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    Mathematical simulation of the explosive devices’ performance
    # 02, February 2012
    Kolpakov V.I.
    Bauman Moscow State Technical University
    Physico-mathematical statement of the problem of performance of explosive devices of different purposes, the fundamentals of numerical method for solving of this problem and de- scription of algorithm for its implementation were considered in this article. Various examples of calculations were compared with experimental data; the possibilities of developed numerical technique were demonstrated.
    Publications with keywords: method of calculation
    , numerical modelling
    , high explosive
    , pene- trator
    , model of explosive devices
    , explosive charge
    , shaped charge
    , the cumulative shell
    , shaped-charge jet
    , explosively formed projectiles
    , parameters field blast
    Publications with words: method of calculation
    , numerical modelling
    , high explosive
    , penetra- tor
    , model of explosive devices
    , explosive charge
    , shaped charge
    , the cumulative shell
    , shaped- charge jet
    , explosively formed projectiles
    , parameters field blast
    1. Andreev S.G., Babkin A.V., Baum F.A., Kolpakov V.I., e.a. Fizika vzryva [Physics of explo- sion]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2004, vol. 2. 656 p.
    2. Babkin A.V., Kolpakov V.I., Okhitin V.N., Selivanov V.V. Chislennye metody v zadachakh
    fiziki vzryva i udara [Numerical methods in problems of physics of explosion and shock]. Mos- cow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2000. 516 p.
    3. Babkin A.V., Kolpakov V.I., Okhotin V.N., Sedivanov V.V. Chislennye metody v zadachakh
    fiziki bystroprotekaiushchikh protsessov [Numerical methods in the problems of physics of fast processes]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2006. 520 p.
    4. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V., Rubtsov A.A Matematicheskoe modelirovanie funktsionirovaniia
    kumuliativnykh zariadov [Mathematical modeling of the functioning of shaped charges]. Mos- cow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 1998. 38 p.
    5. Mader Ch.S. Numerical modeling of detonations. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, Univ. of
    California Press, 1979. 485 p. (Russ. ed.: Meider Ch. Chislennoe modelirovanie detonatsii. Mos- cow, Mir Publ., 1985. 384 p.).

    , №02 февраль 2012 г. http://technomag.edu.ru
    34 6. Wilkins M.L. Calculation of elastic-plastic flow. Methods in Computational Physics, vol. 3.
    New York, Academic Press, 1964, pp. 211-263. (Russ. ed.: Uilkins M. Raschet uprugo- plasticheskikh techenii. Vychislitel'nye metody v gidrodinamike. Moscow, Mir Publ., 1967, pp.
    7. Iakh K. Chislennyi analiz zadach klassicheskoi i obratnoi kumuliatsii [Numerical analysis of the problems of classical and inverse cumulative]. Prikladnaia mekhanika i tekhnicheskaia fizi-
    ka, 1987, no. 2, pp. 123-129.
    8. Fomin V.M., Gulidov A.I., Sapozhnikov G.A., e.a. Vysokoskorostnoe vzaimodeistvie tel
    [High-speed interaction of bodies]. Novosibirsk, SB RAS Publ., 1999. 600 p.
    9. Griaznov E.F., Kolpakov V.I., Utkin A.V. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie volnovoi stadii ras- shireniia stal'noi tsilindricheskoi obolochki pri osevoi detonatsii zariada VV [Experimental study of wave stage of expansion of steel cylindrical shells under axial detonation of the explosive charge]. 7 Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniia. Tr. Mezhdunar. konf. [7
    Khari- tonov Thematic Scientific Reading. Proc. Int. Conf.]. Sarov, RFNC-VNIIEF Publ., 2005, pp.
    10. Kolpakov V.I., e.a. Otsenka vliianiia tekhnologicheskikh faktorov na kinematicheskie para- metry udlinennogo porazhaiushchego elementa kumuliativnogo zariada [Assessing the impact of technological factors on the kinematic parameters of the elongated striking element of the cumu- lative charge].9 Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniia. Tr. Mezhdunar. konf. [9
    Kharitonov Thematic Scientific Reading. Proc. Int. Conf.]. Sarov, RFNC-VNIIEF Publ., 2007, pp. 585-590.
    11. Kolpakov V.I., Kruzhkov O.A., Shikunov N.V. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzryvnogo
    formirovaniia UPE KZ (test P.I. Uliakova) [Mathematical modeling of explosive formation of
    PEO circuit (Ulyakov test)]. Proc. 6
    All-Russ. Conf., Tomsk, TSU Publ., 2008, pp. 253-254.
    12. Odintsov V.A., Sidorenko Iu.M., Tuborezov V.S. Modelirovanie protsessa vzryva os- kolochno-fugasnogo snariada s pomoshch'iu dvumernogo gidrokoda [The modeling of an explo- sion of a high-explosive projectile with a two-dimensional hydrocode]. Oboronnaia tekhnika,
    2000, no. 1-2, pp. 49-55.
    13. Odintsov V.A., e.a. Modelirovanie protsessa metaniia oskolochnoi plastiny s pomoshch'iu dvumernogo gidrokoda [Modeling of a fragmentation plate projecting with two-dimensional hy- drocode]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2001, no. 1-2, pp. 8-12.
