Практическая работа№12_Комаровская Н.Ю. Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12 Обучающийся Комаровская Нина Юрьевна Преподаватель Гоголева Елена Александровна
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Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж" Программа среднего профессионального образования 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование Дисциплина: Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12 Выполнил: Обучающийся Комаровская Нина Юрьевна Преподаватель: Гоголева Елена Александровна Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Общаться устно и письменно. Задание 1. Студенты – это будущее любой страны. Они являются юными гражданами нашего общества, полными безграничной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь – самый яркий период в нашей жизни. Это смешение учебы и веселья. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем старым добрым временам своей студенческой жизни. У студента имеются определенные обязанности, которые следует выполнять. Разумеется, что первостепенной задачей студента является усердная учеба и приобретение необходимых знаний для будущей карьеры. Он обязан посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять все задания в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это поможет студенту в достижении своих целей и в становлении старательным и настойчивым человеком. Если он не будет пренебрегать своей учебой, он получит богатые дивиденды в будущей работе. Экзаменационная пора в конце каждого семестра – довольно сложное время для студентов. Они проводят бесконечные дни и ночи за учебой и зубрежкой. Хотя некоторые практикуют списывание, копирование чужих эссе или курсовых работ. И вам повезет, если вас не подловит на этом преподаватель, поскольку наказанием может как плохая отметка, так и даже исключение из колледжа. Большая часть студенческого времени посвящена учебе и чтению. Невероятно, но некоторым студентам удается справляться и с работой на неполный день, потому что им нужно много денег на обучение в колледже или университете. Плата за обучение и учебники очень дороги в наше время, а если вы снимаете жилье, то это еще более накладно. Поэтому у студентов насыщенный график, включающий учебу, работу и выходы в свет для общения. Хороший студент никогда не потратит свободное время впустую. Ему следует заниматься спортом для того, чтобы иметь хорошее здоровье и настроение. Ведь говорят: «В здоровом теле здоровый дух.» Студенты любят участвовать как в академической, так и во вне учебной жизни колледжа: в различных фестивалях, интеллектуальных викторинах и летних лагерях. Эта общественная жизнь расширяет кругозор, раскрывает таланты и навыки общения. И это отличное время для встречи настоящих друзей среди своих однокашников в колледже. В завершение я бы хотел сказать, что это просто здорово – быть студентом! Задание 2. This text is about student life. It's a beautiful and brightest period, which remains in our memory for all our life. The most important student duty is studying hard. What knowledge a student acquires at the university or college depends on his future career. But, the student life is not limited only to learning and lectures. Sports competition and different festivals, intellectual quizzes takes an important part of student life. It can be said, that it's just a special, different world full of fun, studies and great plans for the future. Nowadays, tuition fees, books and rent an apartment are very expensive. So some students manage to deal with part-time jobs. They need money, especially if their parents cannot help them. The most difficult time in student life is the examination time. This period the students are very busy. They spend endless days and nights on studying, because they need to prepare for exams. Some of them, if they are not ready, can use cheating or copying someone’s course works. But it is a big risk, because it can lead to excluding from the college. As practice show, student life is the period of our life, when we find good friends. It's a nice time, when we develop our talents and often become a person. That why, we can say, that it's absolutely great to be a student! Задание 3. Тема «Mother’s Day» «День Матери»
The Mummy Game. Игра «Мамочка». Who is so nice, who is so kind, Another so dear you’ll never find? Дети: My mother! Ведущий: Who ran to help you when you fell? And who could funny stories tell? Дети: My mother! Who wakes you up and kisses you? (Mummy!) - Who says it’s time to wash your face? (Mummy!) - Who cooks you breakfast, dinner and supper? (Mummy!) - Who likes your smile, asks not to cry? (Mummy!) - Who helps you, plays with you and sings? (Mummy!) - Who gives you presents and tasty things? (Mummy!) - Who loves you and your Daddy deeply? (Mummy!) - Who is the best for you and me? (Mummy!) Holiday security measures: Holiday security measures: 1. You can not make noise and talk to each other, otherwise we will not hear the speech of artists (animators). 2. You can not push, step on each other's feet. 3. Do not block the view of other children. 4. When children are sitting, they should not sway in chairs. 5. Do not jump forward without the invitation of artists. 6. Do not place footrests. 7. Don't grab or tug on artists' clothes. 8. Do not bump into each other when playing with animators. 9. During an outdoor game, run only in one direction. 