англ.язык семинар. This book is intended for the general reader who would like to have
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This book is intended for the general reader who would like to have some grasp of what economics is and what makes the economy tick. 2. The fact that the first part of the book is devoted to matters of finance should not, of course, be taken to imply that the economy revolves around Throgmorton and Lombard Streets. 3. Dabbling on the Stock Exchange (dabbling – игра на бирже) is no longer confined to a thin crust of heirs and financiers. 4. For government stock, cash on the nail is the rule, payment being due on the day following the transaction. 5. Some part of the remaining profits may be ploughed back into business. 6. To say that the balance of payments is in deficit or is unfavourable is to suggest in the same breath that something should be done about it. 7. The process of integration in the British economy has for the most part been quietly unspectacular, only spasmodically exciting public attention as the giants ponderously perform their cannibalistic take–over rites. 8. The development of petrochemical products, synthetic fibres, plastic has all served to blur previous lines of demarcation between traditional industries. 9. If people now feel that keeping such large amounts of currency or cash in the banks is both unprofitable and unsafe, they may decide to keep no more than £400 under the bed and up the chimney, and to deposit £100 with a bank for safe keeping. 10. One possibility is that detail control of wage–earnings should be imposed by the authorities, the alternative is a do–it–yourself regulation by the trade union movement. 11. What must be seriously doubted is whether such toothless planning will be regarded by the trade unions as a guarantee that they would not be the losers. 12. Unless this is so, different groups in the economy will concentrate on trying to increase their share of the limited national cake at the expense of the others. 13. The bosses reaped a golden harvest in profits but the nation never had adequate supplies of steel. 14. Post–war economic developments have led to an increased appetite for equities. 15. It is not surprising that great stress is laid by the monetary authorities of the countries on the need for financial discipline in order that nobody should unnecessarily rock the boat. Перевод: 1.Эта книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, которые хотели бы получить некоторое представление о том, что такое экономика и что заставляет экономику работать. 2. Тот факт, что первая часть книги посвящена финансовым вопросам , конечно, не следует понимать как подразумевающий, что экономика вращается вокруг улиц Трогмортон и Ломбард. 3. Баловство на фондовой бирже (баловство – игра на бирже) больше не ограничивается тонкой корочкой наследников и финансистов. 4. Для государственных акций правилом является оплата наличными на месте, оплата должна быть произведена на следующий день после транзакции. 5. Некоторая часть оставшейся прибыли может быть возвращена в бизнес. 6. Сказать, что платежный баланс находится в дефиците или неблагоприятен, - значит на одном дыхании предположить, что с этим нужно что-то делать. 7. Процесс интеграции в британскую экономику по большей части был незаметным, лишь эпизодически привлекая внимание общественности , когда гиганты тяжело совершали свои каннибальские обряды захвата власти. 8. Де |