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Учебное пособие по англ языку. Анатомия человека

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  • применять знания изученного лексико-грамматического материала для чтения и перевода иноязычных профессионально ориентированных текстов по темам раздела;

  • извлекать необходимые сведения из иноязычных источников информации, используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал;

  • употреблять изученный лексический минимум в устном высказывании о причине, симптомах, течении и лечении изучаемых заболеваний.

Обучающие цели:

  1. Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

  2. Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

  3. Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.

1. Teacher:

  1. Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. What other infectious diseases do you know?

  2. Who often becomes ill with scarlet fever?

  3. Were you ill with scarlet fever?

Teacher: If you want to know more about scarlet fever, this lesson will help you.
2. Study the words. Learn them

  1. to pass – переходить

  2. through – через

  3. to vomit – страдать рвотой

  4. to rise – подниматься

  5. to remain – оставаться

  6. rash – сыпь

  7. to appear – появляться

  8. to peel – шелушиться

  9. to isolate – изолировать

  10. fluid diet – жидкая диета

  11. nourishing food – питательная еда

3. Read the text

Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. We can often meet this disease with children and only sometimes in grown-ups.

This disease passes from one person to another through the nose and mouth. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore throat, fever, headache, and he often vomits. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls, the skin begins to peel. The nurse must isolate the child and put him in bed. When the temperature is high the nurse gives him fluid diet and when the temperature falls she gives him nourishing food.
4. Fill in the gaps. Use the given words
disease temperature rash skin nurse

  1. … passes from one person to another.

  2. … appears.

  3. … peels.

  4. … rises.

  5. … isolate the child.

5. Situations

  1. You are a beginning medical worker. Observe scarlet fever and make a diary of the development of the disease.

  • the first day - …

  • the second day - …

  • the fourth day - …

  1. Mary fell ill with scarlet fever. The nurse isolated her. Why did she do it?

  2. On the fourth day Mary’s temperature fell. She looked at her skin and noticed … . What did she notice?

  3. Jenny’s temperature was very high. When the nurse came in, she gave Jenny some food. Tell what kind of food the nurse brought Jenny.

6. Correct the mistakes

  1. The disease begins slowly.

  2. The skin is cold and dry.

  3. When the temperature falls, the patient gets fluid diet.

7. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the given words. Role-play the dialogue.
Mrs Smith is calling in a doctor.
vomit / ill / consult a doctor / the polyclinic / wait for / high / flushed

  • Good morning. It’s _____________. Can I help you?

  • Yes. I’d like to ____________. My daughter has become ____________.

  • What’s the trouble?

  • She has a _________temperature, fever, headache and __________. Her face is _________ and the skin is hot and dry.

  • Well, I’ll put in the list of the patients. ___________your doctor to come.

  • Thank you.

1. Teacher:

  1. What is measles?

  2. Do you know the symptoms of this disease? What are they?

  3. What must the nurse do?

Teacher : This lesson will broaden your knowledge about measles.
2. Match the words

  1. sign

  2. dislike

  3. to cover

  4. careful

  5. hygiene

  6. moist

  • гигиена

  • заботливый

  • влажный

  • знак

  • неприязнь

  • покрывать

3. Read the text. Make up the sentences where it is necessary
Measles is an infectious disease. From, the disease, one, passes, to another, child. The first symptoms are sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with signs of a very heavy cold, running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high. A, dislike, has, the child, the light, of.

The rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth and then covers the body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of the infection. The nurse, take care, of, the hygiene, must, of, the, mouth. The patient’s mouth and lips must be clean and moist.
4. Answer the questions

  1. How does the disease pass?

  2. What are the symptoms of measles?

  3. Where does the rash appear?

  4. How must the nurse look after an ill patient?

5. Speak English
You are a therapeutist in the children’s polyclinic. You should warn the parents about measles.
Скажите, что

  • корь передается от одного ребенка к другому;

  • симптомы болезни – чихание и кашель;

  • болезнь начинается с сильной простуды, насморка, сухого кашля;

  • температура высокая;

  • сыпь появляется и покрывает все тело;

  • необходимо заботиться о гигиене рта. Рот и губы должны быть чистыми.

