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Навигация по странице:

  • Время (мин.) Действия учителя Действия учащихся Оборудование и наглядность

  • 3. Сообщение темы, постановка цели и задач урока.

  • 5. Закрепление лексики Волшебный портфель The Magic bag

  • Закрепление навыка диалогической речи.

  • 7. Составление предложений. Введение слов Must and mustn ’ t

  • I like my school because…

  • Презентация Слайд 1 0 3 9. Развитие навыка говорения

  • Презентация Слайд 12 Слайд 1 3 5

  • Did you like this lesson What can you do

  • Выставление отметок .

  • Презентация Слайд 16 запись домашнего задания. Task №1 Customer: Good morning!

  • It’s

  • открытый урок английский язык 5 класс. урок 5 класс. Урок английского языка в 5 классе Тема School is cool Обучающие

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    Открытый урок английского языка в 5 классе

    Тема: School is cool


    • повторить и закрепить правила произношения некоторых звуков английского языка на примере лексики по теме “School” (звуки);

    • повторить, закрепить основные лексические единицы по теме“School”

    • повторить, закрепить основные грамматические структуры по теме“School” ” (обороты there is/ there are);

    • - Понимать при чтении и аудировании тексты, построенные на знакомом и изучаемом языковом материале.

    • научить построению целостных высказываний по теме “School”

    • - адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач, строить монологическое высказывание, владеть диалогической формой речи

    • понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников; небольшие сообщения, построенные на знакомом языковом материале.

    • применять изученные грамматические правила в процессе общения


    • развивать практические умения и навыки устной речи (монологической и диалогической);

    • развивать практические умения и навыки восприятия речи на слух (речь учителя, аудиозапись, речь одноклассника);

    • развивать практические умения и навыки чтения;

    Ход урока

    Время (мин.)

    Действия учителя

    Действия учащихся

    Оборудование и наглядность




    1. Организационный момент.


    Helloboysandgirls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.
    I’ll be your English teacher today. My name is I.N.

    What’s your name?

    Приветствуют учителя.

    Проверяют готовность к уроку, наличие всего необходимого.

    Good morning, good morning 
    Good morning to you! 
    Good morning, Good morning, 
    We are glad to see you. 


      Слайд 1


    2. Настрой на урок

    What date is it today?

    What day is it today?

    What season is it now?

    Right you are.

    What’s the weather like today?

    Thank you. Andrey, do you like winter?

    What time is it?
    Draw the hands of clock, please.

    And mark( put a tick) your feeling with a smiley face

    Отметьте, какой смайлик соответствует их настроению
    Today we will have a very interesting lesson. I have a lot of interesting tasks for you. Are you ready to begin?(ответ детей). Ok, let`s begin.

    It’s spring
    It’s frosty, windy and cold

    Yes, I do.

    It’s half past nine.
    Рисуют стрелки на циферблате.

    Отмечают, какой смайлик соответствует их настроению

    Слайд 2


    Карточки Приложение 1



    3. Сообщение темы, постановка цели и задач урока.
    Now, children, say the theme of our lesson.

    Watch a video and say what the theme of our lesson is.
    What are we going to do at the lesson?

    Участвуют в объявлении темы, цели, задач; помогают переводить речь учителя с английского на русский язык;

    School is fun.
    P1: We are going to speak English.

    P2: We are going to speak about school.

    P3: We are going to remember vocabulary [vəˈkæbjʊlərɪ]

    P4: We are going to read the dialog

    P5: We are going to listen to and answer the questions.

    Слайд 4

    Тема урока написана на доске: “School is fun”.


    4. Фонетическая зарядка (warm-up)

    Let’s have a phonetic drill.

    Хором повторяют звуки и слова за диктором

    [ə] – teacher, computer, sharpener, answer
    [e] – pencil, desk, lesson, question, textbook
    [u:] – school, ruler, two
    [u] – book, textbook, workbook, look, put

    Слайд 3


    5. Закрепление лексики

    Волшебный портфель

    The Magic bag

    Now, children ,answer what is it? Everyone has own school bag. I have a Magic bag. Guess what I have in my bag

    Thank you very much! Good job/

    Вспоминают и называют школьные вещи
    Учитель, достает вещи из портфеля и называют ее.

    It is a pen, pencil, pencil box, crayons, textbook, workbook, ruler, rubber, sharpener, a dictionary


    Слайд 6

    Портфель со школьными вещами: ручка, карандаш, пенал, фломастеры, книга, тетрадь, линейка, ластик, точилка, словарь и игрушка-котенок


    6. Закрепление навыка диалогической речи.

    Разыгрывание речевой ситуации «В магазине»

    Now, children, imagine that you don’t have something you need at school. What should you do? Where can you go?
    Yes, you are right.

    You should go to the shop.

    You don’t have a ruler.

    You don’t have a pencil.
    I am a shop assistant and Nastia is a customer

    Ученики по очереди подходили к столу учителя, приветствуют его и сообщают о том, что они хотят купить.

    We can go to the shop and buy it.

    S: Good morning!

    C : Good morning! How can I help you?

    P: Have you got a ruler?

    Т : Yes, I have.

    P: How much is it?

    T: It’s 10 rubles. Here you are..

    P: Thank you very much.

    T: Not at all.

    P:Good bye.

    T: Good bye.

    Слайд 7

    Магазин «Школьник»


    Ok/ Fine. Now answer the question please. When can you use these school objects?


