часть своей жизни, поедая ламинарии, морские водоросли и другие водные растения, которые растут на мелководье океанов.
    6. Прежде чем быть обнаруженными людьми, стеллеровы коровы имели очень мало естественных врагов в своей родной среде обитания. Крупные виды акул не были способны справиться со столь огромными животными, но люди были более успешны в охоте на этих больших морских коров и уничтожили весь вид всего за семнадцать лет.
    7. Стеллерова корова рожала детенышей в воде, так как эти морские млекопитающие не выходили на сушу. Схожим образом с другими представителями своего отряда, самка морской коровы рожала одного детеныша. Беременность, вероятно, длилась более года. Детеныш оставался с матерью, пока не становился достаточно взрослым, чтобы быть способным выживать одному.
    8. К сожалению, эти замечательные гиганты моря были уничтожены охотниками почти сразу после того, как были обнаружены исследователями. Сегодня их сородичи также находятся под серьезной угрозой из-за охоты на них и повышения уровня загрязнения в воде.

    Анализ статьи

    I. a). The text about is Steller’s sea cows, it way of life and tragedy what happened to them. The idea of this text – talk about this large marine mammals.
    b). The text on to say what ate this animal, where lives, how were discovered, and why it died.
    d). Finally the text to give some information that all sea cows were wiped out, and it's smaller cousins are also under serious threat.
    e). The author comes to the conclusion that deplores the destruction of the Steller’s sea cow. I think that because the author almost every paragraph write about credulity, byway sea cows and of the extinction.
    g). A proposal from which we learn about habitat sea cow is first proposal in the text. The main proposals is description sea cow by Georg Steller and that it was wiped out.
    h). Interesting information is lifestyle the Steller’s sea cow, where lives and who it discovered.
    i). Key words in the text is “Steller’s sea cow”, “hunters ”, “wiped out”, “ate”, “living in”, “appearance”.
    j). Think over these fact is extinction sea cow.
    k). Fact do was we learn from the article – wiped out by human hunters almost instantly after having been discovered by explorers. You can find the fact that show in second paragraph in the text.
    Main fact in the text – description sea cow by Georg Steller. We can find the fact that show in third paragraph in the article. The key words is “Georg Steller”, ”described”,” never comes out on shore”, ”lives in the water”, skin is black and thick”, ”has no teeth”.

    Незнакомые слова:
    abundance – изобилие
    grazing – пастбище
    considerable – значительный
    however – однако
    disappear – исчезать
    herbivores – травоядные
    appearance – появление
    described – описал
    shore – берег
    below – ниже
    tame – приручать
    vulnerable – уязвимый
    unable – не в состоянии
    gestation – беременность
    enormous – огромный

    III. PLAN.
    a). 1. A large marine mammal.
    2. A first meeting.
    3. An appearance.
    4. A vulnerable animal.
    5. A herbivorous animal.
    6. Hunting them.
    7. Procreation.
    8. The destruction and threat.

    b). 1. The Steller's sea cow was a large marine mammal – between eight and nine meters in length.
    2. The Steller's sea cow was first discovered in abundance in the North Pacific.
    3. Description sea cow by Georg Steller.
    4. The Steller's sea cow is vulnerable animal.
    5. The Steller's sea cow is a herbivorous animal.
    6. Natural enemies sea cow’s.
    7. About pregnancy and babes sea cow’s.
    8. The Steller’s sea cow wiped out by human hunters.

    c). 1. How big is sea cow?
    2. Where was discovered the Steller’s sea cow?
    3. How was described sea cow Georg Steller?
    4. Why sea cow is vulnerable animal?
    5. Why was ate the Steller’s cow?
    6. Who was hanted on it?
    7. How bring offspring sea cow?
    8. What happened with sea cows?

    IV. a). 1. The Steller's sea cow was a large marine mammal that was found in abundance in the North Pacific. These enormous animals were closely related to the dugong and the manatee, but were of considerable size.
    2. The Steller's sea cow was first discovered in abundance in 1741. However in less than 20 years of human contact, the Steller's sea cow had disappeared from the ocean completely.
    3. The Steller's sea cow was named after George Steller who discovered the animal and who described it.
    4. The Steller’s sea cow spend most of it's time concerning itself with munching on kelp, which is possibly what made it so vulnerable later on. It was also unable to submerge it's enormous body fully underwater making it an easy spot for human hunters.
    5. The Steller's sea cow was a herbivorous animal. This toothless animal would have spent the majority of its time grazing on kelp, sea weed and other aquatic grasses.
    6. The Sea cow would have had very few predators. Large shark species would have been the only predators, but non were more successful at hunting this enormous sea cow than humans who wiped out the entire species in just 17 years.
    7. The Steller's sea cow would have mated and given birth to it's calf in the water. The female Steller's sea cow would have given birth to a single calf. The sea cow calf would of remained with it's mother until it was strong enough to become independent.
    8. These remarkable giants of the sea, where wiped out by human hunters almost instantly after having been discovered by explorers.

    b). 1. A large marine mammal.
    2. A first meeting.
    3. An appearance.
    4. A vulnerable animal.
    5. A herbivorous animal.
    6. Hunting them.
    7. Procreation.
    8. The destruction and threat.


    I. 1. The text is taken from the website.
    2. The article is headlined “The Stelles’s sea cow”.
    3. The author of the text is unknow.
    4. It was published in 5/17/2013.
    II. 1. The object of this paper is to show destruction of animals, and the need for protection of surviving animals.
    2. The purpose of the article is to give some information on life the Steller’s cows and it extinction.
    III. 1. The paper provides information on lifestyle sea cow and their death.
    2. The article is devoted to the Steller’s sea cows.
    3.The article touches upon the problem of the extinction of animals.
    IV. 1. The article begins with a short discussion on they were found where the Steller’s sea cows.
    2. The first paragraph deals with the large size of these animals.
    3. The author writes that sea cow were at between eight and nine meters in length.
    V. 1. Further the author reports when and who was first discovered the Steller's sea cow.
    2. The article goes on to say that Georg Steller discovered the animal and who described it.
    3. Then follows a discussion on what ate sea cow.
    4. Then the author goes on to the problem of natural enemies and that man was the real threat the Steller’s sea cow.
    5. The next paragraph deals with the cubs sea cow’s were born.
    6. After discussing about childbirth the author turns to the Steller’s sea cows were wiped out by human hunters almost instantly after having been discovered by explorers.
    VI. 1. Finally the author admits that sea cows were remarkable giants of the sea, but people destroyed it.
    VII. I think that the article very good, because sea cow was really wonderful animal and I regret that this animal died.
    The article is interesting because since now only in the text we can know about the Steller’s sea cows.

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