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1. Teacher: At this lesson you will know about the immunity. You will need the words on the

topics «Diseases» and «Blood».
2. Check yourself

  1. инфекционное заболевание

  2. инфекция

  3. приступ болезни

  4. течение болезни

  5. симптомы болезни

  6. выздоровление

  7. происходить (встречаться)

  8. ставить инъекцию

  9. предотвратить распространение

  10. лечение болезни

  11. клетка

  12. клеточный элемент

  13. ткань

  14. фагоцит

  1. attack of a disease

  2. cell

  3. tissue

  4. to inject

  5. to occur

  6. infectious disease

  7. phagocyte

  8. symptoms of a disease

  9. infection

  10. cellular element

  11. treatment of a disease

  12. course of a disease

  13. to prevent the spread

  14. recovery

3. Study the words

  1. capacity of resistance – способность к сопротивлению

  2. to produce – производить

  3. to cause – вызывать

  4. protection – защита

  5. to invade – проникать

  6. invasion – вторжение

  7. growth – рост

  8. virulent poison – смертельный яд

  9. to employ – применять

  10. vaccine – вакцина

  11. to injure – повреждать

  12. to destroy – уничтожать

  13. subcutaneously – подкожно

  14. sufficient amount – достаточное количество

4. Read the text

Infectious diseases are caused by the invasion and growth of microorganisms in the human body. Infection may result from direct contact with patients or from indirect one.

But the human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection. It is called immunity, it may be natural and artificial. A previous attack of an infectious disease produces a more or less permanent protection against its subsequent infection.

In the course of their growth in the body many pathogenic microorganisms produce virulent poisons or toxins. These toxins cause the characteristic symptoms of a particular disease. To meet the infection the cells of the body produce a chemical antidote which is specific for this particular infection and is known as an antitoxin. If a patient can produce a sufficient amount of this antidote to neutralize the toxins before the vital organs are injured, recovery occurs. If the human body had not this capacity we should suffer from all infectious diseases.

If the toxin can be isolated from bacterial cultures and injected into men, an artificial immunity can be produced which results from the formation of antitoxin.

The cellular elements of the tissues also take an active part in the protection of the organism against the infection. The presence of any infection usually produces leucocytosis. Bacteria in the tissues are surrounded by white cells or phagocytes. They prevent the spread of bacteria and destroy them.

If the reaction against invading bacteria is insufficient, vaccines may be injected subcutaneously to produce a more active resistance of the protective mechanisms of the body. Vaccines are employed not only to contribute to the treatment of a disease, but to establish an active artificial immunity.
5. Give the definition ( определение ) of “immunity”
Immunity is … .
6. Answer the questions

  1. What causes the infectious diseases?

  2. How may the infection result?

  3. What do the pathogenic microorganisms produce?

  4. What do the body cells produce to meet the infection?

  5. When does the recovery occur?

  6. How is an artificial immunity produced?

7. Fill in the gaps and tell what part the cellular elements play in the protection

  1. … also take part in the protection of the body against the infection.

  2. … usually produces leucocytosis.

  3. …surround the bacteria in the tissues and destroy them.

8. Make up the sentences





активизировать сопротивление защитных механизмов тела.

способствовать лечению болезней

установить искусственный иммунитет

9. Here is a short copy of the text about immunity. Use the necessary verbs to complete the story

  1. The invasion and growth of microorganisms in the body … infectious disease.

  2. Infection … from direct or indirect contact with the patients.

  3. Many pathogenic microorganisms … virulent poisons.

  4. Virulent poisons … the characteristic symptoms of a disease.

  5. To meet the infection the cells of the body … a chemical antidote for this particular infection.

  6. A sufficient amount of the antidote … the toxins.

  7. The recovery … .

  8. The toxin can be … from bacterial cultures and … into men.

  9. An artificial immunity … from the formation of antitoxin.

10. Translate into English

  1. Болезнь передается при прямом контакте.

  2. У организма есть способность сопротивления инфекции.

  3. Микроорганизмы вырабатывают токсины.

  4. Инфекция попала в организм и вызвала симптомы заболевания.

  5. Врач ввел вакцину пациенту.

