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Blood and its elements

Blood is a fluid connective tissue with many various functions. Many important physiological process take place in the blood. It also determines the activity of separated body cells.

Blood is composed of plasma and the cellular elements. They are red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and blood platelets (thrombocytes).

About 65 per cent of all white cells are leukocytes. Their protoplasm contains granules. One characteristic of leukocytes is the lobed appearance of the nucleus. The number of lobes is thought to be an index to the cell’s age. About 45 per cent of all leukocytes have a nucleus of three lobes. The life span of a leucocyte is short, from 4 to 12 days.

The function of leukocytes is to protect against infection. After the skin is pierced and the wound becomes infected, leukocytes from all the body are attracted to this place. Arriving at the wound, they leave the blood stream. They engulf the bacteria within their own protoplasm. This process is called phagocytosis.

Erythrocytes are the most numerous cellular elements. Red corpuscles have two physical features which are very important in the function of respiration. They have great elasticity and flexibility. These features give them the possibility to pass through very small capillaries. The most important part of the red cell is its red substance or hemoglobin.

The average human blood volume is not less than 7.5% but not more than 10% of the body weight.
4.Do the tasks according to the variants
Variant 1

Fill in the table using the information below

Corpuscular elements








White corpuscles; numerous cellular elements; have elasticity and flexibility; have granules in the protoplasm; pass through small capillaries; have a short span of life; have a lobed appearance of the nucleus; take part in the function of respiration; contain red colouring substance ( hemoglobin ); protect against infection; arrive at the wound and engulf the bacteria.
Variant 2

Answer the questions to the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the answers.
1.What kind of tissue is the blood?

2.What is the blood compose of ?

3.What is the charachteristic of leukocytes?

4.What is the function of leukocytes?

5.What do leukocytes do when a wound becomes infected?

6.What are the most numerous cellular elements?

7.What features do erythrocytes have?

8.What is the important part of erythrocytes?

9.What is the total blood volume divided into?
Variant 3

Translate into English using the text “Blood and its elements”.

  1. Кровь – это жидкая соединительная ткань.

  2. Кровь состоит из плазмы, красных кровеносных телец, белых кровеносных телец и тромбоцитов.

  3. Лейкоциты содержат гранулы.

  4. У лейкоцитов есть ядро с тремя долями.

  5. Функция лейкоцитов – защищать от инфекции.

  6. Эритроциты – это многочисленные клеточные элементы.

  7. Их физические свойства – эластичность и гибкость.

  8. Эритроциты играют важную роль в функции дыхания.

  9. Эритроциты содержат вещество гемоглобин.

Variant 4

Continue the sentences using the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences.

  1. Blood is …

  2. Blood is composed of …

  3. Thrombocytes are …

  4. The protoplasm of leukocytes …

  5. Leucocytes have …

  6. The function of leukocytes is …

  7. Erythrocytes are …

  8. Erythrocytes have …

  9. The important part of erythrocytes is …

  10. Erythrocytes play an important role in …

Variant 5

Match the parts of the sentences using the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences.

  1. Blood is a fluid …

  2. Blood determines …

  3. The corpuscular elements are …

  4. The protoplasm of leukocytes contain …

  5. The nucleus of leukocytes has …

  6. Leukocytes …

  7. Erythrocytes are …

  8. The features of erythrocytes are …

  9. Erythrocytes contain …

  10. Red corpuscles take part in …

    • granules.

    • protect against infections.

    • connective tissue.

    • red substance hemoglobin.

    • erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes.

    • respiration.

    • three lobes.

    • elasticity and flexibility.

    • the activity of the body cells.

    • red corpuscles.

8. Match the idiomatic expressions with their definitions. Learn them

1.blood is thicker than water

2.to chill the blood

3.blue blood

4.flesh and blood

5.you can’t get blood out of a stone

6.it runs in the blood

  1. the sign of aristocracy

  2. human with all the weakness of human nature

  3. to get very scared

  4. the ties between relations are closer than those between friends

  5. to have inherited traits

  6. a passionless man

9. Answer the questions
1.Have you ever got situations which chill your blood?

2.Do you have examples when you can’t blood out of a stone?
10.Speak about blood.

