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тестирование в 5 класс. Экзамен - Английский 5 класс 2022. 1 вариант Тестирование. Фио вставьте формы глагола быть am, is, are

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1 вариант Тестирование. ФИО_______________________________

1. Вставьте формы глагола «быть»: am, is, are.

1) She … a good student. 2) Where … you from? – I … from Moscow.3. My mother … not a teacher. 4) … your brother at school? – Yes, he … . 5) My friend … an engineer. 6) Nick … not a college student. 7) Helen has some fine pictures. They … on the wall. 8) … this your book? 9) These … his newspapers. 10) My uncle … an office worker.
2. Запиши номера предложений без ошибок

1) Martin doesn’t drinks milk. 2) I doesn’t watch horror movies. 3) You speak Spanish? 4)She doesn’t visit her parents very often. 5) They don’t like winter. 6) Where does they go on holidays? 7) What books do you usually read? 8) Do he read many books? 9) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
3. Сравни предметы, поставив прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужную степень сравнения.

1) New York is ____________ (big) than Washington. 2) This classroom is __________(large) classroom in my school. 3) Princess Feona is ___________________(beautiful) than Shriek. 4) This book is ____________(bad) book in this library. 5) Big Ben is ______________ (famous) clock in the world.6) A cat is_________________________ (small) than a tiger. 7) Peter is ______________________(short) boy in her class. 8) Ann is ____________(lazy) girl in her class.
4. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. How much /How many popcorn have you got?  

2. How much /How many eggs do you need for the omelet?  

3. How much /How many sugar do you take in your tea?

4. How much /How many sandwiches do we need?

5. How much/ How many milk is there in the carton?

6. This / These trousers are black.

7. That / Those shirt is very nice.

8. That / Those shoes are comfortable.

9. This / These skirt is old.

10. This / Those T-shirt is my brother's.

11. That / Those T-shirt is very small.

12. Milly ____ breakfast every morning.

a. has b. haves got c. have

13. Diana and George …..  four children.

a. have got b. has got c. have get

14. Dan and Ted ... very good friends last summer.

a. was b. were c. were

15. Last summer I... at Moscow with my parents.

a. was b. is c. were

16. They all ...at the zoo a month ago.

a. are b. was c. were

17. seven and four is … .

a. threeteen b. thirteen c. twelve

18. ten and five is … .

a. fifteen b. fiveteen c. fivteen
5. Напишите глаголы в нужном времени.

1. My mum ______(cook) a birthday cake tomorrow.

2. He______ (buy) her a present every year.

3. There_____ (be) three months in a season.

4. My sister usually________(invite) her friends.

5. They _____(go) to the seaside last year.
6. Составьте предложения из слов.

1.is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen?

2. did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?

3.it, in winter, is, very cold.

4.a lot of sweets, there, in the box, were.

5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the Black Sea.

7. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

A New Friend

Mary Cheston, a little girl from Devon, always wanted to have a friend. In her class, all the girls were older than Mary, and boys didn't want to play with her too. One day, Mary was playing on a playground and saw a girl. She was short and pretty, with long brown hair and big blue eyes.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" asked Mary.

"Hello... Well, I'm... I can't tell you."

"Is it a secret?" asked Mary again.

"No, but... I lost something special. It's a toy! It was so great to play with it, to sleep, to go for a walk!"

"I can help you! Let's go and find it together!" said Mary.

"You're so kind! By the way, my name is Sophie!" answered the girl.

"I'm Mary, Mary Cheston. Nice to meet you!" smiled Mary.

When they found the toy, Mary and Sophie were both happy.

"Sophie, I think we can be good friends," said Mary. "At my school, no one wants to play with me. And you're so nice and friendly. I think I want to have a friend like you."

"Mary, I was so lucky to meet you! I want to have such a friend too!"

That's how their strong friendship started.
Верно/ Неверно

  1. No one wanted to be friends with Mary at school. 

  2. A girl that Mary saw lost her toy. 

  3. A girl didn't want Mary to help her. 

  4. Sophie's last name is Cheston. 

  5. In the end, the girls became really good friends. 

8. Составь пять мини-диалогов. Как делать: Прочитай фразы AF. Прочитай реплики 1-6. Посмотри на пример. Подбери к каждой фразе ответную реплику и впиши её номер рядом.

Пример: A. Hello! 4. Hi!
A) Does he do any sports?

B) How often do you see him?

C) How old is he?

D) Is he a student?

E) Where did you meet?

F) Why is he your friend?
1) We met at school.

2) Yes, he is.

3) He's 12.

4) Because we like the same things.

5) Every day at school.

6) No, he doesn't.
9. Прочитай слова и фразы в рамке. Посмотри на пример. Вставь в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова и фразы из рамки.

It’s where Japan difficult ‘d like Its

Al: Look! I've got a teleport machine!

Emma: 1) ______would you like to go?