6. Situations

  1. You have a child. You worry about the health of your child. Ask the questions about signs, symptoms of measles.

  2. You are a doctor. You prepare bulletin about measles. Tell what you write about.

  3. Your child has fallen ill with measles. You ring up the polyclinic. Tell a nurse on duty the symptoms of the disease.

  4. You are a nurse. Teach young parents how to take care of an ill child.

1. Teacher:

  1. Influenza is a very infectious disease. What are the symptoms of it?

  2. Why do many people fall ill with influenza?

  3. How do you understand the saying «Prevention is better than cure»?

2.Review the words on the topics “Scarlet fever” and “Measles”. Translate into English. How many words do you know? Check yourself.

1.больное горло


3.высокая температура


5.сухой кашель

6.головная боль


8.сильная простуда


10.покрасневшее лицо

11.неприязнь света

12.общие боли

13.горячая и сухая кожа

14.температура поднимается.

15.температура остается высокой.

16.температура падает.

17.сыпь появляется.

18.сыпь покрывает кожу.

19.пациент чувствует себя слабым и подавленным.

20.передаваться от одного человека другому

3.Match the words in the columns

  1. isolate

  2. be

  3. give

  4. prevent

  5. take care of

  6. follow

  7. stay in

  8. drink

  9. take

    • the hygiene of the mouth

    • a bed regimen

    • careful

    • bed

    • prescribed medicines

    • the child

    • nourishing or fluid food

    • the spread of infection

    • much water

4. Try your interpreter’s skills. Translate the text about influenza
Грипп – инфекционное заболевание. Болезнь может быть в легкой ( mild ) или тяжелой

( severe ) форме. Симптомы гриппа следующие: высокая температура, головная боль, кашель, насморк, общие боли.

В большинстве случаев больной гриппом должен соблюдать постельный режим, находиться в тепле, пить много воды. Больной должен оставаться в постели до тех пор, пока его температура не станет нормальной. В течении двух или трех дней больной может подниматься на короткое время. Больной должен принимать прописанные лекарства и соблюдать указания врача. После гриппа больные чувствуют слабость и подавленность.

Помните, что грипп – инфекционное заболевание, которое передается от одного человека к другому. Будьте осторожны!
5. Answer the questions

  1. What is influenza?

  2. What are the symptoms of the disease?

  3. What regimen must the patient follow?

  4. What do the patients feel after influenza?

6.What would you say if you took part in the dialogue? Choose the best variant from the given ones.

  1. Good bye, doctor

  2. Do, please. (да, пожалуйста)

  3. I have got a headache and general pains

  4. How long will it take me to get well?

  5. Thank you, doctor. I will follow your administrations

  6. Good day, doctor. I feel bad.

  7. I must get back to my studies. What must I do?

  • Good day. How do you feel?

  • ………………………….

  • What’s the matter?

  • ………………………….

  • I see. Let me examine you. I’ll listen to your heart and lungs, take your temperature.

  • ………………………….

  • You have a high temperature. I think you are ill with flu.

  • ………………………….

  • About four or five days.

  • ………………………….

  • Here is my prescription for you. Take these tablets three times a day after meals. Stay in bed, have much drink and warm applications to the chest.

  • …………………………

  • I think you will be all right after some days.

  • ………………………...

  • Goodbye. Get well.

7.Speak English

  1. Что случилось?

  2. Позвольте мне осмотреть Вас.

  3. Я измерю Вашу температуру.

  4. Я думаю, что вы больны гриппом.

  5. Вот мой рецепт для Вас.

  6. Принимайте эти таблетки три раза в день после еды.

  7. Прикладывайте теплые компрессы на грудь.

  8. Выздоравливайте.

  9. Я плохо себя чувствую.

  10. У меня общие боли.

  11. Я буду соблюдать Ваши назначения.

8. Situations

  1. You are a medical worker. You take part in prophylactic measures and inform people about influenza. What can you tell people about influenza to warn them?

