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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Тверской государственный технический университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков

экзаменационная работа

по практическому курсу английского языка



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________ ___________________

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Проверил: ________ _________

«_______» _________ 20___ г.

Тверь 2022

Вариант 1
Why English Teaching Truth on Digital Trends

as an Effort for Effective Learning and

Evaluation: Opportunities and Challenges:

The role of digital literacy is undeniable in all aspects of life, business, and education in today's modern era. Because digital literacy is the knowledge and skills of users in utilizing digital media, such as communication tools, internet networks, there is no mistaking that education and teaching technology experts recommend that digital technology needs to be used in teaching. Moreover, teaching is closely related to changes in science and technology, such as English as one of the official languages of the United Nations (UN). For the reasons of the recommendations of media and education and teaching experts above, we researchers want to prove the truth and the reasons why English teaching and evaluation rely on digital tools to be able to innovate the achievement of English language education outcomes as a foreign language in our country. With the reason that digital tools can innovate English language teaching to achieve optimal learning outcomes, digital has become a trend among teachers who are believed to change learning outcomes from the old way into something new to say. Due to significant advances in data innovation and correspondence, contemporary viewing procedures are changing –the traditional ideas and strategies of homeroom education and accepting new teaching methods –innovative and productive. Displaying English depends on the potential processability、and current information of the people changing remarkably due to various factors such as social, financial advancements, and innovations worldwide. Evidence shows that English at this level is extensive, and the difficulties faced by instructors are urgent to replace tools that are ready to help teach English. Educators, particularly English teachers, must enhance and refresh their capacity to provide high-impact education in light of the world's fast-expanding globalization. This is especially true of innovative methods and media tools to meet the changing needs of the time. As a result, the English instructor must be innovative, creative, and intelligent, have careful teaching media references on the subject, and embrace new procedures to improve the quality of his work, as required by the state. Digital technologies may be expected to aid in learning English significantly. Language learning software was initially developed before the advent of digital technology. The breakthrough occurred in the 1990s, with thefirst virtual knowledge programs explicitly targeted at learning foreign languages appearing the year after the technological era joined the educational sector. After online information assets were initially disclosed in the 1970s, computers for language learning appeared in the 1990s, and the email project was implemented the following year. Since then, the world of education has entered a new period of enlightenment, which has aided language learning in displaying English at the postsecondary level .Meanwhile, digital has become increasingly overwhelming, and mixed media has become more and more integrated. An important focal point from the beginning of the technological era was when capabilities and information began to open. The web as a digital companion is mostly reading and paying attention to sound moreover video recordings. However, now in the era of all digital trends, teaching has not begun to evolve towards new enlightenment in the hands of technologists and pedagogies. Because digital is intended to be highly appealing to students, selecting digital tools on particular sites used in teaching English considers the advantages of student learning outcomes that may be encouraged to continue to be motivated to study. Students will be more interested in studying and publishing daily writing diaries and other exciting material. It is a beautiful location to test kids' capacity to learn fascinating material whether they are searching for a method to maintain a journal or are busy with other kinds of lengthy writing in the homeroom. The students were challenged to exhibit their online digital tool diary in a broader context, which was only the beginning of their work. The experience of creating an openly accessible website may spur their students on and push for new settings of writing methodologies. The second, the most widely recognized in language learning, is where the instructor can compose an introductory post section, which students can then comment on. Such digital models will be exciting so that the confidence of teachers and students continues to increase, and even educators can send assignments or efforts to students on the subjects displayed, where students can complete work and send it back to the teacher. It is effortless for educators to start work through blogs, and students can change their mistakes. In this way, posting content that engages students can encourage educators to control teaching outside the classroom. So, there is no reason for those familiar with the effectiveness of digital tools to reject it. Finally, the teaching and learning parties trust digital technologies based on their thoughts and explanations for the empirical data. Furthermore, we believe that the many benefits and conveniences that digital media provides in education, particularly in the teaching and evaluating English for students from elementary school to university, can help students engage in learning, work through complex concepts, and promote critical awareness. Not only that, but digital media also aids in the promotion of equality, and there are many other advantages that parties in the field of education may enjoy. Other study evidence is that digital media in learning English, the most important in learning activities, is extensive access to information. Digital media is like magic that is ready to hypnotize students with technological sophistication that is designed to be very highly improvement so that the parties in teaching and evaluation will be able to find and share all kinds of information, data, methods, and learning methods that are updated through the tools that are constantly updated, both teaching tools and evaluation tools—never seen before. Digital media provides many benefits for learning applications at the higher education level and the world of work later when students re-enter the workforce

