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  • Warming up. (

  • Phonetic exercises. (

  • 2) Whilereadingtask. (упражнения на понимания информации)

  • 3. Postreadingtasks (

  • Treatment

  • Trekking

  • Remote

  • V. Подведение итогов занятия и объявление домашнего задания.

  • Why do people travel Give a few reasons!

  • And what types of tourism have you learned

  • Hello! There is not water in my room Of course, let me send someone to have a look. What is your room number Room №261.

  • Урок по дисциплине английский язык на тему " tourism. TYPES OF tourism."

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    НА ТЕМУ:


    Ход занятия:

    I. Организационный момент:

    Good afternoon students! I am glad to see you. Takeyourseats.

    II. Постановка целей и задач урока. Мотивацияучебнойдеятельности.

    T.: First look at the screen! Here you can see some statements. Read them and try to guess what are we going to speak about?

    1. The world is a book: if you don't travel, you read only one page. (Мир это книга: если ты не путешествуешь, ты читаешь только одну страницу.)

    1. Sometimes one day spent in other places may give you more than ten years of living at home. (Иногда день, проведенный в других местах, может дать больше, чем десять лет жизни дома.)

    1. Travelling helps to understand the beauty of the world and the value of time. (Путешествия помогают понять красоту мира и ценность времени.)

    St.:  We’ll speak about the travelling, tourism.

    T.: You are right. Today we continue to speak about tourism.

    Warming up. (Речеваязарядка)

    T: But first of all answer my questions:

    1. Do people like to travel? Why?

    S.: It’s interesting. It’s popular. It’s kind of rest. It means of spending holidays. It helps to understand the beauty of the world.

    2. Where would you go if you had a chance right now?

    S.: - New York. Paris. Egypt. Spain.

    3. And what about you do you like travelling?

    S.: Yes, I do. Yes, we do.

    3.Работастекстом «Tourism. Types of tourism.»

    1)Prereading  task (задание до работы с текстом)

    T: - You know that tourism is very popular now. And there are a lot of types of tourism today. Now look at the screen. Let’s train some useful words and word combinations.  Repeatthemafterme. (на экране слова и выражения по теме туризм, виды туризма)

    Phonetic exercises. (Фонетическаязарядка)

    Accommodation, various, landmark, treatment, plastic surgery, environment, pilgrimage, spa, trekking, embark, currency, invention, security, authorities, global, source of income, remote, untouched, beach tourism, package holidays, winter tourism, medical tourism, educational tourism, sports tourism, spa tourism, ecotourism, adventure tourism, religious tourism.  

    2) Whilereadingtask. (упражнения на понимания информации)

    T.: And now prepare your worksheets, we’ll checkup the texts about types of tourists.

    You should answer the following questions using the information from the text.

    1. When do many tourists spend their holidays?

    Many tourists spend their holidays on beaches.

    2. Who organized the first package holidays?

    Organized tours were started in of the 19th century by a British businessman, Thomas Cook.

    3. When and where did winter tourism start?

    Winter tourism started out in the middle of the 19th century when wealthy Europeans went to St. Moritz and other alpine resorts.

    4. Why do some people prefer medical tourism?

    People go to other countries for medical treatment and operations. They go there for dental treatment, for plastic surgery and other operations.

    5. What tourism is for students?

    Educational tourism.

    6. Name a few activities people do when they go on an adventure trip!

    Tourists looking for thrilling activities go mountaineering, rafting, trekking, or even to remote places in the rainforest.

    7. What does spa tourism mean?

    People go to spas for the healing effect of mineral waters as well as for wellness treatment, massages, steam baths and other services.

    8. Type of tourism for sports fans.

    Sports tourism.

    9. Why has ecotourism becoming popular?

    Many people have chosen a type of tourism that does not damage the environment.

    Some holiday offers give tourists the chance to take part in environmental projects.

    10. Where do Muslims travel to at least once in their lifetime?

    Muslims are required to go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

    3. Postreadingtasks (послетекстовыезадания)

    a) Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

    Accommodation – Place to stay when you are on a holiday

    Various – Different kinds of

    Landmark – Something that is famous in a city or other place

    Treatment – Something that is done to make an ill person healthy again

    Plastic surgery - Operation that changes a person/s face or body and makes them look better

    Environment – The world around us

    Pilgrimage - Journey to a holy place for religious reasons

    Spa -   Place where the water has special minerals in it and where you can improve your health

    Trekking – Going on a long journey on foot

    Embark - Go on, start

    Currency - Money that a country uses

    Invention - Something new; it is produced for the first time

    Security - Safety

    Authorities - Organizations in a country; they deal with certain things

    Global – Worldwide

    Source of income - From where you get your money

    Remote – Distant, faraway

    Untouched - Not changed in any way

    Surgery - Operation

    b) Crossword

    1. the money that country uses – Currency

    2. form of tourism that respects our environment – Ecotourism

    3. worldwide – Global

    4. something that is famous in a city, or which you  can see from far away – Landmark

    5. place near the coast where you can go bathing – Beach

    6. centre of spa tourism in Britain – Bath

    7. company that organizes flights, hotels etc…- Travel agent

    8. holiday town in the mountains – Alpine Resort

    9. journey to a holy place – Pilgrimage

    10. holy city on the river Ganges – Varanasi

    11. large airplane that can carry a few hundred passengers – Jumbo Jet

    12. country whose people spend the most money abroad – China

    13. one of the first European skiing resorts in Switzerland – St. Morits

    14. the world around us – Environment

    15. country where many Americans go to for medical treatment – Mexico

    16. going on a long journey on foot – Trekking

    17 killing of an unborn baby - Abortion

    IV. Рефлексия

    We’ve learned some information about tourism today. Pleaseanswerthequestions.