1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks
Teacher: Good day. Glad to see you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Do you know

what it means.

Student: …

Teacher: What do you usually do from the bottom of your heart?

Student: …

Teacher: Let’s see how our heart works.
2. Study the new words. Learn them.

  1. cardiovascular system - сердечнососудистая система

  2. blood circulation - кровообращение

  3. artery - артерия

  4. vein – вена

  5. capillary - капиляр

  6. blood vessel - кровеносный сосуд

  7. to pump blood - выталкивать кровь

  8. oxygen-poor blood – кровь, бедная кислородом

  9. oxygen-rich blood – кровь, обогащённая кислородом

  10. chamber of the heart - камера сердца

  11. atrium (atria) - предсердие

  12. ventricle - желудочек

  13. valve - клапан

  14. cardiac cycle - сердечный цикл

  15. vascular system – сосудистая система

  16. pulmonary system - лёгочная система

  17. to separate-разделять

  18. portal system – венозная система

3. Read the text. Pay attention to the new words for better understanding.
The Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. It includes the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries.

The centre of the circulatory system is the heart. The heart is the size of about two fists. The normal weight of the heart is about half of one per cent of the total body weight. The human heart contracts from the first moment of life to the last one.

The contractions of the heart pump blood through the arteries to all parts of the body. Blood flows through your body using your blood vessels such as capillaries, veins and arteries. When the oxygen-poor blood goes to your lungs, the blood will be oxygen-rich and will give oxygen to your whole body and does this over and over again.

There are four chambers in the heart. There are two chambers on the top and two chambers on the bottom. The top two chambers are called the atria. There's a left atrium and a right atrium. They receive blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs. The bottom two chambers are the ventricles. There is also a right ventricle and a left ventricle. The ventricles give the blood to the body and lungs. The valves separate the atria from the ventricles. The valves are located at the entrance and exit of each ventricle.

Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle. Each wave of contraction and period of rest of the heart compose a cardiac cycle.

The vascular system consists of three groups of vessels – arteries, veins and capillaries. The vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose the general system. They are called the systemic vessels. The pulmonary system is formed by the vessels carrying blood to and from the lungs. The portal system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.

4. Write down the physical features of the heart. Speak about the heart according to the plan

The Heart

  1. Size: …

  2. Weight: …

  3. Structure: …

  4. Function: …

5. Complete the sentences using the text “The Cardiovascular System”.

  1. The cardiovascular system is …

  2. The centre of the cardiovascular system is …

  3. The contractions of the heart …

  4. Two chambers on the top are called …

  5. Two chambers on the bottom are …

  6. The valves separate …

6. Match two parts of the sentences together.

  1. Blood flows through the body

  2. The oxygen-poor blood goes to the lungs

  3. The atria receive the blood

  4. The ventricles give the blood

  5. Each beat of the heart is followed by

  6. The heart consists of

  7. The cardiovascular system includes

  • from the body and lungs.

  • the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.

  • using the blood vessels.

  • a period of rest.

  • four chambers.

  • where it becomes oxygen-rich.

  • to the body and lungs.