As we stated earlier, our study wants to get evidence from previous studies on why digital technology is increasingly trending among English language teaching. Why does the digital world get a rousing welcome even though sometimes they do not understand the advantages of digital applications are. This digital tool is famous not only as a teaching tool but also a tool for evaluating student learning outcomes which experts say is very effective; so that this becomes an opportunity for the world of teaching English as well as a new challenge that has not been able to be applied in helping the work of teaching English

Today's most common communication application, which dates back to the 1990s, is digital, the most popular organizing method. For example, in July 2006, MySpace had more visits than Google Translation, a digital application communication site that may assist distant learning. The Google Translate tool for learning English is extensively utilized, not only by students. Most welcoming locations have numerous creative offices that teachers may use to establish the tone for discussion outside of class, while YouTube and Flicter provide learners the flexibility to practice their social skills and learn a new language. Students may be encouraged to record their performances and upload them on YouTube in a public area model.

Вариант 2
Teachers in digital days

When the Coronavirus or Covid-19 epidemic struck the world of education, technology-aided instructors, and education availability on a massive scale. it is presently affecting various industries, including business and education. Obligations such as social distance, wearing masks, washing hands, and avoiding crowds push schools and universities to move their teaching and learning processes face-to-face to online. Of course, this is true for school administrators, instructors, students, and parents who are compelled to adjust to these circumstances. They come to understand the significance of digital literacy so that the learning process may continue, despite the challenges that schools, students, and parents face. This scenario pushes English instructors to be more creative and inventive in offering English language resources and learning media appropriate for students and readily accessible. There are many digital media choices such as Google Meet, Google Classroom, Whatsapp, and Zoom Meeting that teachers can choose. So the evidence is that the reliability of digital media is greatly helped and adds to the confidence of teachers and students. However, the effectiveness of learning is not only determined by the media but rather by digital literacy. So, with digital literacy, English teachers can manage English learning more effectively and efficiently. This is indicated by the students' active communication skills using English. Furthermore, increasingly excellent digital tools can create an atmosphere of student independence in choosing the material to be studied. And the target of completeness of the material that can be managed by yourself following the learning objectives. Teachers also need to realize that digitally independent learning cannot be time-limited, so it is better to emphasize the concept mastery approach. For example, teachers can implement task or project-based learning because assignments are a form of student activity that can be done by studying authentic sources to encourage students to communicate in English used by native speakers. Teachers still have to control students' daily learning activities. Learning control can be done with a pragmatic approach, namely by using soft data in the form of perceptions, values, and desires of students or students, taking into account what they can do. Likewise, evaluation of mastery of the material can be done in various ways, for example, by self-test available in online software, standard tests that can be taken at any time, colloquium tests, and tests in the form of portfolios. Even with digital applications, students and teachers can take remote tests when educationis in a pandemic period.

