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  • Раздел 1. Чтение Задание 1.

  • Задание

  • Раздел 2. Грамматика 1. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы

  • 2. Вставьте глаголы в скобках в форме

  • 3. Дайте краткие отрицательные ответы на вопросы по модели, а затем составьте утвердительное предложение, используя слова в скобках.

  • Раздел 3. Устная речь Задание 1.

  • Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 5 задача, вариант 2(СГТУ). СГТУ_контрольная_работа_5_вариант_2. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Английский язык

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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

    Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

    высшего образования «Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Гагарина Ю.А.»

    Контрольная работа

    по дисциплине «Английский язык»

    Контрольная работа № 5

    Вариант № 2

    Семестр 1 учебный год 2020-2021

    Выполнил студент 3 курса

    Форма обучения заочная

    Факультет Строительство

    Номер зачетной книжки


    Подпись студента ___________________

    Проверил(а)(Ф.И.О.) _________________


    Подпись преподавателя_______________

    Саратов 2021

    In general, the British are very polite most of the time. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are among the most commonly used words in Britain. People also have a tendency to apologize —some would say too much— and so, you will also hear ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ a lot. The popular stereotype of the average British person is more often than not true —they will say sorry to you, even when it is in fact you who has accidentally stepped on their toes or bumped into them!

    It will not surprise you to know then that queuing, or waiting in line so that someone who arrived first is served first, is another British near-obsession. It is sacrosanct. Seriously! Be it in the pub, at the supermarket or at a bus stop, people in Britain queue for everything. Pushing in or cutting into a queue is considered very impolite and you will be heavily frowned upon for doing it. It is one of the few occasions when the famously reserved British can get visibly annoyed in public, so do bear it in mind.

    In most cases, queues are easy to spot. They tend to be tidy lines of people waiting. In public places, including shops and restaurants, there will also usually be a sign —such as ‘Please Wait Here to Be Served’ or ‘Please Queue Here’. Where it can be a bit tricky is in pubs, where the lines are neither tidy nor so easy to spot at the bar. The best thing to do is to take note of who was there before you and wait your turn to be served after them. Bar staff are usually very good about keeping track of who should be served next.

    Finally, punctuality is important in Britain. As a rule, you should arrive on time for lectures, tutorials and any other appointments. Similarly, if you've arranged to meet someone at a pub, cafe or elsewhere and find yourself running late or unable to make it, and then let the person you are meeting know.
    Раздел 1. Чтение
    Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно.

    В основном британцы всегда очень вежливы. «Пожалуйста» и «спасибо» — одни из чаще всего используемых слов в Великобритании. Люди также имеют направленность извиняться — некоторые сказали бы даже чрезмерно обильно — и поэтому вы также часто будете слышать «я сожалею» и «извините». Распространённый стереотип о среднестатистическом британце чаще всего оказывается неправильным — они будут извиняться перед вами, даже если на самом деле это вы ненамеренно наступили им на пальцы ног или столкнулись с ними!

    Тогда вы не удивитесь, если узнаете, что стояние в очереди или ожидание, пока обслужат первым того, кто прибыл первым, — это еще одна почти одержимая черта британцев. Это свято. Шуточки в сторону! Будь то в пабе, в супермаркете или на автобусной остановке, люди в Великобритании выстраиваются в очередь за всем. Вставать в очередь или вставать в нее считается особо невежливым, и вас будут осуждать за это. Это один из немногих случаев, когда известные сдержанные британцы могут заметно возмущаться на публике, так что имейте такое в виду.

    В большинстве случаев очереди легко обнаружить. Обычно это аккуратные очереди из ожидающих людей. В общественных местах, в том числе в магазинах и ресторанах, также обычно есть таблички, например, «Пожалуйста, подождите здесь, дабы вас обслужили» или «Пожалуйста, встаньте тут в очередь». Там, где это может существовать сложно, так это в пабах, где очереди не аккуратны и их иначе легко заметить у бара. Лучше всего отметить, кто был там до вас, и дождаться своей очереди, дабы вас обслужили. Персонал бара обычно очень хорошо отслеживает, кого обслужить следующим.

    Наконец, в Британии важна пунктуальность. Как правило, вы должны приходить вовремя на лекции, обучения и любые остальные встречи. Неукоснительно так же, если бы вы условились встретиться с кем-то в пабе, кафетерии или в другом месте и обнаружите, что опаздываете или не имеет возможности приехать, а впоследствии оповестите человеку, с которым вы встречаетесь, об опоздании заранее.
    Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What words are commonly used in Britain?

