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    Технологическая карта урока

    Этап урока

    Методическая задача



    Организационные формы работы

    Средства обучения

    Речь учителя

    Ответы ученика /-ов

    Организационный этап и постановка целей урока

    Поддержание культуры общения; дать ученикам понять, что от них требуется и каких результатов они должны достичь к концу урока.

    Hello, my dear pupils! How are you? Today we have an unusual lesson. We will travel to two Russian cities, Moscow and S.Petersburg (people call them “two capitals of Russia”) and then we will have some interesting tasks concerning your active grammar and vocabulary and then listen to your projects.. Let`s start our lesson.

    Hello, Elena Nikolaevna! We are fine today.

    2 мин.


    Просмотр видеороликов по теме.

    Введение в тему. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.

    We will watch two video fragments. Look at the screen, please.

    At the beginning of the lesson the pupils watch two video fragments about Moscow and S.Petersburg.

    4 мин.


    Видео на экране

    Основная часть урока

    Активизация и совершенствование лексических навыков.

    Let`s begin with your active vocabulary. At first, please, translate the following words.

    The pupils translate the active words and word combinations from Russian into English.

    2 мин.


    Приложение 1

    Умение дать ответ на запрошенную информацию.

    Now please, answer the questions referring to our topic.

    The pupils answer the questions about Moscow and S.Petersburg.

    5 мин.


    Приложение 2

    Повторение лексики по теме.

    The next task is to insert the letters in the words and the words in the sentences. First look at the blackboard and then at the screen.

    The pupils insert the missing letters in the words on the blackboard (one by one) and then name the missing words looking at the screen.

    5 мин.

    индивидуальная/ фронтальная

    Приложение 3


    Проверка домашнего задания

    Защита мини-проектов по теме

    Your home task for today was to prepare projects on the topic “Two capitals”. Some of you have chosen the topic “Moscow”, others -“S.Petersburg”.

    The pupils tell about the city they have chosen, and explain why they like it and why it is worth visiting.

    10 мин.


    Компьютерные презентации


    Практика диалогической речи.

    Thank you for your interesting projects. Now you can ask each other some questions that interest you.

    The pupils ask each other questions (for example, what places in Moscow and S.Petersburg they have visited and like most and what places they can advise to visit).

    6 мин.





    And now you are to do some grammar exercises on the structures you have learnt. You need to insert the right pronoun, the definite article (where it is necessary) and the words “little, few, much, many, a lot of” in the words and sentences. Look at the blackboard and the screen.

    The pupils do some grammar tasks on the blackboard and the screen.

    7 мин.

    индивидуальная / фронтальная


    Подведение итогов, рефлексия

    Подведение итогов урока, оценка своей работы. Стимулирование на дальнейшее обучение и поддержание культуры общения

    You have worked quite hard. All of you are good today. What results of work have you got? How do you feel now?

    What is your mark for the lesson in your opinion?

    Have a nice day!

    The pupils tell the results of their work (as they see them): Now I can…And what they feel: I feel…(bored, exited, happy, tired, unhappy because I had fun, relaxed, had difficulty in speaking, was active…

    Also they try to give a mark for their work.

    4 мин.


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