7. Answer the questions

  1. What groups of vessels does the vascular system consist of?

  2. What vessels compose the general system?

  3. What vessels form the pulmonary system?

  4. What vessels form the portal system?

8. What do you think these idiomatic expressions mean. Learn them

  1. have a heart

  2. have one’s heart in the boots

  3. heart-to-heart talk

  4. lose heart

  5. have one’s heart in the right place

  6. pour one’s heart

  7. touch someone’s heart

  8. with a light heart

  9. with all my heart

  10. heart of gold ( stone )

9. Answer the questions

  1. Have you ever had your heart in your boots?

  2. Do you often lose heart?

  3. Do the people pour the heart to you?

  4. What music can touch your heart?

  5. Do you often have heart-to-heart talk with your friends?

  6. What do you do with all your heart?

10. Speak English
Скажите, что

  • у вас добрые намерения;

  • душа ушла в пятки;

  • у вашего друга золотое сердце;

  • вы поздравляете друзей от всей души;

  • хорошая книга может затронуть ваше сердце;

  • вы предпочитаете говорить по душам;

  • у вас есть человек, которому вы можете излить душу.

11. Speak about the cardiovascular system

1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks
Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you.

Student: …

Teacher: Imagine that you see your friend in the crowd. You want him to notice you. It is so

noisy in the street. What will you do?

Student: …

Teacher: Yes, you will shout very loudly. It means you shout at the top of the lungs.

Let’s see how strong our lungs are.
2. Look at the picture and writes down the English names of the respiratory organs.


1.нос; 2. глотка; 3. гортань; 3. трахея; 4.бронхиальная трубка (бронх – bronchus, бронхи – bronchi); 5. лёгкое; 6. бронхиола; 7. альвеолы
3.Study the new words

  1. respiratory system – дыхательная система

  2. to bring oxygen – доставлять кислород

  3. to remove carbon dioxide – удалять углекислый газ

  4. breathing-дыхание

  5. inspiration -вдох

  6. expiration-выдох

  7. small sacs – маленькие мешочки

  8. mediastinum-средостение

  9. covered by the pleura – покрытый плеврой

  10. base – основание

  11. apex – верхушка

  12. border – граница

  13. surface – поверхность

  14. vital capacity – жизненная емкость

  15. fill with the air – наполняться воздухом

  16. absorb oxygen – впитывать кислород

  17. waste product – остаточный продукт

  18. expel from the body – выводить из тела

4. Read the text. Translate the sentences with the new words from ex.3.

The Respiratory System
The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide. This process is called breathing. It consists of inspiration and expiration. The organs of this system are the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and lungs. When you breathe, air travels through your nose, down the trachea, and into bronchi. These bronchi branch into smaller passages called bronchioles and finally into small sacs called alveoli.

The lungs are the most important organs of the respiratory system. There are two lungs in the body. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has only two lobes. The lungs are separated by the mediastinum and covered by the pleura. They have bases, apexes, borders and surfaces. The average vital capacity is about 3-4 liters.

During inspiration, the alveoli in the lungs are filled with air. It is here that oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Blood cells absorb oxygen from the capillaries in the alveoli, as carbon dioxide, a waste product, is released back into the lungs from the veins. During expiration, the carbon dioxide is expelled from the body. Oxygen-rich blood then travels to the heart so it can be pumped back to the body where it is needed.
5. Answer the questions

  1. What does the respiratory system does?

  2. What does the breathing process consist of?

  3. What are the organs of the respiratory system?

6. Complete the sentences

  1. Lungs are …

  2. There are two …

  3. The right lung …

  4. The left lung …

  5. The lungs are separated …

  6. The lungs have …

  7. Their vital capacity is …

7. Put the sentences into the logical order
When you breathe, the air:

  • travels down the throat through the larynx and trachea.

  • one bronchus leads to the right lung and one to the left lung

  • bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli

  • goes into the lungs through tubes called bronchi

  • in the lungs, the bronchi divide into smaller bronchi

  • enters the body through the nose or the mouth

  • and then into even smaller tubes called bronchioles

8.Fill in the gaps using the text “The Respiratory System”.

  1. _______________branch into smaller passages called bronchioles.

  2. The alveoli in the lungs are filled with air during __________________.

  3. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the ___________________.

  4. ______________ absorb oxygen from the capillaries in the alveoli.

  5. _______________is released back into the lungs from the veins.

