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Siberia s'br Сибирь

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1. Прежде чем приступить к чтению текста про Омск, ознакомьтесь с некоторыми географическими названиями и понятиями, необходимыми для полного понимания текста.

Siberia [sαı'bıərıə] Сибирь

LieutenantcolonelBuchholtz [lef'tenətkə:n(ə)l] подполковник Бухгольц

CivilWar ['sıvıl'w :] Гражданская война

AdmiralKolchak ['ædm(ə)r(ə)l] адмирал Колчак

TheDramaTheatre ['drα:mə'θıətə] Драматический театр

TheMusicTheatre ['mju:zık] Музыкальный театр
Theatrefor YoungSpectators ['jΛη spek'teıtə] Театр юного зрителя

The Puppet Theatre ['pΛpıt] Кукольныйтеатр

Harlequin ['hα:likwın] Арлекин
Omsk Philharmonic Company [ֽfılα:'m nık 'k Λmpənı] Омскаяфилармония

The Omsk Folk Choir ['fəuk 'kwαıə] Омскийнародныйхор

The Administration of Omsk [əd ֽınınıs'treı∫(ə)n] АдминистрацияОмска

The German District ['d mən 'dıstrıkt] Немецкийрайон

Orenburg [ֽ :rjən'buəg] Оренбург

The Irtysh River [ır 'tı∫] рекаИртыш

The Soviet Power ['souvjət 'pauə] Советскаявласть

the Ukraine [ju: 'kreın] Украина

Belarus [lebə'rus] Беларусь

Kazakhstan [,kæzæk'stα:n] Казахстан

The Legislative Council ['led ıslətıv 'kαuns(ə)l] Законодательноесобрание

2. ПрочитайтетекстпроОмск.


A vast area known as Western Siberia lies to the east of the Urals. Omsk Region with Omsk as a center covers nearly a quarter of its territory. Nowadays' Omsk is a large city. It stands on the rivers Irtysh and Om. The climate is severe continental. The main water artery is the Irtysh River which flows through the city and gets frozen in winter up to late spring. The Irtysh River divides Omsk into two parts known as the Left Bank and the Right Bank.

In the earlier part of the 20th century, Omsk was a small, sleepy, provincial town. The famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoyevsky described it as small and nasty. In 1716 the Omsk fortress was built at the mouth of the Om River. Its founder was Lieutenant colonel Buchholtz.

From the beginning Omsk played a great role in the development of Siberia. With the construction of the railway in 1899 Omsk became a centre of transport, trade and agriculture. Steamship navigation was opened on the Irtysh River and various industries grew. In 1861 Omsk was connected with Orenburg by the telegraph. Local merchants were expanding during that period. The region exported grain, butter, meat, fish, furs and leather. The town was on the rise.

One of the important pages in the history of our city is the Civil War during which Admiral Kolchak proclaimed Omsk the capital of Siberia. In 1919 the Soviet Power was established in Omsk. By 1934 the city had become one of the biggest regional centres in Russia stretching from Kazakhstan in the south to the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Omsk boomed during World War II when many industrial enterprises were evacuated to it from the western part of the former Soviet Union thus increasing the industrial potential of the area.

In the 50s and 60s an oil refinery and plants manufacturing military and heavy industrial equipment were built. Today they form the backbone of Omsk industry. Today's Omsk is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre. The leaders of Omsk exports are enterprises of refining, chemical, petrochemical, aerospace and agricultural industries.

Omsk is a nice city. It has a lot of parks and squares to have rest in. Omsk is pretty green: almost all the streets are lined with bushes and trees. Omsk used to be called a garden-city and it can be called so today, for sure. The main streets are getting wider and wider.

Omsk is divided into several districts. Its boundaries spread more and more as new housing blocks appear rapidly in the outskirts of the city. Some houses in the centre are small, one- or two-storied buildings. Big buildings are usually various offices. But small houses are gradually pulled down and big modern multi-storied buildings appear on their places. The city of Omsk includes the suburbs and much land that still looks more rural than urban.

