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  • Small genres of folklore

  • Features of each of the genres.

  • A saying

  • A ditty

  • Oral folk art (folklore)

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    Oral folk art (folklore) is a combination of various types and forms of mass verbal and artistic creativity, which have become part of the everyday tradition, either one way or the other.

    Oral folk art is a reflection of the life, everyday life, and beliefs of ancient people. Works of folk art accompany a person from birth. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.

    Oral folk art (folklore) existed in the pre-literary era. Folklore works (riddles, tongue twisters, fables, etc.) were transmitted orally. Memorized them by ear. This contributed to the emergence of different versions of the same folklore work.

    The term "folklore" (translated as "folk wisdom") was first introduced by the English scientist WJ Thoms in the 19th century. Initially, this term was used to refer to the entire spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, woodcarving, etc.) and material (housing, clothing) culture of the people. Since the beginning of the XX century. the term is used in a narrower, more specific meaning: oral folk art.

    Folklore was a verbal art inherent in folk life. Since ancient times, most peoples have had ancestral legends, labor and ritual songs, mythological stories, conspiracies. The most important event was the appearance of a fairy tale, the plots of which were perceived as fiction, and not as an event that took place in reality.

    Unlike a literary work, the author of which we can always determine, folklore is a collective art. Each work of oral folk art not only expresses the thoughts and feelings of certain groups of people, but is also collectively created and distributed, from person to person. That is why the definition of "oral creativity" is very important in the designation of folklore. However, collectivity in folklore does not mean that individuals did not play any role. Talented masters, whose names we no longer recognize, created songs, ditties, fairy tales, which went into life without the name of the author.

    Small genres of folklore are small works that accompany a person from an early age.

    What genres of folklore are small?

    The range of works that are called small genres of folklore is quite large, these include:

    • lullabies

    • nursery rhymes

    • jokes

    • fables

    • rhymes


    • proverbs

    • sayings

    •Tongue Twisters

    Features of each of the genres.

    Many works (oeuvre) are associated with a person's childhood, becoming his companions in various life situations. So, for example, lullabies are one of the first pieces that a child gets to know.

    Lullaby is a small genre of folklore. Lullabies lull the baby to sleep, prepare him for bed.

    Lullabies are songs that a mother sings to a child to put the children to sleep. Ancient lullabies have not lost their functions and popularity in our time. The purpose of lullabies - to calm the child - is achieved by a special manner of performance and an appeal to the help of various animals. The most common characters in lullabies, besides the wolf, were chickens, rooster, pigeons.

    The lullaby is one of the oldest genres of folklore, as indicated by the fact that elements of a charm-conspiracy have been preserved in it. People believed that a person is surrounded by mysterious hostile forces, and if a child sees something bad, terrible in a dream, then in reality it will not happen again. This is why the lullaby contains the "gray top" and other frightening characters. Later, lullabies lost their magical elements and acquired the meaning of good wishes for the future. So, a lullaby is a song that lulls a child to sleep. Since the song was accompanied by the measured swaying of the child, the rhythm is very important in it.

    A dream is a wish your heart makes
    When you're fast asleep
    In dreams you will loose your heartache
    Whatever you wish for you keep
    Have faith in your dreams and someday
    Your rainbow will come smiling through
    No matter how your heart is grieving
    If you keep on believing
    The dream that you wish will come true
    A dream is a wish your heart makes
    When you're feeling small
    Alone in the night you whisper

    When a child grows up, he continues to get acquainted with the world and works of folklore. One of the genres that help him to play and develop is called nursery rhyme.

    Nursery rhymes with which a child is entertained so that he does not cry. Nursery rhymes contain a playful element that kids perform with fingers, hands, legs.

    Nursery rhymes are a small genre of folklore, small poems that play up the movements of facial expressions, hands and feet of a child and help with exercise.

    A nursery rhyme is an element of pedagogy, a verdict song accompanying the game with the fingers, hands and feet of the child. Nursery rhymes, like little dogs, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow in a playful way to induce the child to action, while simultaneously performing massage, physical exercises, stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre of children's folklore, there are incentives to play out the plot with the help of fingers (finger games or Ladushki), hands, and facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help to instill in the child the skills of hygiene, order, develop fine motor skills and the emotional sphere.

    Note that reading is accompanied by bending of the fingers.

    Кашу варила,
    Деток кормила:
    Этому дала,
    Этому дала,
    Этому дала,
    Этому дала,
    А этому не дала.

    A joke is a small genre of folklore in the form of a short fascinating poem on various topics.

    A joke is a poetic short funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

    Сова, совинька, сова,
    Большая голова,
    На колу сидела,
    В стороны глядела,
    Головой вертела.