  6. The carbon dioxide is expelled from the body during _______________.

9. Study the idiomatic expressions. Learn them

  1. be led by the nose by-идти на поводу

  2. follow one’s nose-идти куда глаза глядят

  3. have a nose for-иметь нюх

  4. look down one’s nose-смотреть сверху вниз

  5. with one’s nose in the air-задирать нос

  6. not to see beyond the end of one’s nose- не видеть дальше своего носа

10. Translate into English.

  1. У молодого журналиста есть нюх на сенсации.

  2. Когда я подавлен, я иду куда глаза глядят.

  3. Многие люди идут на поводу своих желаний.

  4. Я не люблю, когда ты смотришь на меня сверху вниз.

  5. Сегодня ты победил, но советую не задирать нос.

  6. Мой друг не всегда внимателен к людям и иногда не видит дальше своего носа.

11. Speak about the respiratory system


1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks
Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you. Some people say I don’t live to eat but eat to live.

What do you think this saying mean?

Student: …

Teacher: Do you agree with it?

Student: …
3. Look at the picture. Translate the names of the digestive organs into Russian.

  1. mouth

  2. salivary glands

  3. gallbladder

  4. liver

  5. pancreas

  6. small intestine

  7. esophagus

  8. stomach

  9. large intestine

  10. rectum

4. Read the description of the digestive organs and guess what they are. Pay attention to the given words for better understanding.

  1. tube – трубка

  2. sac – мешочек

  3. secrete – выделять

  4. digest – переваривать

  5. bile – желчь

  6. nutrients – питательные вещества

  7. eliminate – удалять из организма

  8. store – хранить

  1. It is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. _____________

  2. It is a long muscular tube that connects the stomach to the large intestine. It finishes the process of digestion and absorbs the nutrients. _______________

  3. It is a muscular sac which receives food from the esophagus and secretes acid and enzymes to digest this food. ______________________

  4. It is an organ in the upper abdomen that produces bile and helps in digestion. ________________

  5. It is a tube-like organ that absorbs water and nutrients from food and eliminates wastes products. __________________________

  6. It is a small pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile. ___________________

  7. They are located in the mouth and secrete saliva. _____________________

  8. It is a long thin organ behind the stomach. It makes pancreatic juicesand helps digest food in the small intestine. _____________________

5.Fill in the gaps with the given words and read about the digestive process.
The Digestive Process

the mouth / the digestive tract / bile / esophagus / the salivary glands / the stomach / many microbes / the rectum

The digestive system consists of (1)______________and digestive glands. The digestive tract is some 8-10m long and is divided into the following parts: oral cavity, (2)____________, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.

The digestive process begins in (3)___________. The food is chewed by the teeth in the oral cavity. (4)______________secrete saliva which helps break down food’s carbohydrates.

After that the food enters the esophagus. Peristaltic movements in the walls of the esophagus push the food into (5)________________.

Food in the stomach is partly digested and converted into a semi liquid (полужидкий) state.

After being in the stomach, food enters the small intestine. There (6) ___________, pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes help in the breakdown of food.

Then food passes into the large intestine where some of the water and electrolytes are removed from the food. (7) _______________in the large intestine help in the digestion process. Solid waste products are stored in (8) ____________and then, eliminated from the body.
6.Translate into English using the text “The Digestive Process”
1)пищеварительные железы; 2) делиться на части; 3)пережевывать зубами; 4)выделять слюну; 5)расщеплять углеводы; 6)проникать в пищевод; 7) стенки пищевода; 8) проталкивать пищу; 9) превращаться в полужидкое состояние; 10) твёрдые остаточные продукты; 11) удалять из организма.
7.Choose the best ending for each sentence.

  1. The digestive system consists of …

  2. The digestive process begins in the mouth where …

  3. Saliva helps …

  4. Peristaltic movements in the walls of the esophagus …

  5. In the stomach food is …

  6. Food enters …

  7. In the large intestine water and electrolytes are …

  1. … partly digested.