The parties engaged in foreign language education initiatives in many non-English speaking nations have little reason to believe in digital learning technologies. According to organizations interested in learning other languages, the Indonesian people are an excellent resource for using the internet. Even though Indonesia is not presently classified as a developed country, the Indonesian people have a firm grasp of digital technology. However, it is still used for amusement. As a result of this phenomenon, educators must utilize digital technology to help students learn non-traditional ways. Starting with a motivating statement, no matter how advanced technology becomes, it will never replace the teacher's job; but, instructorswho refuse to learn technology will be replaced. Therefore this might be the start. Teachers can express creative ideas to develop digital technologies that are tailored for learning and education. The public's applications and social media on Indonesian digital data are undoubtedly familiar in our daily lives. So, for that reason, the use of the media can be maximized for education, especially foreign language teaching. Indeed, the belief in English teaching in digital applications in social media platforms cannot be generalized very successfully. Each learning has different characteristics and indicators that cause specific methods, and media cannot be generalized. Therefore, the material being taught, the characteristics of students, conditions in the field, and the competence of educators become indicators or the basis for analyzing the learning needs of digital Technology. For this reason, a teacher needs to make preparations by making lesson plans. This teaching plan must be adapted to the class's needs because there is no generic medium for various learning situations and conditions. The selection of digital media for learning and consideration of appropriate learning media need to consider activities, namely access, cost, technology, interactivity, organization, and novelty. So that in choosing media, especially teachers must pay attentionto access, namely the media that is needed is available and can be used by students. Access also concerns policies, such as whether students may use it or not. The second consideration in media selection is cost. For example, the high cost of multimedia learning media must be considered with aspects of its benefits. The more individuals who use it, the lower the cost per unit of media.Technology is the third consideration in selecting learning media related to media availability and ease of operation. The fourth consideration is interactivity. A good learning media can lead to two-way communication. The next consideration in media selection is the organization, which is about the support of the school and institutional leaders and organizations. The last consideration in choosing learning media is a novelty, i.e., newer media are usually better and more attractive to students. Successful learning media are those that can change student behavior and improve specific student learning outcomes. The success of using instructional media is inseparable from how well the media is planned. A thorough examination of many factors, including goals, student circumstances, supporting facilities, available time, and the teacher's competence to utilize media properly, is required to use media effectively. Learning media that incorporates digital technology are sophisticated media or novelties that students are likely to be acquainted with. Our pupils come from a generation that has grown up with digital technology. This is normal since each generation has its traits based on its period. This tendency results from the Islamic religion's command to "educate your children according to their times." Indonesian kids are growing up at a very different age than we were as students decades ago. Age differences and generational differences are typical and do not need to be discussed. The presence of technology may be utilized to bridge generational divides. Our kids, including Generation Z, comprise the majority of today's computer, gadget, and internet users, also known as digital natives, as opposed to the previous generation, known as digital immigrants.

Conclusion They are educators who believe in the use of media in learning English because the purpose of the learning media application is to assist educators in transferring messages and English lesson content to students, students with students, and fellow teachers so that the curriculum goals will be achieved quickly because the role of digital media is easier to understand, more interesting, and more enjoyable for all learning participants. Other reasons, for example, learning media with digital devices make learning more modern and sophisticated or meet up-to-date knowledge and insight that are usually familiar to students and the global learning community where students today are a generation that is not technology literate with various models and types of digital media.

Вариант 3
Reality of Using Modern Teaching Methods in Teaching English Language among Teachers

English is the common language among the world’s population through which communication is carried out.

Also, it is the most widely used language of the Internet through which a wider range of information,

communication, and opportunities can be accessed. In addition, it is used in most different fields in the

economy, trade, tourism, medicine, engineering, and computer. The English language is one of the important

languages in the modern era as it is the most widely used global language. It helps to increase the ability to read

books, magazines, and published research which supports the development of science, knowledge, and personal

culture among individuals.

The English language is one of the widely spread international languages. It is the language adopted in most

countries of the world, especially at present. People all over the world have come to depend on it for their social

and economic well-being. English began to extend its roots at the international level in political, commercial,

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST)

and security life, communications, entertainment, communication, media, and education. The English language is one of the most important subjects in the school education stage, and it is the

first global language and the most widespread in this era characterized by modernity. The English language is a

language of great prestige for various considerations, including the large number of people speaking it in the

world, its common use in various areas of life, and the growing need for it in the labor market. As a result, the

English language has become the language of science, economics, communication, technology, and tourism, and

one of the most important subjects in higher and school education. The process of teaching

English has witnessed a number of methodological transformations in a way that enables learners to use this

language effectively. Therefore, the process of teaching English has undergone multiple improvements by

adopting modern methods, strategies, and methods that meet learners’ abilities and needs.