    ФИЗМИНУТКА Have a rest

    Динамическая пауза.

    ПрезентацияСлайд 8




    7. Составление предложений. Введение слов Must and mustnt

    There are a lot of rules at the school.

    Please, tell me what you must and mustn’t do at school.

    Must and mustn’t

    You…do your homework every day.

    You…climb on the teacher’s table.

    You…keep your desk clean.

    You…take your pet to the lesson.

    You…do what your teacher says.

    You…speak loudly in the classroom.

    You…sleep in the classroom.

    You…answer the teacher’s questions.

    You…translate from English into Russian.

    You…talk with your friend at lessons

    Всегда следуйте этим правилам в школе

    Слайд 9


    8. Развитие навыка говорения

    I’d like to ask you a question: Do you like to go to school or not? Why?

    Answer the question, why do you like your school?


    I like my school because…

    • It is nice.

    • I like to study.

    • There are my friends.

    • It is interesting.

    • I learn new information.

    • It will help me in my future.

    • It is important.

    Предложите свои варианты ответов


    Слайд 10


    9. Развитие навыка говорения

    Tell me

    What’s your favourite subject?

    My favourite school subject is…
    My favourite school subjects are…

    • Math

    • Russian

    • Reading

    • Art

    • Nature

    • English

    • Physical


    • Music

    • Математика

    • Русский язык

    • Литература

    • Изо

    • Природоведение

    • Английский

    • Физкультура

    • Музыка


    Слайд 11


    10. Now, children, tell me, please, what do you usually do at the English lesson?

    Dance, draw pictures, clean, read, help, smile, count, write, listen, play games, ask questions, jump, speak, sing songs, run, sit, stand, answer the questions, discuss, tell, copy, retell, translate from Russia into English, watch, feed, learn, learn by heart


    Слайд 12

    Слайд 13


    11. Try to imagine that you are English teachers. Discuss what you would do at the lesson with your students. Write down your proposals, tell your classmates about them.

    -If I were a teacher, I would write more tests at the lesson.

    - would give only 5.

    - wouldn’t ask homework.

    - would speak English more.

    - would read more then write.

    - wouldn’t translate each words.

    - would play games.


    12. Самостоятельная работа

    Развитие умения и навыка чтения

    We got a letter from Dima, a ten year old schoolboy from Samara. In his letter he described his studies at a foreign summer school.

    Let’s read his letter and answer some questions.

    1. Where did Sasha study in summer?

    2. How much time did he spend in Scotland?

    3. How did he spend three hours in the morning at school?

    4. What did they do at the lessons?

    Групповая работа

    (Текст выведен на экран, также каждому ребёнку раздаётся печатный вариант текста. Читают и переводят вслух по 1 предложению., а затем отвечают на предложенные вопросы).
    Dear pen-friends,
    My name is Sasha. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light.
    In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History.
    Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland.
    I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school.
    Your pen-friend,




    13. Подведение итогов урока.


    That was excellent!

    What time is it?

    Draw the hands of clock, please.
    And mark( put a tick) your feeling with a smiley face

    Did you like this lesson?

    What can you do?

    Clap your hands ,when you think that you worked actively and deserved [dɪˈzɜːvd] «5»

    С помощью наводящих вопросов учителя подводят итог урока.

    Its 7 minutespastten.

    Рисуют стрелки на циферблате.

    Отмечают, какой смайлик соответствует их настроению

    Слайд 15

    Карточки Приложение 1


    11. Инструктаж по домашнему заданию.

    Write short letter to Sasha. You should work in pairs. (Детям раздаются заранее подготовленные письма - “заготовки”, которые им необходимо дополнить.

    Выставление отметок.

    Thank you very much! You were very active. Thank you for your work! The lesson is over! Good bye!

    Слушают объяснение домашнего задания;

    Записывают домашнее задание в дневник.

    Подходят к учителю для выставления отметок.


    Слайд 16

    запись домашнего задания.

    Task №1
    Customer: Good morning!
    Shop assistant: Good morning! How can I help you?
    Customer: Have you got a ruler?
    Shop assistant: Yes, I have.
    Customer: How much is it?
    Shop assistant: It’s 10 rubles. Here it is.
    Customer: Thank you very much.
    Shop assistant: Not at all.
    Customer: Good bye.
    Shop assistant: Good bye.

    Task №2

    Must and mustn’t

    You…………do your homework every day.

    You…………climb on the teacher’s table.

    You…………keep your desk clean.

    You…………take your pet to the lesson.

    You………….do what your teacher says.

    You………….speak loudly in the classroom.

    You………….sleep in the classroom.

    You…………..answer the teacher’s questions.

    You………….translate from English into Russian.

    You………….talk with your friend at lessons

    Task №3
    -If I were a teacher, I would write more tests at the lesson.

                                    -     would give only 5.

                                    -     wouldn’t ask homework.

                                    -     would speak English more.

                                    -     would read more then write.

                                    -     wouldn’t translate each words.

                                    -     would play games.

    Task №4

    Dear pen-friends,

    My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light.

    In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History.

    Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland.

    I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school.

    Your pen-friend,

    Домашнее задание
    Dear Dima,

    We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________.

    We live in ____________ and study at school.

    Our school is _______. There are a lot of __________in our school.

    We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________.

    Our favourite subjects are _______________.

    Your friends,

    ________ and ________

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