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  • -Which of them do you use -Which is the most popular Teacher

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  • Открытый урок 11 класс 27.10. Урок в 11 классе по теме Internet in Modern Life for and against

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    Урок в 11 классе по теме: «Internet in Modern Life: for and against»

    Цели урока:

    1. Учебные: развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования и чтения в процессе творческого общения обучающихся друг с другом и с учителем на основе изученной темы.

    2. Развивающие: развитие способности к сравнению, умозаключению; способности к коммуникабельности, умению выражать своё отношение к теме; умению самостоятельно решать проблемы на базе изученной лексики по теме; умению делать выводы и обобщения через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий.

    3. Воспитательные: воспитание у обучающихся активной жизненной позиции; развитие познавательной активности на уроке; воспитание уважения к мнению других людей.

    Задачи урока: способствовать формированию целостного представления об интернете и осознанного отношения к нему; систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у обучающихся знания по данной теме.

    Тип урока: урок – обобщение.

    Оснащение урока: учебник, диск с записью текста для аудирования, раздаточный материал для обучающихся, ноутбук, проектор, экран.

    Ход урока.

    I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

    Teacher: - Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Ok. Let’s start our lesson, and I think it will be interesting and useful for you. I want you to be active, don’t be shy, please!

    Alias: компьютер, мышь, клавиатура, интернет

    II. Сообщение учащимся задач урока.

    Teacher: -Today we shall speak about modern technologies.

    - Tell me, please, have you all got а computer at home?

    - Do you use the Internet?

    - How often do you use it?

    - What do you use your computer for?

    (Слайд 3)

    - Nowadays we can’t imagine our life without computers, mobile phones and the Internet. They’ve almost become the part of our life. And today we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. The aim of our lesson is to develop speaking, listening and reading skills on the today`s topic. At the end of our lesson, you will be ready to write “for and against” essay at home.

    (Слайд 2)

     III. Фонетическая зарядка.

    1.Teacher: - First we'll revise some vocabulary. Look at the screen and read the words one by one, please!

    (Слайд 4)

    password – пароль

    log on/ log off – авторизоваться / выйти из учетной записи (залогиниться)

    browse the Internet – сидеть в интернете (просматривать сайты / веб-страницы)

    surf the Net – сидеть в интернете

    download – скачивать

    website – вебсайт (сайт)

    world wide web – всемирная сеть

    homepage – домашняя страница

    e-mail address – адрес электронной почты

    access the Internet – иметь доступ в интернет

    Internet link – интернет-ссылка

    PC = personal computer – персональный компьютер

    2.Teacher: - The next task is to match the words on the left and their definitions on the right on your sheets of paper. Work in pairs, please!
    (Учитель раздает карточки с заданием. Учащиеся соотносят слова и их определения. Работавпарах.)

    a series of letters or numbers that you must type into a computer or computer system in order to be able to use it

    to look for information on a computer, especially in the Internet
    to move data to a smaller computer system from a larger one
    connected to a computer or to the Internet
    a place connected to the Internet, where a company or an organization, or an individual person, puts information
    a person who spends a lot of time using the Internet
    a page on the Internet that you choose to appear first on your screen whenever you make a connection to the Internet
    an international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information
    - Read the words and their descriptions aloud, please!
     3. Teacher: - Join these split sentences, please. 

    (Слайд 5)

    1. Knowing how to use the computer          a) an electronic machine which is used to

    store and organize information.

    2. The term “virtual reality”     b) when your computer crashes.

    3. A computer is                       c) describes computer images which appear.

    4. It is very annoying              d) you should invite a specialist.

    5. If you can’t fix your computer e) is a useful skill.


    IV. Речевая зарядка.

    Teacher: - Please, look at the screen and tell me: can you recognize these signs?

    (Слайд 6)

    You are right! These are the icons of the Internet. Can you name them? Very nice!

    Microsoft Windows – computer operation system.

    Skype - free program, which helps you to communicate through the Internet. (800000 users)

    Opera – a program, web browser for computers and mobile phones

    Apple – an American corporation producing computer programs, computers and mobile phones.

    Instagram - a free social program for mobile phones, helps to exchange photos, videos.

    What’s app – a messenger for smartphones, allows to send messages, images, videos, audios.

    Google – a corporation which helps to search the information in the Internet

    Vkontakte – the largest social networking service in Russia, helps to find people and exchange messages.