Teaching is of great importance in educational life as it has positive outcomes that benefit society in terms of

development, advancement, and progress, and keeping pace with scientific and technical developments. It helps

students develop their skills, experiences, and abilities, and supports their talents and hobbies in extracurricular

activities. Teaching provides training for students to make them more interactive with their peers and

colleagues. Therefore, teaching is an essential element of the educational process and affects the students’

personalities positively, and also affects their growth in various aspects. To teach effectively, the teacher must

use different teaching methods in communicating information and knowledge to learners.

Teaching is defined as the set of activities that the teacher performs in a specific educational situation to help the

student reach specific educational and learning goals depending on the method of teaching. The concept of teaching method refers to the method followed by the teacher in order to achieve

the desired goals from the educational situation. It includes a number of activities and procedures that the

teacher follows in the classroom to communicate to the students a set of facts and concepts related to the lesson. Also, teaching methods are a set of principles and methods used in the

teaching process, which usually include class participation, memorization, practical demonstration, or a

combination of them. The selection of teaching method depends to a large extent on the information or skills

being taught and can also be influenced by the competence and enthusiasm of students themselves. Methods used for teaching vary according to the material to be explained, the number of students in the

class, and the time available to achieve the educational and behavioral objectives required for the lesson. In the educational field, modern teaching methods were used that contributed to the

development of the teaching and learning process for subjects, including English.

Modern teaching methods vary according to the different trends in teaching. The

direct method is a method in which the language to be learned is used only for reading, discussing, analyzing,

and asking questions. English grammar is learned in the educational context of the subject. The audio-linguistic

method is a method that focuses on memorization with repetition. This method follows the system of listening,

speaking, reading, and writing in sequence, in which students listen to recordings or watch examples of different

situations for speakers of the second language. Students practice a variety of exercises, and the trainer

emphasizes the need to use the language at all times.

The communicative method allows the student to use his mother tongue, as well as the second language, based

on the principle of communication, taking into account that errors are not corrected directly. As for the guided

practice method, it depends on the repetition of specific phrases. The student learns the phrases accurately, but

he, nevertheless, lacks the correct speaking skill. The blended learning method is an

important component of the modern school, which provides students with both flexibility and convenience. This

method combines traditional face-to-face and online learning. That is, education takes place both in the

classroom and on the Internet. Blended learning is characterized by less time, effort, and cost. The information

reaches learners as quickly as possible in a way that enables the management and control of the educational

process and the measurement and evaluation of learners’ performance. Also, it improves the general level of

academic achievement and provides an attractive learning environment. Blended learning is included in the

process of teaching the English language as an integral part of teaching methods and strategies. For example, the

teacher can present a presentation of part of the educational content of the lesson through the computer, move to

dialogue with students, then ask them to form groups to accomplish a specific task on their computers, and

finally conduct an activity using worksheets. Therefore, it is a situation of multiple activities and tasks in which

the uses of educational means are multiple, and the computer is not the dominant or the only method adopted in

the lesson

One of the recent trends in the field of English language teaching is the dramatization of curricula, which is one

of the modern approaches to teaching the English language. It is based on the principle of attention to the nature

of the student and his active integration during the learning process with the educational content and

contemporary trends in education under the theory of learning by experience and practice. It can make students

participate in their learning effectively and lively with experiences and targeted activities to provide them with

knowledge, skills, values, and trends. Therefore, the more the learner experiences the educational situation and

interacts with it, the more it affects his mind, conscience, skills, and experience. As a result, it leaves a high

impact on the accumulation of his experiences.