One must confess that Omsk is being changed: modern trade centres built in unusual and up-today style appear here and there, old buildings are being reconstructed into modern ones in glass and steel, little shops and boutiques can be seen, little cosy cafes and restaurants are glad to meet you and your friends.

Omsk is a city of students. There are Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city.There are a lot of students from all over the country especially from the north cities, as well as from the other countries (the Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Belarus, the Ukraine, etc.), who come to study in Omsk.

Omsk is not only a provider of employment for the region. It is a center of entertainment, culture, shopping and sport. There are many theatres in Omsk: the most popular - the Drama Theatre, the Music Theatre, the Theatre for Young Spectators, the Puppet Theatre “Harlequin”, the Fifth Theatre, etc. We also have the Omsk Philharmonic Company which has a great popularity both in Russia and abroad. Citizens of Omsk are proud of their Folk Choir, symphony orchestra, a nice Concert Hall and wonderful museums.

The two branches of power of the Omsk region are legislative and executive ones. The former is the Legislative Council and n is the Administration of the Omsk region. In 1992 the German District was founded. Now the population of Omsk is over 1 million people and the population of the Omsk region is over 2 million people.

3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию в тексте.

  1. Who founded the Omsk fortress? - Its founder was Lieutenant colonel Buchholtz.

  2. How did the construction of the railway influence Omsk development? - With the construction of the railway in 1899 Omsk became a centre of transport, trade and agriculture.

  3. What was so important happened in 1861? - In 1861 Omsk was connected with Orenburg by the telegraph.

  4. What did the Omsk Region export? - The region exported grain, butter, meat, fish, furs and leather.

  5. How did the Civil War II influence the industries in Omsk? - Omsk boomed during World War II when many industrial enterprises were evacuated to it from the western part of the former Soviet Union thus increasing the industrial potential of the area.

  6. What forms the backbone of Omsk industry? - In the 50s and 60s an oil refinery and plants manufacturing military and heavy industrial equipment were built. Today they form the backbone of Omsk industry.

  7. What kind of center is today’s Omsk? - Today's Omsk is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre.

  8. What are Omsk exports nowadays? - The leaders of Omsk exports are enterprises of refining, chemical, petrochemical, aerospace and agricultural industries.

  9. Why is Omsk called a city of students? - There are a lot of students from all over the country especially from the north cities, as well as from the other countries (the Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Belarus, the Ukraine, etc.), who come to study in Omsk. There are Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city.

  10. What two branches of power are there in the Omsk region? - The two branches of power of the Omsk region are legislative and executive ones.

  11. What is the population of Omsk? - The population of Omsk is over 1 million people.

4. Соотнеситеслова.

    1. straight

    2. severe

    3. petrochemical

    4. military

    5. leather

    6. equipment

    7. manufacture

    8. mouth

    9. oil refinery

  1. военный

  2. прямой

  3. нефтехимический

  4. завод по очистке нефти

  5. оборудование

  6. производство

  7. резкий, суровый

  8. устье

  9. кожа



















5. Переведите слова и выражения на английский язык (воспользуйтесь текстом про Омск).

  1. заграница - abroad

  2. развитие - development

  3. торговля - trade

  4. предприятие - enterprise

  5. ведущий - leader

  6. в течение – during

  7. снова - over

  8. крепость - fortress

  9. аэрокосмический - aerospace

  10. пригород (2 варианта) – suburb, outskirt

  11. широкий – large, wide

6. Выпишите и переведите 5 предложений из текста про Омск, выделенные курсивом. Поставьте их во времена PastSimple и FutureSimple. Например:

I am at home. – Я – дома.

1) I was at home.

2) I will be at home.
1. The climate is severe continental. – Климатрезкоконтинентальный.

1) The climate was severe continental.

2) The climate will be severe continental.

2. Today they form the backbone of Omsk industry. – Сегодняонисоставляютосновуомскойпромышленности.

1) They formed the backbone of Omsk industry.

