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Advertising media

Средство рекламы, средство рекламирования

Various means (advertising vehicles) such as billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and internet by which promotional messages are communicated to the public using words, speech, and pictures.

Method of advertising

Метод рекламы


Рекламная статья, рекламное сообщение, «заказуха» (например: проплаченные редакционные статьи)

An advertorial is an advertisement written in the form of an objective opinion editorial, and presented in a printed publication — usually designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story.

Banner ads


Basic unit of electronic advertising, banners are those 'hot linked' (hypertext linked) graphics that appear generally on the top or bottom of a webpage. As set by Internet Advertising Bureau, the standard physical size of a banner is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high, and is generally limited to 15 kilobytes in memory size.


Рекламный щит, придорожный щит

Large outdoor advertisement (usually 12 feet x 25 feet) for which rent is charged according to three factors: (1) the amount of traffic that passes its location, (2) its visibility, and (3) its size.


Реклама на ТВ, рекламный ролик для ТВ

Advertising message aired on a radio or television.

To endorse a product

Рекламировать товар с использованием звезд

Free samples

Бесплатные образцы, тестеры

Used as part of a strategy to encourage consumers to buy a product. Product samples are given to the consumer free of charge, giving them the opportunity to try the product before making a purchase. At one point, product samples were distributed at store locations only. Today product samples can be ordered from company websites and shipped to your home.



a small flat or folded sheet of printed matter, as an advertisement or notice, usually intended for free distribution

Outdoor advertising

Наружная реклама

Advertising on bill boards or signboards, outside of a building and often by the roadside.

Indoor advertising

Реклама в помещении


Точка продажи, точка сбыта

Point at which a sale is made, the ownership (and usually the possession) is transferred from the seller to the buyer, and indirect taxes (such as VAT) become payable. Commonly, a retail outlet.


Всплывающие окна

New browser window that opens up when a webpage is accessed or when an ad message or button is clicked. A pop up ad has to be closed to get back to the webpage.



New browser window that opens up when a webpage is accessed or when an ad message or button is clicked. A pop up ad has to be closed to get back to the webpage.

Product placement

Размещение скрытой рекламы

A product placement is a form of advertising (usually not involving ads) in which branded products and services are noticeable within a drama production with large audiences. Product placements are presented in way that will generate positive feelings towards the advertised brand and are implemented, mentioned, or discussed through the program. This enables the audience to develop a stronger connection with the brand and provides justification for their purchase decision.


Спонсорская поддержка, спонсорство

the act of providing money for a television or radio programme, website, sports event, or other activity in exchange for advertising:

Viral advertising

Вирусная реклама

Internet advertising or marketing that spreads exponentially whenever a new user is added. Viral marketing assumes that as each new user starts using the service or product, the advertising will go to everyone with whom that user interacts

Word-of-mouth advertising

Сарафанное радио, реклама из уст в уста

Oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service. Considered to be the most effective form of promotion, it is also called word of mouth advertising which is incorrect because, by definition, advertising is a paid and non-personal communication.

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM Marketing) is when a consumer's interest for a company's product or service is reflected in their daily dialogs. Word-of-mouth marketing can be encouraged through different publicity activities set up by companies, or by having opportunities to encourage consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications. It includes buzz, viral, blog, emotional and social media marketing.

Controversial advertising

Противоречивая реклама

Informative advertising

Информативная реклама

Shock tactics

Внезапные, неожиданные действия

Subliminal advertising

реклама с помощью подпороговых раздражителей

реклама на уровне подсознания

Promotional messages the recipient is not aware of, such as those played at very low volume or flashed on a screen for less than a second. Its effectiveness is not supported by scientific evidence, and its use is considered a deceptive business practice in some jurisdictions.

advertising that uses images and sounds that the conscious mind is not aware of, in order to influence people and make them attracted to a product:

Publicity stunt

Рекламный трюк

Publicity stunts are generally regarded as planned events made to gain exposure and get public’s attention. Today’s media publicity stunts are most often made by big companies, movie stars, and for launching new product(s). Publicity stunts can be either professionally arranged by public relations personnel, or set up by amateurs. They can also make or break someone’s career/product/cause, all depending on the way they are promoted and the type of publicity stunt. Based on the examples in recent news I will explain why entertainment/media organizations use publicity stunts and what factors cause them to succeed or fail.
Media interest is the goal of most publicity stunt planners. It is the easiest, fastest, and cheapest way to obtain popularity. Hence, it becomes main objective of public relations to catch media’s attention. An example of this would be an organization that schedules a press conference to attain a positive buzz and awareness for its new product. Public relations take care of setting up publicity stunts for everything from movie star conferences, auto shows, upcoming movies, to gala awards shows. There are also less glamorous ways to situate a publicity stunt – articles in entertainment magazines about fake relationship troubles, marriages, miscarriages, divorces, fictitious sex scandals, and court trials are most often placed in order to promote actors popularity, upcoming movie, or show(s).These sorts of stunts are set up by actor’s managers, publicity advisors, and actors themselves. It is of no coincidence that “private” family photos of actresses, sex video tapes, and major scandalous behaviors arise near the release dates of most actor/singer/influential figure’s release dates for their merchandise/cd/movies/shows etc.

To tackle the problem of

Решать проблему

To tune out of traditional advertising

Перестать обращать внимание, отворачиваться от..


To attempt

In an attempt to do sth



В попытке сделать что-л


радио- или телевизионная вещательная компания; радио- или телевизионная вещательная организация

an organization that sends out programmes on television or radio, or over the internet:

30-second spot

30-секундное место в сетке вещания

To skip ads

Пропускать рекламные объявления

To collaborate


To keep the viewers’ attention

Удерживать внимание зрителей


Который невозможно пропустить

To break the boundaries

Выйти за пределы, перейти границы

To turn out to ...


To be backed by


Public relations campaign

PR кампания

A public relations campaign is a series of activities that are planned in advance and relate to a specific goal. This contrasts with other areas of PR, such as general ongoing publicity tactics, paid advertising, and reacting to events. Ultimately a public relations campaign has three characteristics: identifying an objective, finding the message that will help achieve that objective and communicating that message to the appropriate audience.

In-house creative team

Своя собственная креативная/творческая команда

Teaser advertisement

Тизерная реклама, интригующая реклама

Used as a frontrunner of an advertising campaign, a teaser ad reveal only a little about the advertiser or the product. Its purpose is to arouse widespread attention, and build excitement and expectations through consumer curiosity. For teaser ads to succeed, they must be widely publicized through several or all media vehicles.

Digital advertising


Digital advertising, also called Internet advertising ("Internet marketing") is when businesses leverage Internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to consumers. Digital advertising includes promotional advertisements and messages delivered through email, social media websites, online advertising on search engines, banner ads on mobile or Web sites and affiliates programs.

Press coverage

Освещение в прессе

To release

Выпускать (видео, книгу и т.п.)

To generate intangible buzz

Создавать молву, заставить говорить

Marketing investment

Инвестиция в продвижение товара

Shared reference

Общая отсылка

To feed into daily life

Снабжать, быть источником чего-л для ежедневной жизни

Advertising catchphrases

Рекламные прилипчивые фразочки

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