  2. … break down food carbohydrates.

  3. … the small intestine.

  4. … the digestive tract and digestive glands.

  5. … food is chewed by the teeth.

  6. … removed from the food.

  7. … push food into the stomach.

8 .Speak about the digestive system


1.Review the given words
kidneys / bladder / to consist of / spine / cover / lumber region / fluid / to make up / the cavity of the pelvis / to form / muscular / smooth muscles / capacity / connective tissue / apex

2.Study the new words

  1. urinary system – выделительная система

  2. waste (end) products of the body – остаточные (конечные) продукты тела

  3. ureter – мочеточник

  4. urethra – уретра

  5. urine – моча

  6. pass out of the body – выходить из тела

  7. place – располагаться

  8. membrane – оболочка

  9. bean-shaped – бобовидный

  10. inner margin – внутренний край

  11. hilus – ворота органа

  12. convey – проводить

  13. fundus – дно органа

  14. coat – оболочка

  15. mucous – слизистый

  16. coating – слой, покров

  17. folds – складки

  18. layer – слой, пласт

  19. extend – растягиваться

  20. different directions – разные направления

3.Say into English using the words from exercises 1 and 2.
1.выделять остаточные продукты тела 2.состоять из почек, мочевого пузыря, мочеточников и уретры 3.располагаться в поясничном отделе позвоночника 4.покрывать (by) оболочкой 5.бобовидные органы 6.проводить мочу 7.состоять из слоев (покровов) 8.слизистая оболочка 9.образовывать складки 10.три слоя гладких мыщц 11.растягиваться в разных направлениях
4.Answer the questions

  1. What does the urinary system excrete?

  2. What organs does the urinary system consist of?

5.Give the definition (определение) of the words

  1. The ureter is a …

  2. The urethra is a …

6.Fill in the gaps using the text

  1. The kidneys are two ______________ organs.

  2. The kidneys are placed in the _________________ region.

  3. The kidneys are __________________ by membranes.

  4. The kidneys ______________ small tubes which excrete __________________.

  5. The kidneys control ________________ of the constituents of body fluids.

7.Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.The bladder is a reservoir for urine.

2.It is situated in the cavity of the pelvis.

3.The bladder has three parts: apex, body and fundus.

4.The wall of the bladder consists of three coatings – mucous, muscular and connective tissue. 5.The mucous membrane of the bladder forms numerous folds.

6.When the bladder fills, the folds of the mucous coat straighten out.

7.The muscular coat consists of three layers of smooth muscles extending in different directions. 8.The capacity of the bladder of an adult is about 350 – 500 ml.

8.Match the words in the columns

  1. urinary

  2. excrete

  3. covered by

  4. waste

  5. inner

  6. lumber

  7. cavity of

  8. consist of

  9. form

  10. extend in

  11. muscular

  12. bean-shaped

    • membranes

    • folds

    • the pelvis

    • different directions

    • system

    • organs

    • end products

    • coating

    • region

    • three coatings

    • margin

    • products

9.Continue the sentences

  1. The urinary system excretes …

  2. The urinary system consists of …

  3. The kidneys are …

  4. The kidneys are placed …

  5. The kidneys excrete …

  6. The kidneys control …

10.Translate into English

  1. Мочевой пузырь находится в тазовой полости.

  2. Мочевой пузырь имеет 3 части: верхушку, тело и дно.

  3. Стенка мочевого пузыря состоит из 3 слоёв: слизистого, мышечного и слоя соединительной ткани.

  4. Слизистая оболочка образует складки.

  5. Мышечный слой растягивается в разных направлениях.

11.Answer the questions

  1. What is the ureter?

  2. What is the urethra?

  3. What is the bladder?

  4. What is the hilus?

12.Speak about the urinary system.

1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks

Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you. You are going to be a medical worker. Tell me what kind of

person a medical worker should be.

Student: …

Teacher: Should he have nerves of steel?

