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  • I. Начало занятия. 1. Организационный момент . T

  • What can you do in every season In winter

  • In autumn

  • 3. Работа с лексикой по теме «Одежда». Развитие навыков финансовой грамотности. Lets remember the words according to the clothes.

  • III. Завершающий этап занятия We have spoken about four seasons and weather today. We have made dialogue. 1. Выставление

  • Урок в 5 классе на тему Времена года по ФГОС 3 поколения. урок английского языка в 5б классе. Природа. Что за погода!

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    НазваниеПрирода. Что за погода!
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    Конспект урока английского языка на тему «Природа. Что за погода!»

    Цель занятия: совершенствование умений практического владения английским языком по теме «Времена года, погода» и «Одежда»
    Ход урока

    I. Начало занятия.

    1. Организационныймомент.

    T: Good morning, girls and boys. I’m glad to see you again. I hope you are fine. At our last lesson we spoke about weather. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. Today we’ll speak about the seasons and the weather.

    II. Основная часть занятия.

    1. Речевая зарядка.

    T: Let’s start our lesson. Look out of the window and answer my questions. (Слайд 2)

    • T: What date is it today?

    • S.: Today is the 1st of November.

    • T.: What day of the week is it today?

    • S.: Today is Tuesday.

    • T: What is the weather like today?

    • S.: It is cloudy today

    • T.: Is it warm or cold today?

    • S.: It is cold today.

    • T.: How many seasons are there in a year?

    • S.: There are four seasons in a year.

    • T.: What season is it now?

    • S.: It is autumn now.

    • T.: What winter months do you know?

    • S.: December, January, February.

    • T.: What spring months do you know?

    • S.: March, April, May.

    • T.: What summer months do you know?

    • S.: June, July, August.

    • T.: What autumn months do you know?

    • S.: September, October, November. 5 мин

    • 2. Работа по теме «Времена года». Развитие навыков читательской грамотности

    • Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year.  The trees and grass become yellow, red and brown. In October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It becomes colder and darker and cold winds blow. Birds fly away to warm countries. November is the month of fog, rain and snow. The landscape becomes rather dull. Nature slowly falls asleep for winter.

    • Winter is my favourite season, because it is the coldest season of the year. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The days are short and the nights are long. It often snows. There is a lot of snow everywhere. Everything seems to be covered into a white blanket. People put on warm clothes. The trees, the streets, the houses are white with snow. Winter is a jolly time for children. Children can ski, skate, make a snowman, play hockey and snowballs.

    • Spring is a nice season. Spring comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. There are new leaves and blossoms on the trees. The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. We can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river, play ball-games and lie in the sun.

    • Summer is a beautiful season with the long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. We can pick up strawberries, blackberries, and many fruits and vegetables. 5 мин

      1. Guess what are these texts about?

    Winter Summer Spring Autumn

      1. Yes, No, Not Stated 5 мин

      2. Choose the correct ending 3 мин

      3. Choose the correct cards on the table and answer the question.  7 мин

    • Ученики делятся на группы и выбирают карточки для ответа на вопрос.

    • What can you do in every season?

    • In winter we can

    • - go ice skating

    • - build a snowman

    • - play snowballs

    • In spring we can

    • - plant some flowers

    • - go for a picnic

    • - ride a bike

    • In summer we can

    • - swim in the sea or lake

    • - go on holiday

    • -sunbathe

    • In autumn we can

    • - pick apples

    • - collect colorful fall leaves

    • - carve a pumpkin for Halloween


    • We are running, (бегнаместе)

    • We are jumping, (прыгаем на месте)

    • Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)

    • We are skipping, (перескакиваем с ноги на ногу на месте)

    • Trying sky to get.  (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)

    • We are flying like a real jet. (руки в стороны, показывая самолёт)

    • We are hopping, (прыгаем на месте на одной ноге потом на другой)

    • We are climbing (как-будто карабкаемся вверх)

    • Like a funny cat. (рисуем в воздухе усы как у кота)

    • Mew. (садимся на место)

    3. Работа с лексикой по теме «Одежда». Развитие навыков финансовой грамотности.

    Lets remember the words according to the clothes.

    Look at my pictures and say what is it?

    1) What clothes do you wear in spring (summer, autumn, winter)? 5 мин

    2) Imagine that you have some money (pounds) and you need to buy some items of clothes. 5 мин

    4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

    It is winter. It is frosty. You need to buy some clothes. Let’s repeat phrases “In the shop”. 10 мин

    1. Ex. 1 p.92 Listen and repeat

    2. Ex. 2 p. 92 Work with the dialogue.

    3. Make up your own dialogue. You are in different seasons and you need to buy some clothes.

    III. Завершающийэтапзанятия


    We have spoken about four seasons and weather today. We have made dialogue.

    1. Выставлениеоценок.

     T: So, your marks are…

    2. Домашнеезадание.

    T: Write down your home assignment. Your home assignment is …

    Our lesson is over. That’s all for today. Thank you very much! See you later!

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