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Навигация по странице:

  • Учебный аспект

  • Рецептивный : лексический

  • II . Активизация лексических единиц

  • Развитие и cовершенствование навыков правильного лексико–грамматического оформления речи

  • IV . Активизация позитивных утверждений в косвенной речи

  • Активизация Past Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple в речи учащихся .

  • Использование и применение на практике лингвострановедческого материала

  • Complete this text using the words from the box.

  • урок в 8. Урока в 8 классе "The British their Features and Manners"

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    Методическая разработка урока в 8 классе:

    "The British: their Features and Manners"
    Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с символом британцев, типичным англичанином, Джоном Булом; особенностями характера и манерами британцев (в ходе беседы на уроке и исполнения песни на английском языке “in the Streets of London”).

    Развивающий аспектформирование способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к формированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного, развитие репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых действий с помощью подбора выражений, адекватных ситуации.

    Воспитательный аспектвоспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, стране изучаемого языка и людям в ней проживающим. Стремление проявлять интерес к некоторым фактам британской культуры (краткая информация о достопримечательностях Лондона, текст “Full Day Excursion to London”), правилам этикета, желание посмотреть на себя глазами иностранцев .

    Учебный аспект– развитие лексико–грамматических навыков говорения; речевая функция is said to … (выражение утверждений в косвенной речи).

    Речевой материал – продуктивный: лексический. Open and friendly people, polite and well mannered, great animal lovers, conservative, great tea–drinkers, practical and careful, country people, emotional but reticent, charming, countrymen at heart, serious people, have a lovely sense of humor.
    1) употребление утверждений в косвенной речи (is said to be polite, is believed..., is thought .., is supposed ..,  is known .., is considered ..);
    2) Активизация в речи учащихся Past Perfect , Past Simple , Present Simple

    Рецептивный: лексический – Bucking Palace , the official London, Queen Elizabeth II, the Changing of the Guard, Hyde Park, Royal Albert Hall, Knightsbridge, Harrods, Brampton Road, Exhibition Road, the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum.
    Ход урока 

    1. Оргмомент , объявление темы и цели урока

    T: Good morning , boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Today we are going to talk about British people . The topic of today’s lesson is: “The British : their features and manners”

    You will train to ask , to answer questions , and learn some more interesting things about the Brits and their mode of life .

    2) Pronunciation

    1. T: Would you like to review some words after me ? (Учитель показывает таблички со словами)

    2. T: Which word is different? (Дети называют лишнее слово в каждой табличке)

    II . Активизация лексических единиц
    T: When people think of the British they picture in their minds different things.

    • What do you usuаlly think of when you think of Britain’s?

    a) Complete your Word Webs. (Anticipating , please!)

    (Учащиеся работают по 3–4 человека в группах и заполняют свои Word Webs)


    b) Compare your Word Web with your partner’s in order to except similar things . (Учащиеся в своих группах задают друг другу вопросы. Учитель проверяет готовность групп: Are you ready?)

      1. Развитие и cовершенствование навыков правильного лексико–грамматического оформления речи

    а) T : Complete the Word Web on the blackboard so that to learn what or who you think of when you think of the Brits / Схема составляется всем классом . Учащиеся выходят к доске и записывают на схеме свои мысли о британцах.

    б) Учебный разговор.

    T: P1 ask P2 , Who John Bull is ;

    P1 asks P2 : Who is John Вull?

    • John Bull is the symbol of the typical Englishman . We is drawn as a big man with a large stomach and a round face. He wears high boots , an open jacket , and a Union Jack Waistcoat . He often has a bulldog with him .

    T: P3 ask P4 , What he knows about Union Jack?

    P3 asks P4 : What do you know about Union Jack?

    • Union Jack is the national flag of Great Britain , made up of 3 flags : the crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, and St. Patric, representing England, Scotland and Northern Ireland .

    • T P5: Is Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family heavily linked with Britain ?

    P5: Yes, they are heavily linked with Britain .

    T: Well , we know that a symbol of the typical Englishman is John Bull . But from television and books we get another image of the typical Brit . It is an older man . Could you describe him , please , P6 ?

    P6: Oh , yes , with pleasure .

    • The typical Brit is an older man with a pipe in one hand . Perhaps he’s eating fish or chips at a pub or playing darts .

    T P7: Do you think of great clubs , bars and parties . Where the typical Brit spends his spare time ?

    P7 : I think of great clubs , bars and parties , where the typical Brit spends his spare time .

    • T P8 : What about London ?

    P8 : London is the capital of the UK . It is the only big city that I can picture in Britain .

    • T P9 : And what about small towns ?

    P9 : In small towns there isn’t much to do in the way of entertainment. Тhat’s why people may read more, or learn to play instrument , or writе, or do something else that go to a movie .

    • T P10 : What is the best thing in Вritain ?

    P10 : Violence : the best thing I can think of about Britain is that there doesn’t seem to be a lot of violence .

