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  • Структура модульной контрольной работы

  • Test 2, 10

  • 2. Fill in: in, out, off, up after (Phrasal verb “take”)

  • 3.Use the correct form: -ing form / to –infinitive / without to Inf.

  • 5. Form nouns from the verbs in brackets

  • Test №6 , 10

  • Пояснительная записка Фонд оценочных средств (далее фос) по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык

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    НазваниеПояснительная записка Фонд оценочных средств (далее фос) по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык
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    Пояснительная записка

    Фонд оценочных средств (далее – ФОС) по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» разработан на основе Федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования.

    ФОС предназначен для контроля и оценки результатов освоения дисциплины «Английский язык» учащимися 10 классов, а также выявление факторов, влияющих на результаты их дальнейшего обучения.

    Тексты заданий предлагаемых модульных контрольных работ соответствуют ФКГОС, материалу, изложенному в УМК Spotlight, включенному в Федеральный перечень рекомендованных учебников.

    Цель: проведение мониторинга и контроля знаний учащихся по изученным модулям, выявление проблемных тем и пробелов в знаниях у учащихся (если такие будут выявлены).

    Структура модульной контрольной работы: в модульную контрольную работу по английскому языку для 10 класса включены задания, содержащие вопросы по основным изучаемым разделам модуля: лексика, грамматика, навыки разговорной речи.

    В ходе ответа на вопросы модульной контрольной работы обучающийся должен продемонстрировать следующие языковые компетенции:

    • Знание значений лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, реплик-клише речевого этикета, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка;

    • Знание значений изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме;

    • знание основных способов словообразования (аффиксации, словосложения, конверсии);

    • понимание и использование явлений многозначности слов иностранного языка, синонимии, антонимии и лексической сочетаемости;

    • распознавание и употребление на письме основных морфологических форм и синтаксических конструкций изучаемого языка; знание признаков изученных грамматических явлений (видовременных форм глаголов, модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов, артиклей, существительных, степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий, местоимений, числительных, предлогов);

    • знание основных различий систем иностранного и русского/родного языков.

    Время, отводимое на решение модульной контрольной работы, составляет 45 минут.

    10 GradeTESTONMODULE 1

    I.Fillin :supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected

    1. When all her other ​friends ​deserted her, Steve ​remained ………. .

    2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

    3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

    4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

    5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

    6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

    7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

    8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

    9. Be …………., your time will come.

    10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..

    10Х 2 /20

    II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

    1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

    2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

    3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

    4. I’am sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

    5. Our plane………..( arrive) early in the morning.

    5Х 4 /20

    III. Fill in: out for, down on, forward to, after, up:

    1. I ​look ……………… ​hearing from you.

    2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

    3. Look ………… broken glass on the floor.

    4.I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

    5.“A lot of people look …………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

    5х 4 /20

    IV. Fill in:on, about, with, at

    1.Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

    2.Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

    3.Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen …..rock climbing and paragliding.

    4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters (A.Einstein).

    5.I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

    5Х 4 /20

    V. Translate into English:

    Попасть на фильм; следить за модой; оказывать холодный прием; сдаваться; быть сокращенным; высмеивать; ладить с кем-либо; действовать кому-либо на нервы; пустая трата времени; не выносить; разглядывать витрины; тусоваться; сходиться во взглядах; написать строчку; смеяться над; издеваться; высококвалифицированный; чувство юмора; телефон доверия; дразнить.

    20Х 1 /20

    My score : / 100

    10 Grade Module 2

    I. Match the words to make phrases

    1 student A loan

    2 pocket B part

    3 household C course

    4 take D money

    5 race E chores

    5x4 /20

    II. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

    1. Helen is ……..to win the race.

    A determined B outgoing C reserved

    2 . James writes children’s books; he’s very …… .

    A brave B active C creative

    3 .Ian makes new friends very easily; he’s so …… .

    A sensitive B sociable C shy

    4 .Jake loves doing extreme sports; he’s very ….. .

    A boring B adventurous C cautious

    5. Dave dreams of becoming president one day; he’s extremely ….. .

    A imaginative B brave C ambitious

    5x4 /20

    III. Choose the correct preposition.

    1.Ian has taken in/ up tennis.

