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  • 1. Where has your friend been to this summer 2. Have you ever been abroad With whom 3. How many books have you read this summer

  • 1. She has spoken just English. 2. They have already arrived in London

  • 1. What has your friend played today 2. Have you ever cooked pizza 3. How many people have you met this summer

  • 1. She has yet spoken English. 2. Where they have arrived in

  • 1.Has your mother travelled a lot this year 2. Have you ever visited Sochi 3. How many films have you seen this summer

  • 1. She seen her friend today . 2. Why they has became sportsmen

  • 1. Have your friends enjoyed the holidays this year 2. Have you ever sung in French

  • Ответьте на вопросы Where has your friend been to this summer

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    1 variant

    № 1.

    Образуйте Present Perfect

    1. Kate knows the game rules (play). 2. Ron has clean jeans (wash). 3. Jack is not hungry (have dinner). 4. Stephen does not know the rules in Russian ( not to learn).

    № 2.

    Ответьте на вопросы

    1. Where has your friend been to this summer?

    2. Have you ever been abroad? With whom?

    3. How many books have you read this summer?

    № 3.

    Задайте вопросы к ответам

    1. …………..? Yes, we have. We answered all the questions at the lesson.

    2. ……………? Yes, I have. I took my brother to the zoo in the morning.

    3………………? No, I have not. I talked about books with him yesterday.

    № 4.

    Исправьте ошибки.

    1. She has spoken just English. 2. They have already arrived in London?

    3. Ron, have you been in Paris yet? 4. Have you finished your work yet? – Yes, he has. 5. Only rich people can buy such a things.

    № 5.

    Переведите на англ. яз.

    1. Ты уже полила цветы? – Да. 2. Кто перевел этот текст? – Мы.

    3. Посмотрите на небо. Какое оно безоблачное! 4. Он выучил слова хорошо.

    2 variant

    № 1.

    Образуйте Present Perfect

    1. Kate is happy (become the first). 2. Dickʹ s room is nice (decorate). 3. Jackʹ s work is ready (finish). 4. Stephen speaks Russian well ( learn).

    № 2.

    Ответьте на вопросы

    1. What has your friend played today?

    2. Have you ever cooked pizza?

    3. How many people have you met this summer?

    № 3.

    Задайте вопросы к ответам

    1. …………..? Yes, they have. They started to swim an hour ago.

    2. ……………? Yes, I have. I ran 3 km in the morning.

    3………………? Yes, I have. I went shopping a week ago.

    № 4.

    Исправьте ошибки.

    1. She has yet spoken English. 2. Where they have arrived in?

    3. Have she come? 4. Have your finished the job yet? 5. I have rang up the granny.

    № 5.

    Переведите на англ. яз.

    1.Мы уже посетили Москву. 2. Вы только что пришли? – Нет.

    3. Его семья бездетная. 4. Они стали врачами.

    3 variant

    № 1.

    Образуйте Present Perfect

    1. She is happy (swim in the sea). 2. Mike ʹs sounds are not good (pronounce not clear ). 3. Jackʹ s dog is tired ( run in the park). 4. My mum ʹ s pie is tasty ( use fruit).

    № 2.

    Ответьте на вопросы

    1.Has your mother travelled a lot this year?

    2. Have you ever visited Sochi?

    3. How many films have you seen this summer?

    № 3.

    Задайте вопросы к ответам

    1. …………..? Yes, I have. I became a student a year ago.

    2. ……………? Yes, I have. I wrote 3 letters to her in the morning.

    3………………? Yes, he has. He visited Red Square last month.

    № 4.

    Исправьте ошибки.

    1. She seen her friend today . 2. Why they has became sportsmen?

    3. He come? 4. Have your mother yet? 5. I haven’t answer his question.

    № 5.

    Переведите на англ. яз.

    1. Он побывал в США. 2. Они не сделали тест. 3. Кто написал работу? – Ученики. 4. Вы взяли ручки?

    4 variant

    № 1.

    Образуйте Present Perfect

    1. Brian knows what the book is about (read). 2. Sam does not know the news

    (watch TV). 3. Mary became a university student (enter). 4. They did not know that man (see).

    № 2.

    Ответьте на вопросы

    1. Have your friends enjoyed the holidays this year?

    2. Have you ever sung in French?

    3. Who has travelled abroad in your class this summer?

    № 3.

    Задайте вопросы к ответам

    1. …………..? Yes, I have. I was in Liverpool a year ago.

    2. ……………? Yes, I have. I decided to celebrate Christmas alone.

    3………………? Yes, he has. He met new friends last month.

    № 4.

    Исправьте ошибки.

    1. She has opened the window? 2. Who they has become a sportsman?

    3. Has he watchd TV yet? 4. Has your mother tried cook cakes ? 5. I havn’t got his bag.

    № 5.

    Переведите на англ. яз.

    1. Кто видел Кремль? 2. Они не пробежали. 3. Ученики написали работу? – Да. 4. Где вы пообедали?

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