  6. Достаточное количество антител нейтрализует токсины.

  7. Врачи применяют вакцину, чтобы способствовать лечению болезней.

  8. Жизненно важные органы пациента были повреждены.

  9. Врач сказал, что произошло полное выздоравление.

  10. Необходимо было установить искусственный иммунитет.

11. Speak about immunity

1.Match the words in the column

  1. hot

  2. rales

  3. sore

  4. dry

  5. retention of

  6. rapid

  7. shortness of

  8. scanty

  9. flushed

  10. sharp

  11. mucous

  12. pain

  13. heavy

  14. coated

  15. fast

  1. stools

  2. cough

  3. expectoration

  4. in the throat

  5. membrane

  6. cold

  7. pain

  8. breath

  9. pulse

  10. tongue

  11. skin

  12. respiration

  13. throat

  14. face

  15. in the lungs

2.Match the word and its translation

  1. rash

  2. fatigue

  3. lassitude

  4. fever

  5. secretion

  6. nausea

  7. impairment

  8. headache

  9. inflammation

  1. жар

  2. головная боль

  3. воспаление

  4. сыпь

  5. усталость

  6. выделение

  7. повреждение

  8. тошнота

  9. утомление

3. Look at the symptoms and name the disease
1. _________: high temperature, fever, cough, and very rapid breathing, pain in the chest.
2._________: high temperature, flushed face, vomiting, sore throat, fever, headache, rash, hot and dry skin.

3._________: high temperature, running nose, cough, general pains.
4.__________: high temperature, sneezing, cough, heavy cold, running nose, rash, dislike of the light.

4.Match the diseases and their symptoms





Painful and dry cough; slight cough; sharp pain ; slight pain; rapid respiration; scanty expectoration; vomit; nausea; pain in the throat; fatigue; epigastric discomfort after meals; lassitude; dry and coated tongue; dry and moist rales; shortness of breath; secretion of mucus; discomfort in the chest; retention of stools.
5.Fill in the gaps
diminishes / feels / breathes / appears / begins / fades / rises / covers / peels / increases / becomes / decreases

  1. The temperature … high.

  2. The rash … and … the body.

  3. The patient … weak and depressed.

  4. The skin … .

  5. The disease … suddenly.

  6. The body weight … .

  7. The colour of the skin … .

  8. The patient … restless.

  9. The respiratory rate … .

  10. The patient … with difficulty.

  11. Secretion of acid and pepsin … .

6.Match the disease and treatment


a. Patients receive modern treatment, undergo lung operations


b. Patients follow a strict diet regimen, avoid spicy food and alcohol


c. Patients follow a bed regimen, have warm application to the chest, take tablets and a cough mixture


d. Patients stay in bed, have rest and sleep, take prescribed medicines


e. Patients follow a bed regimen, drink much water, take medicines


f. The disease is treated surgically. The patient’s appendix is removed.

7.Make up the sentences

  1. the nurse, nourishing, the patient, food.

  2. prevent, the infection, the nurse, must, the spread, of.

  3. check up, the doctors, patients, tuberculosis, for.

  4. the hygiene, of, the mouth, takes care, the nurse, of.

  5. carry out, prophylactic, the doctors, vaccination.

  6. an appendix, the doctors, remove.

  7. unwell, the patient, feels.

Цели раздела

В результате изучения теоретического материала по темам данного раздела вы должны


  • лексический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода профессионально ориентированных текстов по проблемам наркомании, курения, СПИДа, гепатита, рака;

  • лексический минимум, необходимый для устного высказывания о причинах и профилактики СПИДа, гепатита, рака, а также о вредном воздействии наркотиков и курения на организм человека.


  • применять знания изученного лексико-грамматического материала для чтения и перевода иноязычных профессионально ориентированных текстов по темам раздела;

  • извлекать необходимые сведения из иноязычных источников информации, используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал;

  • употреблять изученный лексический минимум в устном высказывании о причинах и профилактики СПИДа, гепатита, рака, а также о вредном воздействии наркотиков и курения на организм человека.

Обучающие цели:

  1. Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

  2. Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

  3. Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.

