Ева. 1. What is the subject matter of the Ethics of Business Relationships ebar
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Business ethics is the study of what constitutes right and wrong (or good and bad) human conduct in a business context. Деловая этика-это изучение того, что составляет правильное и неправильное (или хорошее и плохое) поведение человека в деловом контексте.
Many use the two terms as synonyms, but there are differences between morals and ethics. Firstly, morals is a principles which was set by society and it is suitable for almost all situations, while ethics is suitable only for some specific situation and it is a kind of investigation and includes both the activity of investigating as well as the result of that investigation. Многие используют эти два термина как синонимы, но есть различия между моралью и этикой. Во-первых, мораль-это принципы, которые были установлены обществом и подходят практически для всех ситуаций, в то время как этика подходит только для какой-то конкретной ситуации и является разновидностью расследования и включает в себя как деятельность по расследованию, так и результат этого расследования.
There are 6 characteristics: 1)Moral standards deal with matters that are serious(matters that can seriously wrong or significantly benefit human beings) 2)Moral standards should be preferred to other values including self-interest 3)MS are not established or changed by the decisions of authority figures or authoritative bodies 4)MS are felt to be universal 5) MS are based on impartial considerations the moral point of view 6)MS are associated with special emotions and expressions
The main definition of the myth of amoral business is that business and ethics do not mix. People in business want to get money, producing goods and services. There is an opinion that good business is a business, which makes profit and it doesn’t acts in moral terms. But this opinion is not true, because if everyone in business will act a morally this business would soon come to a halt. Business depends on his reputation, so must have some social responsibility, and he can gain this by being moral.
Manuel G. Valasquez divided all issues of EBAR in three big groups: systemic(they are raised about the economics, politics, legal and e.t.c. these include questions about the morality of capitalism or of laws); Corporate issues are raised by organization. Include morality of the activities, policies, practices or organizational structure; individual issues(they are about particular individual or individuals within the organization and their behaviors and decisions.)
Business exists to make profit for it’s owner. And if owner brings moral standards into business, it will make additionally costs and make his product more expensive, so people will have conflict.
if everyone in business will act unethical this business would soon come to a halt. Business depends on his reputation, ethics helps with this. Ethics helps to create a more favorable business environment/
Law and morality are intimately related to each other. Laws are generally based on the moral principles of society. Both regulate the conduct of the individual in society. They influence each other to a great extent. Laws, to be effective, must represent the moral ideas of the people. But good laws sometimes serve to rouse the moral conscience of the people and create and maintain such conditions as may encourage the growth of morality.
1) Each individual should have equal rights in relation to the most general system of equal fundamental freedoms, compatible with similar freedom systems for all other people. 2) Social and economic inequalities should be organized in such a way that they are simultaneously a) lead to the greatest benefit of the least successful, in accordance with the principle of fair savings, and b) make open to all positions and positions in an environment of fair equality of opportunity.
There are three principles that serve as the basic axioms of utilitarianism. Pleasure or Happiness Is the Only Thing That Truly Has Intrinsic Value. Pleasure and happiness, though, are unique in being valued purely for their own sake. No other reason for valuing them needs to be given. It is better to be happy than sad. This can't really be proved. But everyone thinks this. |