    2. What stereotype of the average British person is popular?

    3. What is considered to be impolite in Britain?

    4. What signs can you see in Britain?

    5. Is punctuality important?


    1. the British are very polite and often use words like this: «sorry», «excuse me», «please», «not at all»

    2. Popular stereotype of the average British person is the nation is extra polite. More than need

    3. in Britain it is considered impolite to break lines and occupy a person's personal space

    4. If you break the line, then you can immediately point to it. there are many tablets that also remind you of this

    5. I think so, but she shouldn't be snobbish

    Задание 3. Найдите эквиваленты для данных слов.

    1. Polite (j)

    2. Apologize (d)

    3. Queue (f)

    4. Punctuality (g)

    5. Rule (c)

    6. Occasion (e)

    7. Tutorial (b)

    8. important (i)

    9. sign (a)

    10. stereotype (h)

    a. знак

    b. занятие


    d. извиняться



    g. пунктуальность



    j. вежливый

    Задание 4. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова из задания 3.
    1. People may have many stereotypes about foreigners. 2. This meeting was very important for her. 3. I hate being in such a long queue. 4. It is too late to apologize. 5. Punctuality is not very important in Russia. 6. Our teacher is polite. 7. Please, learn all new signs by heart. 8. “Watch out” is one of the rules. 9. It’s a rare oсcasion that you get to actually witness an iceberg rolling. 10. The tutorial starts at 10 a.m.
    Раздел 2. Грамматика
    1. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы PastContinuous.

    1. He was sitting at the table the whole evening yesterday.

    He was not sitting at the table the whole evening yesterday.

    Was he sitting at the table the whole evening yesterday?

    2. My little aunt was reading at this time yesterday.

    My little aunt was not reading at this time yesterday.

    Was my little aunt reading at this time yesterday?

    3. He was playing football from two till three yesterday.

    He was not playing football from two till three yesterday.

    Was he playing football from two till three yesterday?

    4. I was cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.

    I was not cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.

    Was I cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday?

    5. They were discussing that question the whole evening yesterday.

    They were not discussing that question the whole evening yesterday.

    Were they discussing that question the whole evening yesterday?

    6. My friend was doing his homework at seven o'clock yesterday.

    My friend was not doing his homework at seven o'clock yesterday.

    Was my friend doing his homework at seven o'clock yesterday?

    7. Our parents were listening to the radio from 5 till 6 yesterday.

    Our parents were not listening to the radio from 5 till 6 yesterday.

    Were our parents listening to the radio from 5 till 6 yesterday?

    8. My cat was sleeping the whole night.

    My cat was not sleeping the whole night.

    Was my cat sleeping the whole night?

    9. We were watching TV at 3 o’clock yesterday.

    We were not watching TV at 3 o’clock yesterday.

    Were we watching TV at 3 o’clock yesterday?

    10. They were drinking tea at 5 o’clock yesterday.

    They were not drinking tea at 5 o’clock yesterday.

    Were they drinking tea at 5 o’clock yesterday.
    2. Вставьте глаголы в скобках в форме PastContinuous.
    1.I was writing an English exercise at this time yesterday.

    2. My little sister was sleeping at this time yesterday.

    3. My friends were not doing their homework at seven o'clock yesterday.

    4. What your father was doing from eight till nine yesterday?

    5. Why she was crying when I saw her yesterday?

    6. She was reading the whole evening yesterday.

    7. He was learning a poem from two till three yesterday.

    8. What he was doing the whole evening yesterday?

    9. She was playing the piano the whole evening.

    10. We were washing the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday.

    3. Дайте краткие отрицательные ответы на вопросы по модели, а затем составьте утвердительное предложение, используя слова в скобках.

    Were you reading the whole evening yesterday? (play football)

    No, I was not. I was playing football yesterday.

    1. Was your daughter sleep the whole night yesterday? (read)

    No, she was not. She was reading the whole night yesterday.

    2. Were your parents dancing the whole party yesterday? (talk)

    No, they were not. They were talking the whole party yesterday.

    3. Were you reading magazines at three o’clock yesterday? (watch TV)

    No, I was not. I was watching TV at three o’clock yesterday.

    4. Was his friend doing his homework yesterday? (sleep)

    No, he was not. His friend was sleeping yesterday.

    5. Were you listening to music the whole morning yesterday? (work)

    No, I was not. I was working the whole morning yesterday.