    • Whatistourism?

    • Why do people travel? Give a few reasons!

    • And what types of tourism have you learned?

    V. Подведение итогов занятия и объявление домашнего задания.

    As you see, tourism has grown very much, mostly because people’s lifestyles have changed. Every year, millions of people from across the globe travel miles and miles away from their homes, in order to see the distant lands and experience their culture. Today we’ve learned some information about types of tourism. And, I think this information will be useful for you. And in the nearest future you’ll choose one according to your plans and destinations.

    And now please, write down your home task. It will be ex. 3 in your worksheets.

    Thanks for your job. Your answers were excellent. The lesson is over.


    What is tourism?

            Tourism is travelling for pleasure or to enjoy yourself away from the place you live. People do this for many different reasons – to have fun, visit other countries and learn about other cultures, or just relax from stressful working life.  Tourists go to various destinations – countries with great landmarks, places with lovely beaches or simply areas of wilderness and untouched nature.  

    In the last few decades, tourism has grown very much, mostly because peoples lifestyles have changed. We do not want to stay at home any more. We spend more money on travelling than previous generations did. Travelling has also become cheaper and more affordable. The rise of budget airlines has made it possible to afford trips to faraway countries.

    Why do people travel? Give a few reasons!

    People do this for many different reasons – to have fun, visit other countries and learn about other cultures, or just relax from stressful working life.

    I think, mostly because people’s lifestyles have changed. We do not want to stay at home any more. We spend more money on travelling than previous generations did. Travelling has also become cheaper and more affordable.

    Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene.

    Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. Travelling is a lifestyle for many people.

    Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure.

    If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.

    And what types of tourism have you learned?

    Beach tourism, Package Holidays, Winter tourism, Medical tourism, Educational tourism, Sports tourism, Spa Tourism, Ecotourism, Adventure tourism, Religious tourism.

    1. Составить диалог по теме «В гостинице: регистрация», используя клише:

    Welcome to our hotel. Добро пожаловать в наш отель.

    Good morning/day/evening. Доброе утро/день/вечер.

    How may I be of assistance?

    I would like to stay in your hotel. Are there any rooms available?

    Just a second, let me check. Alright, we have single rooms and double rooms. Are you staying with us alone?

    Yes. How much is it?

    How many nights are you planning to stay? — На сколько ночей вы планируете остаться? –

    Five nights

    Your room costs 350.May I have your passport, please?

    Yes, of course

    Could you please fill in this registration form?

    No sweat at all

    Please, sign here

    No problem

    Your room’s on the 2 floor.Would you like to pay cash or credit?

    I will pay by card

    I can show you to your room?

    That's okay, I'll walk myself

    Please take your room key

    – Thank you, sir! Have a nice day!

    I can show you to your room. Я могу проводить Вас до вашего номера.

    Please let me know if you need any assistance. Пожалуйста, дайте знать, если Вам потребуется какая-либо помощь.

    Is there anything else I can do for you? Я чем-то еще могу быть вам полезен?

    How may I be of assistance? Чем я могу вам помочь?

    I hope you enjoyed your stay. Надеюсь, вы остались довольны проживанием.

    What name is the reservation under? На чье имя оформлено бронирование?

    May I have your passport, please? Не могли бы Вы, пожалуйста, дать свой паспорт.

    Could you please fill in this registration form? Заполните, пожалуйста, бланк регистрации.

    Please, signhere. Будьте добры, подпишите здесь.

    Your room costs 350 Вашномерстоит…

    Please take your room key. Пожалуйста, возьмитесвойключ.

    Would you like to pay cash or credit? Вы будете платить наличными или картой?

    Your room’s on the (2, 3, 4, 5) floor. Вашномерна … этаже.

    Do you need help with your luggage? Нужна ли вам помощь с вашим багажом?

    Would you like any help with your luggage? Оказать ли вам какую-либо помощь с багажом?

    1. Составить диалог по теме «В гостинице: отъезд», используя клише:

    Are you ready to check out? Выготовывыезжать?

    What room were you in? В каком номере вы проживали?

    I’ll just need to ask you for your room keys. Мне необходимо попросить у вас ключи.

    Howwasyourstay? Как прошло ваше пребывание?

    Here’s your bill. Вотвашсчет.

    There is an extra room charge on your bill. На счете вашего номера имеются дополнительные расходы.

    Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct? Желаете проверить счет и убедиться, что сумма верная?

    Here are your receipt and your change. Thankyou. Вот ваша

    квитанция и сдача. Спасибо.

    Good morning!

    Good morning!The point is that I have to fly to USA today. So I would like to check out and pay my bill, please.

    Oh, yes. Certainly, sir.What room were you in?

    My room is number 231

    How was your stay?

    Everything was excellent. Thank you very much

    Here’s your bill.

    OK. I’d like to pay by credit card.

    Thank you.Here are your receipt and your change.Have a good trip to USA!

    1. Составить диалог по теме «В гостинице: жалобы постояльца», используя клише:

    Therearen’tanytowels / toiletries / linersintheroom В нoмepe нeт пoлoтeнeц / вaнных пpинaдлeжнocтeй / пocтeльнoгo бeлья

    Could you send some… in my room? Не мoгли бы вы пpиcлaть … в мoй нoмep?

    There is some problems with our air condition. It’s too cold here. Снашимкoндициoнepoмкaкиe-тo пpoблeмы. Внoмepeслишкомхолoднo.

    There is something wrong with heating. It’s too hot. Что-тoнe тaк c oтoплeниeм. Внoмepecлишкoмжapкo.

    We have our… broken. Унac … cлoмaнo.

    There isn’t any water in my room. Вмoeмнoмepeнeтвoды.

    The ….in my room doesn’t work. Вмoeмнoмepeнe paбoтaeт…

    Hello! There is not water in my room

    Of course, let me send someone to have a look. What is your room number?

    Room №261.

    Okay, I’ll have a man right there in 3 minutes

    Thank you very much


    Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

    1. Hello, can I ____a room, please?

    1) get

    2) reserve

    3) obtain

    2. ___I book a room?

    1) Can

    2) Am

    3) Does

    3. How _____ would you like to stay in our hotel?


    2) long


    4. We'll have the room for you___ April the fifth.

    1) at

    2) in

    3) on

    5. Will you pay in cash or____ credit card?

    1) by

    2) for

    3) in

    6.____there anything else I can do for you?


    2) Do

    3) Did

    7. All rooms____ booked.

    1) is

    2) will not

    3) are

    Ответ : 3
    8.What floor is my room ____?

    1) in

    2) on

    3) under

    9. Does the room_____ an air conditioning/refrigerator?

    1) have

    2) has

    3) had

    10. Does the room have the Internet?

    1) reach

    2) approach

    3) access

    Ответ :?
    11. Is there a TV/telephone in____ room?

    1) the

    2) a

    3) ---

    12.How much is for the room _____ breakfast?

    1) having

    2) including

    3) enclosing

    Туризм-это путешествия для удовольствия или для того, чтобы наслаждаться вдали от места, где вы живете. Люди делают это по многим разным причинам – чтобы весело провести время, посетить другие страны и узнать о других культурах или просто отдохнуть от напряженной трудовой жизни . Туристы едут в самые разные места - страны с прекрасными достопримечательностями , места с прекрасными пляжами или просто районы дикой и нетронутой природы.

    За последние несколько десятилетий туризм очень сильно вырос, в основном потому, что изменился образ жизни людей. Они больше не хотят оставаться дома. Они тратят на путешествия больше денег, чем предыдущие поколения. Путешествия также стали дешевле и доступнее . Рост бюджетных авиаперевозок позволил позволить себе поездки в далекие страны.Туризм в настоящее время является основной отраслью для многих стран, таких как Египет, Греция, Таиланд и многие другие
    Почему люди путешествуют? Назовите несколько причин!

    Люди делают это по самым разным причинам – чтобы весело провести время, посетить другие страны и узнать о других культурах или просто отдохнуть от напряженной трудовой жизни.

    Я думаю, в основном потому, что изменился образ жизни людей. Мы больше не хотим оставаться дома. Мы тратим на путешествия больше денег, чем предыдущие поколения. Путешествия также стали дешевле и доступнее.

    Миллионы людей по всему миру проводят свой отпуск в путешествиях. Они путешествуют, чтобы увидеть другие страны и континенты, современные города и руины древних городов, они путешествуют, чтобы насладиться живописными местами или просто сменить обстановку.

    Почти все люди любят путешествовать. Очень интересно увидеть новые места, другие города и страны. Путешествия-это стиль жизни для многих людей.

    Современная жизнь невозможна без путешествий. Тысячи людей путешествуют каждый день либо по делам, либо ради удовольствия.

    Если мы любим путешествовать, мы видим и узнаем много такого, чего никогда не увидим и не узнаем дома, хотя мы можем читать о них в книгах и газетах, а также видеть их фотографии по телевизору. Лучший способ изучать географию-это путешествовать, а лучший способ узнать и понять людей-встречаться с ними в их собственных домах.

    А какие виды туризма вы изучили?

    Пляжный туризм, пакетный отдых, Зимний туризм, медицинский туризм, образовательный туризм, спортивный туризм, спа-туризм, экотуризм, приключенческий туризм, религиозный туризм

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