AIDS is up to the present moment incurable disease. It has taken away a lot of lives. You must have deep knowledge about it to protect yourself and your close people.
1. Study the words

  1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – Синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита

  2. to weaken the body’s ability – ослаблять способность тела

  3. to fight off an infection – бороться с инфекцией

  4. affect AIDS victim – поражать жертв СПИДа

  5. to restore the immune system – восстанавливать иммунную систему

  6. to remain latent – оставаться скрытым

  7. life threatening opportunistic diseases – опасные для жизни оппортунистические болезни

  8. exchange of body fluids – обмен биологическими жидкостями

  9. blood transfusion – переливание крови

  10. cure – лекарство

  11. restore the immune system – восстанавливать иммунную систему

  12. continue efforts – продолжать усилия

  13. public health problem – общественная проблема здоровья

  14. unite forces – объединять усилия

  15. initiate public campaigns – организовывать общественные компании

  16. to take personal precautions – принимать личные меры предосторожности

  17. support AIDS victims – поддерживать жертв СПИДа

2. Make up the sentences adding the words

  1. Тело – способность тела – ослаблять способность тела – ослаблять способность тела бороться с инфекцией – СПИД ослабляет способность тела бороться с инфекцией.

  2. Жертва – жертва СПИДа – поражать жертв СПИДа – Инфекции поражают жертв СПИДа.

  3. Иммунная система – иммунная система тела – восстанавливать иммунную систему тела – Врачи пытаются восстановить иммунную систему тела.

  4. Проблема – проблема здоровья – общественная проблема здоровья – серьезная общественная проблема здоровья – СПИД – это серьезная общественная проблема здоровья.

  5. Меры – меры предосторожности – принимать меры предосторожности – должны принимать меры предосторожности – Люди должны принимать меры предосторожности.

  6. Компании – общественные компании – организовывать общественные компании – Люди организуют общественные компании.

3. Before reading the text review the underlined words. Do you remember what they mean?
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDS is an insidious and up to the present moment incurable disease. The disease occurs in all age groups. The number of AIDS cases grows at a rapid rate. 70 per cent of all people with AIDS die within 2 years of diagnosis.

AIDS is caused by a virus that invades white blood cells (lymphocytes) and some other body cells. This virus is called «human immunodeficiency virus» or HIV. AIDS is one of the several clinical manifestations of HIV infection. HIV infection damages the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases. HIV may remain latent in the body, and most people infected with the virus remain in good health. The onset of symptoms ranges from 6 months to 5 years or more. They may include tiredness, fever, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea, night sweat and swollen glands. Some people infected with HIV have many of these symptoms but do not develop the characteristics of AIDS. The diagnosis of AIDS depends on the presence of certain life threatening opportunistic diseases (a type of cancer known as Kaposi’ sarcoma) and a positive test for antibody to HIV.

HIV, AIDS virus, passes from person through the exchange of body fluids. «Body fluids» include blood, semen, women’s genital secretions. HIV infection is spread by direct sexual contact, the sharing of drug needles among drug users, through transfusion of infected blood.

At present, there is no cure for AIDS. Little can be done to restore the body’s immune system to normal. But scientists and medical workers continue the efforts to produce vaccines and drugs against AIDS. Doctors learn more about the treatment of the infections which affect AIDS patients. Doctors use drugs, radiation and surgery to treat the various diseases of AIDS patients. This treatment helps to block action of the virus.

AIDS is a serious global health problem. People from all over the world unite their forces in fighting AIDS. They initiate public campaigns to educate and inform young people about AIDS. They also support AIDS victims who suffer not only from pain of diseases but also from social discrimination. Everybody can help fighting AIDS by taking precautions, getting facts about AIDS and its transmission, supporting AIDS victims.
4.Match the words in the columns

  1. incurable …

  2. invade …

  3. immunodeficiency …

  4. damage …

  5. night …

  6. sharing …

  7. weaken …

  8. swollen …

  9. use …

  10. infected …

  11. unite …

  12. fight …

    • the immune system

    • drug needles

    • forces

    • glands

    • blood

    • disease

    • surgery

    • AIDS

    • virus

    • the body’s ability

    • sweat

    • blood cells

5.Make sentences

  1. Синдром – синдром иммунодефицита – синдром приобретённого иммунодефицита

  2. Скрытое – скрытое и неизлечимое – скрытое и неизлечимое заболевание

  3. Вирус – вирус проникает – вирус проникает в белые клетки крови

  4. ВИЧ – ВИЧ инфекция - ВИЧ инфекция разрушает - ВИЧ инфекция разрушает иммунную систему

