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Heyday is over

Лучшие дни позади

Proliferation of channels

Быстрый рост каналов

Market saturation

Насыщение рынка

When the amount of product provided in a market has been maximized in the current state of the marketplace. At the point of saturation, further growth can only be achieved through product improvements, market share gains or a rise in overall consumer demand.

Integral part of

Неотъемлемая часть

Urban landscape

Городской пейзаж

Internet advertising expenditures

Расходы на Интернет-рекламу, рекламу в интернете

Search engine


Computer program that searches databases and internet sites for the documents containing keywords specified by a user. Some search engines allow inclusion of Boolean operators (see Boolean search) such as 'And,' 'Or,' 'Not,' that make a search specific and faster. Google is the most popular search engine in today's world.

To fall from favour

Впасть в немилость

A backlash

Ответная негативная реакция

a strong feeling among a group of people in reaction to a change or recent events in society or politics:

Direct mail

реклама продукции путём адресной рассылки по почте рекламных материалов конкретным потенциальным клиентам

почтовая рассылка с указанием имени человека на почтовом отправлении

Direct marketing method in which carefully targeted prospects (chosen on the basis of age, income, location, profession, buying pattern, etc.) are presented with customtailored offers for goods or services via ordinary mail oremail. Marketing firms usually 'rent' lists of prospects from mailing list compiling firms who maintain a large inventory of names and addresses of prospects, divided into hundreds of categories and sub-categories.


Рекламное письмо, рекламные листовки

Ludicrously imprecise

До смешного неточный


Клиент рекламного агентства

Creative brief

Концепция рекламной кампании

A document produced by a requesting party to be used by professionals operating within an inventive field to produce various useful deliverables. For example, a business might generate a creative brief to instruct an advertising agency to produce a visual design, a promotional video, advertising copy or a web site for promotion via the Internet.

Major news

Большие новости, главные новости

Target audience

Целевая аудитория

Particular group of people, identified as the intended recipient of an advertisement or message.



Classified ads

раздел частных объявлений

тематическое объявление

Small messages grouped under a specific heading (classification) such as automobiles, employment, real estate, in a separate section of a newspaper or magazine. These relatively inexpensive ads are usually a column wide, do not include any graphics, and are typeset (see typesetting) by the printer or publisher of the publication.

Display advertisements

макетное объявление; объявление иллюстративно-изобразительной рекламы; объявление макетной рекламы

Usually any print advertisement other than a classified advertisement. Display ads are generally several columns wide and often contain color, graphics, and pictures. They are assembled or typeset (see typesetting) by the advertiser and supplied to the printer or publisher either on a CD or disk (in a standard file format such as InDesign, Illustrator, PageMaker, PhotoShop, QuarkXpress) or on paper (in camera-ready form).

Special display

Особая выкладка товара (в магазине)

Neon signs

Неоновые вывески, неоновая реклама

Loyalty card

Карта постоянного клиента

a card that is given to a customer by a business, used by the business to reward the customer for buying goods or services and to record information about what they buy

Cross promotion

Перекрестная реклама, совместное продвижение

Cross-promotion is a form of marketing promotion where customers of one product or service are targeted with promotion of a related product. A typical example is cross-media marketing of a brand, for example Oprah Winfrey's promotion on her television show of her books, magazines and website. Cross-promotion may involve two or more companies working together in promoting a service or product, in a way that benefits both. For example, a mobile phone network may work together with a popular music artist and package some of their songs as exclusive ringtones; promoting these ringtones can benefit both the network and the artist

Internet service provider (ISP)

Интернет-провайдер, поставщик услуг сети интернета

a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting. An ISP has the equipment and the telecommunication line access required to have a point-of-presence on the Internet for the geographic area served.

To log on to the Internet

Подключиться к Интернету

To surf sites

Ходить по сайтам

To log off

Отключаться от интернета


Торговля по интернету, электронная коммерция, электронная торговля

Business conducted through the use of computers, telephones, fax machines, barcode readers, credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM) or other electronic appliances (whether or not using the internet) without the exchange of paper-based documents. It includes activities such as procurement, order entry, transaction processing, payment, authentication and non-repudiation, inventory control, order fulfillment, and customer support. When a buyer pays with a bank card swiped through a magnetic-stripe-reader, he or she is participating in e-commerce.

Shopping cart

магазинная тележка (для отбора товаров в универсаме)

корзина (интернет-магазин)

Graphic representation of a supermarket shopping cart on a vendor's website which serves to keep the list of items a user (buyer) has 'picked up' from the online store. When the buyer is ready to 'check out,' he or she may go through the list to make a final purchase decision before clicking the 'buy' button.

Unique user

уникальный пользователь, посетитель

Individual visitor to a website who is counted as a single visitor irrespective of the number of times he or she revisits the site. Websites usually rely on some type of user identification (such a user registration with a unique password) or an identifying code (called a 'cookie') that attaches to the user's browser.


розничная торговля в сети Интернет

The sale of goods and services through the Internet. Electronic retailing, or e-tailing, can include business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales. E-tailing revenue can come from the sale of products and services, through subscriptions to website content, or through advertising.


Организации, обслуживающие своих клиентов в офисах (об организации -- в отличие от компаний, оказывающих услуги через Интернет и т.п

Brick and mortar is a traditional "street-side" business that deals with its customers face to face in an office or store that the business owns or rents. The local grocery store and the corner bank are examples of "brick and mortar" companies. Brick and mortar businesses can find it difficult to compete with web-based businesses because the latter usually have lower operating costs and greater flexibility.


Организации, обслуживающие своих клиентов через Интернет и в офисах (как противоположность brick and mortar)

Click and mortar is a type of business model that includes both online and offline operations, which typically include a website and a physical store. A click-and-mortar company can offer customers the benefits of fast online transactions or traditional face-to-face service. 

Last mile problem

проблема последней мили

A phrase used in the telecommunications and technology industries to describe the technologies and processes used to connect the end customer to a communications network. The last mile is often stated in terms of the "last-mile problem", because the end link between consumers and connectivity has proved to be disproportionately expensive to solve.

Even compared to the costs associated with rolling out broadband wire and hardware across the expanses of the globe, last-mile connections have been plagued with technological issues and high costs. As a result of this, there are many publicly traded companies engaged primarily in last-mile solutions and services.


электронная система материально-технического снабжения (охватывает все электронные формы покупки и поставки товаров в производственном цикле предприятия. Одним из основных элементов электронного снабжения являются электронные каталоги продуктов и услуг

The use of the internet or a company's intranet to procure goods and services used in the conduct of business. An e-procurement system can streamline all aspects of the purchasing process while applying tighter controls over spending and product preferences.

Soft sell

ненавязчивое рекламирование; популяризация товара (путём бесед по радио и т. п.); тонкое рекламирование

Advertising and sales practices denoted by subtle language and a non-aggressive technique. A soft sell is designed to avoid angering potential customers and pushing them away. Because soft selling is a low-pressure sales technique, it may not result in a sale the first time a product is presented.

Using a soft sell technique does not mean that a salesperson is passive; rather, this technique is designed to push a product without coming off as pushy. A salesperson may use a more conversational approach in order to allow the potential customer to relax. Just as with the hard sell, the soft sell requires a certain amount of energy on the part of the salesperson, since he or she has to maintain the customer's attention.

To sponsor advertisements

Спонсировать рекламу

Corresponding message

Соответствующие сообщение


Выбор, опция

To reduce frictions between audience and marketers

написать администратору сайта