    14. Odintsov V.A., Sidorenko Iu.M. Uglovoe ulavlivanie oskolkov [Angular capture of frag- ments]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2001, no. 1-2, pp. 13-16.
    15. Odintsov V.A., Sidorenko Iu.M. Modelirovanie protsessa vzryva standartnogo oskolochnogo tsilindra s razlichnoi stepen'iu detalizatsii [Modeling of the explosion of the standard fission cyl- inder, with varying degrees of detail]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2001, no. 1-2, pp. 17-20.
    16. Odintsov V.A., e.a. Vliianie polozheniia tochki initsiirovaniia na kharakteristiki os- kolochnogo osevogo potoka [Effect of an initiation point on the characteristics of fragmentation axial flow]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2002, no. 1-2, pp. 53-58.
    17. Odintsov V.A., e.a. Vliianie velichiny predela tekuchesti na rezul'taty komp'iuternogo mod- elirovaniia protsessov metaniia plastin, oblitsovok i obolochek [The effect of the yield strength
    35 on the results of computer simulation of plates, linings and shells launching]. 5 Kharitonovskie
    tematicheskie nauchnye chteniia. Tr. Mezhdunar. konf. [5
    Kharitonov Thematic Scientific
    Reading. Proc. Int. Conf.]. Sarov, RFNC-VNIIEF Publ., 2003, pp. 68-73.
    18. Kolpakov V.I., Babkin A.V., Ladov S.V., Mikhailin A.I., Orlov A.V., Sil'nikov M.V.
    Chislennaia otsenka effektivnosti deistviia zhidkostnykh lokalizatorov vzryva v dvukhmernoi postanovke [Numerical evaluation of the effectiveness of the explosion liquid localizers in the two-dimensional formulation]. Dvoinye tekhnologii, 2000, no. 2, pp. 5-10.
    19. Kolpakov V.I., Orlenko L.P., Rubtsov A.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie napravlennogo podvodnogo vzryva osesimmetrichnogo zariada VV [Mathematical modeling of a directional underwater explosion of the axisymmetric explosive charge]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 1995, no. 4, pp. 25-28.
    20. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V. Otsenka stepeni vliianiia «napravlennosti» podvodnogo vzryva tsilindricheskogo zariada VV pri razlichnykh skhemakh initsiirovaniia [Assessment of the influ- ence of the "direction" of the underwater explosion of a cylindrical explosive charge at the vari- ous schemes of initiation]. 5 Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniia. Tr. Mezhdunar.
    konf. [5
    Kharitonov Thematic Scientific Reading. Proc. Int. Conf.]. Sarov, RFNC-VNIIEF
    Publ., 2003, pp. 482-486.
    21. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V. Chislennyi analiz konstruktivnykh skhem zariadov, obespechiva- iushchikh napravlennoe fugasnoe deistvie podvodnogo vzryva [Numerical analysis of the struc- tural schemes of the charges, providing directional demolition action of underwater explosion].
    Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2003, no. 3-4, pp. 49-55.
    22. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V., Fedorov S.V. Raschet formirovaniia kumuliativnogo "nozha" udlinennogo zariada s klinovidnoi vyemkoi [The calculation of the formation of cumulative
    "knife" of the elongated charge with a wedge-shaped notch]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 1995, no. 1, pp. 24-29.
    23. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V., Fedorov S.V. Inzhenernaia metodika rascheta deistviia KZ s polusfericheskimi i segmentnymi oblitsovkami [Engineering calculation method of the cumula- tive charge with hemispherical and segment coatings]. ]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 1999, no. 1-2, pp.
    24. Orlenko L.P., Babkin A.V., Kolpakov V.I. Zadachi prikladnoi gazodinamiki: Rezul'taty
    chislennogo resheniia [Applied gas dynamics problems: Results of the numerical solution].
    Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 1988. 88 p.
    25. Kolpakov V.I., e.a. Ispol'zovanie kompaktnykh porazhaiushchikh elementov dlia probitiia podvodnykh pregrad [The use of compact damaging elements for breaking through underwater obstructions]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2004, no. 1-2, pp. 67-71.
    26. Odintsov V.A., e.a. Komp'iuternoe modelirovanie protsessov osevogo metaniia plastin, oblitsovok i obolochek pri razlichnykh znacheniiakh predela tekuchesti ikh materialov [Comput- er simulation of the axial launching of plates, linings and shells for different values of yield strength of materials]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2003, no. 3-4, pp. 61-69.
    27. Kolpakov V.I., Ladov S.V., Orlenko L.P. Metodika rascheta glubiny pronikaniia kumulia- tivnoi strui v vodu [Methods of calculating the depth of penetration of a cumulative jet into the water]. Oboronnaia tekhnika, 2004, no. 11, pp. 60-64.

    , №02 февраль 2012 г. http://technomag.edu.ru
    36 28. Fedorov S.V., Kolpakov V.I., Babkin A.V. Pronikanie ploskoi kumuliativnoi strui v ideal'no provodiashchuiu pregradu s poperechnym magnitnym polem [The penetration of a plane cumula- tive jet into a perfectly conducting obstacle with a transverse magnetic field]. Vestnik MGTU im.
    N.E. Baumana. Ser. Estestvennye nauki [Herald of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Natural Sciences],
    2000, no. 2 (5), pp. 80-92.
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