    2. Why don’t you take off/ out your hat?

    3.On her birthday I took my sister over/ out to an expensive restaurant.

    4. Your daughter has taken off/ after you. You look so much alike (одинаково).

    5. I think you need to take these trousers out/ in; they’re very loose (широкий) on you.

    5x4 /20

    IV. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to)

    1. Please remind me …….(return) the DVD to the video club.

    2. My mother made me …… (clean) my room today.

    3. Would you like …… (go) shopping tomorrow?

    4. I don’t mind …… (watch) this film again.

    5. Let me …… (help) you with the bags.

    6. Jane hates ……(take) the car to the garage.

    7. I can’t wait …… (hear) your news.

    8. Kate must ……(see) a doctor as soon as possible.

    9. Rick and Diane enjoy …… (do) extreme sports.

    10. I’m looking forward to …… (travel) to South America next week.

    10x2 /20

    V. Choose the correct answer

    1. My father is crazy ……… photography.

    A about B with C in

    2. Mrs Jenkins is fond …..painting.

    A at B with C of

    3. Are you interested …… mythology?

    A in B at C with

    4.I’m very proud ….. you!

    A with B of C about

    5.Luke is brilliant ….. basketball.

    A at B in C on

    5x4 /20

    Test 2, 10th form

    1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Загрязнение воздуха

    2. Астма

    3. Пыль

    4. Спрей

    5. Грибок, плесень

    6. Железная дорога

    7. Насекомое

    8. Потребитель

    9. Карманные деньги

    10. Несправедливый


    2. Fill in: in, out, off, up after (Phrasal verb “take”)

    1. Jane is very short. She takes …… her grandmother. 2. He took …..his cap. 3 I think I should take …..running. 4. I have lost my weight and my dress had to take ….. . 5. We are going to take you …..for your birthday!


    3.Use the correct form: -ing form / to –infinitive / without to Inf.

    1. You should avoid (eat) junk food. 2. I want you (come). 3. He must (apologize) for his words. 4. We should (tell) our parents about the party. 5. Mary enjoys (drive) a car.


    4. Fill in: at, of, in, on (Dependent prepositions)

    1. This is a picture I am very fond …… . 2. Julia’s parents are proud …..her talent in art. 3. He was brilliant …. football. 4. Claire is keen …. music. 5. All she is interested …..is clothes.


    5. Form nouns from the verbs in brackets:

    1. John looked at Tim in (amaze). 2. We reached an (agree) with them. 3. We do not really agree with your (suggest). 4. Have a look at my (collect). 5. She received her (educate) at private school.


    1. Grade Module 3

    I.Match the words to make phrases

    1 attend A job

    2 strict B school

    3 boarding C uniform

    4 full-time D classes

    5 old-fashioned E rules

    5 x 4 /20

    II. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

    1. I start my new ……. tomorrow!

    A profession B work C job

    2 . Do you have any ……. as a beautician?

    A experience B work C interests

    3. Doctor’s and teacher’s …… are not well-paid.

    A salaries B money C wages

    4. Paul wants to apply for the ….. of a flight attendant.

    A job B position C place

    5. After leaving school Jack is going to …..into Cambridge University.

    A take B get C learn

    III. Choose the correct preposition.

    1. Leave him alone; stop picking on/ at him.

    2. At the moment I’m in / at charge of a team of ten people.

    3. Don’t you worry; I’ll deal about/ with this.

    4. Laura is picking on/ at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

    5. I’ve been working at/ in this office more than 10 years.

    5x4 /20

    IV. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct future form: future simple, future continuous, future perfect, present continuous or be going to.

    1. I don’t think John …… (pass) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

    2.This time next week I …… (shop) in Milan.

    3.By the end of the month I …… (finish) this project.

    4. “When …… (you/ fly) to London?” “Tomorrow morning.”

