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  • Юридические сводки

  • Exercise 27 Critical thinking.

  • Official

  • Англ. Unit 4 for 22. 09. 21 Exercise 26 a Read the text, translate the words in bold type

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    НазваниеUnit 4 for 22. 09. 21 Exercise 26 a Read the text, translate the words in bold type
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    Unit 4 for 22.09.21

    Exercise 26

    a) Read the text, translate the words in bold type.

    A: Доброе утро, Джеймс. Я смотрю, суд назначил тебе дату судебного разбирательства.

    B: Да, Гарри. 7 апреля. Мы усердно готовимся.

    A: Вижу, у тебя куча сводок.

    B: Да, это очень важное дело для нас. Юридические сводки в верхней папке; записки «друга суда» – во второй. Есть объемная записка от Американского союза защиты гражданских свобод.

    A: Хорошо, я позабочусь, чтобы они дошли до нужных должностных лиц.

    B: Отлично, спасибо!

    A: А сводки заслуг ты тоже уже подал?

    B: Еще нет, мы должны подать их в пятницу, поэтому я надеюсь принести их до четверга.

    A: Тогда увидимся ближе к концу недели.

    B: До встречи. Еще раз спасибо.
    A: Good morning, James. I see that the court date has been set for your trial.

    B: Yes, Harry. seventh of April. We are working hard to prepare.

    А: I see, that you have a big stack of briefs

    В: Yes, This is a very important case for us. There are legal briefs in the top folder, amicus briefs are in second folder. There is a quite large brief from the American Civil Liberties Union.

    А: Well, I will sure that they get to the right officials.
    В: Perfect, thank you.
    А: Have you filed merit briefs as well?
    В: Still no, we should to file them on Friday, so I am planning to bring them before Thursday
    А: Then I'll see you near the end of the week.
    В: See you soon. Thank you again.
    b) Answer the questions in writing.

    1) What’s the date of the trial?

    The date of the trial is the seventh of April.

    2) What briefs are in the top folder?

    Legal briefs in the top folder

    3) What is Harry going to make sure of?

    Harry going to make sure that briefs get to the right officials.

    4) When is James going to file the merit briefs?

    James going to file the merit briefs on Friday

    5) When did James and Harry agree to meet again?

    James and Harry agree to meet again near the end of the week.
    c) Read the sentences and correct the mistakes if they have any.

    1) The trial date is not set yet.

    Еhe trial date is set for the seventh of April

    2) The top folder contains the legal briefs.

    3) The merit briefs have been filed.

    The merit briefs have not been filed

    4) James has a lot of briefs as well.

    5) The briefs must be filed before Thursday.

    The briefs must be filed on Friday.
    d) Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative forms and write wh- questions.

    1) Мы усердно работаем, чтобы подготовиться

    +We are working hard to prepare.

    -We are not working hard to prepare.

    ? Are we working hard to prepare?
    2) Это очень важно дело для нас

    +This is a very important case for us.

    - This is not a very important case for us.

    ? Is this a very important case for us?
    3) Я позабочусь, чтобы они дошли до нужных должностных лиц

    +I will ensure they get to the right officials.

    - I will not ensure they get to the right officials.

    ? What you will ensure of?
    4) Записки «друга суда» на второй полке.

    +Amicus briefs are in the second folder.

    - Amicus briefs are not in the second folder.

    ? Are amicus briefs in the second folder?
    5) Я оправил сводки заслуг

    +I have filed the merit briefs.

    - I have not filed the merit briefs.

    ? What you have filed?
    Exercise 27

    Critical thinking.

    1) What do legal documents include?

    I think, that legal documents include five types of briefs: legal briefs, trial briefs, merit briefs, amicus briefs and sometimes appellate briefs.

    2) What documents are of great preference according to your opinion?

    I think, that legal briefs are of great preference, because they have specific reasons why the court should rule in its favor. Also, I can say, that only legal briefs are the basis for the beginning of the trial.

    Official: Good morning, Sam. I see that the court date has been set for your trial.

    Paralegal: Morning, Pamela. Yes, we are working hard to prepare.

    Official: This is quite a big stack of briefs.

    Paralegal: There are quite a few. This is an important case for us.

    Official: I can tell.

    Paralegal: There are legal briefs in the top folder. Amicus briefs are in the second folder.

    Official: Okay. I will make sure that they get to the right officials.

    Paralegal: Perfect.

    Official: Have you filed merit briefs as well?

    Paralegal: We have a few days left to file them. I am planning to bring those in on Friday.

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