  2. You are a doctor. Give your patients the instructions what to do to get well.

Teacher: What respiratory diseases do you know? Studying this topic you’ll learn to speak about pneumonia.
1.Find the English equivalents of the given words.
1.острое воспаление лёгких


3.выглядеть больным

4.учащенное дыхание

5.жаловаться на боль в груди

6.серьёзность заболевания

7.лечить антибиотиками

8.вылечивать постепенно
Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. It may be caused by bacteria or viruses. It may follow a cold and bronchitis, or it may come on suddenly. It may also be a complication of measles or whooping cough (коклюш). The child looks ill, has fever, cough, and very rapid breathing. He may also complain of pain in the chest. A doctor should be consulted, and depending on the severity of disease the child may be treated at home or admitted to a hospital. If his breathing is very rapid, he may need oxygen. Doctors treat most pneumonias with antibiotics. Pneumonia can be dangerous in very young children, especially if it is due to an organism called staphylococcus. Viral pneumonia cures gradually. The child should stay in bed, have plenty of water and a highly nourishing diet.
2.Fill in the table using the text “Pneumonia”.


The Cause of the Disease

The Symptoms of the Disease

The Treatment of the Disease

3. Speak about pneumonia

1. Teacher: At this lesson you will know about the cause, the symptoms and treatment of tuberculosis. Study the new words. Make up the sentences

  1. causative agent – возбудитель болезни

  2. tubercule bacillus – туберкулёзная палочак

  • Возбудитель болезни – туберкулезная палочка.

  • Профессор Кох открыл туберкулезную палочку и изолировал её.

  1. manifestation – проявление

  • проявления болезни могут быть хроническими и острыми (acute )

  1. to affect – поражать

  • Туберкулезная палочка поражает легкие.

  1. onset – начало

  2. insidious – скрытый

  • Начало болезни – скрытое.

  1. scanty expectoration – скудное отхаркивание

  • У человека кашель и отхаркивание.

  1. lassitude - усталость

  2. fatigue – утомление

  • Пациент жалуется на усталость и утомляемость.

  1. to induce – вызывать

  • Нагрузка вызывает одышку.

  1. exertion – нагрузка

  2. to fade – бледнеть

  • Цвет кожи бледнеет.

  1. to derange – нарушать

  • Пищеварение нарушается.

  1. to carry out measures – проводить меры

  • Клиники проводят анти туберкулезные меры.

  1. to receive treatment – получать лечение

  • Пациенты получают современное лечение и лекарства.

  1. to undergo an operation – подвергаться операции

  • Некоторые пациенты подвергаются операции на легкие.

  1. to suffer from – страдать от

  2. to check up – проверять

  • Врачи проверяют людей на туберкулез.

2. Read the text.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease. The causative agent is the tubercle bacillus discovered by professor Koch in 1882. Its manifestations are usually chronic, but may be acute. It most frequently affects the lungs.

The onset of the disease is usually insidious. The individual has a slight cough, scanty or no expectoration, he complains of a sense of lassitude and fatigue .Exertion induces shortness of breath. The body weight diminishes, the colour of the skin fades, the digestion is deranged.

T.B. clinics carry out anti-tuberculosis measures such as prophylactic vaccination. Every person over 12 years of age has his chest examined for T. B. once every year. This means that medical workers check up millions of people for tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis patients receive all kinds of modern treatment. If necessary the patients are given artificial pneumothorax or undergo various lung operations. Rest is the most important part of the regime. Sanatorium treatment is also helpful, especially for children suffering from tuberculosis.

3. Fill in the gaps
The cause of the disease

  1. The causative agent of tuberculosis is … .

  2. The tubercle bacillus … … .

Symptoms and course

  1. The onset of the disease is … .

  2. The patient has …, … , …, … .

  3. The body weight … .

  4. The colour of the skin … .

  5. The digestion is … .


  1. Tuberculosis clinics carry out … … .

  2. Tuberculosis patients receive …, … .

  3. If it is necessary the patients … … .

  4. Every year many people have … … .

  5. The medical workers … … .

4. Answer the questions

  1. What is the cause of tuberculosis?

  2. What does the tubercle bacillus affect?

  3. What are the symptoms of this disease?

  4. What is one of the anti-tuberculosis measures?

  5. What treatment and medicines do the patients receive?

5.Fill in the gaps
1.the … of tuberculosis; 2. tubercle …; 3. … cough; 4. scanty …; 5. a sense of …; 6. … of breath; 7. body …; 8. ... of the skin; 9. the digestion is … ; 10. prophylactic … ; 11. … … vaccination; 12. … treatment; 13. … lung operations; 14. … … people for … .

6.Speak English

  1. причина болезни – туберкулёзная палочка – Причина болезни – туберкулёзная палочка.