    Fiction is a small genre of folklore, a work that describes improbable, confusing events in a comic tone.

    Как петух в печи пироги печёт,
      Кошка в окошке рубаху шьёт,
      Поросёнок в ступе горох толчёт,
      Конь у крыльца в три копыта бьёт,
    Уточка в сапожках избу метёт.
    Of course, such events could not have happened in reality - this is an important feature of fiction.

    A rhyme is a small genre of folklore, a small poem that helps you find someone who will drive the game.

    • One, two. How are you? (Раз, два. Как твои дела?)
      Three, four. Who’s at the door? (Три, четыре. Кто там у двери?)
      Five, six. My name is Fix. (Пять, шесть. Меня зовут мистер Фикс.)
      Seven, eight. Sorry, I’m late. (Семь, восемь. Простите, я опоздал.)
      Nine, ten. Say it again. (Девять, десять. Повтори всё снова.)

    Used to determine the order of participants in the game. The one who pronounces the counting-out, points in turn at each participant.

    A riddle is an expression that needs to be solved, an allegorical, poetic reproduction of an object or phenomenon.

    Riddles can be considered the most ancient genre of folklore. In the old days, man believed that by guessing riddles, he would subjugate nature, animals, plants. Riddles for are most often associated with household objects or creatures from the animal world that are familiar to the child, who should have a good idea of ​​what it is about.

    A riddle, like a proverb, is a short figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscured form. As a rule, in a riddle, one object is described through another on the basis of similarities.

    A poetic description of an object or phenomenon, based on similarity or contiguity with another object, characterized by brevity, compositional clarity.

    Calls. The chants were either shouted out with the intonation of a call, or had a lingering melody. The call included the obligatory verbal appeal to the object of the call: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Sun, Earth, Rain, birds, etc., which live in calls as animate beings.

    A call is a ritual song of a spell that accompanies the rite of clicking and includes the obligatory verbal appeal to the object of the call: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Sun, Earth, Rain, birds, etc., which live in calls like animate beings.

    Calls are one of the types of chanting songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of peasants about the economy and family. For example, the spell of a rich harvest passes through all calendar songs; for themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, wealth.

    Calls represent an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered heralds of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: in the spring they make requests, they wish her early arrival, they complain about the winter.

    Жаворонки, жавороночки!
    Прилетите к нам,
    Принесите нам лето теплое,
    Унесите от нас зиму холодную.
    Нам холодная зима надоскучила,
    Руки, ноги отморозила.

    There are two closely related genres in Russian folklore. What do you think this is about?

    The two sisters of oral folk art can be called a proverb and a saying, because they have so much in common.

    What similarities and differences can you name? Think about it, taking into account the popular saying: "A saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry."

    A saying is a small genre of folklore, an accurate allegorical expression.

    A proverb is a small genre of folklore, a complete allegorical statement with a clearly expressed thought.

    Прочитай примеры поговорок и поговорок, сравни их:

    А proverbs

    А sayings

    • Кто грамоте горазд, тому не пропасть.

    • Глупый осудит, а умный рассудит.

    • Как собака на сене

    • Толочь воду в ступе

    The proverb has more semantic fullness. Sayings are often used in sentences and can be easily replaced with other words: «остаться с носом» — остаться ни с чем, «хоть шаром покати» — пусто.

    А proverb is a short figurative, rhythmically organized folk expression that has the ability to use it in multiple meanings in speech according to the principle of analogy. Expresses a complete thought.

    A saying is an expression that figuratively defines the essence of a life phenomenon and gives it an emotional assessment; does not contain a complete thought.

    Not every piece of oral folk art is easy to remember and pronounce. What genre do you think might be difficult?

    Of course, the tongue twister is not easy to pronounce.

    Tongue twister is a small genre of folklore, a phrase built on the repetition of the same sounds, which makes it difficult to pronounce it quickly.

    A playful expression, specially built on the combination of words that are difficult to pronounce together.

    A tongue twister is a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called "pure twisters" because they contribute to and can be used to develop diction. Tongue twisters are both rhymed and non-rhymed.

    A ditty is a short, rhymed song performed at a fast pace, a quick poetic response to an event of an everyday or social nature.

    Nursery rhymes (from the word to nurture, that is, to nurse) is a short poetic melody of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of a child that he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes, caresses him, saying:

    Потягунюшки, порастунюшки,
    Поперёк толстонюшки

    А в ручки хватюнюшки,
    А в роток говорок,
    А в головку разумок.

    When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

    Большие ноги
    Шли по дороге:
    Топ, топ, топ,
    Топ, топ, топ.
    Маленькие ножки
    Бежали по дорожке:
    Топ, топ, топ, топ,
    Топ, топ, топ, топ!

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