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    . Handbook of multimodal and spoken dialogue sytems: Resources, terminology and product evaluation. Berlin:
    Springer. 327 p.
    Granström, B., House, D., Karlsson, I. (2002). Multimodality in language and speech systems. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 241 p.
    Jacomy M., Venturini T., Heymann S., Bastian M. (2014). ForceAtlas2, a Continuous
    Graph Layout Algorithm for Handy Network Visualization Designed for the Gephi
    Software. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98679. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0098679.
    Kalnes, Ø. (2009). Norwegian parties and Web 2.0. Journal of Information
    Technology & Politics, volume 6, number 3, 251–266.
    Kosinski,M., Stillwell, D., Graepel, T. (2013) Private traits and attributes are predict- able from digital records of human behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(15): 5802–
    Kress, G. The multimodal landscape of communication // Medien Journal. 2002. Vol.
    4. P. 4 – 19.
    Kress, G. (2003): Literacy in the New Media Age. Londres: Routledge.
    Kress, G. (2010): Multimodality. A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary
    Communication. Londres: Routledge.
    Krippendorff, K. (2012).Content Analysis. An Introduction to Its Methodology.
    Third Edition. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2012.
    Larsson, А.О. (2011). Extended infomercials or Politics 2.0? A study of Swedish political party Web sites before, during and after the 2010 election. First Monday. Vol.
    16, Number 4 - 4 April 2011.
    Lipschultz, J.H. (2014). Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data,
    Law and Ethics. New York and London: Routledge, 376 pp.
    Lutkewitte, C. (2013) Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. — Boston :
    Bedford/ St. Martin’s.
    Müller C., Cienki A., Fricke E., Ladewig S.H., McNeill D., Teßendorf S. (2013).
    Body – Language – Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Hum an Interaction. Berlin: Mouton.
    Murray, J. (2013). Composing Multimodality. Multimodal Composition: A Critical
    Sourcebook. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
    Pepe, A., di Gennaro, C. (2009). Political protest Italian–style: The blogosphere and mainstream media in the promotion and coverage of Beppe Grillo’s V–day, First Monday, volume 14, number 12. http://firstmonday.org/ article/view/2740, accessed 3 March 2011.
    Pilgun, M. (2018). Psycholinguistic analysis of social media content: political- ly active actors in Facebook. 5
    International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2018. Vol. 5. Sciences & Society. Issue 3.1. Section
    Language & Linguistics. Vien, 391-399 pp.

    Вопросы психолингвистики 2 (36) 2018
    Пильгун М.А.Психолингвистический анализ медиаконтента...
    Pilgun, М., Gradoselskaya, G. (2016). Political communication on Facebook
    Russian case, Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, vol 22, no 2, pp 1161-1180.
    Sauter, T. (2014). ‘What’s on your mind?’ Writing on Facebook as a tool for self- formation, New Media & Society, August 2014, vol. 16, pp. 823-839.
    Scollon, R. (2006). Multimodality and the language of politics // Encyclopedia of Lan guage & Linguistics / K. Brown (Ed.). Elsevier, 2006. P. 386 – 387.
    Vaccari, C. (2008a). From the air to the ground: The Internet in the 2004 U.S. presi- dential campaign. New Media & Society, volume 10, number 4, 647–665.
    Vaccari, C. (2008b). Research note: Italian parties’ Websites in the 2006 elec- tions, European Journal of Communication, volume 23, number 1, 69–77.
    Vaccari, C. (2008c.) Surfing to the Elysee: The Internet in the 2007 French elec- tions. French Politics, volume 6, number 1, 1–22.
    Velkova, J. (2018) Studying Emerging Data Practices: Creating a Cultural Biography of Objects Through Using the Web as an Ethnographic Resource. London: Sage research methods. (http://methods.sagepub.com/case/emerging-data-practices-creating-cultural- biography-ethnographic-resource)
    Verboord, M. (2014). The impact of peer-produced criticism on cultural evaluation:
    A multilevel analysis of discourse employment in online and offline film reviews, New
    Media & Society, September, vol. 16, pp 921-940.
    White, D.M., Marsh, E.E. (2006). Content analysis: a flexible methodology // Library trends. 1(55). Рp. 22–45.
    Youyou, W., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D. (2015). Computer-based personality judg- ments are more accurate than those made by humans by, Proceedings of the National
    Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
    Zittel, T. (2009). Lost in technology? Political parties and the online campaigns of constituency candidates in Germany’s mixed member electoral system. Journal of
    Information Technology & Politics, volume 6, number 3, pp. 298–311.
    Приложение 1.
    Relative frequency within text
    1727 0.06
    Акции/акция/акций/акциях акцii
    1487 0.06
    499 0.02
    362 0.01
    331 0.02
    300 0.01
    186 0.01
    157 0.00
    146 0.01
    130 0.00
    122 0.01

    Вопросы психолингвистики 2 (36) 2018
    Теоретические и экспериментальные исследования
    118 0.00
    107 0.01
    105 0.01
    102 0.01
    Администрация/ Администрации
    88 0.00
    67 0.00
    64 0.00
    64 0.00
    56 0.00
    60 0.00
    Административный/ администра- тивном
    44 0.00
    48 0.00
    34 0.00
    34 0.00
    34 0.00
    33 0.00
    33 0.00
    29 0.00
    27 0.00
    23 0.00
    Maria A. Pilgun
    Doctor of Philology, Professor
    Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
    1/1 B. Kislovskiy per., Moscow, 125009, Russia
    The article is devoted to the study of media content of protest communism in a multimodal aspect with the application of psycholinguistic analysis. The material for the study was the database of the social network VKontakte. Data collection was carried out in three directions: linguistic mode was analyzed by verbal content, visual mode was studied according to static visual data, and network mode was determined by means of communicative network actions.
    The processing of the obtained data was carried out with the help of the software
    Automap and Tableau. To visualize network structures, the Gephi software, the Force
    Atlas 2 algorithm, was used.
    The research revealed that the linguistic mode of the protest network media content is characterized by an increased emotional background, expressiveness, aggressiveness, conflict sensitivity, sarcastic tone. Linguistic features of protest media content are formed

