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  • 9. Match the English words with their Russian equivalent.

  • 10. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences to make questions. Answer the following questions.

  • 11. Read and translate the Text. Insert the gaps using the words in the box. Globalization

  • 12. Chose the corresponding Russian word.

  • 13. Look at the picture below. Some more advantages and disadvantages of globalization are given there. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations.

  • 15. Listen to the episode about globalization. Fill in the gaps in the text.

  • 16. Make a short report on globalization using the information above. The questions will help you.

  • 17. While watching the video on pros and cons of globalization do the following task: Student A is to make notice of pros, Student B is to make notice of cons and then discuss the problem in pairs.

  • 18. Globalization is different for different people. What images spring to your mind when you hear the word ‘globalization’ Begin with

  • Give some examples of globalizing process in the sphere of Economics.

  • 19. You are working over a website page about globalization. Write a paragraph for the website (80-100 words). Talk about


  • Match the following words to make the essential terms of the unit . Translate them.

  • 2. Which of these words are associated with digital economy Justify your choice.



  • 1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) Correct the false ones.

  • Магистры-экономисты. Английский язык english for masters of economics

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    7. Complete the sentences using the information from Text 2.
    1. Many countries have banned the use of Coca-Cola products …

    2. In the early 1900’s …

    3. Coca-Cola has invested significant time and money into …

    4. Technology advances contributed to …

    5. Coca-Cola is able to customize the product to …

    6. Coca-Cola was developed as …

    7. Computerized and automated manufacturing equipment increased …

    8. … played into the hearts and minds of people around the world.

    9. … in support of its newly created center of global operations.

    10. … to produce and distribute Coca-Cola products were established throughout the world.

    1. Find in Text 2 synonyms of the following words. Write them down. Make up your own sentences with these words.

    1. shipment

    2. trademark

    3. deliverer

    4. buyer

    5. alcohol-free beverage

    1. assurance

    7. rival

    8. store owner

    9. companion

    10. policy

    9. Match the English words with their Russian equivalent.

















    10. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences to make questions. Answer the following questions.

    1. Why is Coca-Cola one of the most… a. … a multi-million dollar business?

    2. When did Coca-Cola grow into… b. … do you know?

    3. Why did many countries… c. … in successfully globalizing?

    4. What competitors of this company… d. … in which products were produced?

    5. What strategies became the foundation… e. … for Coca-Cola’s plan to expand?

    6. What played a significant role… f. …well-known brands in the world?

    7. What does the company do… g. … ban the use of Coca-Cola?

    8. What increased the speed and volume… h. … to meet the needs of individual

    11. Read and translate the Text. Insert the gaps using the words in the box.
    profits; integration; society; supporters; forces; interpret; governments; environment; prosperity
    G lobalization is a controversial issue for business and _______ (1) throughout the world. Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single _______ (2) and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political _______ (3). It's a movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic _______ (4).

    Globalization is a controversial issue mainly because different groups _______ (5) it in different ways. For its opponents globalization is a threatening word. It prompts visions of large multinationals dominating the world in pursuit of ever-higher _______ (6). Many pressure groups fear that globalization threatens the _______ (7) as well as national cultures - they predict that it will make the rich nations richer and the developing countries even poorer than they are. But its _______ (8) have another point of view. They believe that increasing and freer trade between nations will offer _______ (9) and economic growth for all countries and businesses.

    12. Chose the corresponding Russian word.

    1. repercussion a. предпочтение b. последствие c. окончание

    2. development a. развитие b. применение с. стремление

    3. interdependence a. соответствие b. степень с. взаимозависимость

    4. opponent a. противник b. сторонник с. последователь

    5. mankind a. отечество b. человечество с. общество

    6. influence a. влиять b. болеть с. понимать

    7. accelerate а. аккумулировать b. замедлять с. ускорять

    8. competition a. репетиция b. координация с. конкуренция

    13. Look at the picture below. Some more advantages and disadvantages of globalization are given there. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations.

    14. Translate into English.

    1. Вопрос о глобализации стал весьма актуальным в 1980-е годы.

    2. Э кономическая ситуация в одной стране влияет на экономическую ситуацию в других странах.

    3. Глобальные финансовые рынки возникли сравнительно недавно.

    4. Глобализация – это взаимозависимость национальных экономик.

    5. Глобализация ускоряет развитие человечества.

    6. В мире множество сторонников и противников глобализации.

    7. Информационные технологии способствовали ускоренному развитию глобализации.

    8. Глобализация – амбивалентный процесс, она имеет как негативные, так и позитивные последствия.

    9. Глобализация, усиливая конкуренцию, стимулирует дальнейшее развитие новых технологий.


