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Уменьшить напряжение между зрителями и маркетологами

Intrusive advertisements

Навязчивая реклама

A burst of innovation

Взрыв развития инноваций

Short clips

Короткие видео

To harness the interactive possibilities

Использовать по полной интерактивные возможности/

To click through to a website

Перейти по ссылке на сайт

To make a purchase

Совершать покупку

A curse for sb

Проклятие для..

To be bombarded by....

Быть заваленным

Irritating and irrelevant advertisements

Раздражающая и неуместная реклама

Lean-forward experience

опыт безотрывного просмотра

To click away

переключиться, перейти на другую страницу

To abandon an online video

Перестать смотреть видео в интернете


Поток вещания, трансляция

To be desperate to retain viewers

Отчаянно пытаться удержать зрителей



To engage

Увлекать, вовлекать

Pharmaceutical company

Фармацевтическая компания

Hard-hitting advertising campaign

Нелицеприятная, неприятная рекламная кампания

Мощная рекламная кампания

To warn sb of sth

Предостерегать кого-л от чего-л

Safety concerns

тревога по поводу вопросов безопасности; угроза безопасности

опасение относительно безопасности

забота о безопасности

Commercial losses

Потери в торговле

Unregulated Internet sales of medicines

Нерегулируемая продажа медицинских препаратов в Интернете

To raise public profile

Улучшить имидж компании, репутацию

Tight restrictions

Жесткие ограничения

To fight against counterfeits

Бороться с подделками

To call for action

Призывать к действию

Parallel trade

A kind of arbitrage in which drugs are imported without the manufacturer's consent into a jurisdiction from a market having lower prices. Since drug prices are regulated in most countries, parallel trading is unlikely, however, to produce the usual implication of arbitrage - the emergence of a single (or close to single) price for each product overcoming inefficiencies arising from uncompetitive practices - because the price differentials reflect efforts to earn a return on Research and Development investment rather than differences in production costs. Parallel trade, though legal in some jurisdictions (for example, within the EU), is bitterly opposed by the pharmaceutical industry because it undermines the value of a patented product and because it effectively imports the results of other countries' regulatory schemes. It is not clear that parallel trade redounds particularly to the benefit of consumers or third party payers, as distinct from that of the parallel traders.



Firm or person (such as a broker or consultant) who acts as a mediator on a link between parties to a business deal, investment decision, negotiation, etc. In money markets, for example, banks act as intermediaries between depositors seeking interest income and borrowers seeking debt capital. Intermediaries usually specialize in specific areas, and serve as a conduit for market and other types of information. Also called a middleman. See also intermediation.

Overall level

Общий уровень

To be estimated at

Приблизительно оцениваться в..

Supply chain

Цепочка поставок

Entire network of entities, directly or indirectly interlinked and interdependent in serving the same consumer or customer. It comprises of vendors that supply raw material, producers who convert the material into products, warehouses that store, distribution centers that deliver to the retailers, and retailers who bring the product to the ultimate user. Supply chains underlie value-chains because, without them, no producer has the ability to give customers what they want, when and where they want, at the price they want.



Public-opinion survey in which either all members of a particular group, or randomly chosen respondents from a sector of population, are asked carefully designed questions to extract specific information.

To bear a resemblance to sth/sb

Быть похожим

Merchant’s signage

Вывески купцов


Рекламный листок

a small printed advertisement or notice that is given to people by hand

Print ads

Печатные объявления

an advertisement that appears in a newspaper or magazine, rather than on television, radio, or the internet:

To stand out


To become more legible

Стать более читаемым и понятным

To embellish the message

Приукрашивать текст/рекламное сообщение


Дутая реклама, непомерное восхваление

Advertising or sales presentation relying on exaggerations, opinions, and superlatives, with little or no credible evidence to support its vague claims. Puffery may be tolerated to an extent so long as it does not amount to misrepresentation (false claim of possessing certain positive attributes or of not possessing certain negative attributes).

To exaggerate benefits

Преувеличивать достоинства

Mass-produce goods

Товары массового производства

Consumer packaged goods/ CPGs

потребительские товары в упаковке

товары народного потребления

Non-durable consumer article available in smaller packages, such as food, grooming aids, laundry powder, toiletries. Packaged goods are sold at a relatively low unit price, distributed through retail stores, heavily promoted, and bought and consumed frequently.

To tighten the belts

Затянуть пояса

to curtail one's expenditures; be more frugal:

To strive to..

Сильно стремиться к чему-л

Savvy marketer

Смекалистый , сообразительный маркетологи

To air TV shows

Транслировать ТВ шоу

To publish copyright content

Разместить контент, охраняемый авторским правом


Legal monopoly that protects published or unpublished original work (for the duration of its author's life plus 50 years) from unauthorized duplication without due credit and compensation. Copyright covers not only books but also advertisements, articles, graphic designs, labels, letters (including emails), lyrics, maps, musical compositions, product designs, etc. According to the major international intellectual-property protection treaties (Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, and WIPO Copyright Treaty) five rights are associated with a copyright: the right to: (1) Reproduce the work in any form, language, or medium.

To violate copyrights

Нарушать авторские права

Copyrights are infringed

Авторские права нарушены

Semi-transparent banner ads

Полупрозрачная баннерная реклама

To serve the purpose

Служить какой-л цели

To become accustomed to..

Привыкнуть к чему-л

To become numb

Стать невосприимчивым

Native advertising

Скрытая реклама, нативная реклама

a type of disguised advertising, usually online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it manifests as either an article or video, produced by an advertiser with the specific intent to promote a product, while matching the form and style which would otherwise be seen in the work of the platform's editorial staff. The word "native" refers to this coherence of the content with the other media that appears on the platform.

Years down the road

В будущем

To pave the way

Проложить путь для чего-л

To set a precedent

Создать прецедент

In-video ads

Встроенная реклама (в интернет видео)

In-app purchase

Реклама в мобильных приложениях

The purchase of goods and services from an application on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. In-app purchases allow developers to provide their application for free, while providing anyone who downloads the free version the opportunity to upgrade. Because the developer can always add new features and content to the application after it is downloaded, application users won’t have to download a different application later.


Рекламный проспект

a printed announcement, advertisement, or letter that is sent to many people at the same time:


Политический еженедельник

To join the military

Присоединиться к армии

To embrace TV

Включать, охватить ТВ

AIDA principle

Принцип AIDA

Popular for over a hundred years as a sales training tool, AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action as the names for steps to be taken in sequence in a selling process. The salesperson must (1) first make the prospect aware of the product, (2) foster any interest shown, (3) stimulate the desire to buy and possess the product and, finally, (4) encourage action to purchase.

Fleeting attention

Ускользающее внимание

To build strong brand values

Создавать ценности бренда

Sensory techniques

Техники, воздействующие на чувства восприятия

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