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  • Find in Text 2 the antonyms of the following words and word-combinations. Write them down. Make up your own sentences with these words.

  • Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence.


  • Discussion

  • 17. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of economic systems with your partner. The following phrases will help you

  • 18. What do you think Write an essay.



  • Read and translate the following quotations. Express your point of view (agree/disagree).



  • Магистры-экономисты. Английский язык english for masters of economics

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    Chose the corresponding English word. Translate the sentences.

    1. The economic system used in most countries lies between the two … of command and market economies.

    a) extremes; b) similarities; c) difference.

    2. Tradition, command and markets are three basic methods to make ... .

    a) economic decisions; b) government decisions; c) productive resources.

    3. Economic systems are classified into four ... categories.

    a) social; b) broad; c) basic.

    4. Command economies rely almost totally on ... to make economic decisions through centralized authorities.

    a) government; b) themselves; c) people.

    5. In … economy the government owns all the major productive resources.

    a) mixed; b) command; c) market.

    6. The existence of … provides consumers with a wide array of goods and services.

    a) enemy; b) competition; c) provider.

    7. … economies exist in very limited parts of the world today.

    a) Market; b) Mixed; c) Command

    8. People living and working in traditional economies rarely experience an increasing level of …

    a) dominant motive; b) material well-being; c) pure market

    1. Find in Text 2 the antonyms of the following words and word-combinations. Write them down. Make up your own sentences with these words.

    1. consume

    1. significant role

    1. spend

    1. advantage

    1. rich

    1. loss

    1. weak ties

    1. secondary motive

    1. Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence.

    1. tasks / Government / variety / of / economists / a / perform / useful.

    2. is / The / diversified / profession / of / an / quite / economist.

    3. real / purely / of / is / free / no / life /example / a / market / There / economy.

    4. history / the / There / in / economic / when / price / rose / despite / low / recent / level / were / demand / periods.

    5. has / difficult / Economics / like / grammar / because / it / English / rules / and / is / principles.

    6. has / Economics / scientific / employed / the / method / always.

    7. market / are / advantages / a / pure / system / many / of / The.

    8. facing / our / Economists / solve / problems / country / can / many.

    9. knowledge / economist / outside / some / of / world / An / his / the / own / country / needs.

    10. created / Scientists / the / of / Economics / new / field / and / models / in / theories.

    1. Translate into English.

    1. Экономическая политика правительства часто подвергается критике.

    2. Мировая экономика – это наука, которая изучает состояние экономики в разных странах мира.

    3. Состояние экономики (экономической среды) имеет большое значение для успешной деятельности компании.

    4. Смешанная экономика предполагает взаимодействие рынка и государственного регулирования.

    5. Традиционная экономика основана на традициях, передающихся от поколения к поколению.

    6. В большинстве современных развитых стран существует смешанная экономика.

    7. Плановая экономика медленно реагирует на изменение спроса.

    8. Будущие экономисты изучают различные предметы в университете, такие как экономическая теория, макроэкономика, финансы и кредит, статистика и другие.

    9. Профессия экономиста является очень важной в нашей стране.

    14. Give titles to the following pieces of news and insert the gaps using the words in the box.

    transform; investment; deal; financial; unsustainable; agreement; paradigm; predict; recover

    Joe Biden said the current economic system in which the rich get wealthier while the middle class struggles to get by is politically___ (1).

    CNN politics

    The digital era can ___ (2) our new economic system into a new reality called the collaborative commons, according to J. Rifkin. Be quite sure that this is no minor event. In fact, it’s the first new economic ___ (3) to emerge since the advent of capitalism and socialism in the early 19th century.

    Balkans News

    Germany and France are secretly discussing a ____ (6) to enable the European Commission to approve Paris's draft 2015 budget even though it breaks past deficit-cutting commitments, German weekly Der Spiegel said on Sunday.

    The two governments are working on a written ____ (7) under which France will provide the Commission with a detailed roadmap for deficit reduction and structural reform, the weekly reported, without naming its source.


    While health officials try to stop Ebola, ___ (4) analysts are looking at what would happen to the economy if they don’t. Economists ___ (5) a widespread outbreak could hit the tourism industry hard and lead to losses on Wall Street.

    CBS News

    Egypt needs an "economic revolution" to ____ (8) from damage caused by political instability as it seeks to attract billions of dollars in foreign ____ (9) and repair its state finances, planning minister Ashraf al-Arabi said. Reuters

    15. You will hear a lecturer of UniversityNow speaking about different economic systems. For questions 1-4 choose the correct answer.

    1. How many types of economic systems are there?

    a. There are four essential types of economic systems.

    b. There are no essential types of economic systems.

    c. All types of economic systems aren’t essential.

    2. What fundamental problem does every society in the world face?

    a. Every society faces the problem how to distribute limited resources to the people in a way it will be unfair and effective.

    b. Every society faces the problem how to distribute limited resources to the people in a way it will be fair and effective.

    c. Every society faces the problem how to distribute unlimited resources to the people in a way it will be fair and effective.

