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ТипУчебное пособие
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5. Correct the sentences:

1. The right to education is guaranteed by the Parliament.

2. Senior Forms prepare students for the job.

3. Secondary school gives students basic knowledge in Music, Physical Training, Drawing, Arts.

4. At the end of the 11th form students take Unified State Examinations and receive “Certificate of General Secondary Education”.

5. The school education in our country is not compulsory.

6. Universities and Academies usually have educational programs allowing students to graduate with Master’s degree after 4 years of studying.

7. Private schools and universities have to pay the students for their education.

6. Find close synonyms to the words.

1. professional -_______________

2. establishment - _____________

3. learning - ______________

4. form - _________________
7. Find antonyms to the words.

1. before - ______________

2. duty - ________________

3. public education - ___________

4. required -________________

5. pupils - _______________

6. receive - ______________

8. Read the text again and complete the sentences choosing the right variant (a, b or c).

1. Pupils begin to go to school…..
a. at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

b. at the age of six or seven.

c. at the age of sixty or seventy.

2. When they complete senior grades they can….
a. repeat some years if they need better results.

b. continue their education in universities and academies.

c. continue to study at school for more 2 years or go to a professional school.

3. Pre-school education….
a. is compulsory.

b. is useless.

c. is voluntary.
4. Studying in most schools ….
a. is fee-paying.

b. is expensive.

c. is free of charge.
5. After the 11th form pupils …..
a. may cheat in Unified State Examination.

b. don’t have to pass Unified State Examination.

c. mustn’t fail Unified State Examination to enter any higher educational establishment.
9. Answer the questions.

1. What age do children attend nurseries?

2. What age do children attend kindergartens?

3. What age do children begin school?

4. What subjects do pupils study at primary school?

5. What sciences do pupils study at a secondary school?

6. What can children do after finishing the 9th form?

7. What can young people do after finishing the 11th grade?

8. What exams must school graduates pass after finishing 11th form?

9. What degree can students earn after 4 years of studying at university?

10. Do students in our country pay for education?

The system of education in Great Britain includes: pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and further or higher education.

Pre-school education begins at the age of 3 or 4. It is not compulsory. About half of children at this age attend nursery schools. They need care as well as education. That is why kids play a lot at nursery schools and learn to listen attentively and behave.

Education in Britain is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in England, Wales and Scotland and at 4 in Northern Ireland. Children start their school career in an infant school. They are taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, dancing and singing. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, dancing and singing. When they are 7 pupils move to a junior school which lasts four years till they are 11. They study a lot of subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography along with Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education.

Secondary education begins at 11. There are different types of schools in GB: Grammar, Modern, Comprehensive.

Grammar schools provide an academic course from 11 to 18. They prepare pupils for colleges and universities.

Modern schools give children a very limited education. Pupils get instructions in woodwork, metalwork, shorthand, typing and cooking. After finishing a modern school pupils become an unskilled worker.

The majority of secondary schools are Comprehensive schools. They have their own “Grammar school” classes and “Modern classes”.

Most of children (over 90 per cent) go to state schools where education is free. Only a small proportion of them attend private (Public) or independent schools. The fees are high and only some families can afford it. The most notable Public schools are Eton, Harrow, Winchester and Rugby.

At about 16 school children take some exams and coursework to get General Certificate of Education. Those who choose to stay on at school usually study for two more years to pass A-level (Advanced level) exams. These exams give them a chance to enter the university.

1. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word-combinations, learn the vocabulary:

1. primary education

2. further or higher education

3. infant school

4. junior school

5. grammar school

6. modern school

7. comprehensive school

8. shorthand

9. public school

10. A-level (Advanced level) exams

11. unskilled worker
2. Put in the right preposition

1. Compulsory primary education begins ___ the age ___ 5 in England, Wales and Scotland and ___ 4 ___ Northern Ireland.

2. Secondary education begins ___ 11.

3. Grammar schools prepare pupils ___colleges and universities.

4. Pupils get instructions ___ woodwork, metalwork, shorthand, typing and cooking.

5. Pupils who choose to stay ___ ___ school usually study for two more years.

6. When children are 7 they move ___ a junior school.
3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. nursery education

a. A school for young people between the ages of 11 and 18 who are good at academic subjects.

2. primary education

b. Education for children between the ages of about 2 and 5.

3. infant school

c. A secondary school for young people of all levels of ability.

4. junior school

d. An area of knowledge studied in a school.

5. comprehensive school

e. A state secondary school with nonacademic curriculum.

6. modern school

f. A school for children between the ages of 7 and 11.

7. grammar school

g. Education for children between the ages of 11 and 18.

8. secondary education

h. A school for children between the ages of 4 and 7.

9. subject

i. Education for children between the ages of 5 and 11.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. The system of education in Great Britain includes: …..

2. Pre-school education begins at …...

3. Compulsory primary education begins at ….

4. When they are 7 pupils move to ….

5. Most of children go to state ….

6. Only a small proportion of them ….

7. The most notable Public schools ….

8. Grammar schools provide ….

9. The majority of secondary schools ….

10. Modern schools give ….

11. At about 16 school children ….
5. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant (a, b or c).

1. Children attend ______ school at 3.

a. grammar b. nursery c. primary
2. Compulsory primary education begins at 4 in ______.

a. Northern Ireland b. England c. Wales
3. Children start their school career in a __________.

a. junior school b. infant school c. secondary school
4. The pupils move to a junior school at ___________ .

a. 5 b. 7 c. 11
5. Most children go to ___________ .

a. independent schools b. state schools c. public schools
6. _________ education begins at 11.

a. Secondary b. Further c. Compulsory
7. Grammar schools provide ____________ .

a. coursework b. academic c. limited education
8. At around 16 years old teenagers take some exams and coursework and get ___.

a. money b. diploma c. General Certificate of Education
6. Find close synonyms to the words.
1. move to -_______________

2. independent school - _____________

3. small children - ______________

4. science - _________________
7. Find antonyms to the words.
1. academic education - ______________

2. fee-paying - ________________

3. a small proportion - ___________

4. listen -________________
8. Read the text about education in Britain. Complete the gaps with the best form of the word in brackets. There may be some words that you don’t have to change. First decide what part of speech the missing word should be (verb, noun, adjective, etc.), then think about what different forms there are of the words that you’re given.