Вариант 4
Reality of Using Modern Teaching Methods in Teaching English Language among Teachers
The learner with curriculum dramatization exercises the skills of

reading, writing, listening, speaking, role-playing, and expressing the character he represents. He becomes more

confident and interactive when facing the audience. Hence, the dramatization of curricula is based on

reformulating and organizing the educational content in a simple theatrical framework according to the main

elements of drama art (action, participation, and watching). The dramatization of curricula aims to present the

study material in the English language or part of it within the framework of an artistic pleasure to facilitate

understanding and explanation and to clarify the cognitive aspect.

Task-based teaching appeared as part of the constructivist cognitive theory in experiments conducted in some

countries such as India in the late seventies, which contributed to improving English language teaching. The

idea of this strategy began when the English language teacher asked non-English speaking high school students

to perform the tasks that were asked of them in geography. In other words, they were asked to focus on

geography and answer in English as a way to complete the task. This idea has achieved success in the progress

of students in the English language and geography. Also, it made the teaching profession more attractive

because the teacher in general and the English language teacher has become a facilitator of learning and meets

language teaching and learning based on the characteristics of the communicative method. The task involves

using language for communication, directing the learner’s attention to the meaning and not the linguistic form

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST)

but without denying or neglecting the importance of grammar. One of the

important developments in English language teaching has been the use of films, an exciting way for students to

learn. These films can be used in teaching English by translating information, words, sentences, and grammar.

Films have a great impact on students as they help to consolidate information in their minds and help them

engage more in the field of language.

The English language teacher is considered the backbone of teaching and the process of learning and teaching in

the English language because he is considered the link between the curriculum and students, which the teacher

conveys with his experiences, scientific abilities, language competence, and skills during the process of

teaching, learning, evaluation, and using the most appropriate methods. Therefore, employing learning tasks in

teaching English is of great importance for learners beyond learning English to learning social skills because it

helps learners when acquiring the language to support their speaking skills in social communication situations.

Hence, the role of the English language teacher appears in using modern teaching methods in teaching English

and empowering learners with them as the use of these methods effectively makes teaching more enjoyable and

interesting. The English language teacher is the backbone of the English language teaching

process. He plays a major role in achieving educational goals to help the success of the student learning process.

Given the importance of the role played by the English language teacher, modern educational trends began

towards qualitatively preparing him and qualifying him to possess teaching-based competencies such as the

knowledge of modern teaching methods and how to use them effectively to face rapid changes in the era of

knowledge explosion.

In this regard, the level of teaching practices of English

language teachers for the basic stage in the light of metacognitive thinking skills in Jordan came moderately.

The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences due to the gender variable

whereas there were statistically significant differences in favor of the less teaching experience. The level of classroom teaching practices of English language teachers for the basic

stage in Jordan was high. The results also showed statistically significant differences due to the variable of

gender and in favor of females. Also, no statistically significant differences due to the variable years of teaching

experience were shown. the reality of the constructivist teaching

practices of English language teachers at the intermediate stage was low. Based on the foregoing, the

researcher’s work in teaching English, and the importance of modern teaching methods in arousing suspense

and fun among students, there was a need to conduct this study. It aimed to explore the reality of the use of

modern teaching methods in teaching the English language by teachers from their point of view in our country and the differences according to gender, years of experience, and educational qualification.

Teaching English in our schools suffers from students’ weakness in learning and acquiring English despite

the availability of all material and scientific capabilities for the teacher and means and aids for teaching this

language in schools. One of the most important reasons for this is the teacher’s inability to use appropriate

teaching methods for each language educational situation, which opened the door for English language teachers

to strive in presenting their attempts to achieve effective teaching.