2) They will form the backbone of Omsk industry.

3. It has a lot of parks and squares to have rest in. – Здесьмногопарковискверов, гдеможноотдохнуть.

1) It had a lot of parks and squares to have rest in.

2) It will have a lot of parks and squares to have rest in.

4. There are Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city. –Вгородеестьакадемии, университеты, институтыимножествосреднихспециальныхшкол.

1) There were Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city.

2) There will be Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city.

5. Citizens of Omsk are proud of their Folk Choir, symphony orchestra, a nice Concert Hall and wonderful museums. - Омичигордятсясвоимнароднымхором, симфоническиморкестром, прекраснымконцертнымзаломизамечательнымимузеями.

1) Citizens of Omsk were proud of their Folk Choir, symphony orchestra, a nice Concert Hall and wonderful museums.

2) Citizens of Omsk will be proud of their Folk Choir, symphony orchestra, a nice Concert Hall and wonderful museums.

7. Выпишите и переведите 4 подчеркнутых предложения из текста про Великобританию. Поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Например:

Igotoschooleveryday. Яхожувшколукаждыйдень.

1) I don’t go to school every day.

2) Do you go to school every day?
1. The famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoyevsky described it as small and nasty. - ИзвестныйрусскийписательФ.М. Достоевскийописалегокакмаленькийинеприятный.

1) The famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoyevsky didn’t describe it as small and nasty.

2) Dis the famous Russian writer F.M. Dostoyevsky describe it as small and nasty?

2. In 1861 Omsk was connected with Orenburg by the telegraph. - В 1861 годуОмскбылсоединенсОренбургомтелеграфом.

1) In 1861 Omsk wasn’t connected with Orenburg by the telegraph.

2) Was Omsk connected with Orenburg by the telegraphin 1861?

3. There are a lot of students from all over the country especially from the north cities. - Здесьмногостудентовсовсейстраны, особенноизсеверныхгородов.

1) There aren’t a lot of students from all over the country especially from the north cities.

2)Are there a lot of students from all over the country especially from the north cities?

4. Now the population of Omsk is over 1 million people. - СейчаснаселениеОмскасоставляетболее 1 миллионачеловек.

1) Now the population of Omsk isn’t over 1 million people.

2)Is the population of Omsk over 1 million people now?
8.Поставьте следующие существительные в форму единственного числа. Обратите внимание на правописание и исключения. Например:


screws- ascrew

kilograms – a kilogram

models – a model

bases – a basis

ladies – a lady

matches – a match

policemen - a policeman

means – a mean

feet – a foot

lives – a life

inches – an inch

people - a person

9. ПоставьтеглаголвскобкахвправильнойвременнойформеPresentSimple, PastSimpleилиFutureSimple.

  1. Why are(to be) you angry with me?

  2. The economic situation of our company will beon the rise next year.

  3. Many people will be glad to become famous one day.

  4. Our city was divided into two parts many years ago.

  5. There are some screws on the floor.

  6. People are unhappy with the new tax system.

  7. He knows how to use the washing machine.

  8. Why were youabsent yesterday?

  9. In two weeks they will bein Tretyakov Gallery.

  10. How often do you goto the dentist?

  11. Did you watchTV yesterday?

  12. I don’t goto the cinema every day.

  13. Wasyour fatherat work yesterday? – No, he wasn’t.

10. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. She … the address.

a) doesn't know b) isn't know c) don't know

  1. Phone me after 8 o'clock. We … dinner by then.

a) will finish b) will be finishing c) will have finished

  1. We … to the mountains next week.

a) go b) will go c) went

  1. Yesterday at the party John was taking a photograph of me while I … to my friends.

a) am talking b) were talking c) was talking

  1. Her car … down yesterday while she was driving to work.

a) breaked b) broke c) was breaking

  1. I … you tomorrow.

a) 'll see b) see c) saw

  1. … Bill this evening?

a) will you meeting b) are you meeting c) is you meeting

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