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  • Контрольная работа по дисциплине: Деловой иностранный язык(английский язык)Исполнитель

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Контрольная работа Task 1. Read the text and translate the text.

  • Task 2. Are the following statements right or wrong Correct the wrong ones.

  • Task 3. Answer the following questions.

  • Task 4. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions.

  • Now, give your definitions to the following words

  • Task 6. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

  • Деловой иностранный язык. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Деловой иностранный язык (английский язык) Исполнитель студент IV курса Институт заочного и очнозаочного обучения

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    ТипКонтрольная работа


    ФГБОУ ВО Уральский государственный экономический университет

    Контрольная работа

    по дисциплине: Деловой иностранный язык

    (английский язык)

    Исполнитель: студент IV курса

    Институт заочного и очно-заочного обучения

    направления «Гостиничное дело»

    Козлов В.Ю.


    2019 г.


    Контрольная работа

    Task 1. Read the text and translate the text.

    Sally’s Story

    Я только что получил диплом бакалавра в области менеджмента и был уверен, что смогу начать карьеру. В тот момент я работал барменом и хорошо зарабатывал, но чувствовал, что пришло время устроиться на «настоящую работу». Я собирался найти ее в моей области обучения.

    Поэтому я начал искать работу. Я просмотрел позиции, предлагаемые в местных газетах, и использовал все интернет-сайты объявлений о работе. Я подал заявку на вакансии, которые показались мне идеальными.

    Я был рад, когда первые резюме, которые я представил, привели к интервью. Я чувствовал себя хорошо во всем процессе, был уверен в своих навыках интервью и думал, что пройдет немного времени, прежде чем я найду работу. Эти интервью приводили к вежливым телефонным звонкам, информирующим меня о том, что они «наняли другого кандидата с большим опытом».

    Я посетил наш местный центр занятости, проконсультировался с консультантом по вопросам карьеры и пообщался с друзьями, которые могли знать об открытых вакансиях. Я начал претендовать на любые вакансии в менеджменте. Именно тогда наступил мой большой прорыв - меня пригласили на второе собеседование. В этот момент я был уверен, что наконец-то добился успеха. К сожалению, это был отказ, как и все остальные. Я искал работу в течение двух месяцев, и я был почти потерял уверенность.

    Затем я получил очень неожиданный телефонный звонок от некоммерческой организации, к которой я обратился задолго до этого. Они попросили меня прийти на собеседование. Я взял это интервью, и они предложили мне работу в качестве офис-менеджера. Я не был уверен, что это была возможность, которую я искал, но я решил принять работу.

    Сегодня прошло два года с тех пор, как я устроился на эту работу. Я все еще работаю в некоммерческой организации, и она открыла мне двери, которые я никогда не считал возможным. Я многое узнал о некоммерческой индустрии, о мире и о себе. Я быстро продвинулся и завоевал уважение моих коллег. Я нахожусь в хорошем месте и чувствую себя очень счастливым.

    Task 2. Are the following statements right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones.

    1. Sally graduated with a BA in Management.

    2. Sally’s first job was just a way to earn money. Correct

    3. When applying for a job, you should submit your CV. Correct

    4. Career advisers can help you decide on career direction. Correct.

    5. Sally got a job after the first interview. It took Sally a lot of interviews and time to get a job.

    6. Sally was offered a job as an Office Manager, but she rejected it. Sally took the Office Manager position he was offered.

    Task 3. Answer the following questions.

    1. Was Sally satisfied with her first job? No, he was not. Otherwise, what was the point for a job search?

    2. Do you think that there can be ‘real’ and not ‘real’ job? Sure, some jobs are a waste of time and soon will be replaced.

    3. Where did Sally look for job vacancies? What else could she do? He was doing the web-search, looked through the local newspapers and asked his friends. He had done a pretty decent amount of search, not much to add.

    4. Why was she sure that she would get a job rather quickly? How quickly do you expect to find a job after graduating? He was sure because his first submitted CVs led to the interviews. However, it might take a long time to find a really good opportunity.

    5. What should you do to apply for a particular job? I would think on the corresponding skills for the position, create a deep profile on the prospective company and prepare a CV.

    6. What can you expect after visiting an interview? I would expect a follow up call-email from the HR.

    7. Did Sally manage to find a job in her field of study? Are you going to look for a job in your field of study? Is it important? Why? Sally didn’t manage to find a job in Management. I’m going to find a job in my field of study.

    8. Was Sally finally glad to have taken a job with a nonprofit? Yes, she was.

    9. What things are you going to consider when deciding whether to accept or reject an offer? A list of things to consider: responsibilities, skills, salary, growth opportunities and etc.

    Task 4. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions.

    1) job-hunting

    6a) a person concerned with the recruiting, training, and welfare of employees

    2) job centre

    5b) the activity of meeting and talking to people in order to exchange information about work and interests

    3) job advertisement

    1c) looking for employment

    4) to apply for

    2d) a government office that gives advice about available jobs

    5) networking

    4e) put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a job

    6) personnel manager

    3f) a notice or announcement that publicizes a job vacancy

    Now, give your definitions to the following words: skill, qualification, experience, job interview, applicant, successful candidate, job offer.

    Task 5. Fill in the gaps. Use the prompts given in the brackets to guess the words.

    1. What are your strong sides? (what you do well, your positive qualities or effective skills)

    2. What are your weak points? (what you don’t do well, negative qualities)

    3. Why should we hire you? (to recruit)

    4. What are your background? (the educational and professional background)

    5. Why did you choose this field? (an area of work, such as computers, engineering or medicine)

    6. Describe your previous jobs. (what came or happened before)

    7. What were your responsibilities in your previous position? (what you were in charge of)

    8. Do you work well under pressure? (stress)

    9. Are you punctual? (who arrives on time)

    10. Can you be multitasking? (to do many things at one time)

    11. How would your co-workers describe you? (people you work with)

    12. Are you ready to work 24/7? (hours outside of regular work hours)

    13. What are your salary expectations? (how much money you think you’ll get)

    14. Can we contact your reference? (people who are willing to talk about your abilities or your character)

    Task 6. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.



    application form




    probation period



    salary (2)


    promotion (2)

    1. If you are told how much money you will earn every year and you are paid every month, what you receive is called a salary

    2. I filled in the application form and gave it to the interviewer.

    3. We’re looking for someone with excellent communication skills.

    4. A person who tries to get a particular job is called an applicant.

    5. If you stay with the same company but get a better job with more responsibility and more money this is called a promotion.

    6. Anne has a qualification in accounting from the University of Toulouse. Now she is looking for her first job. A company in her home town is advertising a vacancy in the Finance Department. The company doesn’t offer a very competitive salary, but it does offer a performance-related bonus, so Anne can earn more if she works hard and is successful. It is a big company, and Anne thinks that there will be good opportunities for promotion in a couple of years.

    7. If you want to combine studying and working, you should look for a part-time job.

    8. full-time jobs generally pay more than part-time jobs, and usually carry more hours per week.

    9. During the probation period your manager will closely monitor your

    10. When you are taught how to do a job, it is called training.

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