    -Which of them do you use?

    -Which is the most popular?

    Teacher: - Сan you recognize these very famous people?

    (Cлайд 7-10)

    Pavel Durov - a Russian computer programmer, the creator of vkontakte and telegram, he is very young, but he’s already become a billionaire.

    Steve Jobs – was an American inventor, the creator of the Apple corporation, died in 2011.

    Bill Gates - the creator of the Microsoft Corporation, used to known as the richest man of the world.

    Mark Zuckerberg – an American computer programmer, known as a creator of the social website Facebook. A billionaire.

    V.Совершенствование навыков чтения.

    Teacher: - You have to read a text now. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words in brackets.


    What Can Computers Do? 

    Computers and microchips (1) ____ (become) part of our everyday lives.

    We read magazines which (2) ____ (produce) on computer, we buy things with the help of computer; we pay bills prepared by computers.

    In the past, life without computers was much (3) ____ (difficult) than it is today.

    The first computers were able to multiply long numbers, but they (4) ____ (not can) do anything else.

    Nobody (5) ___ (believe) stories about robots and space travel, but now computers are able to do almost all difficult jobs.

    What makes your computer such a wonderful device? It is a personal communicator that (6) ____ (enable) you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. And you can even use your PC to relax with computer games.

    Teacher: - Are you ready? And now let`s read the text aloud and check up! You can see the keys on the screen.

    (Слайд 8)

    (На доске – ключи. Учащиеся читают текст и проверяют себя.)

    The keys:  1 have become, 2 have been produced, 3 more difficult, 4 could not, 5 believed, 6 enables

    VI. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

    1.Teacher: - The Internet came into our life not long ago, but it seems to be the most popular way of spending free time; old and young, male and female – everybody is fond of it.


    Now tell me, please, what the speaker was talking about.
    VII. Совершенствование навыков говорения.

    1.Teacher: -Let`s work in two teams now! Choose arguments for and against the Internet.

    The first group finds all the cards with the sentences about advantages of the Internet and puts them on the blackboard.

    The second group chooses all the cards with the sentences about the disadvantages of the Internet and puts them on the blackboard, too.
    (Работа в 2 группах. Учитель раздает одинаковый набор карточек обеим группам.)

    • The Internet is the largest source of information.

    • Many people use it for entertainment, not for learning. They waste their time.

    • The Internet is a great means of communication. You can make new friends in different chat groups.

    • There is much violence on the net. Some sites are not suitable for children.

    • It is difficult for us to find out what websites are reliable and what are not.

    • There is too much advertising instead of real information.

    • You can send e-mail and instant messages fast and cheaply.

    • You can become lazy spending a lot of time in front of your computers.

    • You can use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, listen to music.

    • Some people live in the virtual world.

    • We can do online shopping and also sell various things in the net.

    • People can work online and earn money without getting out.

    • You can manage your bank accounts, pay their gas or electricity bills online.

    • Some people play computer games or surf the net all day long and it damages their health.

    • Sometimes people become dependent on the Internet.

    • The Internet is good for education. There are a lot of online courses. Learning or practicing foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.

    2.Teacher: - Are you ready? Let`s call all the positive aspects of the Internet first! The first group, please, read your cards and put them on the blackboard!

    - Thank you! The second group, it`s your turn now! Read all the disadvantages of the Internet, please!

    (Учащиеся крепят карточки на доске.)

    5.Teacher: - Now we are going to watch a short video about the Internet addiction. As we know there are many young people who cannot live without the Internet. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies.

    (Слайд 11)



    - Aren`t you addicted to the Internet?

    -Do you know anybody like on the cartoon?

    -Is it dangerous? -Is it horrible?

    -What can we do in order not to be addicted?

    I`m sure that with the Internet it is easier to live. But in order not to be addicted to it you have to set limit of time spending online.

    IX Домашнее задание.

    Teacher: - Look at the screen. There is your home assignment: Write an essay « The Internet: is it a good or a bad thing? ».  You have to write 200-250 words.

    (Слайд 12)

    X. Рефлексия.

    1.Тeacher: - So, I think, it was an interesting lesson today.

    Let’s do some conclusions:

    1. What was the topic of our lesson?

    2. What aspects were touched at our lesson?

    3. Do you like this lesson or not? Why?

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