Mike: I don't know. It's so 2) ______ to choose. Look, I 3) ______

 to go to all these countries: Japan, Egypt, Argentina, France, Turkey, Spain. Ah, I know! I love sushi! So let's go to 4) ______.

Emma: What colour is the flag?

Mike: 5) ______ white and red.
2 вариант Тестирование. ФИО_______________________________

  1. Вставьте формы глагола «быть»: am, is, are.

1.What____your name? 2. How old _____you? 3. I _____ 10. 4. My friend _____good. 5. Ben____a tall boy. 6. This____my mum. 7. These____their toys. 8. These ____ books. 9. This______a doctor. 10. These ______ his pets.

2. Запиши номера предложений без ошибок

1) What does you usually eat for breakfast?2) My friends don’t watch documentary movies. 3) Do he read many books? 4) Amily doesn’t visit her parents very often. 5) They doesn’t like winter. 6) Where does they go on holidays? 7) What books do you usually read? 8) Do you speak English? 9) Tom don’t drinks coffee.
3. Сравни предметы, поставив прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужную степень сравнения.

1. Tom is ________ (tall) than Taylor. 2. Tokyo is ________ (big) city in the world. 3. Rebecca is ______ (nice) than Jane. 4. John is __________ (bad) student in the school. 5. Cindy is__________ (clever) girl in the class. 6. Karen is _________ (pretty) girl in the class. 7. The giraffe is________ (tall) animal in the world. 8. This bookcase is ______ (beautiful) than that one.
4. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. How much /How many oranges are there the fridge?

2. How much /How many books are there on the table?

3. How much /How many cakes do you want?

4. How much/How many suger is there?

5. How much/How many bread have we got?

6. This/ Those T-shirt is white.

7. This/These blouses are old.

8. Those /That dress is black.

9. That / These gloves are small.

10. That/These hat is nice.

11. This / Those T-shirt is my father's.

12. eleven and nine is … .

a. twelve b. twenty c. twoty

13. four and fourteen is … .

a. eightteen b. eighteen c. eighty

14. My grandparents …..  four children.

a. have get b. has got c. have got

15. Dan and Ted ... very good friends a year ago.

a. was b. were c. were

16. Next summer I... at Moscow with my parents.

a. will be b. am c. will

17. They all ...at the zoo a month ago.

a. are b. was c. were

18. My granny ____ lunch every day.

a. has b. haves got c. have
5. Напишите глаголы в нужном времени.

1. Her grandfather … (travel )to the seaside last summer.

2. I think I … (ski) tomorrow.

3.  My parents … (buy) an interesting book for me two days ago.

4.  She … (present) a nice picture for me last week.

5.  My grandmother … (grow) flowers every summer.
6. Составьте предложения из слов.

1. in, town, are, there, houses, a lot of.

2. go, yesterday, they, did, where?

3. what, banana, colour, is, a?

4. are, leaves, there, on, trees, the, no.

5. there, is, a, dog, door, near, the.
7. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

Hello friend!

I'm Annie, a 10-year-old girl from London. I really enjoy doing sports activities after school. In my letter, I want to tell you about my favourite activities and when I do them. On Mondays, I usually go to the tennis club. It's a lot of fun, and I know many other children there. On Tuesdays, I play badminton or table tennis with my parents. My father plays really well! He's a professional sportsman. On Wednesdays, I don't go anywhere and just stay at home. On Thursdays and Fridays at quarter past two in the afternoon, we have volleyball games with my classmates. At the weekends, I always do my homework and watch basketball games on TV with my family.

Hope you enjoy my story!


Верно/ Невернo

1. Annie plays volleyball with her classmates at quarter past four in the afternoon on Fridays. 

2. Annie watches basketball games with her family at the weekends.

3.Annie stays at home on Wednesdays.

4. Annie's father is a professional sportsman. 

5. Annie never plays table tennis with her parents. 
8. Составь пять мини-диалогов. Как делать: Прочитай фразы AF. Прочитай реплики 1-6. Посмотри на пример. Подбери к каждой фразе ответную реплику и впиши её номер рядом.

Пример: A. Hello! 2. Hi

A) What are your favorite animals? B)I'm tired

C) Where is my bag?

D) What colour is your cat?

E) This is my brother's room

F) Do you like autumn?

1. Black and white.
2. Oh,it's so big.
3. Not very much
4. Let's stay at home
5. Over there,on the sofa
6. Tigers and lions.
9. Прочитай слова и фразы в рамке. Посмотри на пример. Вставь в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова и фразы из рамки. Обращай внимание на знаки препинания!

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laughed walked climbed listened skated jumped
1. Last year my dad …  the dog, but now I need to do it.

2. Today we are playing basketball, but yesterday we … high.

3. I often …. to classical music before, but now I like rock more.

4. One of my old friends always …  at me. I didn't like it, and we're not friends any more.

5. Anne … the mountain only once in her life: it was in Italy.

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