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Любимое времяпровождение favorite pastime различные области various areas

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About myself


любимое времяпровождение – favorite pastime

различные области – various areas

проводить время «в компьютере» - spending time «in computer»

«бродить» по Интернету – «serf» on the internet

в поисках информации – in search of information

переписываться – to correspond

увлекательный - fascinating

свободное время – spare time

научная фантастика – science fiction

важная часть жизни – an important part of life

участвовать в спортивных соревнованиях – participate in sports competitions

хорошо оборудованный спортзал – well-appointed sport hall

совершенствовать английский язык – improve the English language

идти в ногу с изменениями – keep up with changes in technology

проводить время с друзьями – spend time with friends


Family name - фамилия

full name – полное имя

be enrolled in the university – быть зачисленным в университет

spare time – свободное время

surf the Net – сидеть в сети

independent person – независимый человек

exciting experience – увлекательный опыт

favorite activity – любимое занятие

develop one’s mind – развивать ум

way of thinking – образ мышления

be fond of reading – увлекаться чтением

participate in sporting events – участвовать в спортивных мероприятиях

developments in technology – разработки в области технологий

keep up with changes in technology - идти в ногу с изменениями технологий

be abroad – быть за границей

do something for pleasure – делать что то для удовольствия

waste time – тратить время впустую


  1. Family name

  2. freshman

  3. Be enrolled in the university

  4. favorite activity

  5. surf the Net

  6. spare time

  7. exciting experience

  8. participate in sporting events

  9. developments in technology

  10. keep up with changes in technology

  11. free time


  1. on

  2. at the

  3. at, in

  4. at

  5. in

  6. a, on

  7. to

  8. at, with

  9. of

  10. on

  11. up

  12. over

  13. at, in


  1. Yes, I’m

  2. Yes, I do

  3. Yes, I do

  4. Yes, I’m

  5. Yes, I do

  6. Yes, I do

  7. Yes, I do

  8. Yes, I can

  9. No, I’m

  10. No, I’m

  11. Yes, I do

  12. Yes, I do


b. optimistic

c. sociable

d. talkative

l. hard-working

h. ambitious

o. cheerfu


  1. My full name is Maftuna Miboboeva.

  2. I’m a first-year student of Surgut State University.

  3. I was born on the 11th on December 2003.

  4. My native city is Fedorovsky.

  5. I finished school number five in Fedorovsky.

  6. My favorite subject at school were math and social studies.

  7. I don't have much spare time right now.

  8. I recently baked cookies for my mom.

  9. In my free time I prefer tidying up my room and read a book.

  10. I put a lot of effort into going to University.

  11. I'm a hard-working sociable and talkative person.

  12. I enjoy studying at the university, but I also want to spend enough time with my family and friends..

  13. I wish I could speak friends Englishю

  14. I graduated from school with excellent grades but I didn't get a gold medalю

  15. I've always wanted to travelю

  16. I have not traveled much in our country and abroad.

  17. I hope to be a good studentю


  1. Student is name Ann Sokolova.

  2. She was born in Surgut Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

  3. Her are hobbies sports music and gymnastics.

  4. In her family, five people.

  5. Her father's profession is a businessman.

  6. Ann is favorite subject are physics computer science and English.

  7. She think about studying foreign language helps in everyday life and career.

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