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Английский язык. Английский 24.06. The aggregate of individuals of the same species of animal or plant

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НазваниеThe aggregate of individuals of the same species of animal or plant
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1.What is population?
The aggregate of individuals of the same species of animal or plant
What is ecology?
Ecology is the study of the environment, and helps us understand how organisms live with each other in unique physical environments
2.What do you know about climate change?
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas
Rising temperatures lower many species survival rates due to changes that lead to less food, less successful reproduction, and interfering with the environment for native wildlife
3.What do you know about tundra?
Tundra is a type of natural area that lies beyond the northern limits of forest vegetation, an area of permafrost soil that is not flooded by sea or river water
What plants grow in tundra?
Mosses and lichens. Trees - dwarf birch, polar willow, Daurian larch. Shrubs - dryad, heather, berries - blueberry, hazelnut, cloudberry. Grasses - cotton grass, cereals, Arctic and Lapland poppies, mushrooms.
What animals live in tundra?
Polar fox american gopher ,lemming ,elk, reindeer ,polar hare, polar bear, tundra wolf
4.What is the plural form of a “deer”?
How is the meat of a deer called in English?

Что изучает популяционная экология?
Когда мы слышим слово "экология", мы, скорее всего, думаем об окружающей среде и глобальных проблемах, таких как загрязнение или изменение климата. Если мы понимаем экологию как "изучение окружающего нас мира", то она может включать в себя множество наук. Как антропологию можно разделить на множество антропологий, так и экологию можно разделить на различные экологии, в зависимости от того, что изучает каждая из них. Например, популяционная экология изучает взаимоотношения между двумя системами - популяцией вида и природой. На схеме популяционная экология представлена как наука, которая частично заимствует знания из трех других наук - географии, биологии и социологии. На самом деле, популяционная экология может заимствовать знания из всех наук.

1.What is species ?
Species is a set of organisms that are close in origin, relatively similar in morphological and physiological characteristics, are able to freely interbreed with each other and give prolific offspring, occupying a certain range in nature .
2.What does population ecology study?
The population ecology studies the structure and functioning of animal and plant population.

3.Role of bees in population.
Around 75% of crops produce better yields if animals help them pollinate. Of all animals, bees are the most dominant pollinators of wild and crop plants. They visit over 90% of the world's top 107 crops. In other words, bees are essential for the growth of many plants, including food crops.
All the species have their role in population, even the mosquitoes, because the ones, which feed on flower nectar, play an important role in pollination. They are also food for birds and bats, and fish and frogs feed on their larvae.

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