    6. Were your sisters washing the dishes the whole hour? (wash the floor)

    No, they were not. My sisters were washing the floor the whole hour.

    7. Were my cousins sunbathing from 4 till 6 yesterday? (play basketball)

    No, they were not. My cousins were playing basketball from 4 till 6 yesterday.

    8. Was your mother reading the whole evening yesterday? (cook)

    No, she was not. My mother was cooking the whole evening yesterday.

    4. Раскройтескобки, употребивглаголывформе Present Simple или Present Continuous.

    1. I’m writing an essay now.

    2. I’m not drinking milk now.

    3. I’m going for a walk after dinner.

    4. I don’t go to the theatre every week.

    5. He isn’t reading now.

    6. He is playing now.

    7. My mother works at a factory.

    8. My aunt doesn’t work at a shop.

    9. Do you work at an office?

    10. My friend lives in St. Petersburg.

    11. My cousin doesn’t live in Moscow.

    12. The children aren’t sleeping now.

    13. The children play in the yard every day.

    14. They don’t go to the stadium on Monday.

    5. Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Continuous, Past Simple.

    1. I’m writing an English exercise now.

    2. I was writing an English exercise at this time yesterday.

    3. My little sister is sleeping now.

    4 My little sister was sleeping at this time yesterday.

    5. My friends aren’t doing their homework now. They are playing volley-ball.

    6. My friends was doing their homework yesterday.

    7. Are you eating ice-cream now?

    8. Was you eating ice-cream yesterday?

    9. What is your father doing?

    10. What was your father doing yesterday?

    11. They aren’t playing in the street now.

    12. Are they playing in the room now?

    13. He is helping his mother now.

    14. Was he helping his mother yesterday?

    Раздел 3. Устная речь
    Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь с рассказом и ответьте на вопросы.

    Many people believe that the British are very polite most of the time. They usually say ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’. One of the stereotypes which foreigners have about the British, is that they have a tendency to apologize. Some people say that they will say sorry to you, even when it is in fact you who is to be blamed. Moreover, the British are keen on punctuality. If you have a meeting with the British, please, arrive on time. Otherwise, they will think that you are rude and don’t respect them even if in your native country to be late is not considered to be a problem. For example, in Russia people don’t usually pay much attention to time. Any meeting, even official, may be postponed and start, for instance, a half an hour later.

    1. What do foreigners usually think about the British?

    2. Are they keen on punctuality?

    3. Do people in Russia pay much attention to punctuality?

    4. Are you punctual?

    5. What do you usually say to a person who always makes you wait for him/her?


    1. Foreigners think the British are generally very polite.

    2. Yes. The British are very punctual

    3. Russia pays attention to punctuality, but doesn't pay much attention to it

    4. Yes, I think in this respect I am very similar to the British)

    5. That it is "not very good of him"

    Задание 2. Составьте рассказ о том, какими Вы видите британцев. (10-15 предложений).
    I think the British are very polite and punctual, even at ordinary times. Maybe there is a stereotype about "British snobs", but nevertheless they are also very fond of humor and jokes. From the earliest times, the concept of "Gentleman" has developed, as well as rules of conduct. The principles of "gentlemanly behavior" have been elevated to a cult in Britain, which speaks of their desire for nobility. The British can be quite open-minded people, but they value human space very much. they will never come without warning, or will never inform you that they may be late. Many Britons do not have cars, if in our country a car is shielded by an indicator of your "level", then the British do not pay attention to such things, they are more focused on yourself. It seems to me that not many of the British are religious, but nevertheless they value a person's choice very much and try to understand a person from another religion or culture. In this regard, they are very modern and tolerant.
    Я думаю британцы очень вежливы и пунктуальны, даже в обыденое время. Может быть стереотипу о "Британских снобах" имеет место быть, но тем не менее они так же очень любят юмор и шутки. С самых давних пор, сложилось понятие "Джентельмен", а так же, сложились правила поведения. Принципы "джентльменского поведения", были возведены в культ в Британии, что говорит о их тяге к благородству. Британцы могут быть довольно открытими людьми, но они очень ценят пространство человека. они никогда не придут не предупридив, или никогда не неоповестят вас о том что могут опоздать.У многих Британцев нет машин, если у нас в стране автомобиль щитается показателем твоего "уровня", то британцы не обращают внимание на подобные вещи, они больше сконцентрированы на себе. Мне кажется что не многии из британцев религиозны, но тем не менее они очень ценят выбор человека и стараются понять человека из другой религии или культуры. В этом плане они очень современны и толерантны

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