    15. Listen to the episode about globalization. Fill in the gaps in the text.
    What does globalization mean? We ________ word on TV and read about it in ________. It means the ________ village – the global village. The world has become smaller. Of course, ________ not shrink and it isn’t a village. Because of better transport, the Internet ________ between countries, it ________ business. Japanese _______ makers have factories in Thailand; American computer companies employ thousands of people in ________. That’s globalization. And don’t forget ________ call centre jobs in India that workers in America and Europe ________. Globalization also means ________ work in another country. Is _______ or bad thing? That’s a difficult question to answer.
    16. Make a short report on globalization using the information above. The questions will help you.

    1. What is globalization?

    2. What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘globalization’?

    3. What do you think of the concept of a global village?

    4. Can you give examples of interdependence of nations?

    5. Is globalization good for the world?

    17. While watching the video on pros and cons of globalization do the following task: Student A is to make notice of pros, Student B is to make notice of cons and then discuss the problem in pairs.
    18. Globalization is different for different people. What images spring to your mind when you hear the word ‘globalization’? Begin with:
    When I hear the word ‘globalization’ I…

    Give some examples of globalizing process in the sphere of Economics.

    19. You are working over a website page about globalization. Write a paragraph for the website (80-100 words).

    Talk about:

    - which countries like or dislike globalization most?

    - what globalization will look like ten years from now?




    What is digital economy?

    What is the difference between traditional economy and digital economy?

    1. Match the following words to make the essential terms of the unit. Translate them.

















    2. Which of these words are associated with digital economy? Justify your choice.



    Digital Economy ______________




    information technology



    real-time basis

    international border


    cost savings


    cash box

    3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using these words.

    1. Digital economy is based on ______, computers, ______, and the free flow of data and communications on a global scale to facilitate business and commerce.

    2. Digital economy has allowed companies to communicate with each other across the world on a ______.

    3. Digital economy has played a major role in accelerating ______.

    4. Digital economy has led to huge ______ and the creation of millions of jobs in developing countries.

    5. Commercial ______ allows businesses to reach a wider range of potential customers than ever before.

    6. More than 1 billion people worldwide use ______, both at work and in their social lives.

    TEXT 1

    D igital Economy refers to an economy that is based on digital technologies. The digital economy is also sometimes called the Internet Economy or Web Economy. It has become a major underlying component of the global economy in a short period of time. Since the very first dot-com business was born in 1985, the digital economy has given rise to more than 80 million new dot-coms and established an entirely new way of doing business around the world. With information moving so quickly around the world, the way both consumers and companies do business has evolved. This is true in terms of distribution costs, communication, market segmentation and price.

    The Internet has become fundamental to digital economy. More than 1 billion people worldwide use it, both at work and in their lives; there are more than 6.7 billion people on Earth, which means that there are still a relatively limited number of people participating in digital economy. This number is increasing quickly particularly in China. As Internet access from mobile devices increases, even more opportunities for growth in electronic business emerge. The digital economy has created entirely new business sectors and has eliminated others. Computer hardware companies, from the semiconductor industry to PC accessories - webcams, printers, hard drives and more – have all benefited. These have replaced or are replacing typewriters, film, and traditional printing presses.

    The digital economy has allowed companies and individuals to communicate with each other across the world on an instant, real-time basis. Orders can be placed and fulfilled instantaneously, supply chains can be managed in real-time, and inventories are reduced to efficiency levels. Many large retailers, for example, can manage just-in-time inventories and instantaneous order fulfillment with IT systems. The classic example is retailer giant Wal-Mart. When a customer purchases a product, and the store inventory level falls below a certain point, the purchase automatically triggers an order from the supplier.

    In the time of digital economy a great number of commercial websites appeared. In most developed nations, almost every business has an online identity at the very minimum, even if it is not actually selling products online. This has made it possible not only for consumers to become more knowledgeable, but has also allowed businesses to reach a wider range of potential customers than ever before. Commercial websites fall into at least one of eight possible categories: search and portal, storage and infrastructure, information, entertainment, communication and social networking, ecommerce, brand and personal identity and crime.

    Digital economy plays a major role in accelerating globalization. It leads to huge cost savings and the creation of millions of jobs in developing countries. It provides new platforms for business innovation, but also brings with it concerns about privacy, reliability and access. As digital economy continues to grow, new concerns and challenges are likely to arise.

    http://www.wisegeek.com; http://en.wikipedia.org





    1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

    1. Digital economy becomes a major component of the traditional economy.

    2. More than 1 billion people worldwide never use the Internet.

    3. The first dot-com business was born at the beginning of the 21 century.

    4. A great number of commercial websites appeared long before digital economy.

    5. Digital economy leads to the creation of millions of jobs in developed countries.

    6. 2 per cent retailers can manage instantaneous order fulfillment with IT systems.


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