    3. Why isn’t there pure market economy?

    a. In a pure market economy there is government involvement.

    b. In a pure market economy there is customer involvement.

    c. In a pure market economy there is no government involvement.

    4. How was the mixed economy characterised?

    a. It utilizes unlimited government involvement while also applying free market concepts.

    b. It doesn’t utilize limited government involvement while also applying free market concepts.

    c. It utilizes limited government involvement while also applying free market concepts.
    16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each economic system? Fill in the table.

    Economic Systems







    17. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of economic systems with your partner. The following phrases will help you:

    • I think / believe / suppose that…

    • As I see it…

    • In my opinion…

    • I quite agree with…

    • I disagree with…

    • Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are.

    • From these facts, one may conclude that …

    18. What do you think? Write an essay.

    • The truth is we are all caught in a great economic system which is heartless. Woodrow T. Wilson (American 28th President of the United States 1856-1924)

    Useful Phrases for Essays:

        • I t seems to me that ... I would also say that ...

        • I am convinced that ...

        • There is no doubt in my mind that ...

        • One of the drawbacks of ... is ...

        • However, one of the benefits is that ...

        • As for the causes, ...

        • It should not be forgotten that ...

        • On balance, I tend to believe that ...

        • The world would surely be a better place to live in if ...

    19. Surf the Internet and make a presentation of economic system of any country you like. Use the questions as a plan.

    1. W hat is the role of government?

    2. Who or what decides what is to be produced?

    3. How are goods and services produced?

    4. Who consumes these goods and services?

    5. How are goods and services distributed?

    6. What does the economic system value most?

    7. What does the economic system value least?

    8. What is the status of private property?

    9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this economic system?



    What is currency?

    What universal currencies do you know?

    What do you know about Euro?

    What do you know about US Dollar?

    1. Read and translate the following quotations. Express your point of view (agree/disagree).

    Never spend your money before you have earned it.

    Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_money.html#QuJtF8K8PYlksVum.99

    Thomas Jefferson, an American lawyer

    Money makes your life easier. If you're lucky to have it, you're lucky.

    Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alpacino451577.html#tPuthAI0HWX5sUOB.99

    The thing that differentiates man from animals is money.

    Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_money2.html#T0urTkwCMxg4MPvL.99
    Al Pacino, an American actor

    Gertrude Stein, an American writer

    I think everything depends on money.
    Alan Bean, an American aviator

    Money often costs too much.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist
    TEXT 1

    I n January 1999, members of the European Union introduced a single currency, the Euro. In 2002, the Euro replaced national currencies, and each country’s currency ceased to exist. Now the euro is the single currency shared by 19 of the European Union's Member States, which together make up the euroarea (zone). More than 337.5 million EU citizens now use it.

    The Euro was implemented with the goal of creating a more stable European economy. Looking at the history of euro, one can see that the Euro improved economic growth across Europe and offered more integration among financial markets. The euro history also shows that the Euro currency strengthened European presence in the global economy through being a reserve currency. The history of euro also proves that the Euro helped ease exchange rate volatility among different European nations.

    The history of euro has brought also a number of problems. While the euro improved stability of the region, all nations have to have relatively similar interest rate to avoid interest rate arbitrage. This has created problems for some economies in the euro history, such as Germany. The Euro has taken away the interest rate as a tool of the fiscal policy. If the local economy slows, the local government cannot lower interest rates to stimulate growth.

    The name «euro» was officially adopted on 16 December 1995. The designs for the new banknotes and coins had been agreed in the mid to late nineties with production starting at the mints and printers some three and a half years before the physical currency was due to be launched. Euro banknotes and coins eventually came into being on 1st January 2002 with 7.4 billion notes and 38.2 billion coins been produced in readiness for this momentous date in European monetary history.

    The euro is divided into 100 cents (sometimes referred to as euro cents). All circulating coins have a common side showing the denomination or value, and a map in the background. The coins also have a national side showing an image specifically chosen by the country that issued the coin. Euro coins from any member state may be freely used in any nation that has adopted the euro. The coins are issued in €2, €1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c, 2c, and 1c denominations.

    The design for the euro banknotes has common designs on both sides. The design was created by the Austrian designer Robert Kalina. Notes are issued in €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10, €5. Each banknote has its own colour and is dedicated to an artistic period of European architecture. The front of the note features windows or gateways while the back has bridges, symbolising links between countries and with the future.

    A special euro currency sign (€) was designed after a had narrowed the original ten proposals down to two. The European Commission then chose the design created by the Belgian Alain Billiet. Inspiration for the € symbol itself came from the Greek epsilon (Є) – a reference to the cradle of European civilisation – and the first letter of the word Europe, crossed by two parallel lines to «certify» the stability of the euro.

    Since its introduction, the euro has been the second most widely held international reserve currency after the U.S. dollar. The euro inherited and built on the status of the Deutsche Mark as the second most important reserve currency. The euro remains underweight as a reserve currency in advanced economies while overweight in emerging and developing economies. The possibility of the euro becoming the first international reserve currency is now widely debated among economists.

    The euro is managed and administered by the Frankfurt-based European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem (composed of the central banks of the eurozone countries).




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