Student: …

Teacher: A medical worker should have very strong nerves or nerves of steel. Remember it.

At this lesson we speak about the nervous system.
2.Study the new words.

  1. nervous system – нервная система

  2. nerve – нерв

  3. fibre – волокно

  4. send impulses – посылать импульсы

  5. brain – головной мозг

  6. spinal cord – спинной мозг

  7. make up – образовывать

  8. cerebrum – большой мозг

  9. cerebellum – мозжечок

  10. medulla – продолговатый мозг

  11. sight – зрение

  12. hearing – слух

  13. thought – мышление

  14. feeling – чувство

  15. swallowing – глотание

  16. yawning – зевание

3.Find out some facts about the nervous system. Make up the sentences using the given words.
1.Нервные клетки с волокнами образуют нервную систему.

Make up, nerve cells, fibres, the nervous system, with. ___________________________________________________________________________

2.Нервная клетка имеет длинное волокно с одного конца и короткие волокна с другого конца.

A long fibre, has, a nerve cell, short fibres, at one end, and, at the other end. ____________________________________________________________________________

3.Нервные клетки посылают импульсы друг другу посредством волокон на концах.

To each other, impulses, nerve cells, by means of, at the ends, their fibres, send. _____________________________________________________________________________

4.Все нервные клетки соединяются друг с другом.

All, are connected, nerve cells, each other, with. ____________________________________________________________________________

5.Нервы проходят от спинного мозга или от головного мозга к каждой части тела.

To each part of the body, lead, the spinal cord, nerves, or, from, the brain. _____________________________________________________________________________

6.Головной и спинной мозг – центры нервной системы.

The centres, the nervous system, of, are, the brain, the spinal cord, and. _____________________________________________________________________________

7.Тысячи нервных волокон, объединённых в узел, образуют нерв.

Make up, thousands of, together in a bundle, a nerve, nerve fibres. ____________________________________________________________________________

8.Головной мозг состоит из трёх частей: большой мозг, мозжечок, продолговатый мозг. Consists of, the cerebrum, the brain, parts, the cerebellum, three, the medulla. _____________________________________________________________________________

9.Большой мозг имеет части, отвечающие за память, мышление, слух, зрение, чувства. Has, memory, the cerebrum, parts for, hearing, feelings, sight, thought. _____________________________________________________________________________

10.Мозжечок контролирует работу мышц тела.

Controls, the cerebellum, muscles, of, the work, in the body. _____________________________________________________________________________

11.Продолговатый мозг помогает контролировать такие процессы как сердцебиение, дыхание, глотание и зевание.

Hepls, such acts as, swallowing, the medulla, control, heartbeat, yawning, breathing. _____________________________________________________________
4.Read the definition (определение) of the word and guess what it is.

  1. the sense which you use to hear sounds

  2. the thin pieces of flesh that form the nerves or muscles in your body

  3. the bottom part of your brain that controls your muscles

  4. someone's ability to remember things, places, experience

  5. the thick string of nerves enclosed in your spine, by which messages are sent to and from your brain

  6. the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently

  7. the organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and move

  8. the parts inside your body which look like threads and carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body

  9. the physical ability to see

  10. an action in which you make food or drink go down your throat

5.Say into English
Контролировать действия, образовывать нервную систему, иметь длинные и короткие волокна, части тела, центры нервной системы, посылать импульсы друг другу, нервные волокна, состоять из трёх частей, контролировать сердцебиение и дыхание, такие действия, как зевание и глотание, нервы проходят от спинного мозга, посредством волокон, соединяться нервами.

6.Answer the questions

  1. What cells make up the nervous system?

  2. What does each nerve cell have at its ends?

  3. What do the nerve cells send to each other?

  4. Where do the nerves lead?

  5. What are the centres of the nervous system?

7.Complete the sentences.

  1. All parts of the body are connected by ______________.

  2. Each nerve is made up of _____________________.

  3. The brain _________________ of three parts.

  4. The parts of the brain are ______________________.

  5. ____________________ controls the work of the muscles in the body.

