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  • 2. Study the words

  • 3. Translate into English

  • 4. Read the text about Omsk.

  • 5. Find English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences

  • 6. Use «there is / there are» to tell about the sights of the city

  • Учебное пособие по англ языку. Анатомия человека

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    1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks.
    Teacher: Nice to meet you . I wonder, where are you from?

    Student: …

    Teacher: Is your city beautiful?

    Student: …

    Teacher: Do you like your city?

    Student: …

    Teacher: People say «East or West home is best». Remember it.
    2. Study the words
    1.a hometown-родной город

    2.a fortress-крепость

    3. a church-церковь

    4.a place of interest-достопримечательность

    5.a masterpiece –шедевр

    6.a leisure centre-досуговый центр

    7.a flower-bed-клумба


    9.attractive- привлекательный

    10.fine arts-изобразительное искусство

    11.to get education-получать образование

    12.to go sightseeing-осматривать достопримечательности

    13.to spend time-проводить время

    14.to plant trees-сажать деревья

    15.to be famous for-быть известным чем-либо

    16.to be interested in-интересоваться чем-либо

    17.to be proud of-гордиться

    18.to be founded- быть основанным
    3. Translate into English
    1.Эта старинная крепость – шедевр архитектуры.

    2.Мой друг интересуется изобразительным искусством.

    3.По вечерам мои друзья часто посещают досуговый центр.

    4.У каждого города есть свои достопримечательности.

    5. «Это мой первый визит в Париж, и я хочу осмотреть достопримечательности»,- сказал Роберт.

    6.Британский музей знаменит своей коллекцией.

    7.Я врач и горжусь своим образованием.

    8.Эта молодая актриса очаровательна в новой роли.

    9.Я люблю проводить время со своей семьёй.
    4. Read the text about Omsk.

    Everybody believes that his hometown is the best place in the world. And I am not an exception.

    I was born in Omsk and I have lived in it since my childhood. So Omsk is my native city. It was founded in 1716. Nowadays Omsk is a big city with developed industry and agriculture. It is an important port, railway junction and airport. There are a lot of plants and factories in Omsk. One of them is the oil plant. Light industry is also developing in our city.

    The population of Omsk is more than a million. The city gives its citizens and visitors a chance to get education, to go sightseeing or to spend time.

    Omsk has many places of interest. There is nothing like Lenin Street, the former Lubinsky Avenue in our region. A green and white building of the Drama Theatre is a masterpiece of architecture. It was built in 1905. Omsk Drama Theatre is famous not only in Siberia, but all over the country.

    People call Omsk a garden city. There are many green streets, parks, yards, flower-beds. Million of flowers and trees are planted every year. Charming fountains in the parks and squares make our city more beautiful.

    Omsk is a real cultural centre. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, museums and concert halls in it. If you are fond of active way of spending free time, you can go to a concert of a pop-star or group, enjoy yourself at a night club or leisure centre, or go sightseeing.

    You must begin sightseeing from Lenin Square. There is a monument to the fighters for the Revolution. You can go to Victory Park. There is a war memorial there. There are some beautiful churches in Omsk and Nicolas’s Cathedral. If you are interested in fine arts, you can go to the Picture Gallery in the centre of the city. Many famous people lived in our city. One of them was a famous Russian writer Dostoevsky. There is a museum of Dostoevsky in Omsk. I am very proud of my city.

    5. Find English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences
    1.лучшее место на земле 2.развитая промышленность 3.предоставлять возможность 4.шедевр архитектуры 5.проводить свободное время 8.интересоваться изобразительным искусством 9.известный по всей стране 10.гордиться родным городом 11.В Омске много достопримечательностей . 12.Жители города называют Омск город сад.
    6. Use «there is / there are» to tell about the sights of the city
    1.beautiful churches 2.masterpieces of architecture 3.a good leisure centre 4.a museum of Dostoevsky 5.theatres 6.Drama Theatre 7.parks and squares 8.monuments and memorials 9.Victory Park 10.the Picture Gallery

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