10. At the end of mass events (holidays), the children leave the hall without creating panic, do not push, try to let the children from the lower grades go first. Задание 4. Hello! My name is Nina Yurievna. I am an English teacher in 5th grade. When moving from elementary school to secondary school, students find themselves in new conditions that create certain difficulties for them: the office system; a large number of subject teachers; transition to a new building; new types of homework appear; the number of subjects studied increases, the volume and pace of work in the lesson differ from elementary school. Why do you need to study English? English is the language of international communication. In all parts of the world, people speak English. English gives a great opportunity when traveling: you buy tickets on your own, book hotels, easily communicate with local residents, keep up a conversation, easily navigate in a foreign country: make purchases, visit sights. You can find out any information from primary sources. Learning a foreign language develops your abilities: memory, attention, perception, thinking. To memorize words, phrases and expressions, you need to use various techniques and create your own for lasting memorization. Also, learning the language will help you listen and use information effectively. Learning English improves your native language: you learn new words, formulate your thoughts in new ways, develop cultural awareness. Tips for parents: 1. All children have different developmental cycles and are very individual in their development. There comes a time when children begin an increased period of perception of knowledge, the appearance of numerous hobbies. The task of parents: do not miss this moment when you can start learning the language. 2. The load of children should be appropriate for their age. 3. Show interest in the child's progress more often and encourage him to tell what he has learned in the lesson. 4. Consult with the teacher when questions arise. 5. Don't force your child to speak English if he doesn't want to. 6. Expand your vocabulary with game exercises. 7. Motivate the child that the language is already useful and necessary. 8. Learn not to be afraid to make mistakes. The normative-legal base of the teacher is conditionally divided into federal and intra-school documents. Federal documents include: 1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". 2. Federal state educational standard. 3. The federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions. 4. Exemplary basic educational program of an educational institution. 5. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. Internal documents include: 1. Educational plan based on the basic curriculum. 2. Calendar-thematic planning. 3. Working program. The multi-level system of legal regulation of relations in the education system makes it possible to specify the general provisions of Russian legislation in a form accessible for their implementation on the ground, ensures the flexibility of existing legal norms, and takes into account regional and local characteristics of education in the real conditions of pedagogical activity. Задание 5. Life of Anna German. My name is Anna German. I was born in Novokuznetsk, on the 1st of October 1986. At the age of 8, my family moved to another country. I love my new homeland, but I still miss Russia. I studied foreign languages at university and graduated in 2009. I can’t say that I was a bookworm, but I really enjoyed studying. I didn’t finish university with flying colors, but according to my teachers, I was good. Nowadays I live alone in a city far from my parents' place. My mom cooks something delicious and dad goes fishing with my brother. I prefer spending time with the male half of our family. Just to let you know that I’m terrible at cooking. I admit that I’m a lazy person, so, my hobby is not riding a bike, skating or skiing. I collect photos and souvenirs from all the countries I have visited. I’ve been to Egypt, Greece, Poland, Sweden and Germany. And my dream is to visit Great Britain, walk around London and visit my friend in Glasgow, Scotland. Задание 6. Aristotle was the first person to form the methodology of teaching children. It should be noted that he made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogical science. According to his methodology, a child must be educated from childhood as a versatile person. This was explained by the fact that in childhood the mind is pure and clear, which means that it is able to receive a large amount of knowledge from various fields. It was thanks to Aristotle that in schools, along with the exact and humanities, they began to teach music, fine arts and physical education. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is a Swiss humanist. He described the desire of children to develop with the following phrase: “The eye wants to see, the ear wants to hear, the leg wants to walk, and the hand wants to grab.” You probably can't imagine a more accurate and capacious description. Pestalozzi also said that "the hour of the birth of a child is the first hour of his education." Herbert Spencer is a famous British philosopher and sociologist. As a child, he studied at home, as he was sick a lot. Studying oppressed the child quite strongly, he became stubborn, absent-minded and inattentive. Despite this, the father did not lose hope to teach his son not to be afraid of change, to experiment, to think outside the box. It is not at all surprising that when Herbert Spencer grew up, his only desire was to break the established system of education. He criticized it in every possible way, from memorization methods to theoretical education in general. According to the philosopher, only practice can bring true knowledge. In addition, he argued that some subjects taught at school are not required at all. Пермь - 2023 |