    5. What …… (you/ buy) Fiona for her birthday?

    5x4 /20

    V.Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

    1. Tennis is a ……… sport than Rugby.

    A difficult B more difficult C the most difficult

    2. This is ……… hotel I've ever stayed in.

    A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

    3. She is probably ……… person I know.

    A bad B worse C the worst

    4. He's ……… football player in the team.

    A good B better C the best

    5. Could you open the window, please? It's getting ……….and hotter in this room by the minute.

    A hot B hotter C the hottest

    5x4 /20

    1. Grade Module 4

    1. Match the words.

    1. Energy a. paper

    2. Vegetable b. packaging

    3. Excessive c. peelings

    4. Packed d. heap

    5. Writing e. lunch

    6. Compost f. consumption

    7. Endangered g. habitat

    8. adoption h. lifestyles

    9. Modern i. species

    10. Natural j. certificate

    10x2 /20

    II. Fill in: of, about, to, in , from.

    1. We all need to protect nature …. pollution.

    2. Plenty of species are …. danger of losing their habitats.

    3. Throwing waste in the sea can be harmful … marine life.

    4. I am an avid supporter … Greenpeace.

    5. My dad feels strongly …. the role of education.

    5x4 / 20

    III. Fill in:into, away, from, on, out of.

    1. Sue ran ……. Tom while she was shopping at the supermarket.

    2. The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran ……..the zoo.

    3. We’ve run ……..sugar. Will you go and buy a packet,please.

    4. He almost ran …..the old man who was crossing the road.

    5. The cooker runs …… electricity.

    5x4 /20

    IV. Fill in: had to, don’t have to, could, must, shouldn’t.

    1. You ……. turn off the light when you leave the room.

    2. I …… speak German from the age of 14.

    3. It’s a public holiday tomorrow, so I …..go to work.

    4. You ……. go out in the rain – you’ll get ill!

    5.Mary couldn’t come out last night because she…. finish writing an essay.

    5x4 /20

    V. Form negatives

    1. My sister is very …….. RESPONSIBLE

    2. Smoking in public places is now …..in many countries. LEGAL

    3. Levels of CO2 emissions are still …… ACCEPTABLE

    4. I find some tasks ……. to solve POSSIBLE

    5. Many animal species can ….. . APPEAR

    5x4 /20

    10 Grade Module 5

    I.Match the words.

    1.Delayed a. tour

    2.Street b. comforts

    3.Breathtaking c. town

    4.Local d. view

    5. candlelit e. flight

    6.Annual f. festivals

    7.Guided g.view

    8.Home h. vendors

    9.Bird’s eye i. dishes

    10.Ancient j. procession

    10x2 /20

    II. Fill in:around, by, in, on with, off

    1.I don’t get ……. Brian .I don’t like his attitude.

    2.It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get……this part of town.

    3. I don’t know how you can get ……. on such a low salary.

    4. Jane’s train gets …..at 6 pm.

    5. I have to get …..now. See you later.

    5x4 /20

    III. Fill in: on, in,by.

    1.How often do you travel …. Plane?

    2.It’s not very far. Let’s go …. Foot.

    3. My flight arrives …. New York at 10 am.

    4. When did you last go …. Holiday.

    5. We go to the airport …. car.

    5x4 /20

    IV. Match the opposites

    1. arrival a. go away

    2. descend b. exit

    3. Enter c. sell

    4. Return d. departure

    5. Purchase e. go up

    5x4 /20

    V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

    1. ……. (see) that show last night?

    2. They ……..(wait) for two hours before Ann arrived.

    3. It …. (rain) heavily and the wind was blowing.

    4. My uncle …… (be) in the navy for years before he became a commercial diver.

    5. They……..( move) here seven months ago.

    5x4 /20

    Test №6, 10th form

    1. Match the words:

    1. Relaxed a. prices

    2. Tasty b. staff

    3. Helpful c. menu

    4. Varied d. atmosphere

    5. High e. food


    2. What should you do if:

    1. – overweight

    2. – tooth decay

    3. – dry skin

    4. – lack of concentration


    3. Fill in the phrasal verb ‘give’

    1. She____________ her clothes to poor people.

    2. This cheese is not fresh. It __________ unpleasant smell.

    3. We decided to ____________ eating sweets.

    4. Did you __________ CD to Katya?


    4. Translate into English using 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditionals.

    1. Еслитыкупишь молоко, я испекупирог.

