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  • Упражнение 2 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление (the) other(s), another

  • Упражнение 3 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление (a) few, (a) little

  • Упражнение 4 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление enough

  • Упражнение 5 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление there is (there are)

  • англ. задание 2. Упражнение 1 Часть 2 Практика перевода Упражнения на перевод

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    Упражнение 1

    Часть 2 Практика перевода Упражнения на перевод

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление числительных и существительных:

    1. She gave me another five hundred dollars and the name and phone number of a woman in New York through whom I could get work (R.Foster).

    Она дала мне еще пятьсот долларов, а также имя и номер телефона женщины в Нью-Йорке, через которую я мог получить работу.

    1. Jones rose from the table two thousand dollars the richer. Even then he was moderate in victory. He offered his opponent his revenge and lost five hundred and a few odd dollars (Gr.Greene).

    Джонс встал со стола на две тысячи долларов богаче. Даже тогда он был умеренным в победе. Он предложил своему противнику отомстить и проиграл пятьсот несколько долларов.

    1. There are twenty-one thousand francs for you (J.D.Carr)

    Есть для вас двадцать одна тысяча франков.

    1. You have blamed me a million times because I can’t give you a child (G. Gordon).

    Ты винил меня миллион раз, потому что я не могу дать тебе ребенка.

    1. Nora was giving her first showing of the work she had done in the twenty one months since we had been at war (H.Robbins).

    Нора впервые показала работу, которую она проделала за двадцать один месяц с тех пор, как мы были на войне.

    1. If she wanted to marry just to be married there were a dozen boys who would jump at the chance (W.S.Maugham).

    Если бы она хотела выйти замуж только для того, чтобы выйти замуж, было бы дюжина парней, которые бы ухватились за шанс.

    1. On a chicken farm where hundreds and even thousands of chickens come out of eggs surprising things sometimes happen (Sh.Anderson).

    На куриной ферме, где из яиц выходят сотни и даже тысячи кур, иногда случаются удивительные вещи.

    1. That is one of the most interesting parts of the story (A.Christie).

    Это одна из самых интересных частей истории.

    1. A couple of constables were examining the windows and the geranium beds (A.C.Doyle).

    Пара констеблей осматривали окна и гераниевые кровати...

    1. The number of rooms was alarming. The both perceived instantly, though neither of them mentioned it, that Christine’s few pieces would barely furnish two of these apartments (A.Cronin).

    Количество номеров вызывало тревогу. Обе сразу же поняли, хотя ни одна из них не упоминала об этом, что несколько квартир Кристины едва ли смогут обставить две из них.

    1. How many of these places have you seen?” he demanded. “All of them – a thousand times” (M.Wilson).

    "Как много из этих мест вы видели?" - потребовал он. "Всех их - тысячу раз"

    1. When he’s finished his chorus and the band’s having a turn Conroy starts to prance about the stage, twisting and shaking himself as though he’s got half a dozen scorpions up his vest (St.Barstow).

    Когда он заканчивает припев и группа поворачивается, Конрой начинает танцевать на сцене, крутясь и тряся, как будто у него в жилете полдюжины скорпионов.


      • Remember that in English, unlike Russian, nouns modified by the numerals twenty-three, thirty-five, etc are used in the plural. Compare: twenty-one books – двадцатьоднакнига, forty one years – сорокодингод.

      • The word couple is always followed by an of phrase.

      • Remember not to use the preposition of after forms like a dozen, three hundred, four thousand, sixteen million and others, where the words dozen, hundred, thousand, million are in the singular.

      • Remember to use preposition of after the plural forms of the same words:

    dozens of, hundreds of, thousand of, millions of.
    Упражнение 2

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление (the) other(s), another:

    1. We sat there in silence for maybe another five minutes and then a cab stopped up on Alton Road (R.Foster).

    2. Andrew couldn’t utter another word (A.Cronin).

    3. Life itself had come to have no other meaning (K.Mansfield).

    4. You‘ll marry again. You’ll have other children, too. You have had one success with Pip. You’ll have no others (M.Dickens).

    5. Another minute and they were there (A.Cronin).

    6. Rain, rain, go away, come again another day (A nurseryrhyme).

    7. All the other candidates looked far more likely to be successful than himself (A.Cronin).

    8. Oh, dear how hard it was it was to be indifferent like the others (K. Mansfield).

    9. Oh, don’t mind me. I’ve got other plans for Sunday (M.Dickens).

    10. If he couldn’t find another job, how was he to live (A.Cronin).


      • Remember that another generally modifies nouns in the singular (with the exception of another four days, and the like).