  5. Ослабить – ослабить способность – ослабить способность тела – ослабить способность тела бороться – ослабить способность тела бороться с болезнями

  6. Врачи – врачи используют – врачи используют лекарства – врачи используют лекарства, лучевую терапию и хирургию - врачи используют лекарства, лучевую терапию и хирургию, чтобы лечить пациентов больных СПИДом

  7. Люди – люди объединяют – люди объединяют усилия – люди объединяют усилия, чтобы бороться со СПИДом

8.Fill in the table using the text “AIDS”

The Cause of AIDS

The Symptoms of AIDS

The Treatment of AIDS patients

The Measures on fighting AIDS

9.Do the tasks according to the variant.
Variant 1.Answer the questions and translate the answers.

  1. What is AIDS caused by?

  2. How is this virus called?

  3. How does HIV infection influence the body?

  4. What are the symptoms of HIV infection?

  5. What does the diagnosis of AIDS depend on?

  6. How is HIV infection spread?

  7. What do doctors do to find the cure for AIDS?

  8. How do the doctors treat the diseases of AIDS patients?

  9. What do people do to fight AIDS?

  10. How can everybody help fighting AIDS?

Variant 2.Continue the sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. The cause of AIDS is ….

  2. The virus is called ….

  3. HIV infection damages ….

  4. HIV infection weakens ….

  5. The symptoms of HIV infection may be ….

  6. AIDS is diagnosed when a patient has ….

  7. HIV infection is spread by ….

  8. Doctors make efforts to ….

  9. The treatment of diseases of AIDS patients help to …

  10. You can help fighting AIDS by …

Variant 3.Write out the information about HIV infection and AIDS according to the plan. Translate into Russian.

  1. The cause of AIDS

  2. The influence of HIV infection on the human body

  3. The symptoms of the disease

  4. The diagnosis of AIDS

  5. The way of transmission

  6. The cure for AIDS

  7. The treatment of diseases of AIDS patients

  8. Fighting AIDS

  9. AIDS patients need help and support.

Variant 4. Prove the statements and translate the information.

  1. AIDS is a fast spreading disease.

  2. HIV infection does a great harm to the body

  3. This disease is accompanied by the symptoms

  4. The disease passes from one person to another.

  5. Doctors try to find cure for AIDS.

  6. Doctors treat AIDS patients.

  7. People from all over the world fight AIDS.

  8. Everybody can help fighting AIDS.

Variant 5. Complete the sentences and translate them.

  1. AIDS ________________ in all age groups.

  2. AIDS virus _______________ white blood cells.

  3. HIV infection damages ____________________ and ____________________ the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.

  4. The symptoms of the disease may include _________________, fever, _____________________, diarrhea, ____________________ and swollen glands.

  5. The diagnosis of AIDS depends on the presence of __________________________ and _________________________ for antibody to HIV.

  6. HIV infection is spread by ___________________________, the sharing of drug needles, ___________________________________.

  7. Doctors make efforts to ___________________________________

  8. Doctors use drugs, _____________________ and _____________________ to treat various _________________________.

  9. The treatment helps to _________________ of the virus.

  10. People initiate ____________________ to educate and inform ___________________ about AIDS.

  11. You can fight AIDS by________________________, getting facts about AIDS and _____________________________.

Nowadays more people are taking drugs than in any other time in history of mankind, and many of those people are youth. Drugs kill the health, joy, mind and beauty of people. Your power in your knowledge!
1.Match the words together and translate them.

  1. medical

  2. treat

  3. escape

  4. have

  5. develop

  6. mental

  7. cause

  8. stop

  9. become

  10. take

  • the breathing process

  • drugs

  • a sudden death

  • supervision

  • unconscious

  • illness

  • the reality

  • disorders

  • fun

  • side effects
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