Several English language teachers are still applying outdated traditional methods of teaching English as a foreign

language in schools. Despite the great interest in teaching English as a second language to learners in our country and the keenness of the Ministry of Education to teach this language extensively to learners at all

levels of study, it is noted that the traditional methods are still popular with English language teachers. They

depend on memorization and indoctrination. These teaching methods make students accustomed to listening and

receiving, and keep them away from the spirit of research, investigation, thinking, and inferencing. There is a deficiency in

the level of teachers’ awareness of the importance of teaching this subject by following modern teaching

methods. Most of them use traditional teaching methods that do not motivate students and do not suit their

nature or the nature of the educational material provided to them despite the knowledge of many teachers that

their students have individual differences and differences in their methods of thinking and the speed of their

access to information. Also, the few previous studies in this field contributed to generating the problem of the

current study, which sought to explore the reality of the use of modern teaching methods in teaching the English

language among teachers in our country.

the means of the total score for the reality of using modern teaching methods in teaching English for teachers was rating moderate. This may be due to the lack of English language teachers’ ability to use appropriate and modern teaching methods for every linguistic educational situation. This may have opened the door for English language teachers to strive in presenting their attempts to achieve effective teaching in English language teaching. Also, this may be due to teachers having some difficulties in using modern teaching methods because of individual differences between students who suffer in understanding English language topics. Many students face difficulties in learning the English language, which appear in the written or audio language, or coordination and self-control in its pronunciation. This may result in neglecting its gains by not listening to the teacher while presenting the lesson as he does not need it, and it is difficult to keep up with it. Perhaps, such difficulties may make the teacher unable to keep pace with recent developments in teaching English. Therefore, the teacher resorts to using traditional teaching methods instead of modern teaching methods are due to the general weakness of students.

Вариант 5
Language: A ‘Mirror’ of the Culture and Its Application English Language Teaching

The linguistic principle saying that language is a mirror of the culture leads to a long-standing claim concerning the relationship between language and culture.This claim is best understood through the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis or the Whorfian hypothesis –the latter term will be used since the claim seems to owe much more to Whorf than it does to Sapir –which states that the structure of a language determines howspeakersof that language view the world. This may imply that “people are prisoners of their language”.Referring to the Whorfian hypothesis, Fishman (1978)suggests three kinds of claims it makes. Fishman’s first claim is that if speakers of one language have certain words to describe things and speakers of another language lack similar words, then speakers of the first language will find it easier to talkabout those things. That is, if language A has a word for a particular concept, then that word makes it easier for speakers of language A to refer to that concept than speakers of language B, who lack such a word and are forced to use a circumlocution. Moreover, it is actually easier for speakers of language A to perceive instances of the concept. Speakers of Javanese, for example, will find it easier to talk about “tingkeban” –Javanese traditional ceremony held for a woman’s seven-month pregnancy –than speakers of English who lack such a word. We may also see how this might be the case seen when technical vocabulary (terms) is used in a communication act. Pharmacists, for instance, talk easily about pharmaceutical phenomena, more easily than mathematicians do, because they have the vocabulary to do so. Similarly, pilots discuss aviation problems with less trouble than we do.As for the second claim, Fishman argues that if one language makes distinctions thatanother language does not, then those who use the first language will more readily perceive the differences in their environment which such linguistic distinctions draw attention to. In other words, if a language requires certain distinctions to be made because of its grammatical system, then the speakers of that language become conscious of the kinds of distinctions that must be referred to. If we have to classify rice, camel, snow in certain ways, for example, we will perceive rice, camel, andsnow differently from those who are not required to make these differentiations.Moreover, if certain material objects must be classified as long and thin and others as round, we will perceive material objects that way; those objects will fall ‘naturally’ into those