    T: Thank you! Now I see what you picture in your mind when you think of Britains .
    Активизация_позитивных_утверждений_в_косвенной_речи'>IV . Активизация позитивных утверждений в косвенной речи

    T: Which characteristics of the Вritish have beеn noticed else by you?

    1) Choose 3 any word combinations from the box to characterize Вritish people . Let’s read them!

    T Cl : Open and friendly people, polite and well –mannered, great animal lovers, conservative, great tea – drinkers, practical and careful, country people, emotional but reticent, charming, country man at heart, serious people, have a lovely sense of humor .

    Please, write down three any adjectives in your sheets of paper. (Ученики записывают прилагательные на тех же листочках, где были заполнены Word Webs в специально отведённых для этого “рамках”)

    2) Compare your characteristics with your partner’s .(Ученики работают в группах)

    P1 P2 : Are the British great tea – drinkers?

    P2: Yes , they are …

    3) Will you express your statements in reported speech using following structures? You may tell also about the Scots , the Welsh the Irish separately .

    (is) are







    to be ….


    to have….


    to speak….

    (Учащиеся характеризуют британцев , используя косвенную речь)

    T Cl : Is John Bull known to have a bulldog with him ?

    Cl : Yes , he is…

    T Cl : Where is the typical Brit said to spend his spare time ?

    Cl : At pubs , clubs, bars and parties.

    T Cl : Is Queen Elizabeth II believed to have a lovely sense of humor?

    Cl : Yes , she is….

    T : Well , thank you . I like your active work. Тoday you are believed to know much about manners and features of the British .

      1. Активизация Past Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple в речи учащихся.

    T : Open the books at p. 15 , ex. 3

    Here is what people in different countries think about the British . Are the facts interesting? Compare your list of characteristics with theirs.

    P1 : Read the task please .

    P1 : What did most people think about the British? Did they change their opinion after they had visited Britain? How? (Interpreting an opinion poll)

    T : Your own point of view is also interesting and important. You may say:

    (На доске записаны фразы)

    – I was right about the fact that…

    • I did guess correctly about the fact that…

    • I couldn’t imagine , that…

    • It is surprising that…

    (Учащиеся работают с учебником , пользуясь таблицей у. 22 и ключевыми словами в рамке)

    T : Thank you! I see the facts are interesting , aren’t they? And some of your lists of characteristics are similar with peoples in different countries.

    1. Использование и применение на практике лингвострановедческого материала

    1. Исполнение песни “The streets of London” (1 куплет)

    T : Well , we have spoken much about the British and their manners.

    • Do you think the British are treated with respect by the people of other countries?

    • Do you respect the British ?

    • Will you sing a song about them , please !

    Звучит песня “The Streets of London” в исполнении учащихся.

    T : Thank you! This song is about people who can be seen in the streets of London , the typical Londoners. They are well– mannered , aren’t they?

    1. Проведение теста “Are you well– mannered”?

    T : Let me see if you are well– mannered! Open the books at p. 107 , ex. 2.

    Take this Quiz to see how well–mannered you are. Then count your score.

    You get 2 points for each correct answer. (Учащиеся выполняют тест) .

    T : What is your score ?Are you well–mannered ?

    If you have 8 points – you are well–mannered

    6 points – sometimes break the rules

    4 points – you should pay attention to your manners

    1. Домашнее задание

    1. T : We have spoken much about features and manners of the British, we have learned what people in different countries think about the British. Do you want to know, what foreign people visited Russia, think of about the Russians? Take thenp.32 , ex. 1.1 for your home work

    (Звучит снова песня о Лондоне как фоновая заставка: 2–3 куплета)

    1. T : Will you read and translate a text about sights which are in the streets of London ? (Текст распечатан на листочках)

    Complete this text using the words from the box.

    May, sights, residence, shops, dropping, the coach, continuing, magnificent, either, turning, arrive


    Tour day will start at Bucking Palace the official London (1)________ of Queen Elizabeth II where you (2) _______ he able to see the Changing of the Guard. From here, (3) _______ will take you on a tour of some of the city’s famous (4) _______ before (5) _______ you at Hyde Park, one of London’s most famous parks. In the afternoon , having passed by the (6) ________ Royal Albert Hall , you will (7) ________ in Knightsbridge and have the chance to visit one of the most famous (8) ________ in the world, Harrods. (9) _______ up Brompton Road and (10) _______ right into Exhibition Road, you will then visit (11) _______ the Science Museum or the Natural History Museum.

    Bucking Palace
    The official London
    Queen Elizabeth II
    The Changing of the Guard
    Hyde Park
    Royal Albert Hall
    Brompton Road
    Exhibition Road
    The Science Museum
    The Natural History Museum

    T : P1 , will you read the task of the text, please!

    P1 читает задание к тексту

    T : Pay attention to some proper names in the text Repeat them after me, please! (Слова вынесены на доску)

    1. Заключительный этап

    1. Вывод . I’m very satisfied with your work today. You’re given me much information about features and manners of the British . Thanks!

    2. Оценки . Your marks for the lesson are (учитель объявляет оценки ученикам).

    3. Окончание урока . Stand up! The lesson is over. You may be free!

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