  6. The medulla controls heartbeat, __________________________.

  7. _________________ has parts for memory, sight, hearing, thought and feelings.

8. Match the idiomatic expressions with their Russian equivalents

  1. bag of nerves

  2. get on nerves

  3. lose one’s nerves

  4. nerves of steel

  5. be up to the ears in work

  6. listen with half an ear

  1. стальные нервы

  2. потерять мужество

  3. комок нервов

  4. действовать на нервы

  5. слушать краем уха

  6. по уши в работе

9. Translate into English. Roleplay the conversation
А: Привет! Как дела? Я давно тебя не видел. Ты выглядишь измученным.

B: Ты прав. Я по уши в работе и готовлюсь к экзаменам. Дело в том, что я слушал лекции краем уха.

A: Не теряй мужества!

B: Легко сказать. Я как комок нервов. Мне все действует на нервы.
A: Верь в себя. Я уверен, что ты хорошо сдашь экзамены. Удачи!

10.Speak about the nervous system.
1. Mr. Clever: Read the verse and explain the meaning of the saying «to be in somebody»s skin».
I want you to think

What does it mean

To be in somebody's skin?

It is easy to blame

Than offer a help.

It’s easy to shout

Than stop and be quiet.
When friend is in trouble

Don’t idle around.

If a child is crying

Smile and be charming.
Before judging someone

Stop …’cos it’s no fun.

Don’t hide, it’s time to think

What does it mean

To be in somebody’s skin?

2. Read the text

The Skin as an Excretory Organ
Various harmful and unnecessary substances are formed in the human body. These substances enter the blood and then they are eliminated from the body by the excretory organs, namely the kidneys, the skin and the lungs, the latter pass out carbon dioxide and water vapour. Most of the body wastes, as you know, are eliminated in the urine by the urinary organs.

An excretory function is also performed by the skin. The skin is the cover of the body , it protects it from harmful external influence and serves at the same time as an excretory organ passing the sweat out.

Sweat is formed in tiny perspiration glands found in the skin. It consists of water in which substances similar to those in the urine are formed but in smaller quantities. The Evaporating of perspiration is known to cool the body and protect it from overheating.
3. Find English equivalents for these words

  1. вредные вещества

  2. образовываться в теле

  3. поступать в кровь

  4. продукты тела

  5. выделительная функция

  6. защищать от вредного воздействия

  7. пот

  8. крошечные потовые железы

  9. испарения пота

  10. охлаждать тело

  11. перегрев

  12. выделительные органы

  13. удалять из организма

4.Fill in the blanks with the given verbs
enter pass performs covers protects serve cools eliminate

  1. The skin … the body.

  2. The evaporating of perspiration … the body.

  3. The lungs … out the carbon dioxide and water vapour.

  4. Harmful substances are formed in the body and … the blood.

  5. The skin … an excretory function.

  6. The excretory organs … body wastes from the body.

  7. The kidneys … as excretory organs.

  8. The skin … the body from harmful external influence.

5.Make up the sentences using these words.

  1. enter, various, the blood, substances, harmful.

  2. wastes, the excretory, eliminate, organs, the body, from.

  3. are, the kidneys, the lungs, excretory, the skin, organs.

  4. the skin, excretory, protects, external, the body, from, influence, harmful.

  5. out, passes, the sweat, the skin.

  6. perspiration, are, there, glands, in the skin.

  7. protects, overheating, the body, from, evaporating, of, perspiration.

6.Answer the questions.

  1. What is formed in the body?

  2. What organs eliminate harmful substances from the body?

  3. What excretory organs do you know?

  4. What organs pass out carbon dioxide?

  5. What organs excrete most of the body wastes?

  6. What functions does the skin perform?

  7. How does the skin perform its functions?

  8. Where is the sweat formed?

  9. What process is known to cool the body?

  10. What does the evaporating of perspiration protect the body from?

7.Complete the sentences using the text “The Skin as an Excretory Organ”.

