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Английский. Unit i. Types of ships vocabulary ship судно, корабль vessel

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НазваниеUnit i. Types of ships vocabulary ship судно, корабль vessel
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ship – судно, корабль

vessel [`vesl]судно

instrument [`instrumәnt] of transport – транспортное средство

means of communication(множ. число также “means”) – средство сообщения

etc.(et cetera = and so on) - и так далее

to classify [`klæsifai]клаccифицировать

according toсогласно, в соответствии с …

сriterion [krai`tiәriәn], множ. число criteria[krai`tiәriә]критерий

expanse [iks`pæns]of water - водоем, водное пространство

motive [`moutiv] powerдвижущая энергия

propulsive agent [prә`pΛlsiv `eidз(ә)nt] - движитель

cargo [`kα:gou] – груз;

cargo ship грузовое судно

warship, fighting shipвоенное судно

navy [`neivi] – военно-морской флот

passenger vesselпассажирское судно

auxiliary [פּ:g`ziljəri]вспомогательный

dry-cargo shipсухогрузное судно, сухогруз

general cargoгенеральный (смешанный, сборный) груз

general cargo shipсудно для перевозки генерального груза

container shipконтейнерное судно, контейнеровоз


timber carrier - лесовоз

bulk cargoнасыпной (навалочный) груз

bulk cargo ship, bulkerбалкер (судно для перевозки навалочных грузов)

ore [`פּ:] carrier - рудовоз

coal carrier - углевоз

grain carrier – зерновоз

refrigerator, reefer – рефрижераторное судно

tanker - танкер

frozen - замороженный

liquid [`likwid]жидкий

fishing vesselрыболовное судно

to netловить сетью


whaling shipкитобойное судно

research shipнаучно-исследовательское судно

training shipучебное судно

shipboard trainingплавательная практика


to tow [tou]буксировать

salvage [`sælvidз] vesselспасательное судно


dredger [`dredзә]земснаряд

floating craneплавучий кран

barge [`bα:dз]баржа

lighter [`laitә]лихтер

fire vesselпожарное судно

light-shipплавучий маяк

river vesselречное судно

canal-type vesselканальное судно, судно для плавания в каналах

lake-type vesselозерное судно

marine [mә`ri:n] vesselморское судно

deep-sea vessel, ocean-going vesselокеанское судно, судно неограниченного морского плавания

inland waterwaysвнутренние водные пути

inland waterways vesselсудно внутреннего плавания

river-marine vesselсудно смешанного плавания («река-море»)

sailing ship, sailer, tall ship – парусное судно, парусник

steamship, steamer – пароход

paddle [`pædl] (paddle wheel) – гребное колесо

paddle vessel – колесное судно

screw [skru:] (screw propeller) – гребной винт

screw vessel, propeller vessel – винтовое судно

turbine [`tə:bin]турбина

turbine-driven ship – турбоход

motor vessel, diesel [`di:z(ə)l] vessel – теплоход, дизельное судно

electric ship – электроход

turbo-electric ship – турбоэлектроход

diesel-electric ship – дизель- электроход

atomic[ə`tפּmik] vessel – атомоход

oar [פּ:]весло

oar vessel – гребное судно

sail-and-oar shipпарусно-гребное судно

wide-spread [`waidspred]широко распространенный

A ship, or vessel, is an important instrument of transport, or means of communication, which carries goods and people by water (sea, river, lake etc.)

We classify ships according to different criteria - for example, according to their function, the type of the expanse of water where they can serve, the kind of goods which they carry, or the kind of their motive power and propulsive agent.

According to the first criterion, there are cargo ships, which carry different goods, or cargoes; passenger vessels, which carry people; warships (fighting ships), which the navy consists of; special vessels, and auxiliary vessels.

Cargo ships are also different: there are dry-cargo ships (general cargo ships, container ships, timber carriers, and bulk cargo ships, or bulkersore carriers, coal carriers, grain carriers etc.), refrigerators and tankers. Refrigerators, or reefers, carry frozen (refrigerated) goods like foodstuffs. Tankers usually carry liquid cargoes such as oil products, spirits, wine, fresh water and the like.

Special vessels do not carry any cargo, but do another kind of service. For example, fishing vessels net fish; whaling ships hunt whales; research ships help scientists to explore the deep sea and the atmosphere; on board training ships cadets and students have their shipboard training.

Auxiliary vessels are tugs which tow large ships, salvage vessels, icebreakers, dredgers, floating cranes, barges and lighters, fire vessels, light-ships and the like.

According to the type of the expanse of water where vessels serve, we classify them as: river vessels, canal-type vessels, lake-type vessels, marine vessels, and deep-sea, or ocean-going vessels. Besides, there are river-canal vessels, inland waterways vessels (which serve on rivers, canals and lakes, but do not go to sea), river-marine vessels (which travel by river and by sea, not far from the shore, but cannot sail across the ocean).

According to the kind of energy that moves them, and their propulsive agent, there are sailing ships (sailers, or tall ships), steamships, or steamers (paddle vessels and screw, or propeller vessels), turbine-driven ships, motor vessels (diesel vessels), electric (turbo-electric and diesel-electric) ships and atomic vessels. In the ancient times, large oar vessels and enormous sail-and-oar ships were wide-spread; but now only small boats have oars as their propulsive agents.
Аnswer these questions:
1. What is a ship?

2. According to what criteria do we classify ships?

3. How do we classify ships according to their function?

4. What types of cargo ships do you know?

5. What types of bulkers do you know?

6. What kind of cargo do reefers carry?

7. What cargoes do tankers carry?

8. What do fishing and whaling vessels do?

9. Who uses research vessels and what do they use these vessels for?

10. Have you ever had any shipboard training?

11. What types of auxiliary vessels do you know?

12. How do we classify ships according to the type of the expanse of water where they serve?

13. What are river-marine vessels?

14. How do we classify ships according to the kind of their motive power and propulsive agent?

15. Do large marine vessels still use oars as their propulsive agents?

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