  2. лёгкий кашель – скудное отхаркивание – У пациента лёгкий кашель и скудное отхаркивание.

  3. утомление – усталость – У пациента утомление и усталость.

  4. лёгкий кашель – усталость – У пациента лёгкий кашель и скудное отхаркивание.

  5. одышка – скудное отхаркивание – У пациента одышка и скудное отхаркивание.

  6. лёгкий кашель – скудное отхаркивание – утомление – усталость – одышка – У пациента лёгкий кашель, скудное отхаркивание, утомление, усталость и одышка.

  7. вес тела – уменьшается – Вес тела уменьшается.

  8. цвет кожи – бледнеет – Цвет кожи бледнеет.

  9. пищеварение – нарушается – Пищеварение нарушается.

  10. туберкулёзная палочка – поражает – Туберкулёзная палочка поражает лёгкие.

  11. проводить – профилактические меры – Врачи проводят профилактические меры.

  12. проверять людей – на туберкулёз – Врачи проверяют людей на туберкулёз.

  13. получать – современное лечение – Пациенты получают современное лечение.

  14. подвергаться – операции на лёгкие – Пациенты подвергаются операции на лёгкие.

7. Speak English

  1. Скажите, что вы врач. Вы лечите больных туберкулезом. Вы наблюдаете такие симптомы как кашель, отхаркивание, одышку. Больные жалуются на усталость и утомляемость. Скажите, что вес тела уменьшается, цвет бледнеет, пищеварение нарушается.

  1. Скажите, что вы работаете в клинике. Ваши пациенты получают современное лечение и лекарства. Если необходимо, пациенты подвергаются операции на легкие. Пациенты соблюдают режим. Отдых – важная часть режима.

  1. Скажите, что вы – медицинский работник. Вы проводите противо туберкулезные меры. Профилактическая вакцинация – одна из мер. Скажите, что каждый год вы проверяете людей на туберкулез.

8.Fill in the gaps in the dialogue
treatment / undergo an X-ray / shortness of breath / the trouble / get well / take / appetite/ disease / slight cough / discomfort after meals / sense of fatigue / tuberculosis / follow my administrations

  • Good morning. Sit down, please. What’s _________________?

  • Doctor, I haven’t been feeling well for last few weeks.

  • And what’s the matter?

  • Well, I have a ____________________

  • Anything else?

  • I have a _________________ . After a long walk I suffer from _________________.

  • Any other problems? What about your appetite?

  • Sometimes I feel __________________ and I often have no ________________ at all.

  • Have you been worrying much recently?

  • Yes, doctor. I have got a lot to do at work.

  • Well, I am afraid you’ve got the symptoms of ___________ .It is a very dangerous _______________ . First you must ______________ of your lungs. You must strictly _______________ and ___________________ the necessary medicines.

  • I see, doctor.

  • Don’t worry. The ________________ will surely help you to ___________________ .

9. Speak about tuberculosis

Teacher: Review the following words. Translate them into Russian.
Acute / a cause of a disease / pain / abdomen / tongue / dry / perform an operation
1.Read the text and find the English equivalents of the given words.

  1. острый аппендицит

  2. встречаться

  3. причина болезни

  4. воспаление аппендикса

  5. острая боль

  6. боль в эпигастрии

  7. тошнота

  8. задержка стула

  9. скорость оседания эритроцитов

  10. язык обложен

  11. приступ аппендицита

  12. боли в животе уменьшаются

  13. умеренная болезненность

  14. хирургическим путем

  15. удалять аппендикс

Acute Appendicitis
Acute appendicitis occurs in all age groups. The cause of the disease is the inflammation of the appendix. Acute appendicitis begins suddenly with sharp pain which is at first felt in epigastrium but then becomes generalized in the abdomen. The pain is accompanied by nausea, retention of stools and gases.

With the development of the disease temperature rises and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate becomes increased. The pulse is quick. The tongue is coated and dry.

The attack of acute appendicitis lasts for 3-4 days. Then the temperature returns to normal, abdominal pains decrease and only a moderate tenderness is felt in the right lower part of the abdomen on palpation.

A doctor treats acute appendicitis surgically. He performs an operation under local anaesthesia and removes the appendix to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis.
2.Fill in the gaps using the information from the text “Acute Appendicitis”.