  1. The skin is one of the …

  2. The skin is the …

  3. The skin performs …

  4. The skin protects the body from …

  5. The skin passes …

8.Fill in the gaps using the text “The Skin as an Excretory Organ”.

  1. The kidneys, the skin, the lungs are … …

  2. They eliminate … … from the body.

  3. The lungs pass out … …

  4. Most of the body wastes … by the … organs.

  5. The skin also serves as … …

9.Correct the mistakes using the text “The Skin as an Excretory Organ”.

  1. Various harmful and unnecessary substances are formed and eliminated from the body.

  2. Harmful substances are eliminated by the digestive organs.

  3. The kidneys pass out carbon dioxide and water vapour.

  4. The skin covers the body and protects if from harmful external influence.

  5. The skin passes out most of the body wastes.

  6. The sweat is formed in tiny salivary glands.

  7. The evaporating of perspiration cools the body.

10. Speak about the skin and its function

1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks
Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you. As you know, people usually have senses.

But not everybody has a sense of humour. What senses do you think a medical worker should have?

Student: … ( sense of duty, humour, beauty, justice, gratitude, sympathy, responsibility, compassion, sixth sense )

Teacher: What senses do you have?

Student: …
2.Look at the picture and say what five main senses are.
Five main senses are ……………….

3.Read about senses and try your interpreter’s skills. Fill in the gaps with the proper names of the senses.

There are five main senses - touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. These are the external sensory system, because they tell you about the world outside your body. Your senses tell you what is happening in the outside world. Your body's sense organs constantly send signals about what is happening outside and inside it to your control center - the brain.
_________________: The ability to detect and interpret odours. The organ of olfaction is the nose. It is a "chemical sense".
__________________: The ability to see - that is, to detect light waves and interpret them into the objects around us. The organ of vision is the eye.

__________________: The ability to detect and interpret chemical differences in items we put in the mouth, which is the organ of gustation. It is the other "chemical sense".
___________________: The ability to detect and interpret sound waves. The organ of audition is the ear.
___________________: The ability to perceive and interpret temperature, pressure and pain. The main organ of this sense is the skin, which is also the largest organ of the human body. However, there are also receptors located throughout the body.
Senses are all controlled by the Nervous System.
4 .Match the idiomatic expressions with their definitions. Learn them

  1. have at one’s fingertips

  2. hold one’s tongue

  3. not lift a finger

  4. have a ready tongue

  5. be all ears

  6. in the twinkling of an eye

  7. shut one’s eyes to

  1. be very attentive

  2. know something very well

  3. keep something in secret

  4. do nothing

  5. very quickly

  6. pretend not to see something

  7. be talkative

5. Make up a story using these idiomatic expressions

Цели раздела

В результате изучения теоретического материала по темам данного раздела вы должны


  • лексический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода профессионально ориентированных текстов о деятельности врача, медицинской сестры и фармацевта в поликлинике, больнице и аптеке;

  • лексический минимум, необходимый для устного высказывания о действиях врача при осмотре пациента и сборе анамнеза, о сестринских манипуляциях в процессе ухода за пациентом и о работе аптеки.


  • применять знания изученного лексико-грамматического материала для чтения и перевода иноязычных профессионально ориентированных текстов по темам раздела;

  • извлекать необходимые сведения из иноязычных источников информации, используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал;

  • употреблять изученный лексический минимум в устном высказывании о действиях врача при осмотре пациента и сборе анамнеза, о сестринских манипуляциях в процессе ухода за пациентом и о работе аптеки.

Обучающие цели:

  1. Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

  2. Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

  3. Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.

1. Student: Here is a funny verse about the places people go to from time to time.

Fill in the gaps using the words

shop / hall / club / net / college / polyclinic

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   22

написать администратору сайта