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  • 1. Were are the biggest stock exchanges in the world


  • Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But which of them is worth reacting to

  • Задания. Задания по английскому языку. ІV. Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы

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    Задание №1

    І. Определите функцию инфинитива в предложении и переведите его на русский язык.

    1. The third main area to research is financial side.

    2. It takes long to deliver finished cars to the customers.

    3. Lunch is the time to relax.

    4. She applied for job to improve her career prospects.

    ІІ. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты.

    1. They are likely to start producing this model.

    2. The goods are reported to be expensive.

    ІІІ. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия и герундиальных оборотов.

    1. Without having a good training one cannot become a good specialist.

    2. We look forward to meeting you soon.

    ІV. Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Were are the biggest stock exchanges in the world?

    2. Can an investor approach a jobber directly.

    Securities and Stock Exchanges

    Shares, stocks and bonds form securities.

    Bonds are documents which give details of a loan made to a company or government.

    Securities issued by the British Government are called guilts or guilt-edged securities. This can also mean any high quality security without financial risk. Another way of describing these high quality securities is blue chips.

    Securities of all kinds are traded at the Stock Exchange. Only Stock Exchange members are admitted to transact business at the Stock Exchange. There are two kinds of people dealing on the Stock Exchange Market. They are brokers and jobbers.

    An investor who wishes buy or sell securities must act through a broker. After the broker receives instructions from the investor or his client he approaches a jobber. Each jobber deals in a particular group of securities. The jobber asks the broker his price. The jobber usually does not know if the broker wishes to buy or sell and he quotes two prices:

    • his buying price, or the bid

    • his selling price, or the offer

    The difference of the two prices is the jobber's turn.

    The existence of the stock exchange means that it is generally possible to buy or sell securities at any time at the market price.

    The speculator on the stock exchange who buys securities in expectation of a rise in their prices is a bull.

    The speculator wishing to sell securities in anticipation of a fall in their prices is a bear.

    The biggest stock exchanges function in London, New York, Tokyo and Frankfurt-on-the-Mine, thus providing round-the-clock operation of the stock exchange market.

    Задание №2

    1. Read the article from the newspaper paying much attention to the effective job search by means of studying ads of job opportunities.




    2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations using the text

    7) размещать объявления, 8) твердая репутация,9) соответствовать уровню


    The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to independently study the ads of job opportunities being published.

    Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But which of them is worth reacting to?

    Don't put much trust in ads in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive publications with a firm reputation.

    Your main task is to understand whether the position being offered is consistent with the levels of your skills, education, and experience in work.

    The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of the candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits. Ads are often published by employment agencies on behalf of their clients. The address of the office is usually not given - it is suggested that the resume should be sent to a P.O. box or else faxed.

    Having carefully studied the demands and duties being offered, an experienced reader may extract information on the activities of the company and the prospects of its development.

    The phrases often used about “successful work over many years in the Russian market”, “New missions being opened”, etc., really testify to the company's dependability, serious prospects for its growth, and the durability of its stay in Russia.

    First, one must pay attention to the position. To grasp what lurks behind the position's English name, there is a need to visualize at least in general outline the personnel structure at Western companies. For instance, one may be misled by the incorrect interpretation of the word “Assistant”. There is a need to understand that this word does not at all imply secretarial functions. A more exact meaning of this word is: mate, aid, apprentice manager, high-class specialist capable of independently tackling the tasks set to him.

    Therefore using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about this position and the company itself to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer.

    You may find out as much as possible about payment and benefits the company provides. In different countries, and in different trades and different grades, the salary that goes with a job may be only part of the


    package: extra benefits, or fringe benefits like a company car or cheap housing loans, bonuses paid in a 'thirteenth month', company pension schemes, free canteen meals, long holidays or flexible working hours may all contribute to the attractiveness of a job.

    Carefully read the demands made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important. In most cases there is a need for free command of the language - Fluent English. Free command implies an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently to compile documents and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

    Quite often the ads do not decipher other demands in detail. For example, the ability to type in Russian/Latin. According to international standards, an adequate level of typewriting is a speed of 60 words per minute. Therefore, when claiming the given position, you need to check your speed or bring it up to the required level. Besides, a secretary is usually required to be able to work on a personal computer. In general, if the ads meticulously enumerate the software products, systems, languages, etc., which the candidate must necessarily know, remember that these demands have a strictly binding force.

    Such special demands set the level of the candidate's indispensable qualifications.

    Thus, you have decided to find a job: buy a newspaper and carefully study the classified ads given by employment agencies. Now you will be faced with the labor-consuming procedure of writing and circulating your resume.

    (abridged from "Moscow News") by Natalya Gremitskaya Manager for Marketing and Advertising at Ancor Employment Agency

    Задание № 3

    1. Составьте презентацию своей организации (если не работаете, то любой знакомой вам организации) с использованием всех приведенных ключевых фраз из книги «РЕЧЕВОЙ ПРАКТИКУМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. ЧАСТЬ 1. УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ» Авторы Дрюченко А.А., Козыренко Е.В., Мякушкина О.В., Ивлева М.В.

    !!!! Прошу учесть в решении задачи, что автор работы мужчина!!!!

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