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  • 1) What types of waves are there 2) How do waves transmit energy3) The frequency of the wave movement is it 4) What is Wavelength

  • Задание 2.анг.яз. Прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст. Составьте 5 вопросов к тексту

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    Задание 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст. Составьте 5 вопросов к тексту.


    We see water waves almost every day, we make use of light waves to see the water waves; we hear sounds by means of sound waves. Wave – motion is everywhere. Water waves, light waves, sound waves, any kind of waves, have one thing in common. They transmit energy through a medium by means of vibrations of the particles, but the medium as a whole is not changed or displaced. The number of complete vibrations per second is called the frequency of the wave-motion. The distance between the top of one wave and the top of the next (or between the bottom of one wave and the bottom of the next) is called the wave-length. To find the speed of the wave-motion we multiply the frequency by the wave-length. This important equation is true for any kind of waves. 


      Мы видим волны на воде почти каждый день, мы используем световые волны, чтобы увидеть волны на воде; мы слышим звуки с помощью звуковых волн. Волна - движение везде. Водные волны, световые волны, звуковые волны, любые волны имеют одну общую черту. Они передают энергию через среду посредством колебаний частиц, но среда в целом не изменяется и не смещается. Число полных колебаний в секунду называется частотой волнового движения. Расстояние между вершиной одной волны и вершиной следующей (или между основанием одной волны и основанием следующей) называется длиной волны. Чтобы найти скорость волнового движения, мы умножаем частоту на длину волны. Это важное уравнение верно для любых волн.

      1) What types of waves are there?
      2) How do waves transmit energy?

      3) The frequency of the wave movement is it?
      4) What is Wavelength?
      5) How to find the speed of wave motion?

    Задание 2. Прочитайте вопросы 1—5 и тексты, обозначенные буквами A—F. Установите, в каких текстах можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одном тексте. В задании один текст лишний.


    Where can tourists...

    1. admire famous Leaning Tower?

    2. enjoy a cup of exotic coffee?

    3. find a mixture of easten and western traditions?

    4. see the building of the Council of Europe?

    5. enjoy slow and peaceful life?

    ТЕКСТЫ –


    Have you ever been to Barbados? Life on Barbados is slow and peaceful. People there seem to spend all their time eating and relaxing. The temperature seldom falls below 20°C.

    -B- VIENNA

    Coffee houses are a speciality of Viennese life. Each one serves a huge selection of exotic coffees, so you should consult the menu. The most popular coffee is Brauner, which is similar to espresso.

    -C- ALSACE

    The region of Alsace in north-eastern France is like a country in itself. A major Alsatian city is Strasbourg, the European capital because the Council of Europe is located there. This body, representing more 26 nations, deals mainly with issues of culture and human body rights.

    -D- CHINA

    Two centuries ago China was seen as a combination of mystery and wasteland. A mixture of the West and the East is now found in modem businesses. The production of weapons and the growth of its army have made China a world power.


    Tuscany has much to offer the visitor as it has both beautiful countryside and a number of historic towns. One of its most famous cities is Pisa, famous for its Leaning Tower. That is not the only attraction worth seeing in Pisa, as there is also an eleventh-century cathedral.


    January is when the sales take place, and in London, which is the most expensive city in Britain, the bargains are the best. All British politeness is been forgotten. In January, the shops are trying to get rid of extra Christmas stock and the most shops offer huge discounts.

    2. А-5. enjoy slow and peaceful life?

    B-2. enjoy a cup of exotic coffee?

    C-4. see the building of the Council of Europe?

    D-3. find a mixture of eastern and western traditions?

    E-1. admire famous Leaning Tower?

    D-нет варианта(лишний)

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