      • The other (some other, any other, no other) may apply to nouns both in the singular and in the plural while other is used only with nouns in the plural.

    Упражнение 3

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление (a) few, (a) little:

    1. The politeness with which she treated you was exasperating because you could not but feel how little interest she took in you (W.S.Maugham).

    2. Yes he was here. He left a few minutes ago (I.Murdoch).

    3. His dreams were so simple, his wants so few (Th.Dreiser).

    4. In July there were fewer and fewer lectures, because everyone had to help with the haymaking (M.Dickens).

    5. His hair was not grey at all, oh, there were a few white hairs on the temple, but they were becoming (W.S.Maugham).

    6. I could catch only a few of the melancholy words (Gr.Greene).

    7. She knew him very little then (W.S.Maugham).

    8. Few people were about (A.Cronin).

    9. There are few things better to eat than a potato baked in its skin, with plenty of butter, pepper and salt (W.S.Maugham).

    10. Little of the conversation had much meaning for George (J.O’Hara).


      • Remember that few (fewer) and a few may be used only with countable nouns in the plural, while little (less) and a little are used only with uncountable nouns in the singular.

      • Remember that the use of the indefinite article before few or little makes their meanings different, for example: Do you know many people who speak Spanish? Yes, I know a few. No, I knowfew.

    Few and little are used in the negative sense: few means “not many, a small number”; little means “not much, a small quantity, in a small degree”.

    A few and a little are used in the positive sense: a few means “several”, a little means “some, but not much”.

      • Quite a few means “a good many”, “a considerable number”.

    Упражнение 4

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление enough:

    1. I suddenly thought for once in my life I shall have enough canna lilies (K.Mansfield).

    2. Will you take the advice of a woman old enough to be your mother (A.Cronin).

    3. There was just enough water to soak the sponge (K.Mansfield).

    4. He isn’t strong enough (E. O’Neill).

    5. Isn’t my work good enough for you, Doctor Manson (A.Cronin).

    6. He wasn’t well enough for visitors (M. Dickens).

    7. Maybe you’ll be kind enough to explain this (A.Cronin).

    8. That’s easy enough, in theory (J.D.Carr).

    9. As if we hadn’t enough worries of our own (A.Cronin).

    10. I don’t fancy it,” he said. “Not conspicuous enough” (K. Mansfield).

    11. Yes”, she said, not quickly enough to please him (A.Cronin).

    12. You could see your way well enough if you were sober (E. O’ Neill).


      • Normally, the word enough precedes nouns and follows adjectives and nouns.

    Упражнение 5

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление there is (there are) в отрицательных конструкциях:

    1. There’s nothing to be done about what has already happened (E. Caldwell).

    2. I obeyed, there wasn’t anything else to do under the circumstances (R. Foster).

    3. He was asking if there was any bacon, and there wasn’t any (J.P. Marquand).

    4. She was always the wife of George Lockwood, so much so that in the two towns there were not a dozen women and not a man who called her by her first name (J.O’Hara).

    5. I went into the office and called my answering service. There were no messages (R.Foster).

    6. We can’t keep people from talking. There is no way in the world to put an end to such a talk (E. Caldwell).

    7. There wasn’t much else to say (H.Robbins)

    8. He felt happy now. There was not anything that was irrevocable (E. Hemingway).

    9. There was no time to find out what was going on (R.Foster).

    10. There aren’t many things you really want, are there?” “Not many”, she said (J.O’Hara).

    11. There wasn’t too much time, but this time I didn’t hurry (R.Foster).

    12. There are not many people who’ve had the experiences I have had in one way and another (W. S.Maugham).


      • The negation no is never followed by a noun with an article; nor is it followed by the pronouns any (anyone, anything, anybody), some (something, somebody), none (nothing, nobody), another; by the adjectives many, much, few, little, enough, single. Normally, it is followed by a noun without any article. The noun may be modified by an adjective or the pronoun other.

      • The negation not is not followed by the pronouns other, some, something, somebody. The negation not may be followed by the pronouns any, any other, another, anything, anyone, anybody; the adjectives many, much, few, little, enough, (a) single; the numerals one, two, three, etc. Many, much, few, little can be modified by so or very.

      • If the negation not is followed by a noun with the indefinite article, it generally means “not a single”. Compare:

    There are no clouds in the sky. На небе нет облаков. There is not a cloud in the sky. На небе ни облака.

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