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  • 2. На основании содержания текста 4 определите истинные или ложные данные высказывания.

  • 3. Прочитайте диалог, обращая внимание на лексику переговоров. Ответьте на вопросы

  • IT’S A DEAL! Supplier

  • Buyer

  • Задания к Тексту 4. Задания к Тексту 4 Найдите в тексте 4 английский эквивалент для данного русского

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    Задания к Тексту 4
    1. Найдите в тексте 4 английский эквивалент для данного русского варианта.

    Русский вариант

    Английский эквивалент из текста 4


    оспаривать (ставить под вопрос)

    принять за чистую монету

    первоначальная цена

    заботиться о своих интересах

    уважать интересы других

    разрешать конфликт

    начинать переговоры с крайней позиции

    конечная цель

    могущий служить предметом переговоров

    согласиться на условия

    принять /отклонить первое предложение

    делать односторонние уступки

    выработать решение

    выстроить долгосрочные деловые отношения

    2. На основании содержания текста 4 определите истинные или ложные данные высказывания.


    True or False (T/F)

    1. Being assertive means accepting the first offer.

    2. Sellers should ask for less than they expect to receive.

    3. Buyers should offer less than they are prepared to pay.

    4. It’s a good strategy to make the first move.

    5. It’s a good idea to reject the first offer.

    6. You should use any methods to destroy your opponent.

    7. A win-win outcome is vital for building lasting business relationships.

    3. Прочитайте диалог, обращая внимание на лексику переговоров. Ответьте на вопросы:



    What items of the contact were negotiated?

    What was the outcome?

    IT’S A DEAL!
    Supplier: Thanks again for agreeing to meet today.

    Buyer: OK, well, let's get started. We’d like to reach a deal with you today.

    Supplier: Very well then. So you would like to order our tea for your supermarket chain. The price of a box of tea is $ 300. If you order now, we’ll give you a discount.

    Buyer: If you give us a discount of 5 %, we’ll buy at least 5,000 boxes of tea.

    Supplier: I’m not sure about that. But if you buy 10,000 boxes, then we’ll offer you 10%.

    Buyer: OK, I’ll think about that. If we placed a very large order, say 15,000 boxes, would you dispatch immediately?

    Supplier: We can dispatch a large order within a month.

    Buyer: Have I got this right? A month? If you don’t improve your delivery times, we’ll have to find a new supplier. We’d like to have the goods earlier.

    Supplier: Well, that would be rather difficult, but I think we’ll be able to deliver the first consignment by the end of May. We’ll send it by air to make sure the goods arrive on time and send the rest by sea as soon as possible.

    Buyer: Sounds a good idea to me. Does your price include insurance?

    Supplier: Actually, no. You’ll have to pay for that. But if your order is really large, it is negotiable.

    Buyer: Great! We are ready to order 15,000 boxes of tea. What about payment?

    Supplier: We can offer you 30 days’ credit.

    Buyer: Good! We agree on price, quantity, discounts, method of transport. I think it’s a deal!

    Supplier: I’ll send you an e-mail confirming everything. Let me know if there are any problems.

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