    Вопросы психолингвистики 2 (36) 2018
    Пильгун М.А.Психолингвистический анализ медиаконтента...
    by speech tools of different language levels. The analysis of the main characteristics of the protest media content actors made it possible to single out three cluster of participants according to the objectives: «neophytes», «ideological fighters», «hedonists».
    The result of this study confirmed that social networks are a tool that allows to influ- ence the communication nature of interaction between people, to influence actors and to implement manipulation technologies at a principally new level.
    Keywords: media content, psycholinguistic analysis, multimodality, protest movements
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    Granström B., House D., Karlsson I. (2002). Multimodality in language and speech systems.Dordrecht: Kluwer, 241 p.
    Jacomy M., Venturini T., Heymann S., Bastian M. (2014). ForceAtlas2, a Continuous
    Graph Layout Algorithm for Handy Network Visualization Designed for the Gephi
    Software. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98679. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0098679.
    Kalnes, Ø. (2009). Norwegian parties and Web 2.0. Journal of Information
    Technology & Politics, volume 6, number 3, 251–266.
    Kosinski M, Stillwell D, Graepel T. (2013) Private traits and attributes are predict- able from digital records of human behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(15): 5802–
    Kress G. (2002) The multimodal landscape of communication // Medien Journal.
    Vol. 4. P. 4 – 19.
    Kress, G. (2003): Literacy in the New Media Age. Londres: Routledge.
    Kress, Gunther (2010): Multimodality. A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary
    Communication. Londres: Routledge.
    Krippendorff, K. (2012).Content Analysis. An Introduction to Its Methodology.
    Third Edition. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2012.
    Larsson, А.О. (2011). Extended infomercials or Politics 2.0? A study of Swedish political party Web sites before, during and after the 2010 election. First Monday. Vol.
    16, Number 4 - 4 April 2011.
    Lipschultz, J. H. (2014). Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data,
    Law and Ethics. New York and London: Routledge, 376 pp.

    Вопросы психолингвистики 2 (36) 2018
    Пильгун М.А.Психолингвистический анализ медиаконтента...
    Lutkewitte, C. (2013) Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. – Boston :
    Bedford/ St. Martin’s.
    Müller C., Cienki A., Fricke E., Ladewig S.H., McNeill D., Teßendorf S. (2013). Body
    – Language – Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Int eraction. Berlin: Mouton.
    Murray, J. (2013). Composing Multimodality. Multimodal Composition: A Critical
    Sourcebook. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
    Pepe, A. and di Gennaro, C. (2009). Political protest Italian–style: The blogosphere and mainstream media in the promotion and coverage of Beppe Grillo’s V–day, First
    Monday, volume 14, number 12. http://firstmonday.org/ article/view/2740, accessed 3
    March 2011.
    Pilgun, M. (2018). Psycholinguistic analysis of social media content: political- ly active actors in Facebook. 5
    International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2018. Vol. 5. Sciences & Society. Issue 3.1. Section
    Language & Linguistics. Vien, 00 391-399 pp.
    Pilgun, М., Gradoselskaya, G. (2016). Political communication on Facebook
    Russian case, Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, vol 22, no 2, pp 1161-1180.
    Sauter, T. (2014). ‘What’s on your mind?’ Writing on Facebook as a tool for self- formation, New Media & Society, August 2014, vol. 16, pp. 823-839.
    Scollon, R. (2006). Multimodality and the language of politics // Encyclopedia of Lan guage & Linguistics / K. Brown (Ed.). Elsevier, P. 386 – 387.
    Vaccari, C. (2008a). From the air to the ground: The Internet in the 2004 U.S. presi- dential campaign. New Media & Society, volume 10, number 4, 647–665.
    Vaccari, C. (2008b). Research note: Italian parties’ Websites in the 2006 elec- tions, European Journal of Communication, volume 23, number 1, 69–77.
    Vaccari, C. (2008c.) Surfing to the Elysee: The Internet in the 2007 French elec- tions. French Politics, volume 6, number 1, 1–22.
    Velkova J. (2018) Studying Emerging Data Practices: Creating a Cultural Biography of Objects Through Using the Web as an Ethnographic Resource. London: Sage research methods. (http://methods.sagepub.com/case/emerging-data-practices-creating-cultural- biography-ethnographic-resource).
    Verboord, M. (2014). The impact of peer-produced criticism on cultural evaluation:
    A multilevel analysis of discourse employment in online and offline film reviews, New
    Media & Society, September, vol. 16, pp 921-940.
    White, D.M., Marsh, E.E. (2006). Content analysis: a flexible methodology // Library trends. 1(55). Рp. 22–45.
    Youyou, W., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D. (2015). Computer-based personality judg- ments are more accurate than those made by humans by, Proceedings of the National
    Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
    Zittel, T. (2009). Lost in technology? Political parties and the online campaigns of constituency candidates in Germany’s mixed member electoral system. Journal of
    Information Technology & Politics, volume 6, number 3, pp. 298–311.
    1   2   3

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