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  • Lexical tasks 1) - E2) - G3) - C4) - A5) - D6) - F7) - B 4. Grammar practice

  • Англ.яз. ЮИ-113. Гончаренко Кристина. Юи113 Гончаренко Кристина unit 10 Text (67)

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    ЮИ-113 Гончаренко Кристина
    UNIT 10


    1. Text (6-7) 

     С другой стороны, юридические процедуры, которые предусматривают, как начинается судебный процесс, 

    как проводится судебное разбирательство, как подаются апелляции и как приводится в исполнение судебное решение, называются процессуальным правом. Другими словами, материальное право - это часть закона, которая определяет права, а процессуальное право устанавливает процедуры, которые обеспечивают соблюдение и защиту этих прав. Например, две стороны заключили договор, но затем одна из сторон нарушила этот договор. Правила привлечения

    привлечения нарушителя к суду и проведения судебного разбирательства являются довольно механическими и представляют собой материальное право.

            Было ли соглашение исполнено и имеет ли другая сторона имеет ли другая сторона право на возмещение убытков, являются вопросами существа и определяются на основе

    материального права договора.


    2. Comprehension tasks


    2. To put it simply law usually classified into public and private and substantive and procedural.  


    4. The fact is, public law governs the relationship between the state and an individual, who is either a company or a citizen. 


    3. The fact is every country has its own historically developed system of norms, legal institutions and branches of law, which regulates different types of social relations.   


    2) ​I’d like to start with the fact that system - a set of elements in relations and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity.  In other words, the system of law is an ordered set of of all the legal norms in force in a given state. 

    I’d like to draw your attention: people's Council of Lugansk

    The Provisional Basic Law (Constitution) of Lugansk People's Republic

    (Constitution) of the Luhansk People's Republic (hereinafter referred to as Constitution of the LNR), which entered into force on May 18, 2014

    (as amended), which was the formation of the foundations of the new law in the new state.  People's Council of the Lugansk People's Republic,

    In accordance with Article 69 of the Constitution of LNR, adopts the Constitution of LNR and laws of LNR The Constitution of the Lugansk People's Republic, the laws of the Lugansk People's Republic, and amendments thereto.  Adopts resolutions of the People's Council of the Lugansk People's Republic and amends them.
    To sum everything up  it should be understood that the LNR constitution is needed to ensure that the laws do not contradict each other and do not violate the rights and freedoms of

    freedoms of citizens.


    3. Lexical tasks
    1) - E

    2) - G

    3) - C

    4) - A

    5) - D

    6) - F

    7) - B


    4. Grammar practice
    Olga: Rose! What are you doing here? I have been wainting for you for hours! 

    Rose: I’m sorry, Olga. I have been trying onthese clothes for two hours. And I haven’t decided vet. 

    Greg: Molly! Call our waiter again! 

    Molly: I have been trying to call him. 

    Greg: Molly! We have been sitting here for twenty-five minutes... and I’m not going to wait any more! 

    Molly: I’m sorry, dear... but he’s again talking to that nice girl. 

    Greg: Yes, he has been talking to her since we came in. 

    Molly: Waiter! 

    Waiter: Yes, ma’am ... Do you want the bill? 

    Molly: The bill! We haven’t even got the menu yet!


    2.Anthony had been waiting for his airplane for five hours when its 

    delay was announced.


    4. Sam did not even realize what a hard time Molly had been having 

    6. Rachel had been reading for exam in criminal law since early morning

    8. How long  you had been watching TV before you decided to go to bed?

    10. Zina has been trying  to find her mother for years but she failed.

    12. A doctor had been examining the victim for ten minutes when the victim fainted


    1.A murderer will have been keeping  victims for 24 hours by the time you start hostage  release 

    3. In some minutes, Fred  will have been waiting for two hours already.

    5. If Melissa is still on the phone at 5 p.m., Fred will have been talking to her for over six hours.

    7. It’s unbelievable! The accused ill have been remaining  silent for three days by this morning

    9. They will have been inspecting the place of murder for half a day when I call to inform the chief inspector.



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