  1. The cause of appendicitis is … of the appendix.

  2. The patient has … pain in the … , … of stools, … temperature, nausea and … tongue.

  3. The temperature … .

  4. The … is felt in the epigastrium and generalized in the … .

  5. … increases.

  6. The doctors … the disease … .

  7. The doctor … the appendix.

3.Answer the questions

  1. What is the cause of acute appendicitis?

  2. What symptoms does the patient have?

  3. What is the course of the disease?

  4. What does the doctor do to treat the disease?

4. Speak about acute appendicitis

1. Teacher: Before speaking about acute bronchitis let’s review the words which you are to know. It will be a competition! If you translate most of the words for a short time you’ll win! Ready, steady, go!

  1. call in a doctor

  2. go to the polyclinic

  3. experienced therapeutist

  4. come to the call

  5. patient’s complaints

  6. condition

  7. painful dry cough

  8. throat

  9. breastbone

  10. examine the patient

  11. listen to the lungs

  12. measure blood pressure

  13. dry rales

  14. breathe

  15. make a diagnosis

  16. admit to the hospital

  17. a sick-leave

  18. follow a bed regimen

  19. administer tablets

  20. home treatment

2. Read the text and fill in the table below
A Case of Bronchitis
Patient Smirnov called in a physician from the local polyclinic. He couldn’t go to the polyclinic himself because his temperature was about 38C. In a few hours doctor Belova, an experienced therapeutist, came to the call.

Doctor Belova wanted to know the patient’s complaints. She asked him about his condition. He said that a short, painful dry cough associated with rapid respiration had developed two days before. In addition the patient complained of the pain in the throat and behind the breastbone.

The physician examined the patient, she listened to the lungs and heart and then measured his blood pressure. Neither the blood pressure nor the heart sounds were abnormal. But both dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs. The respiratory rate was increased and the patient breathed with difficulty. The physician also determined that the patient felt discomfort in the chest. On the basis of all the findings the physician made the diagnosis of acute bronchitis in a mild form.

It was not necessary to admit the patient to the hospital, he could follow home treatment. The patient had to be on a sick-leave until his temperature became normal. He was told to follow a bed regimen and a light diet. He was also recommended to drink either warm milk or have warm application to his chest. These procedures had to control the cough and impaired breathing.

The doctor administered the patient two tablets of tetracycline to be taken orally and a cough mixture to be taken three times a day.

The symptoms of the disease

The examination procedures

The doctor’s instructions

3.Put the sentences into the logical order and make up the dialogue. Role-play it.

  • Hello, Mister Smith. What’s wrong with you at the moment?

  • All right. I’ll examine you. Let me measure your blood pressure. It’s all right. Now I’ll listen to your lungs and heart. I hear dry and moist rales in the lungs. I think you have acute bronchitis, Mr. Smith.

  • Yes, it is 38C.

  • Yes, I have a painful dry cough.

  • Oh yes, follow my administrations and you’ll feel better soon.

  • Really?

  • Have you got a temperature?

  • Well, I have pain in the throat and behind the breastbone and I had a bad headache last night.

  • Is that all doctor?

  • That’s not very much. Are you coughing much?

  • Thank you, doctor.

  • I am sure. I’ll prescribe you two tablets of tetracycline and a cough mixture three times a day. You should drink much and have a warm complication to the chest.

  • Good bye. I wish you a speedy recovery.

1. Teacher: Read the text about chronic gastritis. Fill in the gaps using the information from the text.

  1. The doctor makes a diagnosis of chronic gastritis if … and … are clear.

  2. The cause of the catarrhal condition is … .

  3. Chronic gastritis occurs as … , … or … .

  4. The most important causes of chronic gastritis are …, …, … .

  5. The clinical manifestations of the disease are … and … .

  6. The symptoms of chronic gastritis are …, …, … .

  7. In severe cases there may be … and … in the morning.

  8. The course of the disease is … .

  9. The symptoms are … .

  10. The symptoms may become worse if … .

Chronic Gastritis
The term chronic gastritis must be limited to those cases in which evidences of inflammation or catarrhal changes in the stomach are clear.

Chronis gastritis occurs as a separate or primary disease or it may be associated with other diseases, chronic liver and kidney disease. In these diseases chronic impairment of the mucous membrane of the stomach is an important factor in causing the catarrhal condition.

