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  • 4. Read the text. Find the English equivalents of the given words.

  • The Collection of the Anamnesis

  • 5. Fill in the columns and speak about every type of history

  • 7. Put the sentences into the logical order

  • 9.Match the questions and the answers. Role-play the dialogue.

  • 10. Speak about the anamnesis

  • Учебное пособие по англ языку. Анатомия человека

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    3. Translate into English using the words from ex.2.

    1. Этот учебник включает данные о различных заболеваниях.

    2. Врач выслушал жалобы пациента.

    3. Мед. сестра выполнила указания и предписания врача.

    4. Новости отражают современное состояние здравоохранения.

    5. Врач поставил диагноз скарлатина.

    6. Корь и ветряная оспа – инфекционные заболевания.

    7. Студенты наблюдали за операцией.

    8. Состояние здоровья пациента отличное.

    9. Это обычный день в больнице.

    10. Я придерживаюсь общего мнения.

    4. Read the text. Find the English equivalents of the given words.

    1. собирать историю болезни

    2. семейный анамнез

    3. анамнез перенесенный заболеваний

    4. здоровье родственников

    5. наследственные болезни

    6. психические болезни

    7. жалобы на данный момент

    8. обдумывать симптомы

    9. субъективные и объективные симптомы

    10. расспрашивать пациента

    11. состояние зрачков

    The Collection of the Anamnesis
    Every physician should obtain a case history. It includes passport data, family history, past history, present complaints, physical examinations, prescriptions and instructions. The family history reflects the state of health of relatives, inherited diseases: tuberculosis, psychical diseases, diseases of blood. The past history reflects the past state of the patient, his past diseases: mums, measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia, chicken-pox, jaundice, heart or kidney trouble, patient’s habit for smoking.

    Then the physician asks the patient about his present complaints. Diagnosis in medicine is the art and science of observing and interpreting a disease. In making a diagnosis it is necessary to consider the symptoms. The symptoms are subjective and objective. The physician also questions the patient about the changes from the ordinary state of health. The physician looks at the general appearance of a patient: the colour of the face and lips, the state of the pupils. When the physician has got all the data about the patient he makes the diagnosis.
    5. Fill in the columns and speak about every type of history

    Case history

    Family history

    Past history

    6. Answer the questions

    1. What is it necessary in making a diagnosis?

    2. What is the diagnosis in medicine?

    3. What symptoms do you know?

    4. What does the doctor do to collect the anamnesis?

    7. Put the sentences into the logical order

    • The physician looks at the general appearance of the individual.

    • Then the physician makes a diagnosis.

    • The physician considers the symptoms.

    • The physician looks through the patient’s case history.

    • He asks about his present complaints.

    8. Speak English

    1. Вы – мед. сестра. Скажите, что вы заполняете историю болезни пациента. Вы записываете данные о нем, его жалобы и назначения врача. В семейный анамнез вы записываете состояние здоровья родственников, наследственные болезни.

    2. Вы – врач. Скажите, что вы лечите пациентов с инфекционными заболеваниями. Вы наблюдаете за состоянием здоровья пациентов и собираете данные о них. Вы делаете ежедневный обход палат и спрашиваете о жалобах на данный момент.

    3. Вы – врач. Скажите, что вы собираете данные о пациенте. Вы смотрите на его внешний вид, цвет лица, состояние зрачков. Вы обдумываете субъективные и объективные симптомы. Вы ставите диагноз после осмотра.

    9.Match the questions and the answers. Role-play the dialogue.
    Taking a Past and Family histories

    A Doctor

    • Have you ever been sick before?

    A Patient

    • No, I have only had the ones I just told you.

    • Have you ever had scarlet fever, measles, chicken-pox?

    • Yes, they are quite well.

    • And what about adult illnesses, have you ever had jaundice, heart or kidney trouble?

    • Yes, I had all the children diseases.

    • Have you ever had any operations?

    • I broke my leg in childhood.

    • Did you break any bones?

    • Yes, I had pneumonia.

    • Are your parents alive?

    • I have a sister and a brother. My brother is in good health and sister has diabetes.

    • Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they in good health?

    • Oh, yes. I am married. I have a son and a daughter. They seem to be all right.

    • Are you married? Do you have any children?

    • Yes, I have had my appendix out.

    10. Speak about the anamnesis


    1. Student: The hospital can’t live without these people. Read the verse and guess who they are.
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