In Britain, ______ (EDUCATE) is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. At the age of five, children start primary school. Then, at the age of eleven, they begin ____ (THEY) secondary education. Most children go to state schools, and only about 7% ____ (ATTEND) fee-paying private schools. A school year is ____ (DIVIDE) into tree terms. ____ (NEAR) all schools work a five-day week and they are closed on Saturdays. The day ____ (START) at nine and finishes between three and four. There is a lunch break which usually lasts about an hour and a quarter. A ____ (TYPE) timetable includes English, Science, Maths, History< Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education and foreign languages. A lot of schools offer a range of after-school ____ (ACTIVE) such as choir, drama, and trips to ____ (INTEREST) places.

Young people are expected to show respect for their teachers and obey school rules. Students who ____ (BEHAVE) ill risk being excluded from school.

The main exams are GCSEs (school-leaving exams at 16), and A-levels (university entrance exams at 18). University students ____ (GRADUATE) after ____ (CONPLETE) their first degree, usually in three years. Many students then continue their ____ (STUDY) for a Master’s degree, or PhD.

9. Answer the questions.

1. What stages does the system of education in Great Britain consist of?

2. At what age does the pre-school education begin in England?

3. At what age does the compulsory primary education begin in England, Wales? Scotland and Northern Ireland?

4. What subjects are taught in the infant school?

5. How long does the junior school last?

6. What subjects do the pupils study there?

7. What’s the difference between state and private schools?

8. At what age does secondary education begin in GB?

9. What types of secondary schools are there?

10. What education do Grammar and Modern schools provide?

11. What exams must be taken to enter a university in GB?


Read the article and label the paragraphs with their headings:

* advantages and examples

* disadvantages and examples

* summary and writer’s opinion

* introductory remarks
Pros and Cons of Parents Educating Children at Home
As everyone is aware, the law in most countries nowadays demands that all children receive an education. However, did you know that a number of parents make special arrangements to educate their children at home? This happens mainly in cases where the child has serious health problems or learning difficulties, or is especially gifted.

Whatever the reason, there are certainly some advantages to educating children at home. First, they can learn at their own speed, spending more time on the subjects which they find difficult. What is more, it is easier for them to concentrate since they don’t have the distraction of noisy classmates. Finally, they learn more in a one-to one situation, as they get the full attention of the teacher.

On the other hand, learning at home is not without major drawbacks. For one thing, children who do not go to school lack experience at making friends with other children. As a result, they do not learn the social skills needed in later life. Moreover, they are less motivated to work hard, because they have no one to compare their progress with and to compete against.

All things considered, I firmly believe children should go to school. Education is not only a matter of learning facts and figures – children also need to learn how to get along with others, and to develop their personalities. I feel they can only do this by mixing with other children in a school environment.
Read the points about children being educated at home and mark each point as P (pro) and C (con). Make your reasons.

lack experience at making friends ____________

lean at their own speed ____________________

concentrate better (no distractions) ___________

don’t develop social skills __________________

can/t compare progress with others ___________

get teacher’s full attention __________________

Read the Text. Match the paragraphs (1–7) with the best paragraph headings (A–F). One heading is not needed.
1. What is the essential piece of uniform?

2. How can one choose the place to learn?

3. How do people continue keeping the tradition?

4. Why is it never too late to learn?

5. How does “learn and play” technique work in the Dublin College of English?

6. What are the advantages of learning together?

7. Which subject is less popular?
a. Christ’s Hospital school was founded in the 16th century. Its uniform at that time consisted of a long blue coat, a leather belt and yellow socks. Today students still wear the same uniform because they think it’s a symbol that unites them. There was some talk about making the uniform more modern but it e=was decided to keep the original uniform.

b. The Dublin College of English offers one, two or three week Football and English Programs. They are for young people who are interested in both learning English with native speakers and practicing football. The students enjoy the friendly, inspiring atmosphere in the classrooms, after which they improve their skills on the school football pitch.

c. Harrow is a prestigious boy’s school in northern London with a strict uniform policy. You can easily recognize a Harrow student by his hat, which is part of the uniform. All boys have to wear their hats every day when going to or from lessons. Some students are allowed to wear a different scarf, tie or jumper but the hat should always be there. Wearing it remains a must.

d. One of the recent trends is the growing number of elderly students in universities and colleges. It is believed that the elderly and the young can benefit from studying in a mixed class. The older ones are quicker at detailed and logical tasks. On the other hand, younger students can often help the older classmates with new gadgets and technologies.

e. When it comes to studying English abroad, try to get as much information about the school as possible. Asking the right questions will help you save money, time, and avoid culture shock. Remember that the school should provide you both with good teaching and with an unforgettable experience so besides everyday classes, social activities should be part of the program.

f. In most British schools children start studying a foreign language at 11, but many are happy to give up languages completely at 14. Research suggests that students think that it is more difficult to get good marks in Modern Foreign Languages than in other subjects such as Science or History. They say that foreign languages are less fun than other lessons like PE or Art.









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