The most important causes of chronic gastritis proved to be alcohol, inadequate food and a bad diet regimen.

The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are increased secretion of mucus and a diminished secretion of acid and pepsin. In severe forms of gastritis secretion is observed to be completely reduced and even absent due to the lesion of the mucus membrane.

The most frequent symptoms of chronic gastritis are loss of appetite, slight pain and general epigastric discomfort after meals. In severe cases nausea and vomiting of mucus, particularly in the morning, are often observed. Frequently the stomach becomes moderately enlarged.

The course of the disease is chronic. The symptoms are continuous. They may become worse from time to time if a sick person does not follow the diet regimen strictly.
2. Translate into Russian.

  1. a diagnosis of chronic gastritis

  2. inflammation

  3. catarrhal changes in the stomach

  4. impairment of the mucous membrane of the stomach

  5. chronic gastritis occurs

  6. the most important causes of chronic gastritis

  7. clinical manifestations of the disease

  8. a bad diet regimen

  9. increased secretion of mucus

  10. a diminished secretion of acid and pepsin

  11. in severe cases

  12. nausea

  13. vomiting of mucus

  14. the course of the disease

  15. continuous symptoms

  16. loss of appetite

  17. slight pain

  18. general epigastric discomfort

  19. follow a diet regimen

  20. a sick person

3.Answer the questions

  1. What is the cause of gastritis?

  2. What is the cause of the catarrhal condition?

  3. What symptoms does the patient have?

  4. What is the course of gastritis?

  5. What must the patient do?

4.Match the doctor’s and patient’s replies.

  1. Hello, Mrs. Cheevers. How can I help you?

  1. Do you keep a diet?

  1. What about alcohol?

  1. Well, I think it’s gastritis. You should change your life style. I recommend you to follow a diet, avoid alcohol and do sport.

  1. I’ll give you a direction to the hospital for an X-ray of the stomach.

  1. See you soon.

    • Thank you, doctor. I’ll follow your advice.

    • Just a glass of wine if I go out.

    • Good bye, doctor.

    • Oh, doctor. I feel unwell. I have a slight pain and general discomfort after meals. In the morning I have nausea. Something is wrong with my digestion.

    • No, I don’t. I often eat in cafes and prefers spicy food.

5.Speak about chronic gastritis

1.Find the words in the following chain of letters

2.Study the new words

  1. malaise – недомогание

  2. exertion – нагрузка

  3. palpitation – сильное сердцебиение

  4. enlarged – увеличенный

  5. murmur – шум (в сердце)

  6. evidence – признак, доказательство

  7. inner layer – внутренняя оболочка

  8. admit to the hospital – поместить в больницу (госпитализировать)

  9. contain – содержать

  10. discharge from the hospital – выписывать из больницы

3.Read and translate the text
The patient complained of a general malaise, early fatigue on exertion, cardiac discomfort and palpitation.

He had an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level for a prolonged period of time. The patient had been ill with tonsillitis before.

The blood analysis revealed moderate leucocytosis and an increased ESR. On percussion the doctor determined that the heart was slightly enlarged. Listening to the patient’s heart the doctor found murmurs in the heart. It was an evidence of an inflammatory process in the valves.

The doctor diagnosed rheumatic endocarditis, an inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, the endocardium. The patient was admitted to the hospital where he followed a strict bed regimen. The doctor administered antibiotic therapy. The patient had nourishing diet, containing many vitamins and limited in salt. It took the patient about 45 days to get well. He was discharged from the hospital and had to (должен был) come to his doctor for regular examinations.
4.Answer the questions

  1. What did the patient complain of?

  2. What temperature did he have?

  3. What did the blood analysis reveal?

  4. What did the doctor determine on percussion?

  5. What did the doctor find listening to the patient’s heart?

  6. What did the doctor diagnose?

  7. What kind of disease is endocarditis?

  8. Where was the patient admitted?

  9. What treatment did the doctor administer?

  10. What diet did the patient have?

  11. How long did it take the patient to get well?

  12. What did the patient have to do after he was discharged from the hospital?

5.Fill in the gaps







The cause of the disease is inflammation of the inner layer of the heart

The patient has


cardiac discomfort

subfebrile temperature

murmurs in the heart

There is a moderate leucocytosis

The heart becomes slightly enlarged.

The doctor must

admit the patient to the hospital


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