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  • 1. Your brother does not deserve any respect, but out of respect for you, I will help him. 2. She gave up all hope of happiness and died of a broken heart.

  • Transcribe the following words and phrases, mark the phonetic phenomena. Practise pronouncing the words and phrases

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    НазваниеTranscribe the following words and phrases, mark the phonetic phenomena. Practise pronouncing the words and phrases
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    Part Four.
    Exercise I

    Transcribe the following words and phrases, mark the phonetic phenomena. Practise pronouncing the words and phrases.
    Weak and tired, to appreciate, humiliated, this last insult, at twilight, quite satisfied, he crept down the corridor, a severe cold, he had not brought his head with him, serious, attacked by the twins, his great pleasure at the news, his best congratulations.
    Exercise II

    Learn the following words and expressions. Remember the contexts in which they are used in the story and get ready to reproduce the situations. In writing, make 3 sentences using the words and expressions in the contexts of your own.

    1. to deserve smth;-заслуживать

    2. to appreciate smth;-ценить

    3. to be humiliated;-быть униженным

    4. to induce smb to do smth; склонить кого-то сделать что-либо

    5. to console smb;-утешать

    6. to lie in wait for smb;-поджидать

    7. noble;-благородный

    8. to hush smth up; скрывать

    9. to descend from;-передаваться по наследству

    10. despair / in despair.-отчаяние

    After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.

    I've never felt so humiliated in all my life.

    Nothing would induce me to vote for him again.
    Exercise III

    Give synonyms for all the following words and antonyms for the words underlined. In writing, make sentences using 3 of the words in the contexts of your own.
    Solemn (serious, without any humour, sober, humourless)

    Evil(cruel, unpleasant, bad, terrible)

    Insolent(rude, impolite, cheeky, impertinent)

    Severe(painful, strict, harsh) tender, sensitive, painless

    Rude (impolite, insolent, disrespectful)

    To amuse ( entertain, fun, cheer, laugh)

    Remarkable (outstanding, memorable, impressive) unimportant, usual, unnoticeable

    Worthy(deserving, estimable, respectable)


    The place tuned me to a solemn mood.

    I was shocked by her rude behavior.

    The joke doesn't amuse me.
    Exercise IV

    Paraphrase the following phrases, or explain their meanings in English; translate them into Russian. Remember the contexts in which they occur in the story and get ready to reproduce the situations. In writing, make 3 sentences using the expressions in the contexts of your own.
    to make up one’s mind (To make a final decision)

    incapable of doing smth (not able to do something or to feel a particular emotion)

    to take precautions against smth(to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening)

    to bring oneself to do smth( to induce smb to do smth)

    to assert one’s position (to behave or speak in a strongconfident way)

    to be pleased with smth(to be satisfied)

    to have every reason to do smth(have opportunities);

    seized with a panic(to be worried)

    under the circumstances(in these conditions)

    to make arrangements for smth (to orginise, prepare)
     I prefer to make my own arrangements.

    I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him about it.

    She seemed incapable of forming any relationships.
    Exercise V

    Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the story.
    Его нервы были абсолютно расшатаны; His nerves were completely shattered

    вздрагивать; to start at the slightest noise.

    до определенной степени; to a certain degree

    разорвать помолвку;  break off engagement

    умереть от разбитого сердца; died of a broken heart 

    сапоги были ему великоваты; were just a little too large for him,

    в целом;  on the whole

    широко распахнуть дверь; he fling the door wide open

    промочить до нитки wetting him to the skin

    последствия; consequences

    он оставил все надежды на; gave up all hope of 

    как правило; In fact as a rule

    настоящая причина ссоры; it was the real origin of their quarrel 

    отчаяние; despair

    обманывать;  lay in wait

    из уважения к; out of respect to

    ближайшие родственники; nearest relations

    мирно спать. slept in peace 

    Exercise VI

    Translate the sentences into English using the vocabulary of exercises II, III, IV and V.

    1. Ваш брат не заслуживает никакого уважения, но из уважения к вам я помогу ему.

    2. Она оставила все надежды на счастье и умерла от разбитого сердца.

    3. Сквозняком распахнуло дверь. Охваченный ужасом, я вскочил и выбежал из комнаты.

    4. Трудно было поверить в то, что этот грубый и невоспитанный человек происходит из благородной семьи.

    1. Your brother does not deserve any respect, but out of respect for you, I will help him.

    2. She gave up all hope of happiness and died of a broken heart.

    3. The door was opened by a draft. Terrified, I jumped up and ran out of the room.

    4. It was hard to believe that this rude and insolent man comes from a noble family.

    Exercise VII

    Practise reading aloud the passage starting with «He now gave up…» up to «…in his ear». Translate it in writing.
    Exercise VIII

    1. Continue collecting words and expressions concerning the supernatural world and the world of crime; translate them into Russian.

    2. Continue collecting medical vocabulary. Translate the words and expressions into Russian and learn them.

    3. There are quite many verbs in English describing different ways of walking and running. Some of them can be found in part Four. Write them out from the text and find their exact meanings in an English-English dictionary. Give their Russian equivalents. Also look through the previous chapters in search of these verbs, write them out.

    Exercise IX

    In writing, make a plan for the chapter consisting of about 10 questions of different types.

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