    2. Когда у негобудетвремя, он поможет нам.

    3. Еслибытыдал мне книгу, я быпрочиталэтотрассказ.

    4. Еслибыона пришла завтра, мыбыпомылиокна.

    5. Еслибы у менябыловремявчера, я бысделалэтуработу.

    6. Еслибытыпришелвчера, мыбы перевели этот текст.


    1. Write out the odd word.

    1. Black, raw, instant, filtered coffee

    2. Healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

    3. Spicy, traditional, artificial, vegetarian dish

    4. Grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

    5. Boiled, scrambled, fried, instant eggs

    6. Fake, cold, sparkling, still water

    7. Juicy, delicious, icy, sweet apple


    10 Grade Module 7

    I. Match the words.

    1. Couch a. booked

    2. Video b. generation

    3. Square-eyed c. industry

    4. Predictable d. laugh

    5. Box e. office

    6. Catchy f. games

    7. Soap g. operas

    8. Film h. storyline

    9. Fully i. potato

    10. A good j. tunes

    10x2 / 20

    II. Fill in :on, down, off, up ,over.

    1. Can you turn …..the lights, please? I can’t see a thing!

    2. Turn …..the music. It’s too loud!

    3. Can I turn the channel ….. ?

    4. Turn it ….. . I love this song.

    5. Turn …. The TV and go to bed.

    5x4 /20

    III. Fill in:for or with.

    1. She’s got a reputation ……… being extremely rude.

    2. He impressed the audience ……… his magic tricks!

    3. He mistook her ……. his friend.

    4. France is famous ……..its fine cuisine.

    5. Her music is popular ……. teenagers.

    5x4 /20

    IV. Choose the correct tense.

    1. The Phantom of the Operahas staged /has been staged thousands of times.

    2. More films are watched/watch at home than in cinemas nowadays.

    3. Older people especially enjoy/ are enjoyed operas.

    4. During the interval, ice-creamwill be/will available.

    5. These seats are reserved/reserve for our special guests.

    5x4 /20

    V. Fill in the gaps with the correct derivative of the following words

    1. Jamala is a very ………. singer . TALENT

    2. His parents are figure……. . SKATE

    3. Bekir is getting ………..at the best preparatory school in the USA. EDUCATE

    4. Dmitri Hvorostovsky is a ……..baritone opera …… from Russia. FAME / SING

    5. Students of our school won the regional dance …….. . COMPETE

    5x4 /20

    10 grade Module 8

    1. Match the words

    1.digital a.sertificate

    2.home b.guarantee

    3.social c.recorder

    4. techno d.movies

    5.university e.designer

    6.music f.camera

    7.voice g.lecture

    8.guarantee h.freak

    9.software i.collection

    10.under j.life

    10x2 / 20

    II. Choose the correct preposition.

    1. It’s very expensive to get a laptop repaired if it’s not with/under guarantee.

    2. The PC was delivered free of/on charge.

    3. This laptop isn’t with/in stock.

    4. I don’t know what’s wrong at/with my PC.

    5. The shop assistant exchanged my broken printer for/from a new one.

    5x4 /20

    III. Complete the idioms with :under,right,works,science,drawing.

    1. Anybody can use a mobile phone; it’s not rocket ……

    2. If the price is ……… , I might replace my old computer with a laptop.

    3. I really put the camcorder ………the microscope but I still couldn’t fix it.

    4. Dad couldn’t fix my MP3 player, so it’s back to the ……… board.

    5. I heard that IBM have a new type of PC in the……. .

    5x4 /20

    IV. Choose the correct particle.

    1. We were brought up/on in Manchester,England.

    2. My new computer has brought on/about big changes in how I work.

    3. The stress from his job brought back/on a heart attack.

    4. I’ve been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring up/back the DVD I lent her.

    4x5 20

    V. Turn following sentences into reportedspeech :

    1. “I was in London last year “, she said to me.

    2. Jane said : “ I am all right . Nothing worries me

    3. “ I am busy now. I am doing my lessons ”, said Tom.

    4. “ I have come here to meet Sonya”,he said to me.

    5. Ann asked me : “Have you been shopping here all morning?”

    5x4 /20

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