95classes. These kinds of distinctions may also affecthow speakers learn to deal with the world. That is, they can have consequences for both cognitive and cultural development.Thirdly, Fishman claims that the grammatical categories existing in a particular language both help the users of that language to perceive the world in a certain way and at the same time limit such perception as well. The grammatical categories act as “blinkers” –something which prevents us from broadening our perception. This means that we perceive only what our language allows us to perceive. In other words, our language controls our ‘world view’. Speakers of different languages will, therefore, have different worldviews.The Whorfian hypothesis can be more easily understood through a smoker’s experience on which Whorf’s ideas were based. He argued that someone has to behave in a certain way because his or her language says or does not say something. His famous example is that the man who tossed a cigarette butt into a gas drum marked: “Empty.” He claimed that English forces the word empty even though fumes are still in the drum. He argued that the use of the word empty allowed the careless smoker to think that thedrum had nothing in it. Therefore, the man disregarded the vapors and acted as if they were not there. This kind of reasoning seems to be logically presented and, thus, constitutes the strength of his hypothesis. However, upon further and deeper analysis,one weakness of such reasoning can be identified. Concerningthe careless smoker’s case, Whorf did not show that an empty drum could have vapors. In other words, the mistake the man did could have been caused by sheer ignorance. Even if it were not, English certainly allows one to say that although marked empty of one substance, gas, a drum still can be full of flammable vapors.The use whorfian hypothesis in ELTIn line with theWhorfian hypothesis, the three claimsmay have a practical implication on ESP (the first claim) and CCU (the second and third claims) pedagogical practices.The teaching of ESPThe first claim derived from the Whorfian hypothesis above plays an important role in connection with the teaching of English for specific purposes (ESP). The idea is simple: if language varies from one situation of use to another, then it should be possible to determine the features of specific situations and then make these features the basis of the learners’ course.This claim gains ground that the English that was needed by a particular group of learners could be identified by analyzing the linguistic characteristics of their specialist area of work or study. The principle of ESP is, then, “Tell me what you need English for and I will tell you the English that you need”.ESP as part of the teaching of (general) English is becoming more important in the context of teaching English for college students and professionals. In this

96particular context, English is taught followingtheir needs and interest. The students who major in Accounting, for example, have to be taught English for Accounting. In the context of classroom teaching and learning of reading skills, for instance, it is suggested that teachers take reading texts from the learners’ specialist area –i.e. texts about Accountingfor Accountingstudents. The assumption underlying this approach is that the clear relevance of the English course to the learners’ needs will improve their motivation and therefore make learning better and faster.

This assumption is supported by Gledhill & Kuber (2016)who propose two approaches to the study of ESP, namely concept-oriented approach and context-oriented approach. The former emphasizes the conceptual structures of specialist domains which are concerned with the technical words, notions, definitions, symbols, semantic networks,and ‘spaces of knowledge’; whereas the latter focuses on the analysis of language in its social or cultural context, as well asa focus on language forms as they occur in the actual text. In this case, the syntax of multiply-modified nominal groups can be used to build up a complex ontology in this domain.Then, concerning the second approach –‘context-oriented approach’ –they suggest three subtypes i.e. socio-cultural analysis, discourse and genre analysis, and language feature analysis by referring to some previous studies, for example,Banks (2009)and Resche (2003).First of all, concerning socio-cultural analysis,Banks (2009)clarifies the historical development of two of the earliest scientific journals in English and French, with an explanation about the scientific debates, technical topics, textual sub-genres,and other factors which have defined the social and ideological context in each journal issue. Secondly, as for discourse and genre analysis,Resche (2003)focuses on analyzing a specific text type –Press Releases from the US Federal Reserve –in terms of their salient lexical, syntactic and phraseological features, as well as their rhetorical move structure. Lastly, regarding language feature analysis,Gledhill & Kuber point out that this category varies from small-scale manual studies of single texts to large-scale computational comparisons of whole text collections. In some cases, the linguistic features in question lend themselves to small-scale analysis, such as compare the use of three reformulation markers (that is, i.e. and namely) in two different

corpora of scientific research and popular science articles
Все поля по 2 см.

Шрифт: гарнитура – « Arial», кегль – 14.

Абзац: первая строка – отступ 6 п.т., междустрочный интервал – множитель 1,2, выравнивание – по ширине.

1.Переведите текст письменно согласно полученному варианту.

2. Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами. Глаголы подчеркните.

3. Выпишите из текста предложения с глаголами в Passive Voice. Глаголы подчеркните.

4. Выпишите из текста имена собственные. Объясните наличие/отсутствие артикля.

5. Задайте 10 вопросов к 10 разным предложениям.

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